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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Dan F, thanks but that is not the song I'm talking about. maybe that one is from a different episode? The song I mean has a male singer and the lyrics go something like this...

It's been hard to sleep

Can't seem to close my eyes

God, it's lonely when you're not here

God, if you're really there

I heard you whispering to me

??? (can't make out the next line)

It was you and I against the world

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Dan F, thanks but that is not the song I'm talking about. maybe that one is from a different episode? The song I mean has a male singer and the lyrics go something like this...

It's been hard to sleep

Can't seem to close my eyes

God, it's lonely when you're not here

God, if you're really there

I heard you whispering to me

??? (can't make out the next line)

It was you and I against the world

So it turns out the UK episode had a different song to the Australian version of the episode, in the UK version it was 'Where the Town Lit Up' by St Leonards

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I'm still slightly confused as to what that "Blood and Sand"...thing that was so integral to the plot was.Something Brax did in jail apparently and my first thought was he did it in prison pottery but it looked more thrown together than that, as if it was something that had been broken off.Did he take a tile from his cell washroom?Was someone doing building work and he pinched a chunk of plaster?Anyway, I'm glad that Kyle and Ricky were the ones who ultimately made the decision about the memorial.Phoebe spent most of the episode acting like the bossy sister that no-one ever wanted, and her following Ash into the kitchen to flirt with him felt hugely inappropriate, as did her forcing Denny onto Ash so she didn't have to worry about him.Bit of a shame, since her moment with Kyle on the wharf briefly felt like old times.And Ash and Denny reuniting should be endgame but instead it feels like part of a contrived "Ash and Phoebe having feelings for each other while dating other people" storyline.What was that stuff about Denny overthinking things?Their last break-up was nothing to do with anything she did.

Billie seems to be well and truly stalking Nate now and he needs Kat to point it out: When he was arranging to meet her at the gym I was thinking "Really, Nathaniel? You think that's a good idea?" Kat might not have been the best person to tell Billie to pull her head in but Billie was pushing her buttons so I don't blame her for snapping.And Nate telling her didn't go much better.Unlike with Kyle, where she seemed to accept rejection fairly graciously, it feels like there's a lot of resentment building...

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Must admit I was impressed with Erica's diving, proper little mermaid :-) Blood and Sand is the motto of the brotherhood which Brax was the leader so that's why the ceramic was laid to rest - symbolic burial at sea (although the tide will more likely wash it up down coast).

I thought Billie was more together than she is, she has a temper that makes me wonder if she's capable of murder. I also wonder why she couldn't have helped Brax somehow to corroborate his story during the trial. Re Brax I don't understand how breaking out of gaol can help his case as if caught he'll do time for breaking out. Anyway, Billie hasn't met Chris yet so it could all change in one episode.

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My post from yesterday has disappeared??????

Just as Billie had redeemed herself by getting Phoebe and Kyle back together she goes all bunny boiler again!  Typically it was Kat who picked up on the fact she had a crush on Nate while he was totally oblivious. I thought they both handled it well but she immediately went into defensive mode and turned it round and like she did with Phoebe made out she was the victim and going by the trailer it looks like she steps it up a gear. Methinks Ash needs to have another word with her.

Lovely memorial for Brax nothing fussy which he would (if he was really dead) have hated. I felt sorry for Ash having to stand there and pretend he was mourning him as well. True Phoebe can be bossy but Ricky had already decided she needed to move on.  If she had been the sister the guys never had I'd like to have seen Brax bossing her around.

So far nothing has happened between Ash and Phoebe apart from fancying each other it's if they take it to the next step that would cause problems.

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Denny walking out on Ash right after having sex seemed surprisingly cold for her and I don't really know what she's playing at by basically offering him casual sex.Has she really decided she doesn't want a permanent relationship or is she trying something different because nothing else has worked out?Worryingly, I find myself watching Ash and Phoebe here, remembering why I liked their friendship and going "Hmm, maybe that would work..." but the problem is Phoebe's one of those characters where I can think she's all right for a while and then she suddenly becomes arrogant and self-centred again and I go right off her.The massive close-up of Ash putting the keys down was a clear sign something was going to happen so I'm surprised it took so long.Did Ash really not realise what he'd done?Nice Madscar cameo.And I'm afraid it's reached the point where having two Casey Braxtons on the show, albeit at different times, could be confusing.

Would Alf really be standing there with Kyle staring at an alleged picture of Kat as a stripper?Technically, it hasn't been confirmed that Billie put them up but process of deduction certainly points that way.On a similar note, we don't know what she actually did with that phone.(And the open door seemed like it was going to be significant but apparently wasn't since Billie didn't come in until later.)Someone finally remembers Billie is Ash's sister and gets him to talk to her.I have a hard time believing Kat's career is in danger because of the sort of prank police officers must be subjected to all the time, and I'm not sure what Nate thought he'd achieved by going and yelling at Billie when Kat had already done that, especially given that she's pretty close to the edge if she hasn't already gone over.First mention of Emerson in quite a while.

While part of me would like them all to move on, it's nice in a way that the memorial wasn't a magic solution and Ricky's still struggling.I loved seeing Kyle in caring uncle mode, swooping in and looking after Casey and giving Ricky support.

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I wish they'd buy Alf a new hat, I know those Panama hats are meant to be rolled but his has just lost all shape now to the point he looks like a hobo. He reminds me of how they'd dress one of the old farmers we used to see scaring the teens back in the days where we had human stories that only Alf would know anything about.

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Got to disagree with you Slade, if my girlfriend slept with an ex in our bed I don't think I could just take it.

Yeah sorry, I meant taking it as a viewer or more specifically as a fan of Andy and a disliker of Hannah.  Like you wouldn't be to happy if I actually got cheated on.

Whilst I dislike her as a person and think she is clearly a sicko who needs help I have to admit Billie's behaviour has actually been quite entertaining.  Photoshopping Kat and sticking her head on a stripper's body then printing it off and posting multiple copies around the bay was very creative indeed.  And that actually had me in stitches.  Unfortunately Ash's attitude was not surprising and I was glad Phoebe pointed this out to him.  I genuinely can't get my head around Billie's thought process.  Was she actually expecting Nate to finish with Kat because of that or was it payback because she was jealous of her?  Also, Nate was clearly incensed by what she did and was very direct in telling Billie in no uncertain terms to stay away from him but she still went round to his house in spite of that although I'm not quite sure what she did.  I was a little disappointed with Kat yesterday because I wanted to see how long it would take Nate to figure out that Billie liked him and she spoilt it by telling him.  Anyway can't wait to see what happens next!

I think someone in this thread mentioned that Ash had chemistry with just about anyone and I think that was a very good point.  I could see it in the scenes with Denny and Phoebe and actually enjoyed both sets of interactions.

I was shaking my head when Oscar said "here we go again" regarding Denny giving Ash another chance.  This coming from someone who let the apparent love of his life walk all over him and treat him like crap.  And it's even worse for Oscar because he had to sense to actually finish the relationship previously but still decided to go back there.  Initially I actually thought they had slept together when Denny came in and appeared to interrupt them.

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I'm surprised at Denny going back to Ash after learning that he didn't break up with her because of her, it was for other reasons. Nonetheless the bloke ended tribes out of the blue without explanation and if I was her friend I'd be telling her to steer well clear. She'll regret that especially if something comes of his awkward situation with Pheobe. 


The memorial just seemed meh. I don't know if it is because we've had a few river boys at sea doing a memorial or not. I really wanted it to be a big emotional moment and it just wasnt. Considering Brax was such a big character in the show. I don't know if I was expecting too much??? I remember the first time they did that, for Rocco I think? And it was really moving and captured the brotherhood feel etc. I can't help but think how Ricky will react when this fake death gets out one day. It will hot the fan?! Haha

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Phoebe/Ash is annoying me. It's come out of nowhere and just seems to be an unnecessary complication to two already complicated on/off relationships that were similar enough as it was without being joined together.

I was also confused by the apparent lack of origin story for the lump of pottery/plaster, but in any case I hope it's the last we hear of 'blood and sand' for a while. When it comes to Aussie teatime escapism, I like my sand without the blood, thanks all the same. And perhaps Baby Casey is the key to leading the Braxtons away from violence - Kyle certainly seemed to have found his more sensitive side looking after the little one.

I find the Billie story quite watchable, partly because I don't really like Kat or Nate very much and don't especially object to seeing them riled. Still, you get the feeling things could escalate much further if they don't nip it in the bud soon.

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