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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It is interesting to see all your thoughts here about the war theme. I didn't get schooled in the UK

Really?  I guess that explains why your English/grammar etc. is so good and why your posts are so well written.

Well get out the champers, Maddy has decided to stay!  Yay!  I see they're trying to push more Oscar and Maddy scenes which is a shame as I quite liked him interacting with other characters last week, particularly Evelyn.  So he's gone from lover to best friend to just friend now.  How long before he goes back to being her lapdog.

Jett has actually quite impressed me.  Wouldn't be surprised if he decides to join up when he gets older.  Kinda like Xavier joining the police force.

Ash is in an impossible position.  Although interestingly Ricky who knows about Ash's predicament (who usually gets on her high horse) is prepared to put her moral compass aside if it means he gets to save Brax.

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I don't think Ricky's moral compass has ever been particularly strong:She came in framing Casey for armed robbery, after all.While she's been trying to get Brax to go straight and stay out of trouble recently, that seems to be more for pragmatic reasons than moral ones, not wanting him to fall foul of either side of the law and leave her and the baby alone.So being prepared to let Ash commit extra-legal acts to keep Brax out of trouble seems in character.

It's surprising and a bit disappointing that after their mature and civil break-up Kyle and Phoebe are suddenly sniping at each other and then Phoebe abruptly decides she wants to get back together as if their problems have just disappeared.It's pleasing that Ash told Denny the truth about what's going on and, despite having been here before and paid the price, she understands he's doing what he needs to.Kyle's almost self-sacrificing willingness to put himself on the line for Brax and for Denny's happiness is possibly a bit self-destructive, because of his current depression over Phoebe.I can understand Nate being wary of Kat turning up on his doorstep wanting to be "serviced": She didn't want him when she was sober, after all.

So, I wasn't quite right about Tom but it seems he's been carrying a lot of survivor's guilty around for the last 70-odd years.His death did seem a bit abrupt, since he seemed in fairly reasonable health not long before, but thinking about it it can happen that way.Alf is possibly setting himself a huge task by resolving to track down the son of a man he only knew for a day or two, especially when Tom himself didn't seem to know where to start.(And thinking about it...when was the last time Alf saw his son?)

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Forget seeing Duncan, what about Quinn?

Alf crying was a rare sight which had a big impact, although my reaction was more shock rather than wanting to cry with him as I might have with Sally. I can't even remember him crying before, even with Ailsa's death as he just shut down emotionally. I may have just forgotten, but it is rare. 


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I don't think Ricky's moral compass has ever been particularly strong:She came in framing Casey for armed robbery, after all.While she's been trying to get Brax to go straight and stay out of trouble recently, that seems to be more for pragmatic reasons than moral ones, not wanting him to fall foul of either side of the law and leave her and the baby alone.So being prepared to let Ash commit extra-legal acts to keep Brax out of trouble seems in character.

It's surprising and a bit disappointing that after their mature and civil break-up Kyle and Phoebe are suddenly sniping at each other and then Phoebe abruptly decides she wants to get back together as if their problems have just disappeared.It's pleasing that Ash told Denny the truth about what's going on and, despite having been here before and paid the price, she understands he's doing what he needs to.Kyle's almost self-sacrificing willingness to put himself on the line for Brax and for Denny's happiness is possibly a bit self-destructive, because of his current depression over Phoebe.I can understand Nate being wary of Kat turning up on his doorstep wanting to be "serviced": She didn't want him when she was sober, after all.

So, I wasn't quite right about Tom but it seems he's been carrying a lot of survivor's guilty around for the last 70-odd years.His death did seem a bit abrupt, since he seemed in fairly reasonable health not long before, but thinking about it it can happen that way.Alf is possibly setting himself a huge task by resolving to track down the son of a man he only knew for a day or two, especially when Tom himself didn't seem to know where to start.(And thinking about it...when was the last time Alf saw his son?)

​I'm guessing c.2009 where he attend Duncan's wedding to a woman who has not been named to this date.

Anyway, good powerful stuff with Alf. Kind of tuned out the rest.

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Forget seeing Duncan, what about Quinn?

Alf crying was a rare sight which had a big impact, although my reaction was more shock rather than wanting to cry with him as I might have with Sally. I can't even remember him crying before, even with Ailsa's death as he just shut down emotionally. I may have just forgotten, but it is rare. 


​To be honest, if my son was Duncan, I am not sure I would be in a rush to keep in touch. Haha.

Enjoying Alf storyline - I like that this war storyline has been treated in a sensitive manner. Rather than trying to make any political commentary on the rightness or wrongness, the only point they seem to be making is that no one who fights a war leaves it unscathed, even if the damage is emotional and not always obvious.

I can't say I was too interested in the Brax storyline, and find myself hoping they kill Brax off in prison just so that these storylines can end (it feels like we have done this whole commit a crime to save Brax to death now). Can't say I am particularly excited about the prospect of Ash's sister, Billie, entering the scene if the promos are anything to go by.


It is interesting to see all your thoughts here about the war theme. I didn't get schooled in the UK

Really?  I guess that explains why your English/grammar etc. is so good and why your posts are so well written.

​Haha thanks!

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The Alf/Jett/Tom stuff continued to be the highlight on Tue and Wed. Just very refreshing to have a such a different kind of storyline for a change, and as others have said the subject matter is being treated very responsibly.

I guess my problem with the Maddy storyline is that if it was real life I should probably want her to be home with her mum and dad who, regardless of blood vs water, after all raised her for 16 years. But because her mum's just a mildly antagonistic guest character, I don't want that and I'm glad she decided to stay with Roo instead.

More yawnsome crime drama from the Braxtons & Co. I didn't like how Phoebe changed her mind so suddenly about the break-up with Kyle. Whether she'll feel the same when sober is a different matter I suppose, but her dismissal of the Braxton 'code' was about the only highlight in this storyline for me. I appreciate that it isn't being done badly exactly - I just resent the portrayal of the Braxtons and friends as these almost heroic figures, bravely carrying out crimes in order to get each other's backs and never considering that they might all be safer in the long run if they didn't.

Kat didn't do much to ingratiate herself with me by turning up plastered at Nate's and trying to seduce him. No doubt by tomorrow she'll be back to her rather cold, career-obsessed, Charlie Buckton-esque personality.

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