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To address the last comment first she was just having fun with the gig guy - Oliver - and although no real excuse she was drunk. True she did dream of Nate and her snogging her dream about Sean did go a tad further:wink: and lo and behold the 'dream' came true. Was an easy mistake for Nate to make and just how many times does that happen - 'Oh I thought you knew'.  Sean, imo, is just too smug for his own good.

When Nate realises, or someone like Kat tells him, I hope he deals with Billie's crush sensitively, him being a doctor he must have had patients having them in the past. Mind you, can't really blame her, opening your eyes and seeing Dr. Dishy hovering over you.:wub:

I think Leah's point, like Phoebe, was her and Zac hadn't even discussed marriage, plus she also thought he was doing it because of what had just happened to her. 

Phoebe and Kyle should be together, maybe Ash reminds of her of how things used to be with Kyle when she first knew him, neither of them had any commitments, used to doing their own thing when they wanted.  Kyle now has the family and Angelo's to look after.  Both of them did stop before anything really happened, though her denying any the next day was a slap in Ash's face. Why not just say 'OK we had fun last night, but it's Kyle I want'. Besides Ash isn't over Denny and it'd be a rebound thing for him. Phoebe certainly picked on the right person to talk it over with considering that Hannah is going though the same thing. What was she thinking of sleeping with the dork!!!:rolleyes:

A bit of a turn around for Marilyn to agree to let Jett go to the Academy, but it's part and parcel of being a parent letting your child do something they really want. He has grown into a very nice young man.

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Oh-kay...Hannah's morals and the show's message seem a bit mixed up here.As I said a while back, Hannah seems incapable of settling down and now that Andy's gone from an exciting distraction to part of the boring domestic side of things she's looking elsewhere.Well, if that's the way she's feeling she can't stay with Andy out of gratitude and she chooses Sean...only to change her mind when she finds out he's married.But it sounded like he was prepared to leave his wife for her, so if that's the case how is that different to her leaving Andy?Okay, not married, but cohabiting.It felt like we were meant to see Sean as an utter slimeball (which he possibly is) but I was mostly left feeling Hannah's a hypocrite.And what, now she's just going to stay with Andy by default?

Oh, Matt gives with one hand and takes away with the other.I did feel slightly sorry for him not being told about Leah and Zac's engagement but hey, he was the one who moved out of the house and withdrew himself from that family.I don't think there was any malice involved but, given that Oscar got insecure about his relationship with Maddy before because he felt they weren't doing what other couples were doing, it probably wasn't a good idea to make Josh and Evelyn making out in a crowded Diner with three other people at the table out to be normal.(In reality, a server would probably be telling them to tone it down, not encouraging Maddy and Oscar to join in.)After finding Evelyn not so irritating lately...she's back. She really didn't help matters by jumping down Oscar's throat and making his drinking out to be a big thing rather than just letting him get on with it.So loved him blurting out her wedding fantasies.Maddy did at least seem to be trying not to make a big deal out of it, which was probably the best way to handle it.Oh well, Evelyn's got something else to rant about now, thanks to another contrived line (Hannah saying "Andy can't find out that Sean and I slept together" when "Andy can't find out" would be sufficient).And I'll probably rant about that tomorrow, if I have time before I'm out of computer range for two days...Still, it's good to have a teen group that all get on at last, even if it left Matt seeming like a fifth wheel.

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The current love triangles are ridiculous.

The whole Kyle/Phoebe/Ash thing makes no sense. I do think Ash seems to be like Matt - in that he seems to be able to have natural chemistry (platonic or romantic) with whomever he is on screen with so he and Phoebe did have some chemistry. However, Ash only just broke up with Denny, and supposedly only because of the circumstances related to Brax's great escape (after the big deal he made about never being in a proper relationship before). So I don't really buy any interest on his part. And as for Phoebe, she was basically gave up the chance of a touring music career to stay with Kyle. So again, I don't buy her new interest in someone just as mixed up with the crime stuff as Kyle. And her reunion with Kyle felt flat because a) it seemed like she only got back together with Kyle because she was scared of having feelings for Ash >24 hrs and b) that they glossed over all the issues that caused them to break up in the first place.

As for Hannah/Andy/Sean. I have never believed that Hannah truly cared for Andy. First, she gets together with him when she is feeling claustrophobic in the family unit that her, Zac and the twins had at the beginning, seemingly only interested in him because she didn't seem him a serious relationship material. Then she reunites with Andy when she has her injury, only to get itchy feet again once she is better. I don't particularly like Andy, but I think he would fare better if his character moved on from his co-dependent relationship with Hannah. Though I don't like Sean, and feel he is excessively smug, I get the impression that he and his wife are separated but not formally divorced from that way he said it was long over. And we know she has a thing for sleeping with married guys (*cough*Nate*cough*).

It was nice to see the teenagers interacting and having fun. Matt did feel like the 5th wheel though.

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Bit of a shocker for Sean to be married, I didn't see that coming. And I have to agree with Angelica that I don't believe Hannah truly cared for Andy either. Infant during the scene in the bedroom with Denny I think Hannah may have realised that  herself when she said she's always looking for a way out. 

I trust she will tell Andy. The guilt will eat her up otherwise.

Oscar provided light relief today. I have a soft spot for him and I'll echo Red it was funny when he mentioned Evie's marriage fantasies. Actually it reinforced that they are actually siblings and that's the kind of goofy stuff siblings do. 

Will miss Jett. Marilyn's turn around may have seemed quick but I think she knew from the start deep down she will have to let him go at some stage. If he's off to boarding school you never know e may pop back with a new head in a Couple of years 

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We only have Sean's word for the fact is marriage is long over!  Cue arrival of aggrieved wife before long! Doesn't that make that the third guy to fetch up in the bay who's had a secret wife (maybe more). There was Scott, then Nate and now Sean.  To be fair to Hannah she didn't know Nate was married when she first got together with him, no-one did,  ditto Sean who has spun that well worn phrase 'I've always loved you'. I was surprised he fessed up to that but glad Hannah told him where to go. I'm glad she confided in Denny who wasn't at all judgemental, unlike Evie, just told her she's got to be  honest with  Andy who has turned his whole life round for and because of her. At least she had the decency not to sleep with Andy right after sleeping with Sean. Denny was very clever in her reply to Andy when he asked if there was anything up with Hannah and she subtly mentioned her maybe wanting a little bit of excitement away from the farmhouse.  The gym may not seem a likely venue for a candlelit dinner but a lovely idea nonetheless.

I did feel sorry for Matt, having to watch Evie and Josh snogging each others faces off, I thought they had got past that stage, and Maddy and Oscar, although a lot more restrained, obviously a couple.  I know Evie was OTT at Oscar knocking back the beer, but he is new at it and it really hit him like a truck. He is going to feel it in the morning.  It wouldn't have been a big deal for Leah to find Matt  and tell him herself about her engagement, she only told him a couple of weeks ago he was like family.

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Today's episode:

Alf's episode count this week:Four.

I found Evelyn stupendously annoying in the first half of the episode, with her constant eye rolling, snide remarks and sanctimonious speeches.(It might partly be down to never quite buying into the Andy Barrett Fan Club thing:Evelyn being happy for Oscar to date Maddy pales next to the unlikelihood of her welcoming Saint Andy into the household with a facile "He's changed" after everything the family went through last year because of him.)But things suddenly changed in that bedroom scene and I find myself seeing Evelyn's point of view: She is having to lie to someone that she apparently likes and that's no fun, and Hannah should own her mistake.And I'm finding Hannah suddenly yo-yoing back to Andy just a few hours after she was going to leave him for Sean very hard to believe, it seemed like she has just slipped back into a relationship she's not really into because it's the easy option. And Evelyn was quite right at the end:Both she and Hannah are making rods for their own backs by keeping quiet.(Although when Hannah talks about how the line between right and wrong is clear at Evelyn's age, are we meant to forget Evelyn was on the wrong side of the line last year?)

Loved the way Oscar suddenly sat down and pretended he hadn't been doing anything when he realised Ricky was behind him.Seemed a bit unfair for Matt and Maddy to just bail and leave Josh to get him home.Oscar's insecurities are well and truly surfacing: He thinks Maddy will dump him because he's not edgy enough and then because when he tries he looks like a spaz, so the moment where she tells him just why she's with him was quite heartwarming.I did get a bit worried when she described him as "safe" but she obviously knew how that could sound too and the rest of the conversation made it clear she doesn't want a bad boy.(She'd be dating Matt if she did.)And laugh of the episode goes to Oscar's painful Irish accent and Maddy's "Don't try that again."(She must be a closet sci-fi fan:First she misquotes the Star Trek novels, then she uses a Tenth Doctor running joke!) So Oscar trouncing Matt at pool was a great cap, and hopefully we will seem them as doubles partners.

I don't know if we're meant to be thinking "Awww, poor Ricky" or being relieved that she's let it all out at the end...Personally my thoughts were switching between "He's not dead!" and "Denny, forget about her, see to the baby!" And what exactly was that Blood and Sand...thing?It looked like a chunk of a wall or something.

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I don't know if we're meant to be thinking "Awww, poor Ricky" or being relieved that she's let it all out at the end...Personally my thoughts were switching between "He's not dead!" and "Denny, forget about her, see to the baby!" And what exactly was that Blood and Sand...thing?It looked like a chunk of a wall or something.

I think it was sometthing that Brax had made in prison the last time he was in there I'm guessing

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