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Well I hope that Brax will be safe in prison now, but I doubted that just one punch was going to do it. Looks as though it worked though. At least Kyle won't have to take any more risks - no one mentioned that he is also on parole (or whatever it is) and he could have risked going back to prison. Well done Kat for telling her boyfriend off - will she forgive him? Ash has lost a good girlfriend by lying - serves him right. Can Ricky really call Kyle "family"? Seems to be pushing it a bit, but he seemed to be ok with it. Is he going to become a stand-in dad for Brax? At least that will get him the family he wanted and lost Phoebe for. Then he has got the new girl on the block falling all over him, who doesn't take no for an answer. Just what he needs - a sexy girlfriend and a kid. Go for it Kyle!!!!  

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Well, I must admit I appreciated Brax punching Gunno and it does seem to have had a result in the short term with Gunno pulling out of the jobs, which should put a stop to Kyle careering around town at any rate. Will it be over for good? Doubtful but Gunno doesn’t have many cards to play at the moment: If he kills Brax he loses his bargaining tool, if he goes after the rest of the family Brax will probably kill him, if he beats Brax up again he’s as good as admitting he’s only bluffing. Ricky laying down the law to Kyle wasn’t going to work but invoking Brax’s promise gave him pause. He’s the uncle of her child so calling him “family” seems apt. Mind you, when they’re talking about being the only ones left, I’m again left thinking “Hello? Heath and his family are only a short drive away, they’re not dead!” (And they’d already moved away when Ricky found out she was pregnant, so it’s not a new development.) I’m also glad Kyle thanked Ash for getting him out of there, even if he did qualify it.


The Andy/Oscar stuff was interesting. Not Andy getting his personal trainer stuff, which was as predictable as it is ridiculous, but Oscar’s behaviour. For all his grandstanding to Hannah, it seems he’s very aware that he’s still got problems, that there are limits to what he can do, and that Andy’s offer to get him more involved in the actual exercise could see old issues resurface.


So Billie makes a quick and somewhat welcome return, and gets a quick and somewhat welcome bikini scene. I mostly like her although she does overdo the rudeness at times. I’m glad she smoothed things over with Denny, although it seems a moot point now. Ash is making the same mistakes as Casey, not being honest with Denny, and she’s even less tolerant this time round. I hope they can make it through though, their kiss near the start was kind of sweet. Is it more or was there a scene in yesterday’s promo of Ricky introducing Billie to Kyle? Because we didn’t seem to see that moment and we really needed it, because as it is they kiss (and, the promo confirms, sleep together) the very first time we see them speak. The abruptness is slightly worrying but I’m glad Kyle seemed slightly more at peace by that point, since I was worried Billie was going to sleep with the messed up Kyle. They’ve both got their demons but might be good for each other if they can work through them together.


While Kat was morally right in being angry with Nate, and his lack of contrition when he approached her at the Diner grated slightly, I think it was somewhat unfair of her to say he made her an accessory. It’s not like she was playing “Don’t ask, don’t tell”: If she’s going to ask questions like “You forged the documents?” while being full aware of what the answer’s going to be, she can’t really blame him for answering.

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Well I hope that Brax will be safe in prison now, but I doubted that just one punch was going to do it. Looks as though it worked though.

So do I but I would much rather he got out of prison TBH.  I find it hard to believe that Gunno's going to just let this go.

Well I was pleased that Andy passed his exams (looks like the strip study paid off after all).  However I really, really didn't like the way he was trying to pressurise Oscar into taking on a more active role at the gym.  It felt like Andy was doing it because he wanted to make life easier for himself and didn't really think about how it would affect Oscar.  As mentioned in the episode he ignored the fact that he has to juggle this with school.  I actually felt a bit sorry for Oscar as it seemed to me he didn't want to let Andy down so didn't want to put his foot down but he knew going down that path could lead to a relapse.

Well I was enjoying seeing Kyle's dark side and him spit his dummy out.  I still laugh whenever he gets annoyed.  And I found it so funny how he really didn't like the fact that he was excluded from knowing about Ricky visiting Brax at jail.  I still think he has serious issues if this is how he is going to react to a break-up.  I quite liked the scene where he was playing the guitar when Billy was there.  So she really throws herself at a guy she's barely said two words to.

What is it with Nate?  He went through all that trouble i.e. forging medical documents just so Ricky could see Brax.  It still feels like he would do anything for her.

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Well, Kyle seems to be regretting his night with Billie, which is a shame because she would be ideal to help him move on from Phoebe, who's going through her weekly "I want Kyle back" phase.Whilst the character might not be the most sedate, I am kind of liking Billie, who's got more than a whiff of early Nicole about her.Was it Kyle or Casey who tried to be Brax last time he was in jail? Probably Casey but it's not working out for Kyle either, as he should really know since he was the one least likely to blindly follow Brax's orders: Expecting Billie to meekly go along with what he said was never going to work.While I get that the real issue is Kyle not wanting to share with Billie (Embarrassment or not trusting her or not trusting himself?), a bit odd that no-one suggested she share with Ricky like Phoebe did.Then again, I guess the baby will be along soon and she'll need the space.

I'm disappointed that Oscar's storyline was brought to a head so quickly, they could have made a great deal of him struggling without accelerating it by having Andy go over the top. Since when did Andy "love the gym"?(My own thought is that he's just enthusiastic after getting the first qualification he's ever had.)Andy and Hannah having dinner with Oscar being there would have been a bit awkward, so it's perhaps a good thing Hannah turned it into a mini-party.Oscar quitting stopped Hannah answering to Andy's announcement and she never actually agreed to him moving in, which is a bit odd given that they've been portrayed as love's young dream.

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I agree with you Red about Kyle regretting his night with Billie. Although I want Kyle and Phoebe to get back again (although it probably won't work long term), I think that an uncomplicated Billie is ideal for Kyle just now, "just having fun" he says.   "I can do fun" she says. So we could see a very interesting Phoebe/Kyle/Billie triangle playing out over the next few weeks. Haven't seen two women chasing Kyle before. Who will work in Angelo's with him? 

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I have the feeling that the introduction of Billie isn't really going to help progress Ash's character from his current remit as Brax's friend. And is it just me that suspects that the timing of Phoebe's and Kyle's breakup makes it likely that they will try to pair up Billie and Kyle.

​So it looks like I correctly predicted them pairing Billie up with Kyle, although I never expected it to happen so soon. There was no build up or particularly interactions between the two of them. I thought Kyle was a bit of dick to Billie - I get that he is regretting it and worried it might affect a potential reunion with Phoebe. But I think he was really rude to Billie especially as he is Brax's friend's younger sister.

I thought the whole Oscar gym storyline was entirely rushed and lacked any subtlety.  And I was a bit surprised that Hannah cancelled her lunch with Oscar (knowing that there was something wrong) for Phoebe (with whom she is not particularly a close friend).

I take it Hannah is not keen to have Andy move in (which seems interesting given that she was happy for him to be practically living with her while she was in a wheelchair).

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I have just realised that I owe an apology to those of you who read this thread. My favourite character in H&A is Kyle and I always get excited watching any storyline involving him and there have been two good ones recently - drug running and the romantic one. I get impatient and watch some extracts on YouTube videos and I made a reference in my post last night (1st July) to a conversation that has not yet been shown on our episodes. It was not deliberate and I'm sorry if I've upset anyone's viewing. The trouble is that those videos only give the date they were shown in Australia and you don't know until you watch them if they are a former or future UK episode. I'll just have to curb my enthusiasm in future. That said, I am really enjoying our H&A episodes at the moment and the various well-written storylines : Ash/Debbie, Chris/John, Brax/Gunno, Andy/Hannah, Nate/Kat, Oscar/various, Zac//Leah/VJ, Josh/Evie, KylePhoebe/Billie. No doubt we will be seeing Matt, Jett, Alf, Maddy, Roo and Marilyn again soon.      

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I think Ash introduced Kyle to Billie at Angelo's after she was ogling him (and who can blame her).  It's far too soon for Kyle to get involved, even casually, with anyone. Ash will come over all big brother with anyone who pairs up with Billie so watch out Kyle if Ash finds out.  I'm wondering if her attitude regards her jumping on Kyle is part of her having been with Dean.  Kyle did try and be honest that although the night before was nice, there wasn't going to be a repeat. I think he should stay away from her as much as he can, she is definitely trouble. Phoebe was expecting a lot, just waltz back into town and pick up where she left off.  It is so obvious he still has feelings for her, just bad timing, as often happens in soaps, she turns up at the Braxton house, for her chat with Kyle, just in time to hear that oft used phrase 'No-one can find out about last night'. She can't really moan, as they had broken up, but in her mind it must seem he'd moved on pretty damn quick. 

Either my ears are going but I couldn't really hear what Brax was threatening Gunno with. I got the you can't have our bodyguards with you all the time bit, but not everything. I thought the same as you Red when Ricky was telling Kyle he is the only family left, er, there's Heath (unless moving to the city equates as being dead) and Cheryl.  Her reminding him of his promise to Brax did seem to bring him to his senses. Kyle did get a suspended sentence (or good behaviour bond) for kidnapping and torturing Casey, but wouldn't that have expired by now?  I think we have had two mentions now that Ricky is due to give birth in a couple of weeks, about time, it seems like she has had the longest pregnancy in soap history. I always thought the Braxton-Hicks symptoms she got the other week was a sign the birth was pretty imminent.

Why did Nate have to admit to Kat what he did, therefore technically implicating her, he could have just said nothing, leaving her with her own suspicions. As it is it's put her in a bad position should it come out that Ricky got to see Brax under false pretences. As it turned out good move that he was informed so he could go back to doing what he does best sorting things himself.

I thought Oscar's problems with Andy wanting to recruit him was he wasn't just interested enough in becoming Andy's protégé, he was more than happy enough just helping out, by doing the menial work.  I guess the reason Andy loves the gym is because it has given him the purpose in life he has never had before. I don't know what other staff there is or how many of them are qualified but he can't run it on his own.  I have to say I also thought Andy had moved into the farmhouse, Hannah didn't seem that overjoyed with his announcement.  Kyle did do his best to stop it happening so that Billie couldn't move in, but that has all gone pear shaped.

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And I was a bit surprised that Hannah cancelled her lunch with Oscar (knowing that there was something wrong) for Phoebe (with whom she is not particularly a close friend).

Oh yes, I forgot about that bit. That was weird: Hannah obviously knew Oscar was struggling and needed someone to talk to, yet blew him out for no good reason.


Then again…are Hannah and Phoebe meant to be besties now? At first I was going to make a crack about Phoebe’s lack of friends, but actually I could probably name half a dozen characters closer to her than Hannah. Oddly, I find I am fairly intrigued as to what they’ll do with her post-Kyle (assuming she doesn’t want him back again this time next week) so, okay, she can stay for now. I thought Hannah was over Nate and actually she probably is, it’s just a symptom of her feeling railroaded over Andy. I’m surprised Josh didn’t seem at all bothered about Andy moving into the farm and leaving him at Chez Braxton with a bunch of near strangers. Maybe it’s because he’s always at the farm rather than at home as well?


Chris’ line to Maddy about “You’re not as selfish as everyone thinks you are” felt like it was directed at the audience: It probably won’t win anyone over but I’m glad the point was made anyway, especially after a period when the show just seemed to be echoing and even validating negative opinions of her. As someone said a while back, I hope they didn’t break up Maddy and Oscar just to stick her with Matt: Both of them are far too similar to each other’s most recent serious relationship and they could use a change (which Oscar would have provided). I do like them as friends though, even if his accompanying her to see Alf felt very random. I hope we see more of Maddy with Chris too since their little scene here was great. Chris’ stuff with John was odd: Chris predicts John will want to spend time with Jett and Marilyn, then when John says that he…gets upset?


So, after going down the internet diagnosis route, Leah has finally had the sense to contact the Bay’s only doctor. Hopefully she can get the helps she needs. Some nice emotional stuff from Ada.


CURS: Why was that bit of Ash and Kyle discussing Billie moving in there? It had nothing to do with anything. Oh, you’re probably right H&Alover about Ash introducing Billie to Kyle, since it was in yesterday’s recap, I’d just forgotten it.

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Finally caught up - and I do seem to find I enjoy the show more when I binge-watch several episodes in a row.

Lots of unnecessary shouting and muscle-clenching with the crime contingent at the start of the week, which made me want to go and lie down in a dark room. But most of them got better towards Thursday, reminding me that I often don't actually mind the characters when they're having non-crime storylines. Billie didn't waste time cracking onto Kyle! I'm starting to rather like her, as she has a fair amount of attitude and seems like she might be less amenable than the average female houseguest chez Braxton to being reduced to a passive accessory in need of constant protection ('I don't do told'). (Although I'm fully prepared to be proved wrong when she's inevitably bundled into the back of a van by a gun-wielding psychopath by the end of the week.) And like Red she reminded me a bit of Nicole; I actually think there's quite a physical resemblance. 

Kat was annoying me. I never find cop characters on soaps easy to deal with; I can't be doing with that kind of relentlessly rigid worldview, and to compound matters, they never seem to have much of a sense of humour. Not that I really care about Brax, but as Ricky said, Nate's actions might have saved his life or at least a surprise beating. Can you really be an accessory to forging medical documents for a prison visit just because someone mentioned it to you? If so I doubt the punishment would be particularly severe, or that anyone would even ever find out. Except they probably will in this case in order to maximise dramatic impact, so no doubt we'll shortly see Nate on his knees begging for Kat's forgiveness.

I'm glad Zac didn't move out and that Leah and VJ made up. But poor Leah later in the week. Good that she's seeking help now, at least.

I enjoyed some of the lighter storylines a lot, with some interesting pairings of Phoebe and Chris (loved the random dancing and him convincing her to stay), Andy and Oscar (the short-lived, one-sided gym bromance was fun), and Maddy and Matt (whose spontaneous close friendship leaves me convinced they'll be dating within a week). I was glad the other kids could forgive Matt, although Evie seemed considerably more enthusiastic about it than Josh - who seems to have done very little lately except follow her around with a face like a wet weekend. It would have been nice to see him have a one-to-one scene with Matt to resolve their issues rather than just have him grudgingly going along with it all just because his girlfriend did.


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