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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think that was supposed to be Ricky's moment of Grief setting in. Up until now she's kept busy, not broken down etc. it would've been more convincing goofy if we'd have had more build up to it instead of her being in the City with Heath and Bianca. Nonetheless getting his stuff back from prison was bound to bring it all home. 

Im not sure about this Hannah / Evie lark. As most above agree, Evie's OTT reaction and ultimatums just left me thinking why are you getting involved in adult stuff?!?! However she was right to tell Hannah that these things have a way of getting out. And leave it at that. I'm sure Hannah will self destruct.

Oscar's walk of shame to the caravan park to apologise was very Oscar and the right thing to do. Glad it meant that Maddy and him could have that conversation about how she likes him for the sweet guy he is and he doesn't have to pretend to be something he isn't. Something his self esteem will have enjoyed and needed.

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Hannah cheating on Andy I could just about take.  The heart wants what the heart wants and all that.  But the way she conducted herself afterwards, telling Sean she loved him, was going to finish with Andy to be with Sean and then when Sean told her she was married (which I enjoyed even though I can't stand the guy) she then says she's made a big mistake.  Please.  She's only back with Andy because she feels used.  Andy is clearly her fallback option.  No way should she be allowed to get away with continuing a relationship with him now under these false pretences.  So I was initially over the moon when Evelyn overheard her fessing up to Denny and absolutely loved Evelyn getting on her high horse and being completely self righteous about it (one of my favourite characters defending one of my other favourite characters).  And I liked the fact that Evie gave Hannah an ultimatum.  Towards the end of the episode I was relieved that Hannah didn't tell Andy because I don't think she deserves to get in there first and to be given the luxury of being able to try and smooth talk her way out of it.  She deserves to be dropped in it and I really hope that happens.  I was hoping Evelyn would have told Andy but it's disappointing that she's going to keep quiet now even though objectively it's not really Evelyn's place to say anything.  I didn't before but actually felt sorry for Andy today when he tried to make an effort with Hannah.  This is going to hurt pretty bad.

I thought Oscar was quite uncomfortable in Maddy's presence, almost like he doesn't know how to be her boyfriend.  And getting back with Maddy he's gets drunk and starts to immediately become annoying as hell.  All this to try and impress her.  Well it certainly hasn't impressed me.  Is this the kind of crap we have to look forward to?  Because I'm not sure if I can take it.  Oscar and Maddy and true love.

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Back up to speed again, and not a terribly interesting episode on Wednesday, with endless romantic toing-and-froing between Billie, Nate, Hannah, Sean, Andy, Ash, Phoebe, Kyle... I know soap relies on this kind of stuff, but there's such a thing as moderation. Thank goodness Kat and Denny were nowhere to be seen or it could have been even less tolerable.

Some of it continued into Thursday/Friday, and much as I'm not in the Andy Fan Club I can't say I approve of Hannah's behaviour. I'm also struggling to see how Hannah can love Andy in any meaningful sense, given how she's been acting towards him lately, even before Sean turned up - so I didn't really get why she went for the fallback option, other than because she didn't want to be single. I also felt she and Denny were both a bit quick to brand Sean a scumbag; okay, he's married, but (a) Hannah was hardly in a position to judge and (b) he made it pretty clear that his marriage was over in spirit if not in law. Hannah was acting as if separation from a spouse wasn't a valid life choice, which seemed pretty unfair.

For Andy's part, the pies and ketchup in the gym was a bit weird. Evie, while she can be annoying when she starts up a crusade and was here to a large degree (regardless of the rights and wrongs of what Hannah did, it's hardly Evie's place to be getting involved), did have some valid points to make amidst all the sniping. And Hannah's 'you'll understand when you're older' defence, invoking 'blurry lines', was incredibly patronising, so not surprised that Evie called her on it.

The teen characters continue to out-interesting the twenty-and-thirtysomethings by quite some distance at present. While Oscar's spontaneous attempts to 'break the mould' felt a little contrived, the acting just about sold it, the drunken scenes were fun, and the group seems to have a pretty good dynamic at the moment. They even seem to be giving Josh some funnier/fresher material to work with. Speaking of whom, I don't think I actually realised that Josh was living with Ricky (I find the Braxton Plus living arrangements very confusing), so it felt a bit odd for them suddenly to be having a one-on-one scene together.

The Jett storyline was nicely done. I like how they've built up what I now assume is his exit gradually over the last few weeks, starting with the Anzac stuff. Even now with the actual announcement, they're giving us two weeks' notice - which particularly for those of us still tuning into Neighbours, where characters have a tendency to decide to leave town in the morning and have gone by tea-time, almost feels like a snail's pace exit. If he does leave, though, it does beg the question of what they'll do in terms of friends for VJ.


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Got to disagree with you Slade, if my girlfriend slept with an ex in our bed I don't think I could just take it. Typical Hannah, she chased after Nate knowing he was married and trying to make his marriage work, must be a doctor fixation. It's about time she grew up, she's not 16 any more, be interesting to see if black and white Evie will carry out her threat to spill the beans with Andy. Poor Andy he was of use sticking by her side when she was crippled but now she's got her wings back... I was thinking the other day that ironically Denise is a better match with Andy, she's practical, fixes boat engines, and not as fickle as Hannah. But then I realised that any relationship with Andy has the knock on the door from the police hanging over it.

Thought Oscar was tragi comic, maybe the alcohol interacted with his medication. I think he should have just feigned memory loss the next day - it usually works :-)



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The Jett storyline was nicely done. I like how they've built up what I now assume is his exit gradually over the last few weeks, starting with the Anzac stuff. Even now with the actual announcement, they're giving us two weeks' notice - which particularly for those of us still tuning into Neighbours, where characters have a tendency to decide to leave town in the morning and have gone by tea-time, almost feels like a snail's pace exit. If he does leave, though, it does beg the question of what they'll do in terms of friends for VJ.


that is true. It doesn't feel too out of the blue. 

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I thought it was sweet of Oscar to go and apologise to Maddy, some guys would just leave it and try to avoid the person completely.  Nice back track when she called him safe.  So is he a pool hustler on the quiet? He can still have his 'wild' moments.  Had to smile when everyone was astonished to hear he got drunk, but why did Hannah accuse Evie of not stopping him?

Hannah has put Denny and Evie in  very awkward positions when - not if - this all comes out it's going to be obvious they knew.

Ricky's breakdown had to come, she's nearly got there before but held it back, I guess in her world you don't/didn't show emotion like that, thought to be weak. Her smelling his t-shirt that opened the floodgates. It was good Denny was there for her and refused to let her push her away, just held her while she let it all out,  loved the little chat Denny had with Alf when he reminded her of how she pushed people away when Casey died.  Now she can start to move on although there will still be moments.  Bianca, although form a different background refuse to cry after Rocco died because she feared once she started she'd never stop.

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I've just watched episode 6216 (Zac proposes to Leah on the beach). Does anybody know what the song is that plays at the end when the proposal is taking place? Have tried searching the net with the few lyrics I could make out but to no avail! Trying to find songs featured on the show does my head in sometimes!!!

Love Thy Will Be Done by Delta Goodrem:

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