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I'd forgotten Gina died of an aneurysm, but then she didn't know she had one, just thought she was having bad headaches. I definitely see why Jett is so concerned and can't understand why Leah doesn't do something about it. Marilyn is Marilyn so of course she'd know where Jett would be! Zac had to wear his professional hat with Leah, if it wasn't her it was happening to her she'd be the first to advise him to do the same thing. She is no condition to counsel hormonal teenagers.  I know Alf was  referring to his PTSD, but didn't her go through the same thing of not wanting an op when he had his brain tumour? I see the cops are being their helpful selfs, by not worrying particularly that Leah is in a vulnerable state of mind so more of a priority than your usual missing adult.

It could easily come to the point where Leah doesn't get any say and they have to perform the op.

So Oscar has admitted to Evie he still likes Maddy and she has admitted to Roo she still likes Oscar but neither of them are going to make the first move.:rolleyes:  They just need to take it slowly, last time they did jump right into being boyfriend/girlfriend, without the usual build up, due to the possible time restriction. But now, the news is looking so much better they can afford to take their time.

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The show seemed to try and cover Evelyn's sudden support of Madscar with her "I just want you to be happy".Maddy treated Oscar wrong on a number of occasions last year but Evelyn seemed convinced of her sincerity when they were together.Similarly, Oscar dumped Maddy when she was at a low point but he was there when she really needed support. Maybe the fairest thing to say is that they've both hurt each other in the past so maybe they deserve one last chance to get it right?

Today's ep and if you had Leah falling down an embankment on your Lost in the Bush Bingo, you get a no-prize.We just about avoid "Characters walk right past unconscious person who can't hear them calling her name" but did get "Missing person is only found thanks to something contrived": Really, Alf drops his bottle lid right by where she is?I'm being churlish because I really liked a lot of this.Ada gets the best dramatic stuff she's had in years and rises to the occasion.And I was worried we'd get characters blaming each other and squaring up in a ridiculously macho way.Instead, we get the much more sympathetic moment of Zac and Matt examining their own actions and wondering what they could've done different to prevent Leah going over the edge.And loads of great moments of characters making it clear how much Leah means to them.

Kyle and Ash playing the doting uncles is great and it was good that Nate pointed out that Ricky needs to relax in order for Casey to relax.I absolutely loved Billie here and she turns out to be another one that's good with kids.Her attempt to get Ricky to meditate was great, and then the utterly hilarious moment of the girls running out for a surf while Ash trails behind them with a baby carrier.(It almost makes up for the oddly sexist way that Irene and Marilyn get left looking after the house while the males go out searching regardless of age or ability.)Has to be said though, Ricky got her figure back quickly.

Shame then that we're still getting the weak Brax in prison stuff.His sudden desire to get out of prison because he's tried it for a few weeks and got bored just makes me roll my eyes. I get that he misses his family but he should have thought of that before he signed up for this.And before he followed Dean down that mineshaft.

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So the trippy musical score, spinning camera and the appearance of Ghost VJ conspired to make tonight's episode so strongly resemble an installment of Lost, that five minutes in I was convinced that Leah was about to stumble upon a hatch in the ground, and spend the next year inside it entering numbers into a retro computer. But it was a welcome return for Alf's Orange Vest Brigade, which we haven't seen in a while, and there's nothing like a Bay resident in mortal peril and some unusual location filming to build up a dramatic atmosphere. They could probably have strung it out for another episode, but what we got was great.

I continue to suspect that there's some serious Kyle/Ricky chemistry starting to bubble, but any interest in that was dampened by Brax's ridiculous idea to break out of jail, which will probably occupy the majority of the show's attention between now and the season finale if past form is anything to go by.

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What Lost In The Bush Bingo?????    But hey they had the slipping off a hillside/mini cliff!   Of course it was so very coincidental that Alf lost the top of his water bottle just by where Leah had fallen, but then so was Tamara's mobile ringing when he just happened to be standing nearby. Red I guess the remark about Zac and Matt both discussing what they could have done to prevent Leah going over the edge wasn't meant to be a pun!:wink:  It was good how they all pulled together and although Roo was worried about Alf taking part because of his recent problems, I thought it was just what he needed, doing what he does best  taking charge, being and feeling useful. Zac and Matt could argue 'til the cows come home, it wasn't anyone's fault, if it hadn't been then it would have been another time.  I know we only saw Marilyn and Irene saying how much Leah means to them and Irene blaming herself for not being more assertive about Leah having the op, but if Zac, VJ and Matt couldn't convince her no-one else could.

Nate confirmed what I said about Casey picking up on Ricky's tension which was why he wasn't settling for her, he's lucky he's got such good uncles (would that make Billie a surrogate auntie?) So sweet to see Ash with the baby carrier.:wub:  I thought exactly the same thing Red, we all know the bump was a false one, but even so, unless you work out like a maniac you do not get your figure back that quick!!!!!  No mum tum at all?  Going surfing was just what she needed though, Casey was as good as gold for her later.

Has Brax completely lost the plot?  First he tells Ash and Kyle not to say anything to Ricky, which OK in this case is a good idea, she can genuinely plead ignorance, but after the deed he will expect her and Casey to join him on the run for life!   Doesn't he realise the cops will be keeping an eye on Ricky and it won't be that easy for her just to run off with a baby in tow. Ricky isn't stupid though she'll know something is in the air by Ash and Kyle's attitude, because they are rubbish at hiding things from her. I imagine though the  whole thing  is the  lead up to the departure of Stephen Peacocke, when is the season's finale in Australia?

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Well, we got a quick wrap up to the bush storyline but it served as a useful catalyst to make Leah realise that, however big or small the risks might be, she can't just carry on as she is.Her request to Zac, while uncomfortable, isn't exactly shocking or unusual, although hasn't she already been on life support with "no hope of recovery" once this year?(Hopefully they'll carry out more conclusive tests before pulling the plug...)The John/Jett/Chris storyline was also slightly uncomfortable.Chris is a bit of a butterfly and it'd be nice if he stuck at the bronze medallion thing:He was probably sincere but he'll also probably change his mind soon.(Didn't he finish Irene's kitchen renovation though, albeit after getting a pep talk when he was on the verge of giving up?)Still, John and Jett yanking him about to win a bet didn't show John in particular in a very favourable light.

The show's moral compass seems to be stuck next to a magnet again.Any chance of Brax being in any way the "good guy" in this scenario jumped out of a high window the moment we found out his plan involved attacking two innocent people just for doing their job.(And "innocent" is not a word that could be readily applied to Brax or his two co-conspirators, even if he didn't commit the precise crime he's in there for.)Plus, he seems to have completely forgotten about doing the honourable thing and going to jail to protect his friends and family, instead asking his brother and his best friend to risk joining him in jail simply because he's fed up of being in there and misses his family.Seriously, that's the extent of his motivation.And I had to roll my eyes at his plan to clear his name and then come back.Even leaving aside how he's going to clear his name (it's best not to ask, it'll probably involve dangling someone off a cliff), in real life I doubt the response would be "Oh, okay, you don't have to go back to jail", yet, on past experience, in Home and Away World it probably would be.I'm kind of glad Ash has enough self-respect to realise that all of them ending up in jail won't help their families.And I'm glad Kyle understood (indeed he took the same attitude himself when he declined to join Brax's posse going after Jake), shame he's still loyal and self-destructive enough not to pull out himself.

We are way off the season finale:Australia gets it in November or December, these were shown at the beginning of June, so we're about six months away give or take a break over Christmas.

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The show's moral compass seems to be stuck next to a magnet again.Any chance of Brax being in any way the "good guy" in this scenario jumped out of a high window the moment we found out his plan involved attacking two innocent people just for doing their job.(And "innocent" is not a word that could be readily applied to Brax or his two co-conspirators, even if he didn't commit the precise crime he's in there for.)Plus, he seems to have completely forgotten about doing the honourable thing and going to jail to protect his friends and family, instead asking his brother and his best friend to risk joining him in jail simply because he's fed up of being in there and misses his family.Seriously, that's the extent of his motivation.And I had to roll my eyes at his plan to clear his name and then come back.Even leaving aside how he's going to clear his name (it's best not to ask, it'll probably involve dangling someone off a cliff), in real life I doubt the response would be "Oh, okay, you don't have to go back to jail", yet, on past experience, in Home and Away World it probably would be.I'm kind of glad Ash has enough self-respect to realise that all of them ending up in jail won't help their families.And I'm glad Kyle understood (indeed he took the same attitude himself when he declined to join Brax's posse going after Jake), shame he's still loyal and self-destructive enough not to pull out himself.

We are way off the season finale:Australia gets it in November or December, these were shown at the beginning of June, so we're about six months away give or take a break over Christmas.

Agreed. I hate what they are doing with this Brax storyline and hope he gets killed off in jail so that we can be done with this ridiculous storyline. He knew what he was letting himself in for when he confessed to the crime. While I appreciate that the situation is tough, he has only been in jail for a few weeks. Surely, it defeats the whole point of his sacrifice if the people he was trying to protect are now going to put themselves at risk to help him escape. And does he really think he is going to be able to clear his name? After being a prison escapee? Does he really want Ricky and his baby to be going on the run? I think the writers have really messed up with this storyline, and have managed to ruin one of their most popular characters. It was ridiculous enough jailing him for a crime he didn't commit but it is even worse to think any of us could support "the Great Escape''. 

I am glad Ash has the sense to step back from doing this. However, I have a feeling from the promos that he will get involved in the end anyway. It's a shame because I was really enjoying seeing Kyle and Ash move away from the crime scenes, and see them in uncle mode. I can't believe how natural Kyle was with baby Casey - it would be good for Phoebe to see that so that they can both accept that if they can't agree on the family issue, then they can't get on that obstacle. 

Really enjoyed all the Leah stuff. While the conversation about turning off ventilators is always an emotional one, it is always best to have them beforehand. And I think VJ handled it relatively well in the end, and seem appropriately engaged during their meeting at the hospital with the neurosurgeon.

Not so happy about the idea of Matt moving out of Leah's house as I felt that he has had really good chemistry with Leah, Zac and VJ. Another lovely scene between Matt and Leah. Really liked Kat with Matt too - liked the fact that she did things by the book by not covering up the evidence but still pulled out all the stops to help support Matt. 

I knew the moment Hannah talked about how solid everything was, that something would happen. But rolled my eyes at her childishness in trying to hide from Mr Gleason. What is she, 10? it is a sad state of affairs when Andy is starting to look like the more mature member of their relationship (Loved Billie winding Andy up, but their heart-to-heart will spur Billie on to keep pursuing Kyle). 

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Glad Leah realised how close she came to dying out there in the bush to make her decide to have the op.  Her nails still looked good though! As both Red and Angelica have said that kind of discussion is/will never be easy.  She didn't have a say about it before so no-one would have been sure what her wishes were.  A thought struck me, as VJ isn't yet 18 (or is he) would he be old enough to make the decision and as Zac isn't her next of kin wouldn't she need to put it down in writing?  VJ's initial reaction was very natural, but I'm glad he opened up to Irene about it who was able to make him see it from Leah's side.  He's still not happy about it but is wiling to accept her wishes.  He put some relevant questions to Dr. Gleeson.

Talking of whom, it was pretty much telegraphed something would come along to upset Hannah and Andy's apple cart. Now what is the real reason she was hiding from him, she really doesn't want to see him or there is unfinished business between them?  Andy is going to feel even more inadequate if he finds out about their past relationship, him being a neuro surgeon and all that. I'm probably being naïve here but I do hope Hannah doesn't keep it quiet and he finds out some other way. 

Does Brax really think his going on the run to clear his name is going to be any more painful for Ricky than him being in prison?  This way, as distressing as it for both of them, at least they get to see each other whereas if he goes through with the jump who knows when they will see each other again. Kyle doesn't have any commitments, apart from his promise to Brax to look after Ricky and Casey,  so of course he's more than willing to do it.  Ash was really torn, he knows he owes Brax, but now he has Billie and Denny to think about, but as you said Angelica going by the promos he seems to have changed his mind, though Klye understood and I'm sure Brax would.

Matt showed real maturity by wanting to keep Leah and Zac away from his court case as they had enough to worry about.  Natural Kat would know about it, it was her case and I'm glad he listened to them and let them go along.  That letter Kat wrote must have been pretty impressive and Matt looked really touched by it.  His joy at being free was lovely to see, though I have an feeling it's not all over, he did dub in his mates and they must have mates who wouldn't have taken kindly to what he did.

I know Irene mentioned Chris coming back from his cruise job as an example of him not being able to stick at anything, but didn't he come back because he heard about Spencer having troubles?  Yes, just who did finish Irene's kitchen? Chris starts off really keen on things but he does seem to drift away, I was wondering about the volunteering he was supposed to be doing.


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It was a relief to get two days off from the Brax storyline and on with the more interesting human drama. There was some fantastic stuff between Leah and Zac here, especially in the scene where Zac admits how hard it is to think about losing her again. There’s an awkward balancing act going on between a lack of quality of life and giving up too soon. Zac was absolutely right that VJ needed to be in on the conversations: He needed to know this was Leah’s wish and not just Zac’s, and after a bit of thought he comes to accept them. It was mentioned that Leah was making Zac her official guardian if she was incapable of making decisions. Nice bit of foreshadowing: Doctor Sean Gleeson was mentioned a few weeks back when Leah first had her CT.


The theme continues into Matt’s storyline: Now more than ever he feels like part of Leah’s household, yet he wants to deal with problems alone rather than burden them. Kat behaves exactly like a police officer should, enforcing the law without bias but also making sure the punishment fits the crime. Yes, a good behaviour bond is often a pat solution but here it seems appropriate, even if Matt’s hardly been an angel in the past. (There’s an awkwardly specific “first offence as an adult” line in there.) So, now that they feel like a family, what happens? Matt moves out. Yeah. Sigh. I’m as unhappy about that as Angelica. Hopefully it’s just temporary and they won’t throw out all the good work.


A nice look at the contrasting sides of Billie: It’s a smart move to make her a good and conscientious worker, showing another aspect of her character, yet her chat with Andy suggests she’s still hoping to wear Kyle down through sheer persistence. Not for the first time, Hannah was the weakest thing in yesterday’s episode but today’s raised my interest in Sean. While Hannah’s “Oh my god, I must keep my old boyfriend away from my new life” attitude provoked nothing more than eye rolls, involving Evelyn and Oscar and turning Sean from a random ex into someone who was there throughout their mother’s illness added the necessary sense of history and made good use of the characters’ back stories. (Hannah’s update skirted over a lot of things though, like Zac’s parental role for the twins and just how badly things went with Ethan.)


I said a while back that I hoped we got to follow Alf’s counselling through so kudos to them for doing just that so far. It was slightly grating, especially in an episode that made good use of continuity, for Maria to say that Alf’s father and grandfather were treated like heroes when they came back from war, when the whole point is Alf’s grandfather didn’t come back. (Maybe she forgot and Alf wasn’t in the mood to correct her?) But we get a great intense performance from Ray Meagher as Alf struggles to process his conflicted feelings and break down decades of barriers. Still, while I’ll just about accept the session taking place at home, no way should Roo have been listening in.


Some nice references to Maddy’s family in her chat with Oscar, although they’re still skirting around the issue of getting back together without putting themselves out there. I liked her dress for the party too: Simple and understated and a bit of a departure from what she’d have worn in the past perhaps. The Josh’s birthday storyline was the least interesting thing here but hopefully when we get a pay-off tomorrow it’ll be worth it. I’m guessing his bad mood is about his mum and he doesn’t feel like he’s got much to celebrate, although it’s a bit abrupt when he and Andy seem to have barely given her a thought in the best part of two years. So…is Josh meant to be older than Maddy, who should be 18 but apparently isn’t? (Not sure if the reference to her not having had the all clear is meant to worry me or not. It doesn’t but it’s nice that they’re following this storyline through rather than just going “The chemotherapy’s working now. The end.”)

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