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I thought Maddy was a lot better today. She actually seemed more like a cancer sufferer and got past the wallowing in self pity. I'm assuming her determination to finish the fun run signifies a u-turn and is transposed in her desire to not go down without a fight. Good. I'd much rather see that than her being involved in some on off thing with Oscar. I mentioned yesterday and previously that the fun run was all about Maddy. I believe this is why Spencer decided to do it. Because he's in love with her and I'm sticking by that. However watching it today, I think it actually moved on from being about Maddy to also being about the community and everybody coming together. Not that I'm a fan of that sort of stuff but that's how it seemed to me.

Although it wasn't particularly a pleasant thing to do I was over the moon what Kat did to Chris. He may attempt to play the part of the town jester but Chris is actually quite perceptive in certain situations even though he often refuses to take hints. Despite Kat denying it he knew she was seeing Nate so it was his own fault for trying to push the situation. He shouldn't have asked her out and really should have known better.

I actually thought Kyle asking Phoebe to marry him like that was cringeworthy. I say this every time something like this happens in a soap but I genuinely don't understand why someone would want to propose to someone in front of a crowd of spectators. If the other person doesn't want to accept the proposal it puts them in an impossible position. If they say yes they then have to take it back at another time. If they say no they look like the bad guy.

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I thought Maddy was a lot better today. She actually seemed more like a cancer sufferer and got past the wallowing in self pity. I'm assuming her determination to finish the fun run signifies a u-turn and is transposed in her desire to not go down without a fight. Good. I'd much rather see that than her being involved in some on off thing with Oscar. I mentioned yesterday and previously that the fun run was all about Maddy. I believe this is why Spencer decided to do it. Because he's in love with her and I'm sticking by that. However watching it today, I think it actually moved on from being about Maddy to also being about the community and everybody coming together. Not that I'm a fan of that sort of stuff but that's how it seemed to me.

I agree - I think the run started off as purely about Maddy (whether Spencer just did it to cheer Maddy up or for ulterior motives is up for debate) - but when it looked like Maddy wouldn't show up, it did seem like the event had developed into a community event (to the point that it didn't feel like it entirely mattered whether Maddy turned up or not). Glad Maddy thanked Spencer - I thought the show was going to pretend that it was all Oscar's doing. On the topic of Oscar, I feel they really need to work out what Oscar's feeling are towards Maddy - he just seems so hot and cold.

I laughed at Kat tricking Chris. I would feel sorry for Chris, but he already had strong suspicions about Nate and Kat so I didn't feel like she was completely leading him on. While I am indifferent to Kat/Nate as a couple, I do think they make a ridiculously good looking pair.

I cringed when Kyle proposed - it is never fair to put someone on the spot like that (especially if you have never had a discussion about marriage before then).

I am getting tired of people hiding things from Ricky - I know the Braxton clan are looking out for her, but it is patronising and insulting to think she needs to be wrapped up in cotton wool all the time; that the poor defenseless women needs protection from the alpha males.

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Am I a monster for only giving a toss about Maddy/Color run and not about Brax and the Brown stuff he's currently mired in?

And having seen today's ep, I'm not too impressed, to be honest.

Maybe business will pick up pre-weekend as the preview for the following ep doesn't fill me with much hope.

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Well I'm glad most of the other characters thought Kyle proposing like that was just as ridiculous as I did even though I agreed it took a lot of guts. Once again I found it really funny him spitting his dummy out when Ash was taking the mick - "Shut up! Shut up!". In saying that Phoebe is a self-righteous MORON. What the hell was her problem? She seriously annoyed me the way she was harping on about her parent's marriage failing. I thought Kyle was being honest and gave a perfectly reasonable explanation. I get that she wasn't happy about his public display of affection like that but almost taking off like that. Seriously. She should just get over herself.

Oh look, Hannah's on her feet again - Surprise, surprise - Never saw that coming! It's funny because I look at Nate/Kat and Nate /Hannah and think that Nate and Hannah have far more chemistry even though I do like Hannah and Andy together. And they both said the l-word.

How exactly did Roo and Irene find out about Kat and Nate? Did Chris tell them? Or did Roo figure it out when she saw Kat in the morning. In one hand it was disappointing seeing Kat change her mind again because she's starting to come across as quite fickle but on the other hand I can't help thinking after the way Nate treated poor Sophie it's no more than he deserves even though I don't dislike him. I did find Kat's walk of shame funny though.

Ricky annoyed me a bit the way she involved herself in Kyle and Phoebe's dispute.

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Am I a monster for only giving a toss about Maddy/Color run and not about Brax and the Brown stuff he's currently mired in?

And having seen today's ep, I'm not too impressed, to be honest.

It's not just me then. I can't say I really missed H&A when it was off air, and the episodes this week haven't yet got me excited for the show. Currently it just seems to revolve around who is sleeping with who. Hopefully things have got to pick up soon.

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A good couple of episodes, although I was missing Leah after they seemed to leave her dangling a bit on Monday.

The fun run stuff was great, and I was especially pleased that Maddy did the grown-up thing and not only went along, but actually took part. She's definitely redeeming herself a lot as a character having become a bit of a brat pre-cancer, but I do find myself wishing they hadn't split up her and Oscar so quickly, as I still think they make a good pair. As do Ash and Denny, actually, so I'm pleased to see they're still flouting Brax's ridiculous ban on their seeing each other.

The same can't be said, sadly, of Nate and Katarina, who don't really inspire any interest in me at all. And I physically stopped watching for the Brax jail scenes so not going to comment on those.

Kyle was clearly an idiot for proposing in that sort of way, and Phoebe understandably cross about it - but I felt sympathy for both of them here. What's interesting is that they both have their prejudices about marriage, positive and negative,both of which come from a place of emotion, rather than logic. Which tells you a lot about their characters.

Are we to take it from the sing-song that Kyle's throat issues are now magically resolved? I suspect so.

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Well, Kyle’s proposal has gone worse than he could ever have imagined. I don’t blame Phoebe for turning him down and Kyle went about everything the wrong way but this seems to have exposed a few cracks in the relationship: If she’s as anti-marriage as she seems, then they’d have had problems however he did it. I’m not sure if Ricky did the right thing interrupting them or not: If she hadn’t, things might have come to a head but might also have taken them past the point of no return. Wish Kyle had taken Ash’s ribbing in the spirit it was intended instead of snapping all the time.

Nate and Kat could get very old very quickly with Kat’s hot and cold behaviour. It might be worth it if there was actually a reason for it, but I suspect it’s going to be the “Strong woman needs to lighten up and enjoy the attention of fun-loving male” storyline that the show wheels out with depressing regularity. (They even gave it to Denny for about one episode last year.) Her proto-feminist advice to Phoebe, contrasting with Denny’s “take a chance” attitude, seemed to be mostly about their own situations.

Was Denny actually meant to be dressed up for her date with Ash? I get that they were going down the beach but she looked like she was going to work. Ash adjusting his hair in the mirror before seeing her was sweet. There seemed a distinct inequality in the amount of flesh on display in their bedroom scene, which is especially odd given the number of times we’ve seen Denny in a bikini, but we had Kat in her underwear earlier in the episode so I guess I shouldn’t be greedy. I was pleased that they went there but then we get that last scene which seems to promise another episode of Denny angsting about Casey. Oh joy.

Hannah’s development was wholly expected.

CURS: Why were all those clips of Maddy there? She wasn’t mentioned once.

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Well yesterday's episode was really LOVELY. In the sense that we saw 4 Loving couples, 2 of which (Kat/Nate, Ash/Denny) in bed together almost naked, which we don't see very often and 2 other couples proclaiming their Love - Kyle/Phoebe, Andy/Hannah and not a teenager among them. Come on Josh, you've got to get the young ones doing it, now that we've lost Matt/Sasha, but I still don't think that Josh/Evie will last - they're not right for each other. Bout time Josh moved on again to No 3, or even back to No 1! He's still delivering pizzas (ok for him) but that won't help Matt to readjust.

Still feel sorry for Kyle after his big mistake proposing and then he messed things up afterwards trying to justifying himself to Phoebe about family, etc, when he admitted he'd only thought about it for a few seconds beforehand. His best explanation was his first one - "it just felt right". He should have stuck with that. Hope Phoebe will forgive him.

Interesting to read all your views about Maddy, Ash, Oscar, Spencer, Chris, etc. This week's storylines have obviously generated a lot of interest, or is it just that we're all anxious to get posting again after the 5 week break?

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