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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I have just realised that I owe an apology to those of you who read this thread. My favourite character in H&A is Kyle and I always get excited watching any storyline involving him and there have been two good ones recently - drug running and the romantic one. I get impatient and watch some extracts on YouTube videos and I made a reference in my post last night (1st July) to a conversation that has not yet been shown on our episodes. It was not deliberate and I'm sorry if I've upset anyone's viewing. The trouble is that those videos only give the date they were shown in Australia and you don't know until you watch them if they are a former or future UK episode. I'll just have to curb my enthusiasm in future. That said, I am really enjoying our H&A episodes at the moment and the various well-written storylines : Ash/Debbie, Chris/John, Brax/Gunno, Andy/Hannah, Nate/Kat, Oscar/various, Zac//Leah/VJ, Josh/Evie, KylePhoebe/Billie. No doubt we will be seeing Matt, Jett, Alf, Maddy, Roo and Marilyn again soon.      

​Don't worry Brian, H&A trailers are basically spoilers anyway lol

Am I the only one who thinks Phoebes dancing looked like vertical epilepsy? Whenever we see people dancing in Australian soaps it's always really bad, I can't believe they dance like that. 

Not impressed with Billy, I really liked her up until the point she slept with Kyle, what a slapper. If they show her surfing again I it may redeem her a little but I do think she's a user. Obviously there's more than a 50/50 chance she's now pregnant.

I agree with you atrus regarding Kat, she's coming across over judgemental, I'm sure Nate only bent some rules not committed a felony to enable Erika to see Brax. I recall Charley was the same, but she was seeing an ex crim not a doctor. Constable Watson was more relaxed being a local girl :-) I guess she got a transfer.

Glad Matt is back in the fold, seems to have found a mate with reformed bad girl Maddy, Oscar has backed off completely. I don't think there's much chemistry between Matt and Maddy so I can't see them hooking up, noticed one of the scenes between them was a bit sketchy acting wise.

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I loved Chris' line to Phoebe about him being the first to extend the hand of friendship when she arrived in the bay and her reminding him it wasn't all he extended.:wink:  He was right, she has got friends now, so her breaking up with Kyle isn't a reason for her to leave. I think part of the reason he doesn't want her  to leave is because he is lonely, John isn't going to want to hang out with him so much once Marilyn and Jett get back and while he understands that he's going to feel like a spare part.

Matt and Maddy as mates, that may sound like an odd pairing, but stranger things have happened in H&A, their teasing of each other - his saying 'you're not as selfish as people say you are' and her telling him he's not a complete waste of space (or something like that) were nice moments. I liked how she was there when he made his apology to Josh and Evie, does this mean he'll be getting himself back on track.

Don't forget Kat has a history regarding police procedure although this is minor compared to what happened in the city, but I guess she is thinking any slip wouldn't help her career any.

I'm still not sure about Billie, something just screams bunny boiler to me, if Kyle goes back to Phoebe she could be difficult to shake off. Btw what did we call women (and men) who stalked their one night stands before Fatal Attraction?:unsure:

Hannah needs to have a talk with Andy, her keeping on pretending everything is fine is not going to work, she'll snap eventually, her dream about her and Nate is a sign that although she loves Andy she is not ready for him to move in full time.  Her wanting to get back to work is another sign she doesn't want to be around the house more than she can help.

I'm glad Irene is still telling Leah the way things are and things aren't OK.  Although never a god idea to look up your symptoms on the net at least Leah took notice of the warning, in red so it must be important, to go and see your doctor which in Leah's case is the only doctor in town - Nate!  At least she has finally acknowledged things aren't right to someone other than herself and has sought help, unlike it seems like Alf when he gets his news.

As we saw from the trailer Jett has told John he wants to join the army, the something I thought would happen. John I would think would have mixed emotions about it, having served himself, but Marilyn will definitely be against it.



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Well we got the other characters back today. Grumpy Alf, caring Roo, Jett going to be a soldier and will probably break John & Marilyn's hearts,  Matt & Maddy - will they or won't they? You others have divided opinions. Agree about Josh not doing much, very ungracious, but we did have a first of him full frontal and lying on Evie. Did you see that, H&Alover? Still waiting to see how the Phoebe/Kyle/Billie triangle plays out. Still a variety of very interesting storylines - I'm enjoying it!

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Alf's episode count this week: One again! Roo and Jett are also only in one, Marilyn doesn't appear at all...yet Nate's in four?

To be honest, while I understand she was pleased to see him, Maddy probably should have toned it down around Alf.He's just come out of hospital and probably could have done without her bouncing everywhere.It also seemed like it took a long time for her to be told Alf was in hospital and then she was there for less than a minute before Roo ushered her out.Still, the later scene of her wanting to help Alf and not knowing how was good, and Roo might be sharing that feeling.Alf's refusal to believe he might have PTSD is both frustrating and believable, it would be a hard thing for a man like him to accept.But he needs to listen.I'm guessing the heart abnormalities they found in the city were a symptom, not a cause?

Matt hanging around Maddy like a boyfriend in waiting unsettles me slightly, and it seems I share the feeling with Josh.Leah makes another long-serving character with health problems but it was good to see her and Zac talking things over and VJ being pretty mature.

Chris took a long time to take the hint with John, and indeed never really did (loved John's wearing "Good on you, Phoebs"), but their later scene was rather sweet.I'm really not sure about this "Jett decides to join the army" twist as a follow up to Anzac Day.I get that he's come to respect what people like Alf and Tom, and John himself, did but I doubt any of them would want him to go through it as well.In fact, there's a school of thought that they did it so he wouldn't have to.

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Another day spent in one another's company after months of barely any contact at all makes it clearer than ever that Matt/Maddy is on the cards as the next big relationship, in my view, without there being any need for Josh to flag it up for our attention. I like them as friends, but not especially sure they're great couple material. Or maybe I'm just bitter about Spatt not happening. But no; in seriousness, I think I'd rather see Maddy back with Oscar - they're a better fit.

No surprise to learn that Alf may be suffering from PTSD - indeed, from his behaviour on the excursion I'd have said it was pretty well obvious; I said at the time that I felt it was pretty foolish for them to have him along for the camp-out in the trenches. But why it took Nate to figure it out after several weeks of specialists in The City drawing a blank is anybody's guess. I'm glad that the storyline is continuing anyway, and not at all surprised that Alf is in denial about it. Being Alf, I can forgive him for blowing his top at Maddy for 'jabbering on', but I can understand why she was feeling upset about it afterwards.

I can't find it within myself to be at all pleased at the idea of Jett joining the army. He's way too young and in my view, they shouldn't even let new recruits through the door till they're 21 unless there's some kind of national emergency.

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Glad Alf's back in the thick of things after an pretty much eyerolling week, save for Leah.

I don't know about Alf, but Maddy bouncing around would not make me unhappy (Hey, Klementi's an attractive girl :wub:) in all seriousness it's good to see Alf as an integral part of the show again. 

The Matt thingy yeah... He needs to.. go away.

Jett does seem a bit young for his age unless they're going the route Neighbours did with Morgan Baker who played Callum (actor leaving to do HSC/VCE)



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I'm still undecided about Billie.  Whilst I don't particularly like her as a person, I did enjoy her putting a spanner in the works with Phoebe wanting to get back together with Kyle.  And I loved the look of total dejection on Phoebe's face when she overheard them talking about sleeping together.

Not happy about Andy moving in with Hannah and I really didn't like the way he assumed it was his right, just like he assumed Oscar wanted a more active role at the gym.  I especially didn't like the way Ash tried to manipulate the whole thing just so his sister could move in.  Hannah's being very passive aggressive about it though.  She was mouthing off to people (showing how frustrated she was), almost wanting them to ask her what was wrong without actually telling them directly what the problem was.

Chris continues to come across as completely desperate.  Once again imposing himself on John just so he wouldn't be by himself.  Interestingly he must have thought Maddy was selfish at some point although he was right.

Not sure what to make of Maddy, Matt, Evelyn and Josh being friends.  I did actually enjoy Evelyn trying to play matchmaker and the scenes with her and Josh.

Really, really enjoyed Alf biting Maddy and Roo's heads off.  Thought it was really funny and sometimes enjoy "grumpy Alf" as Brian put it.  Didn't like the way Maddy semi made it about her i.e. used the self-pitying "I caused him to react like that".

I'm glad Leah has taken steps to try and deal with her health problems.

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Yes Brian I did indeed clock Josh lying on Evie!:wink:  I loved him lowering his sunglasses and his 'I told you so' look to Evie when Maddy and Matt were teasing each other, not quite flirting, but close to it.  He did have a point being study buddies is how he and Evie became a couple. On one hand it could a good pairing between Mat and Maddy but on the other hand it could be a repeat of her and Josh, her being a high achiever and Matt being more laid back about the whole studying thing. 

I agree with all of you her bouncing in to welcome Alf home, just as he as looking at Tom's box, was way OTT, no wonder he snapped, Matt at least kept his silence.  I do like how Matt has been there for Maddy and him not pushing about what s really wrong.  Alf's  being   diagnosed as having PTSD probably wasn't such a big surprise.  His reaction certainly wasn't, to a man of Alf's temperament and age such a thing wouldn't seem manly and especially after such a long time after the events. It was likely  the visit to the memorial and  the trench experience that brought it all to the surface He needs to accept there is no shame in it and  a lot tougher men than him have gone through it, it's just going to take time and Ro  going on at him,however kindly meant, isn't going to help. The 'heart attacks' were probably panic attacks, the symptoms are very similar, pain in the chest, shortness of breath so you weren't far off Red. Don't forget atrus Nate knows Alf better than the city hospital folk do.

Jett certainly seem to have thought the joining the Army through very carefully, how old do you have to be to join up in Australia?  As I thought Marilyn is totally against it, but wouldn't him going to cadet school  be a good thing?  One of two things could happen, either he would decide it's not for him or they would decide he's not for them. Btw why did Marilyn come back a day later than Roo, Alf and Jett?

Well done Leah you actually kept VJ in the loop by telling what was occurring with her, treating him like the teenager he is.

Ash may well have manipulated Billie moving in with Kyle and Josh but he doesn't know about Billie and Kyle sleeping together, wait until he does, which he will, that'll change his mind!  He'll come over all big brother protective, he wouldn't want a repeat of Dean.

Trouble with Chris is as he comes across a such a independent character who doesn't appear to need people, that's the way people treat him, it's only Irene who can see through his mask.





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I am not keen on the idea of Maddy and Matt especially given that both of them were seemingly in love with other people until recently. I realise that the average teenager can be fickle but it just doesn't fit. It seems odd to have Evie trying to match make here given a) Maddy's history with her twin brother and b) the fact that she knows that Matt's downward spiral was triggered by his break up with Sasha. I guess this now means that Matt and Spencer have now tried it on with all the same people. Did think Evie and Josh were funny with their weighted looks at each other though, and actually felt like a proper couple.

Sweet scenes with Leah and VJ, and Leah and Zac. I liked the fact that Leah was honest with VJ (normally in soaps we would have Leah hiding this for weeks to protect VJ). And how sweet was Zac to Leah. :wub:

Hannah has been highlighting once again why I don't like her character. While I was annoyed with how Andy automatically assumed that it was his right to move in, Hannah was even worse with how childish she was behaving about it. If her and Andy are in such a loving relationship, surely, she can  tell him honestly how she feels rather than complaining to everyone else in the bay. In addition, she had no problems with Andy pretty much moving in and being at her beck and call while she was in a wheelchair (which was a pretty huge commitment for Andy to make). Seems convenient for her to have her doubts about the level of commitment now that she no longer needs him in the same way.

Nice to see Alf back. Not surprised that they are going down the route of PTSD here.

Not sure how I feel about Jett wanting to join the army.


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