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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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While I feel bad for Nate, I don't think Kat really owed him the explanation about why she "reacted so badly" - chiefly because she didn't. Actually she's been incredibly supportive, and it would seem almost impeccably so considering her background that we're now aware of.

While I also like the fact that the Bay citizens tend to err on the side of not judging too quickly, I'm not sure I quite buy the link everyone seems to be making (Nate included, and Chris took zero convincing) between him being a doctor and him not being a creep. Sorry, but there are plenty of reasons people go into medicine and they don't all involve sainthood or even altruism. For a start it's really well-paid. And even people who are altruistic in some ways might well be deeply flawed in others. Perhaps one assuaging guilt for the other, even. Take that Sean bloke - a great surgeon, but look how he treats women. Not saying Nate doesn't like to help people and obviously we know he's innocent, but again there seem to be some rather binary views coming across about what makes up a good or a bad person.

I'm a bit worried about Chris being nice to Billie's face but apparently playing detective; I hope he'll leave it to the police from now on. If he's not careful he'll end up with a fork in his chest.

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I'm a bit worried about Chris being nice to Billie's face but apparently playing detective; I hope he'll leave it to the police from now on. If he's not careful he'll end up with a fork in his chest.

In His chest if he's lucky! Knowing Billie, it'd be lower!  Chris does have a tendency to exacerbate situations, but name a Bay Resident past or present who hasn't? Even St. Pippa wasn't so infallible.

At times like this, I'm glad Colleen's in Vegas. She and her judgemental self can stay on the other side of the Pacific. She'd be Prosecutor, Judge, Jury and Executioner in this story and have Nate all but hanging from the first tree on the beach!


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It is a shame they decided to go down this route with Billie because before all this stuff happened, I was starting to like her. I know I keep saying this, but the main problem that I have with this storyline is that it makes no sense. If she is doing it because she was hurt or angry by Nate's rejection, then I don't understand why she didn't pull this crap who treated her a million times worse by alternating between sleeping her and then insulting her. If she is doing it to get some sympathy from people, then why choose Nate (who may not especially be well liked per se, but has helped so many of the residents as a doctor). She would have been better off pulling a stunt with someone like Andy where there may be a possibility of people believing her. I know what you mean, atrus, and I think the fact that he is a doctor does not guarantee that he will never commit a crime. After all, look at the likes of Harold Shipman. While I understand those close to him (or those who know Billie well), would be pretty sure he is innocent, it does seem unusual that no one has any doubts in terms of his innocence. But then, I guess it is probably unlike in RL where people feel more comfortable believeing the alleged victim is lying then believe someone they know is capable of a crime.

I don't think Kat owed Nate any explanations. She hardly reacted badly, and Nate was being unreasonable. The additional backstory for Kat just seemed unnatural and forced as a result.

Was rolling my eyes during Phoebe's and Ash's moment. Didn't feel appropriate given how worried they are supposed to be re: Ricky.

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Did Ricky go to the safe house Brax had? Or just some random place? I couldn't work out of there was a significance. Either way I'm struggling to be convinced about her whole mental state.

Im also with Attus and Angelica, Billies behaviour just doesn't seem plausible.  I also think Red mentioned in a previous comment about her relationship with Dean etc and it just doesn't seem right she's be on the run from him yet gets these weird attachments to everybody else. Also, Ash hasn't confided in anyone about his sisters tendencies which suggests that there isn't a history of this behaviour either. All very strange. At least we know a bit more about Kats life before the bay bar her having to be transferred because of some incident. Perhaps the ex who was violent was a cop? I'm interested to find out. I'm glad Nate has let it drip as he over reacted. Or is just because he has taken pitty on her?? 

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Sorry for interrupting the storyline topic but Please can someone try to help me solve a music question. There's a song that's been played a lot lately in the UK episodes and I'm dying to know what it is. I've searched the internet with the lyrics but had no luck and I've even written to the seven network but had no reply :-( 

The song was first played in episode 6169 during a scene with Andy and Hannah. Around the 19 minute mark I think. 

Some of the lyrics are: 

I'm not gonna wait for, Nothing, Nothing, will ever be an option, girl you know I got the time, everything just feels so right. .....

Thanks in advance for any help

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Sorry for interrupting the storyline topic but Please can someone try to help me solve a music question. There's a song that's been played a lot lately in the UK episodes and I'm dying to know what it is. I've searched the internet with the lyrics but had no luck and I've even written to the seven network but had no reply :-( 

The song was first played in episode 6169 during a scene with Andy and Hannah. Around the 19 minute mark I think. 

Some of the lyrics are: 

I'm not gonna wait for, Nothing, Nothing, will ever be an option, girl you know I got the time, everything just feels so right. .....

Thanks in advance for any help

Unusually for H&A, that's actually library music - i.e. music that's created specifically for media use/licensing and not generally available to the public.

If you go here, then it's Track 6 (More Than Life) - just click on it and it will stream the full track, though you can't download it.

I can only presume Mushroom Music (who supply H&A's music) has some deal with Universal PPM for that music.

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Sorry for interrupting the storyline topic but Please can someone try to help me solve a music question. There's a song that's been played a lot lately in the UK episodes and I'm dying to know what it is. I've searched the internet with the lyrics but had no luck and I've even written to the seven network but had no reply :-( 

The song was first played in episode 6169 during a scene with Andy and Hannah. Around the 19 minute mark I think. 

Some of the lyrics are: 

I'm not gonna wait for, Nothing, Nothing, will ever be an option, girl you know I got the time, everything just feels so right. .....

Thanks in advance for any help

Unusually for H&A, that's actually library music - i.e. music that's created specifically for media use/licensing and not generally available to the public.

If you go here, then it's Track 6 (More Than Life) - just click on it and it will stream the full track, though you can't download it.

I can only presume Mushroom Music (who supply H&A's music) has some deal with Universal PPM for that music.

You are a STAR ⭐

Thankyou very much Dan F. You've just made my day

:-) :-) :-) 

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I think Billie has taken dedication to a whole new level.  I honestly believe that she would prostitute herself re Chris if she had to just to keep him onside.  I'm wondering if it's gone beyond getting Nate back for rejecting her.  I believe now this is about beating him.  She can't let Nate win.  Don't quite understand why she didn't do this to Kyle as he rejected her first although he did actually sleep with her so she got something out of it at least.

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Kat has mentioned before her ex was a cop, he was tied up in the case Kat got transferred for. I thinks she told her bosses about him. Though it partly explains her attitude towards Nate, she can't keep thinking Nate is like or is going to turn out like her ex, it's not fair on him.

I think I said before makes perfect sense Billie 'choosing' Nate, it's because he is a doctor and is respected that his fall from grace would be that much higher than it would for someone like Andy, even Chris.  Billie has nothing to fear from Dean now he's dead. Nate is the complete opposite to him. Not in anyway saying just because he is a doctor he wouldn't be capable of abusing his trust of position many have been in the past and will likely be in the future, but you could also apply that to the police.  As despicably as he has behaved towards women as far as we know Sean has never raped/assaulted anyone.

Chris has always been a bit sceptical about the whole thing, he's a sucker for the ladies so would tend to lean towards believing Billie, but there is something niggling at him.  He didn't come right out and say she was lying just hinted maybe she got it wrong.  On that point she told him at the Diner her solicitor wanted him to go over his story with him, so far so believable, so why meet up at the Braxton house alone?  I think what clinched it for Chris was when Billie pounced on him and commenced snogging his face off, hardly the behaviour of a woman who had just been through what Billie had been through obviously a distraction.  She/they might tolerate a comforting hug, but that would be it. He even asked her if she was OK about the kissing  and I might have been reading it wrong but was she thinking of taking it further? Wonder what prompted Chris to look in Billie's handbag and what was he looking for? Vey surprised Kat didn't try harder to stop Nate confronting Chris, which seemed an odd little scene, doesn't that come under intimidating a witness, but then of course she could hardly talk seeing as she approached the alleged victim! Unfortunately Kat was right the fact Billie was behind the posters doesn't automatically mean she lied about Nate, all it does do is cast doubt on her plausibility, still looks like Chris has a plan. I feel for Ash in all this, all this time he's been defending her and now he's going to made to look a right fool, not that he should he's only done what any brother would.

Guess there had to be two people, in this case Phoebe and Ash, to go looking for Ricky, one to drive and one to watch out to see if they spotted her. There were two nearly moments, if they were both that serious about cheating on Kyle wouldn't they have done it by now?  Anyway it seems Denny spots another moment tonight. It would be an amazing coincidence that Ricky came across the safe house Brax used wouldn't it? As she had a key to it  I thought it was the place she lived in with Adam.:unsure:

Loved those scenes with John and Casey, he was all panicky when Marilyn first left him and by the time she came back he was very comfortable with him. John remarked he'd hadn't had much experience with babies that young, I didn't think he'd had any.



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