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Well, Denny's storyline went better than I expected after the cliffhanger and promo.I almost cheered when she said she didn't regret sleeping with Ash, it's just that it's brought up a lot of mixed feelings that she didn't feel able to deal with with him.I even thought we might get through the episode without Casey's name being mentioned: No such luck but at least it was in the context of her realising that she needs to move on, so there's still hope.I'm glad that it was a false alarm and their break-up didn't stick, with them both prepared to make a go of it.

I'm not sure how I feel about Evelyn's overnight transformation from one of the most self-absorbed characters on the show to one of the most caring.I'm trying to embrace it, even though there's been plenty of false dawns where I've thought she was all right after all then gone back to disliking her.Saint Andy being given scenes that seemed to have been written for Heath and then had the name changed...nope, that's a leap I'm unwilling to take: It's a shame because his and Josh's scenes here had the potential to be fun but last year still happened and I'm not going to pretend it didn't. Wonder where Matt got the money from: I'm guessing he sold something but the possibility of something more nefarious is there.I'm finding it hard to care about his plotline though.I know some people think Matt is one of the best of the newer characters but I've always felt he's a bit overrated and often, like here, he fails to rise above the status of generic bad boy.With Sasha gone, he really needs some sort of purpose.

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Out of everything in today's episode, Matt's storyline was the only one I didn't find hard to care about, perhaps because I thought Alec Snow's performance was so striking. I welcome Evie showing him some friendship, although it might have been better to use Josh or Oscar to do that instead - as I worry that the only reason they're putting Evie in that role is to coax these two into becoming the latest couple on the Summer Bay merry-go-round. Well despite not caring much about Josh and Evie, I hope I'm wrong, because it's way too soon for that for Matt; and anyway, we all know who he should really be with.

I tend to agree that liking Andy is just too big of a leap at the moment. It's not just what he's done in the past, it's also what he'll no doubt be drafted in to do in the future, whenever an appropriate high-octane storyline comes up that requires Ricky/Phoebe/Denny to call on the power of the Braxtons Plus. It's the same reason I still struggle with Kyle to an extent: you can't turn people into hardened thugs and then expect the viewers to just forget about it for the rest of the time when they're having the same domestics as everyone else.

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Whilst I was glad to finally see Evelyn in an episode I was really frustrated with the fact that she spent the whole of it looking after Matt who I would have been happy if he never returned. She really should have left him to his own devices. There's so many other characters I would have liked to seen her interact with such as Josh, Denny, Hannah her own brother (who's stuck with with Maddy) or perhaps even Andy.

I mentioned in another thread that Andy needed to work more on his relationship with Josh so it was good to actually see some interaction between those two. I like the effect being with Hannah still has on Andy even though I'm not a fan of her character.

Can't believe Denny used the it's not you it's me excuse. She could have at least been a little more creative an come up with something else. Still she did decide to give Ash a go in the end.

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Seems like Oscar's tough attitude with Maddy worked, the same as it did when they were in the city, he tried cajoling her and that didn't work. I found her walking those last few feet alone quite moving actually. Her determination to do the run, or walk in her case, was gutsy. At least she has decided to carry on with the new treatment. I think the paint they used was powder paint which washes out easily, talking of which wasn't Kat's top covered in it when she and Nat snuck off to THAT motel, yet in the morning it was clean? :unsure: I loved how most of the cast and extras really seemed to be enjoying themselves. The charity I volunteer for had their first Colour Run recently and it went down very well.

Kat did keep her promise to Chris and bought him a coffee. :wink:

Looks like Kyle's treatment on his throat has worked. As I and many on here said it was a BIG, BIG mistake on Kyle's part to propose to Phoebe in public like that, especially when they had never talked about marriage either now or in the future. Like a lot of people Phoebe's view of marriage was coloured by her own parent's and the fact the divorce was a messy one. His explanation may not have been the best reason, she felt he wanted her to replace the family he had lost, but I think that was only part of it. I don't think Ricky was interfering she didn't ask too many questions, just suggested Phoebe stay with her so she had the chance to talk to Kyle at a later date.

Agree again with those who have said Ash and Kyle, who soon twigged that was what Ash was doing, about keeping what has happened to Brax from her, how many times does she have to say she doesn't want to be 'protected'. You can be sure the truth will come out, hope Ash and Kyle have their hard hats ready.

Was a giant jump for Roo to assume Kat had been with a bloke, namely Nate, when she saw her coming back in the morning, even Ash joked about it. I guess as he is the only available man in town it wouldn't take a lot to work out it was him. So it is off, again till the next time. :rolleyes:

At least with Hannah they have not made a complete overnight cure as they have done it the past. It seems to have spurred Andy on to pass his exams, loved him and Josh doing their lesson, 'you get a biscuit for every correct answer'. :lol: Andy was probably right he likely did pick up certain things at the gym as you do. For once people were getting the right advice as in Denny and Hannah and Ash and Andy. It's bound to be like that Denny being fine sleeping with Ash but having guilt pangs, it seems she has one step forward and two back, but thankfully Ash is one understanding guy, she's lucky to have him.

So are we going to find out where Matt has been and yes where did he get that money from? Drinking is definitely not the way to go though, which one level he probably knows, and Evie was right he's not his usual cocky self which is a switch for him so they don't know how to act around him. He's bound to get antsy whenever Sasha's name is mentioned and the 'what would she think' remarks aren't helping. Be interesting to see how he acts around Leah when she gets home, as VJ told her he was going back to school. She's not going to need any hassle like that.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in all five, Ash was in four but wasn't credited on Monday, possibly suggesting his scenes there were meant to be in Tuesday's ep (which would explain Gregory and Gunno being credited on Tuesday for no appearance). Brax was in two but had no dialogue on Tuesday, another sign that scenes got moved.

Well, it is nice to see Leah back and I loved Alf's "Strike me flaming handsome" on seeing her for the first time in months.It's also "nice" that she's not immediately back to normal and is clearly feeling the after-effects, and to see Ada getting some meaty stuff to do.Zac's struggling with what to do and having a go at Matt didn't help.I was unsure of the point of having Alf in that scene at first but I was glad to see him trying to undo some of the damage and convince Zac not to feel guilty.I don't think this is the right time for Zac to tell Leah he was going to let VJ leave but I'm worried she'll find out from someone else at some point.

The Anzac Day subplot was effective (if two months out of date, hey, Channel 5?) and I liked the quiet scene between Alf and John, and the way Alf told Roo that it was the most worthwhile thing John had done in a while.

I liked Matt and Evelyn's scenes better in that episode.As with when they randomly started hanging out so Sasha would get jealous, I'm left thinking they arguably have better chemistry than Evelyn and Josh but they're obviously a long way away from anything happen if it ever will, and the show seems pretty invested in Josh and Evelyn at the moment.Mind you, I think that kiss was mostly just to get her to leave.

I was expecting this to be my last time in this thread for a week because I'm currently in Majorca, except it turns out our hotel actually does receive Channel 5 and 5*.I'm not sure if the times are going to work out (with the hour's difference the HA evening showing is right across evening meal) so expect me when you see me!

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Ooh, new look to site!!!

Don't forget we are a tad behind, so they are probably more nearer to the date then we think with the Anzac stuff.  Surprised no-one has ever thought of having some sort of memorial before now however small Summer Bay is.  I hope they treat the storyline with respect. I hope someone remembers it was Marilyn's idea in the first place!

Leah looks fine physically, but of course she isn't mentally, I hope she gets the problem with her not being able to stand what she perceives as loud noises sorted out.  I don't think everyone fussing around her doesn't help.  Zac looked suitably guilty when she thanked him for standing by VJ and being patient waiting for her recovery it was only Alf he confided in and he isn't going to say anything.  VJ might if a row erupts and he blurts it out.

Have to say Evelyn does have a lot of patience with Matt, she nearly got him to open up when they were playing pool. You were probably right there Red Matt did kiss her to get rid of her, hope you are having a great holiday.





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It did indeed air just before ANZAC Day in Oz (which was a Saturday), though it's more the fact that Channel 5 have put the UK so far behind now (8 weeks). They have had a few dawn services on the show over the years, most recently in 2008, but certainly never anything to this extent.

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Wasn't any trouble at the ceremony itself. but it was after the revelation that Aden's war hero grandfather had abused both him and Larry (Aden's father) as children, so it was a difficult time for them.

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