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Ok so I have now watched Tuesday's episode where Denny keeps Ash at arms length so that makes my previous comments null and void. I suspect she may want more though. Ash is coming across as quite arrogant when he speaks to Pheobe about the moment too which I don't like, but do expect.


howgood is Kyle with Ricky and Casey! Ricky is lucky she has him to help out and make her see things in perspective. 

Cuff me baby! LOL. shame this might ruin Kats chances of promotion but it is good seeing her on the warpath. I'm having a tough time deciding if Billie is convincing enough as a stalker/ psycho but looking forward to see where it goes

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So my thoughts today (aside from my considerable envy that Summer Bay - or at least Yabbie Creek - seems to have a Thai takeaway on hand; whereas Atrusville, a notably larger and more cosmopolitan settlement, falls flat on its face in that regard)...

The 'locked in the storeroom'/'combine our body heat' saga has been so comprehensively overdone that no amount of snarky dialogue could really rescue it here. And then Phoebe just had to break out the old 'there is no us' chestnut, which (in this context) everybody knows means that there is.

Once again I had to force a sharp suspension of disbelief as a pair of teenagers crowdsourced advice about their sex-life from all the people they absolutely wouldn't talk to about it in real life. But I'm glad it was resolved by the end of the episode, since Oscar having a condom in his wallet is really rather a non-issue in the scheme of things.

So Leah and Zac's wedding is six months away. Anyone know when Charlie Clausen's contract is up?

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How soon before we get a RicKyle moment?

The Condom thing takes me back to the formal where Mitch and Will rock up to Summer Bay House take Brodie and Dani and a condom falls out of somebody's pocket.

If they wanted to promote Billie for this they'd use "Devil Woman" or "I'm gonna get you" by Bizzare Inc. Suppose they would have in the 90s! :)

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The Ash/Phoebe chat veered between okay and mildly irritating, up until the point where Ash flung the L word out there and left me going "Where has this come from?!" again.It was nice to get a bit of Kyle and Phoebe's history filled in and a hint at how Kyle ended up with Danny.(Phoebe didn't exactly save herself though, even if she didn't go steady with anyone.)I kind of wish they did stick at being friends but Ash's unhappy expression suggests it's not what he wants, just as Denny's look at him suggests that "just casual" isn't what she wants.

I quite liked the Madscar stuff: It was reminiscent of Will's faux pas, as Hulk says, and I was half expecting a similar "They handed them out at school" resolution.I quite liked their parallel heart to hearts, and in reality they haven't got anyone they can confide in among their friends (Matt wouldn't take it seriously, Evelyn would be mega awkward and Josh not much better), so family is the only option.They do need to communicate better and their final decision didn't seem an entirely natural outcome, given that Maddy definitely seemed to want to go there the previous night and Oscar apparently only backed off because he didn't want her thinking that was all he wanted her for.But I can see why they might not be in a rush to go there again after their last night together ended in the most awkward way possible and there's nothing wrong with waiting for a bit and letting it happen naturally rather than feeling obliged to go there.

John and Marilyn annoyed me massively with the way they muscled in on Leah and Zac's evening alone; at least Alf stopped Roo doing the same.Because it feels like Leah and Zac really need an evening alone and we need to see them alone as a couple.I liked Leah being straight with Marilyn, but Marilyn continues to avoid the issue: Dealing with your son moving out by moving out with him isn't the most healthy of solutions.I seem to remember them being at a loss when Jett was away once before and there could be an awkward transition from parents to couple living alone: They've never been married or together without Jett being there.Leah and Zac have set the date for six months time.So just in time for finale week, then?

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Yes when they said 6 months from today for the date of the weeding first thing I thought was finale week. Given Leah's history with marriages and the need for a season end cliffhanger this might not be good news. Marilyn and John were avoiding goodbyes etc with Jett. I understand that and as Red says given as last time thy didn't know what to say to each other when he wasn't around there is probably a lot of pressure on the relationship. 

I've said this before but Oscar is one of my favourite characters and when he went to SBH to explain I thought cups this guy get any cuter?! He should get laid though. 

Cupboard gate had me cringing for the first ten minutes. I'm glad they both agreed later on it couldn't happen. Also I'm s bit fed up of love triangles now. So I'm watching it with disinterest most the time.

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So Ash and Phoebe spend the whole night together in the store room and  nothing happens until the very nearly last minute when Kyle comes knocking. I'm not saying Phoebe doesn't feel attracted to Ash just not enough to risk what she has with Kyle. I did like they had a chance to talk about their lives before the bay and didn't he tell Denny he'd never dated much as he'd been in prison most of the time? Not sure about just friends though. Is it just the fact Kyle is his friend that is holding back, Denny seems OK,so far, with the casual thing she has with Ash but how will she feel if/when she finds he has feelings for Phoebe?

I like that Oscar and Maddy are unsure about whether to go that one step further and not just do it for the sake of it, Oscar's probably thinking Maddy may thinks he's only waited until she's better to pounce and she's worried he still thinks she's too fragile. At least Maddy could talk to Roo about it, who's Oscar got, where's Zac when he needs him but there is Andy I suppose. It'll happen when it happens.

What Billie was hoping to achieve by putting up those posters is anyone's guess but it certainly not going to get her Nate and now she's totally lost his respect. He tried the gentle approach and that didn't work.  Considering the number she had done there must be some trail to prove she did it. Even if it doesn't cost Kat her promotion it would put her credibility as a cop into question. I'm glad they talked to Ash about it but of course she denied it and she is good at denying things.

The wedding is six months away really, enough can happen in a couple of weeks in soapland so there is a wealth of dramas, break ups, getting back together to come. Marilyn was coming on far too strong, mainly I suspect to take her mind off Jett leaving, at least Alf persuaded Roo to stay out of it.

I agree with others on here Marilyn's idea of her and John moving away to be with Jett is not a good idea, let's hope Jett can talk them out of it.

Ricky still has along way to go, her mention to Ash that every time she looks at Casey she sees Brax doesn't bode well, Casey is picking up on her tension again poor little mite.

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Well when Oscar's alone with Maddy as her boyfriend he continues to be uncomfortable in her presence.  It's a shame because I was actually starting to quite like him but that seems to be going now.  I don't really care if they or won't they, would rather not have watch it TBH.

This is wonderful.  Now Hannah is gonna get hers.  I absolutely loved the fact that she had to sit there and endure a lunch with Sean and Emma worrying that the truth will come out about her infidelity.  And then she tried to dissuade Sean from going to Leah and Zac's engagement so I was glad he decided to go along.  Of course he would and it wasn't because he wanted to deter any suspicion from his wife.  I did actually feel quite sorry for Emma.  I wasn't sure how obvious it was between Sean and Hannah and I thought Emma simply suspected something was up.  Didn't think she actually worked it out.  I'm assuming Sean wouldn't have fessed up because he didn't want to ruin things with his wife for nothing.  Thought he wasn't being with honest with Hannah when he told her he was married last week.  Hopefully Emma will get to Andy before Hannah does and completely ruin things for her.

When Matt first went up to the lady at the bar I thought she looked a bit like Sharon Stone.  Anyway initially when he slept with her I thought it did him the world of good especially after some of his issues were attributed to his break up with Sasha but then when we saw her rock up at the school as the new biology teacher I'm now thinking this is going to be quite problematic for Matt especially given that she's Zac's ex.

So we have two love triangles going on and two ex's working with their former lovers.  Seems as though the writers are being a bit lazy with the storylines...

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Loved seeing everyone together in Irebes house tonight. Marilyn was sure to drop the bombshell after drinking. Jett will talk then out of this I'm sure of it. Nice reminder of how Leah and Zac got together also. 


Hannah is in way too deep with these lies. The wife figured it immediately and Hannah isn't being very subtle with the avoidance tactics either. According to the promo it looks as though Josh's camera was placed in just the right location to catalyst Hannah having to tell Andy. And so she should! 


So Matt has slept with a teacher! Unknown at the time and I agree with Slade that it's just what he needed. He was all feeling sorry for himself and it was just s bit of fun. The long lean in for the TV kiss was funny though. If someone took me back to a grotty caravan I'd be like "no tah!"

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The new teacher Charlotte reminds me a bit of Bianca. She certainly didn't waste time bedding a student - but curious twist of the week is that neither of them knew about it until afterwards. What's the protocol in that situation? We know that Matt is repeating his final year, so he's either 18 or 19 now. I guess the morality test will kick in when they decide whether or not it happens again. If he wasn't her pupil it would be legal - but regardless of his age, as a schoolteacher, she shouldn't be repeating the performance. But it's a bit of a quandary, I think, as to whether or not she should admit to what happened. Would she lose her job before it had even begun? Unfair perhaps, but I could see it happening. At the very least it would probably kick off some kind of investigation.

Even though she didn't know Matt was at the school, I do have to question the judgement of somebody in a teaching role who goes into a bar and allows herself to be picked up by someone so much younger. And the fact that she's also Zac's ex, rather than some random, suggests she might be playing an extended role in the show, and not just a one-storyline wonder.

I hope Maz and John aren't really going to leave the Bay with Jett. Isn't the whole point of a boarding school that you stay at the school anyway, and not with your parents?
So Sean proves to be the sleazebag Hannah concluded he was when she discovered he was married. I wish I hadn't defended him now - he's obviously quite relaxed about the infidelity. The future isn't looking too rosy for Andy and Hannah, but probably by this time next week they'll be sniffing after Phoebe and Ash respectively, so no big deal.

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