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I don't think there's much Ricky or Brax can do if Ash and Denny want to be a couple, the idea that Denise should be celibate for the rest of her life is unreasonable to say the least.

At last there is some hope that Vincent Junior is going to stop behaving like a jerk, good one Nate.

I'm sure Matt feels like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders, all it took was for Sasha to switch it from being dumped to dumper for it to be acceptable to her - all sweet now.

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Thought it was a really good episode. I thought Matt and Sasha's break up was generally well played out. Loving some one and yet knowing that you are better off apart; whether that is because you want different things or lives heading in different directions. It was very relatable (who hasn't been there before?). And I think Demi Harman and Alec Snow were note perfect in this episode - the fact they still love each other, but know it's over. I almost got teary eyed at some points. At least it all felt quite organic rather than just a storyline created to write out a character (*cough* Denny and Casey *cough*)

While I never really bought Casey/Denny as a couple as it was obvious that they were thrown together to aid Casey's exit story, I do like the fact that Denny has taken her time getting over their relationship. After all, it all happened while they were still in the honeymoon period, it would be easy for Denny to put their relationship on a bit of a pedestal. It's a contrast to the usual moving on after 1 week storylines.

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Top-notch performances again from Demi Harman and Alec Snow. So is this a permanent goodbye to Sasha? I've no idea but I'm guessing so, because I don't think this supposed dichotomy of career vs relationship would be being painted as so insurmountable otherwise. In real life, if Matt and Sasha felt as strongly as they obviously do, they could have made it work - just seen each other much more rarely. But that isn't really a viable scenario in the world of soap, sadly - so it's probably best they quit while they're ahead.

Hopefully Matt will be able to rely on support from his good friend Spencer to get him through this difficult time.

I'm as perplexed as Nate as to why it's a problem for Kat to be in a relationship, but unlike Nate I'm quite happy for things to stay that way.

Slightly more invested in Ash and Denny than Nate and Kat, but that's only because King Brax has decreed it unlawful, which makes me instinctively want to support it by default.

While I never really bought Casey/Denny as a couple as it was obvious that they were thrown together to aid Casey's exit story, I do like the fact that Denny has taken her time getting over their relationship.

Yes, I do too, in general. I certainly don't feel I can complain that she's still pining for Casey, given that I'd normally be the first to complain when a character gets over the death of a loved one before the week's through. But because it is such an unusual period of mourning for a soap (and because everyone else seems to have forgotten Casey long ago) it is beginning to jar a little bit in storyline terms.

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Didn't really pay that much attention today, I was busy making Dinner missed 1/2 to 2/3 of the ep.

Hopefully Matt will be able to rely on support from his good friend Spencer to get him through this difficult time.


I wonder if this will be Aden/Jeff 2.0?

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So, looks like that's it for Sasha and Matt and for Sasha in general.And a rare glimpse of an upper bedroom at the beach house! I did find their scenes appropriately emotional but we're required to ignore the huge logic flaw namely...why can't Matt go with her?He's got no real ties to Summer Bay, he can do his HSC anywhere and it's early in the school year so it wouldn't be too disruptive.(The "real" reason of course is because then he wouldn't be in the show.)Despite my observation about Sasha not having any friends left, Chris and Spencer were notable absentees and not even Roo turned up to wave her off: Surely they're closer to her than Alf, John or even Marilyn?

Whilst I'm not super invested in Nate and Kat, they're less objectionable than a lot of couples around at the moment.I wonder if the fact Kat basically came to the area in disgrace plays a part in her attitude.Was she meant to be on duty when she was hooking up with Nate?If not, why was she in uniform?And did Matt really fall for that "There's your ticket, Doctor Cooper" performance, complete with Kat retying her hair?

I'd be quite happy for Denny to have forgotten about Casey by now, it must be nearly six months which is a lifetime in soap terms, but if they are going to do this big "moving on" storyline then it's been handled well: Denny wants to move on and have a proper relationship but keeps feeling strange, Ash cares about her and is willing to take it at whatever pace she's comfortable with.And some good involvement from Alf.When it got near the end of the episode and Brax still hadn't appeared, I thought that clip of him in the promo was from another episode but nope, that was the very end. Ash's nervousness at finding himself back in a prison was very well played.

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I don't see why Brax can have any say in who Ash goes out with. It's not likely he can do much about it in prison anyway. Good for Denny trying to move on and at least Ash is being considerate about that. Hope they make a go of it and Dr Nate and PC Kat as well.

Still feel sad about Sasha and Matt breaking up. Matt was being surprisingly mature about it. Hope he stays around and makes another friend. He has done well for a former Mangrove River boy in Summer Bay and so has Josh come to that, but I find it hard to accept what he did to Maddy, going with Evie so quickly. Looking at former sketches on youtube, I still prefer Josh with Maddy. They had more chemistry between them. Josh and Evie are just loveydovey together.

Nothing about Kyle and Phoebe this week. How is she coping as "Queen Braxton"?

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I was kind of hoping that Brax would be okay with Ash and Denny being together but...no.A tad hypocritical of him to suddenly worry about Denny being part of their world now, he's not exactly left her alone since Casey's death and he was the one who encouraged Casey to go after her in the first place when she already had a boyfriend who, whatever his faults, was unlikely to get mixed up in gang warfare.Does he really expect Ash to break up with her just because he says so?Kyle handled the situation okay, giving Ash the information and letting him make his own mind up.I was a bit disappointed by Denny and Ash's chat, which didn't seem as much of an important moment as it should have been, but at least they're still muddling along.

Given that Hannah didn't have an appointment with Nate...why did he seem to be giving her an update after her physio?She actually wasn't bad with regards playing matchmaker between him and Kat, being nicely subtle.I'd completely forgot about the car crash subplot in the previous episode but then it was just a plot device to get Nate and Kat in the same room.It is interesting that they have similar back stories and I'm definitely warming to them as a couple.

I really can't be bothered to care about Andy's storyline.I don't really want him managing the gym but it's obviously going to happen so angsty "Oh no, will Andy pass his exams?" scenes just fly over my head.At least Kyle seems to be keeping him in line but that photo of Romeo and Indi in the office is seeming more and more out of place.

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Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked Hannah yesterday (Are they actually trying to get us to like her?). Enjoyed the scenes with her Denny and Andy. And I quite liked her talk with Nate and her first meeting with Kat.

I'm not particularly keen on Andy being the gym manager for the simple reason I'm not sure he's up to it. I wonder how hard these exams are as Heath passed and as much as I liked him I don't think he was the brightest spark but it might be a different case for Andy.

Found myself in agreement with Nate about Kat initially. She said she wanted to cool things then it almost felt like she delivered some line as an excuse to flirt with him although she did change her mind afterwards. It will be interesting to see how this progresses because I don't think either of them are the type to want a relationship. Nate does seem to have a preference for the dark haired, dark eyed variety though.

Looks like Brax could have problems potentially with someone who obviously had a issue with Ash...

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I loved that last meal that Irene and co laid on for Sasha and Matt, it was right it should just have been the two of them. Their reminiscing about their first meeting was kind of sweet, though normally it's a far gone conclusion any couple that fight or 'hate' each other on sight end up together. What tickled me was when Roo, Irene and Marilyn came up with the idea John chipped in with 'leave it alone' they all turned to look at him and just carried on. :lol: Matt looked so sad and lost at the end, Sasha was the one who got him motivated in more ways than one, now he doesn't really have anyone to back him up. Irene tried to talk to him but he seems to have regressed to the Matt we first knew.

All this 'stay away from Denny' to Ash from Brax, surely an easy solution would be for Denny to go and see Brax and tell him how she is feeling, that she's ready to move on, but will be taking it slow. Ash really wasn't comfortable about being back inside even if he was visiting this time, he jumped when that door slammed behind him, looks like Brax and Ash's unfriendly parting may have saved Brax from a beating, sounds like there could be an interesting back story there, though we'll have to wait to hear it. Good that Kyle filled Ash in about Casey and Denny's relationship and that Casey was due to propose to Denny the night he died, as Angelica mentioned on here their relationship was still in the honeymoon phase which is why she feels so strongly about it, which sounds right. I liked Ash opening up to Denny about the fact he is still on parole and doesn't intend to go back to prison and that they have both agreed to take it slowly.

Kat saw a whole different side to Nate when she saw him talking to the patient she bought in because of course she hadn't seen him in doctor mode before, although she isn't obliged to give him a reason why she is so anti having people know she is a relationship with a local an explanation would be nice and help him understand why. Nice to see that motel room again. :wink:

Brax made Andy gym manager even though he was reluctant, he did tell Brax he wasn't qualified, but Brax brushed it aside. It is a bit de je vu as Heath had the same struggle and I suppose it would seem weird his girlfriend help him through it, a man thing I guess, at least Heath had Dex to help him. I think his problem is he has difficulty reading though not totally illiterate.

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Liked the whole Chris/Spencer banter and Irene yelling at them as if they were her own.

The Ipod scene was kind of funny.

This current product needs more laughs and we can't always rely on the Palmers or Oscar.

I'll have to rewatch tomorrow as as part from the Harrington Brothers and the Maddy saga, it was all a bit of a blur.

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