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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Red you might be into something with the Dean comparisons actually. Hadn't crossed my mind. Her behaviours has to be explainable in some way and I'm sure it will. 


Atrus us I thought the same thing regarding Marilyn and Nicole's baby. Interestingly enough though Marilyn goes on to mention Byron, not her most recent history with Babies. I doubt anyone will be worried these days as Marilyn wasn't herself during that whole period. Emily Symons was clearly very pregnant filming this scenes. It's the first time I've noticed it :) 

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Some good storylines being acted out this past week : John/Jett/Marilyn, Ricky & baby Casey, Kyle/Phoebe/Ash, Hannah & Andy, Oscar & Maddy, Matt & his teacher, Nate & Billie..

I think  that some characters have played their parts very well and shown what fine people they portray : Kyle, Phoebe, John, Josh, Jett, Nate, Kat and Maddy   Others seem to be very  weak and not able to cope well with situations : Ricky, Evie, Billie, Andy, Ash, Marilyn, Oscar.   Very interesting to see their interactions and wonder what will happen next week.


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the Braxton family made their name selling drugs, even to kids in some cases (I specifically remember Heath selling drugs to kids still in uniform beside the surf club on one occasion).

Did we really see Heath selling drugs to schoolkids? It always seems like that's an urban legend that crops up every now and then to paint the Braxtons in the worst light possible.We twice saw him refuse to sell drugs to schoolkids (April and Jett)

It definately happened, and another thing that got my goat was selling the steroids to Romeo, Sid makes a big deal about how deadly steroids are to Romeo then gives Heath a wag of the finger and says "I saw a better side of you"...and that's it

I am not against flawed yet redeemable characters but I agree with you Red Ranger on the likes of Andy (Cold blooded murderer, and ATTEMPTED MURDERER, REMEMBER WHAT HE DID TO CASEY AND MADDY?!?!) he makes a few pancakes and we are supposed to feel sorry for him because he has low self esteem? And the whole Brax escape plan, you guys put it better than I ever could, a rediculous notion that we are supposed to support "The Great Escape"


I have a lot of catching up to do, I'm around August 10th UK time. 

And Evie is peeving me off too (Mind your own business girl)




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You're not the only one who sees/hears things in scenes and forgets to post them. One recent one was when Charlotte was introduced to VJ and made the remark "I can't believe he's your son" to Leah and my immediate thought was 'well, neither can we since he's had a head and body transplant'!

I liked the reference Marilyn made about her post natal depression she had after having Byron, he was a much wanted baby but once he arrived it just overwhelmed her, Ricky of course denied it but then she would, but it is the most likely conclusion to come to.  Nice idea of Phoebe's to have that girly morning, it did help her open up a bit. Perhaps Ricky decided on letting Marilyn look after Casey as she'd been relying on the others too much. Rather funny when John and Maz were watching Ash and Kyle trying to calm Casey down.  Even though Ricky doesn't agree with Ash supporting Billie she was still OK with him looking after Casey.

John was  a bit tactless saying what he did about Nate, were they aware of the further development?


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Charlie and Brax were in the Surf Club when John Palmer told Charlie that Heath was selling drugs to school kids outside,  she checked him straight away and found that it wasn't drugs at all - not sure what he had but it wasn't drugs on that occasion.

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Caught up, did a triple watchfest as I missed Wed-Fri.

The final 60% of this week was watchable. Though  I wanted to jump into the TV grab Billie and say "Bitch, I'm gonna give you something to go to the police about and this time they probably won't believe you!". Guess the was the aim.

It smacked of the whole Tara/Kim mess in 2006 and the former trying to do the same to Lucas. More proof of script recycling!

I was a bit harsh on Jett's farewell, It was done with the right amount of bluberring and Maz has point; the Palmer house may become a little more boring.

Considering Ricky's had a baby she doesn't look too bad in a bikini. Denny and Phoebe didn't look too bad either.

Oh, and Matt, why the hell did you tell Maddie? Also, in his defence, that girl that was lined up for him was a bit of a bore. 

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All soaps recycle their plots, only so many to go round. TPTB just have to make sue it's not too soon after the last one.

Maddie does have eyes in her head, he was hardly subtle and maybe Matt wanted someone to know, adds to his '‌I'm a bit of a bad boy' image.

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I checked the episode Kimif1 mentioned: The teens aren't in uniform (and possibly aren't schoolkids), can't tell what Heath pulls out of his pocket, possibly cigarettes.Incidentally, meant to say last week: Leah's house has four bedrooms, with Leah and Zac sharing and VJ, Matt and Nate having a room each.(It seemed to gain a fourth one somewherbetween 2009 and 2011, when the Leah-VJ-Charlie-Ruby set-up went from doubling up to clearly all having their own rooms.)

But was it the same surf club gym, Hulk?

Anyway, today.Loved the little bits of John looking after Casey, with his "I'm not intending to throw up on you so I expect you to show me the same courtesy." I seem to remember the subject of John and newborns and how he wouldn't have had much experience with them came up before? Anyway, the excuse to stick Ash and Phoebe in a car together seemed a bit arbitrary (did Ash need Phoebe to drive?) and their flirty banter sat awkwardly alongside the "She might be doing something stupid" comments.Their latest "moment" felt especially inappropriate with Ash going from desperate to find Ricky to...aroused?It's clear that having to keep Brax's secret is weighing heavily on Ash, with the knowledge that Ricky is grieving for nothing and he could possibly end her pain with a few words but might open up a whole can of worms in the process.I was worried he was going to tell Phoebe but thankfully he kept his mouth shut.

I think the reaction of the townfolk to the accusation against Nate has been handled well: Most British soaps would turn the residents into a braying lynch mob against someone they've known 15 years, but here there's a realistic attitude of "Well, we don't really know what happened so we'll stay out of it." Kat's storyline seems to involve drip feeding us information every few weeks and it's getting hard to keep track:Is this ex-fiancé who abused her the same person as the colleague who framed someone? I was disappointed that Chris apparently was completely taken in by Billie despite his wavering last week(I thought I detected a bit of doubt when Billie invited him back to her place but apparently not), at least until Nate had a word.(And really, what are Nate and Kat on here?When Kat marched up to Billie to read the riot act, I was thinking "Keep running...keep running...oh, you stupid woman, how's that going to make Nate look?", and then Nate goes and tries to pressure Chris.)Anyway, it's nice that Chris isn't shallow enough to believe Billie just because she makes out with him, and finally confirmation that Billie was behind the posters.

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