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I think Nate, Andy, Matt, Chris is right, actually? Chris certainly only became a regular towards the end of last year, so even Ash is usually listed before him. And I think I'm right in saying that Andy and Matt took ages to become regulars whereas Nate was pretty much straight away.

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I think Nate, Andy, Matt, Chris is right, actually? Chris certainly only became a regular towards the end of last year, so even Ash is usually listed before him. And I think I'm right in saying that Andy and Matt took ages to become regulars whereas Nate was pretty much straight away.

Maybe I'm reading the episodes on BTTB wrong, I assumed the second set of episode numbers were the regular ones.

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^The whole thing's incredibly convoluted.Nate was a regular from his first appearance but Andy, Matt and Chris weren't.Andy was made a regular sometime in the first half of last year, even though he'd been on the show continuously since late 2013.Matt was upgraded to regular status in the second half of last year despite having been on the show continuously for a year.Chris wasn't upgraded to regular until the last week of last year, by which point he'd been on the show continuously about a year and a half.And VJ's only been upgraded to regular for a few weeks, even though Matt Little's been in the role about nine months.So yeah, the order seems to be Nate, Phoebe, Andy, Denny, Matt, Ash, Chris, Kat, VJ, which bears absolutely no resemblance to the order they first appeared or how long they've been on the show without a significant break, but that's the order in which they became regulars.(See also John, who's been on the show continuously since 2009, yet gets listed after Marilyn and Roo, and even after Brax until recently, because he wasn't made a regular until the middle of 2011.Similarly, Zac normally gets listed after Maddy despite debuting a few episodes before her because she was a regular from the start and he took a few weeks to get there.)

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Well, Miss King is definitely on her way to being a sadist teacher.Andy covering for her fits with his dodgy moral compass, plus he probably fancies her: I wonder how long their "fake relationship" will stay fake.Her "I liked the attention" seems a very poor excuse for trampling all over the basic tenets of her profession and given her two-faced nature I'm not even sure I believe it.Even Andy queries her going back for seconds.Leah does at least realise she was being annoying in the previous episode.Evelyn's sudden about face was in character, she does have an annoying habit of suddenly being all reasonable and reconciliatory when she's got her own way (eg suddenly wanting to be friends with Maddy right after taking up with Josh), so having everyone pat her on the head as if she'd done a great thing had me rolling my eyes a bit.Still not convinced she deserved preferential treatment because she's the only one with a uterus (she didn't care much about gender segregation when she was forcing Matt to share with Maddy) but the new arrangement is fairer and it gets sore thumb Nate out of the way.(Incidentally, not having him interact with Leah and Zac during the Billie storyline seems a missed opportunity given that Zac went through the same thing with Holly.Something else that was going on when Leah and Zac first met...)Zac can't be blamed too much for moving out of the farm given that both Hannah and Oscar were accusing him of being a drug dealer at the time.Bit of a twist with Miss King's baby photo:Does she have a child? Anyway, she's now moved on to threatening Matt, and unlike Maddy he doesn't seem willing to back down.And apparently she's willing to hit students as well as hit on them.Her talk of him being expelled is surely a bluff, since the school would probably blame the teacher.

It seems strange that Alf, who usually has an encyclopaedic knowledge of former Bay residents, wouldn't know James was one of Roo's old classmates, even if the implication is it was back in primary school.That's a curiously unbilled Myles Pollard as James, who previously played Jazz's pet lawyer back in 2007.

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Re the star billing, I guess the system is there for contractual reasons rather than to elucidate order of arrival for viewers. Presumably there are good reasons why some characters aren't made regulars for ages - it's just not always clear to us what they are. I remember finding it strange that Josh acceded to regular status immediately whereas Andy didn't, despite all the promotional material giving them equal status. If I recall correctly there was a similar situation with Heath Braxton for some time, whereas Brax and Casey were there from the start. Chris spent an exceptional amount of time in the guest star wilderness. My guesses at the reasons for all this are agent negotiations, piecemeal contract extensions and other technicalities. I would observe that characters introduced (in simplistic terms) primarily as antagonists but later processed by the Summer Bay redemption factory (and I guess Heath and Andy would fall into this category, and possibly John?) frequently take a longer time to get there. Perhaps there's an element of 'let's wait and gauge viewer response' before bumping them up.

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Evelyn really annoyed me at the beginning of that episode.  Her whole attitude when she was studying with Josh absolutely stank.  She's been there for about a day and she was already acting like she owned the place.  And I found myself on VJ's side during their disagreement.  She has a whole room to herself (VJs room) so why couldn't she have gone in there and studied with Josh?  It also annoyed me when Oscar backed her up as VJ was being made to look like he was being unreasonable.  And I felt as though she was acting like she had a sense of entitlement where I think she should be acting (at least for now) as someone who is a guest although at least when Nate moved out she acknowledged that she should let VJ have his room back and she and Oscar thanked VJ for letting them stay.  Conversely I felt quite satisfied with the scene with Hannah.  She acknowledged that Hannah gave up a lot for her without actually apologising.  So it was a good balance for me.  She looked good in front of Zac showing some level of gratitude but at the same time I was glad she didn't say sorry because I think it would have been hypocritical otherwise.

I was initially glad about Evie and Oscar moving into Leah's but having thought more about it I'm not so sure now - although I don't see ANY viable alternatives given the current situation with the twins and their aunt.  I mentioned above that VJ has his own room, he's Leah's son so why shouldn't it remain like that.  I've been very critical of Matt in the past but I think he's got a raw deal out of this too.  He's not had a good time of it lately with his drinking which followed the breakup with Sasha and Leah has had to put a bit of work to get their relationship on track.  Him moving back in provides a certain degree of stability  so adding two more teenagers into the equation just increases the pressure on him and his situation.  Especially given that he was former enemies with one and had a thing/tried to cop off recently with the other.  So I don't think he should be sharing with either of them.  I also don't think this has been fair on Nate.  Leah and Zac didn't ask him to move out but what choice did he have?  It just wouldn't have worked him staying their especially given that he was going out with Kat and may want to bring her back sometimes.  As bratty as Evelyn has been about the whole thing, as she is a girl I don't think she can share with VJ, Matt or Oscar so she has to have her own room.  Seems like an impossible situation and it feels like everyone involved has had to inconvenience themselves just to make Hannah happy so she can practically have a big house to herself.  Although if she doesn't want to look after the twins anymore and wants to enjoy life as a single person that's her right.

I'm actually starting to really like Charlotte.  I enjoy her interactions with various characters.  Although there's something going on up there, she seems very calm most of the time.  I actually really liked the scenes she's had with Leah even though Leah was acting a bit like a dog with a bone about who her secret lover was.  I've said before that I enjoyed her and Matt, especially their scene at the end of that episode.  I liked how the tables turned and now Matt is the one with the power.  I also like the interactions she's had with Andy.  I can only assume he's doing this to repay her for helping him out when he was drunk behind the wheel (I still can't believe he figured out Charlotte and Matt were together).  He seems to be quite compliant, in wanting to help her not really questioning anything, just willing to go along.  So what's the plan with them?  After a couple of weeks just tell everyone that they broke it off (assuming the photos don't get out).  Again I genuinely don't understand her.  In one hand she's being very secretive about some plan that is going on re Zac but on the other hand has been caught out numerous times re Matt,

Hannah's face when Zac told her that Andy was seeing Charlotte was a delight.  And I loved how Hannah forced herself to tell Andy, she was happy for him when she bumped into him later on.  It was just so transparent and conceited.

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It seems strange that Alf, who usually has an encyclopaedic knowledge of former Bay residents, wouldn't know James was one of Roo's old classmates, even if the implication is it was back in primary school.

I thought the same, although assumed they meant High School - it'd be nice if James knew Carly too & obviously he'd know Bobby.

I thought maybe if Roo mentioned James' parents' names it would trigger Alf's memory, but it's possible if they weren't a Bay family born and bred & moved in and then out again that Alf wouldn't remember them.

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Caught up this morning(sacrificed Friday's H&A for Thursday's 'Enders)

Sucks Nate was pushed out of his home but with it just being Irene and Chris at the Beach House, it's a logical move and overcrowding may not be a problem much longer based on the promos for Monday....

Matt vs Charlotte just seems like it's too familiar of a road for me to care.

And everyone can smell Andy and Charlotte's aroma of BS about being a couple.... Mainly Leah

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The only reason I can think of for VJ not being a regular character for so long is when he was younger he would have been restricted to the hours he was on screen. Charlotte is a multi faceted character, threatening Maddy, is she one of Charlotte's students, being back footed by Matt, she underestimated him alright.  He may not get expelled for his part in the 'affair' but he may get knocked back a year or transferred. Then getting all tender looking at that baby photo, hard to tell from what we saw how old it is, the photo that is. Neither she or Matt have been exactly subtle seeing Evelyn has now picked up on the vibes  between them.  Like Slade I wonder how long Charlotte and Andy will carry it on.  Isn't that how Andy and Hannah began she started seeing him partly to wind Zac up by seeing the local bad boy? Seeing as Charlotte is supposed to be such a clever person she could have easily thought of an excuse to get out of the BBQ.

Hannah handled the news Andy had moved on very well, though it's apparent both still have feelings for each other. It may have not been an exact apology from Evie to Hannah but at least now they can hopefully move on.  Hannah is going to be rattling around that big house. 

Always rely on Irene to come to the rescue and it will make a lot more sense, he'll certainly feel a lot more comfortable taking Kat back there then having to book a week in advance to make sure no kids are about.

I wondered about James, perhaps he and his family left the bay while he was at or just after he left primary school. Definitely more to the story than him just running into Roo at the conference they went to oh and beware Roo he's a doctor!!!!

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Denny living with Hannah now probably seems a little strange in terms of the family, her siblings moved out to live with her Uncle and not one of them seems to have mentioned it to her so she's no left sharing with her dead Dad's dead wife's sister. I can't remember when Zac & Denny last shared a scene. 

I don't know why, but I really see Matt as being a good fit at the Beach House instead of at Leah's.

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