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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It did cross my mind that the reason Billie dashed in to save Oscar, Matt and Zac was because when she started the fire she didn't know anyone was in there, BUT seeing how she cleverly set up Nate with the fake text would she really be so dumb as to leave all the evidence in her bag in her room for Kat to find? Said her comments would come back to bite her on the bum. My money is still on Charlotte, not that I think she set it herself, the fire chief said it started in the rood space and I can't see her climbing up there, she could have got someone, an old 'friend' of Matt's as already has been suggested to do it.  Mystery of why Oscar and Matt didn't get out of the window solved then, let's face it it wouldn't have been half so dramatic if they had got out that way (a) it was locked and (b) the panes were too small, all they would have got was some air. Great how they were both there for each other.  Loved the fire brothers thing at the hospital and each apologising and forgiving each other for losing it. I think they'd be good mates, Matt will bring Oscar out of himself a bit more and Oscar can help Matt with his school work.

The aftermath was believable, shock, despair, relief no-one died, thought it was really sweet Matt got a hug from Maddy.  Backtracking a bit it was a given as soon as Roo mentioned about how quiet the place was they were going to be 'invaded' by Leah, Zac and crew. Are they really all going to stay there, true there is more room than at Leah's but going to be a bit on the cramped side, couldn't John & Marilyn take either Matt or Oscar in if either he or Evie don't feel like going back to the farm (or feel they can't ask Hannah to let them move back). Evie could bunk in with Roo and Maddy surely. Really great to see the community spirit is alive and well following Chris' brilliant suggestion of the charity whip round, Leah was really touched but Irene took the words right out of my mouth when she said Leah would have done the same if it had happened to anyone else. I do have the feeling some of the stuff Marilyn donated was new! Whether Charlotte was behind the fire or not I liked the contribution she made, frivolous but meant to make Leah feel better. Hope Matt meant what he said and he is ready to put what happened between him and Charlotte behind him, guess nearly losing your life puts things into perspective.

As Leah is the owner of the house and the policy holder would Zac have been allowed to renew it even if he had seen the reminder, it did happen when Leah was in her coma. A lot of the material things must have been hard to lose, but it's the things that can't be replaced that is the hardest to accept that they're gone forever, photos of VJ as a baby/boy, Vinnie/Dan.

I did wonder how comfortable Nate would feel treating Billie, he did seem to be avoiding her at first, but the doctor in him kicked in and he acted like the professional he is.  Surprised that once the hospital couldn't raise Ash on his mobile they didn't think of ringing Angelo's.

Phoebe and Ash have finally taken the next step, but  still a surprise to Kyle when he arrived at the hospital and saw Phoebe hugging Ash, at least Ash had the decency to tell Kyle in person he and Phoebe were an item, will Ash have to quit Angelo's now? Can't really blame Ash for not believing Billie once Kat had arrested her after last time, but he is going to feel so bad when it's found out it wasn't her.

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I think the fire investigator just said the fire spread into the loft, not that it started there?(It wouldn't be the safest place to get out of after setting a fire, after all.)

I am still finding there to be a thudding lack of chemistry between Ash and Phoebe, so the attempts to portray it as some great romance fall very flat.I'm also not sure why Ricky was so pleased for them: Okay, she likes them both, but you'd expect her to have at least some concern about those who are going to be upset by it.Part of me really wanted Denny to punch Phoebe back, but I kind of liked the disgusted look she gave her: All that time acting like she's better than those around her, turns out Phoebe's picked up their attitude to conflict resolution.Shame Denny apologised.I did like the interaction between Kyle and Denny; a rebound fling would probably be unwise but I'd like them to be good friends.Denny was slightly judgemental about the girl in the bar but I guess she was willing to go home with a guy that didn't know her name.I'm not sure why Denny told Ash and Phoebe though, what does she expect them to do in all seriousness?Kyle would be ideal for godfather (despite John and Marilyn angling for the job), even if he isn't living in Ricky's pocket, although I'd like him to stick around.

Roo's storyline was quite fun, although the fact she's acting against a bunch of extras meant it was a bit hard going.Still, nice visit from Marilyn and she seems to be developing a bit of repartee with James.

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I'm inclined to believe Billie when she says she's innocent on the arson charge - my money also remains firmly on Charlotte, even if she did seem to be in a more conciliatory mood on Wednesday. Therefore I did (finally) feel bad for Billie. She's learned her lesson in an exceptionally tough way, but the truth is that there really isn't much coming back, in trust terms, from a lie like the one she told about Nate.

Anyone else feeling bored of Kyle looking wide-eyed and angry now? Can't they give him something fun to do for a change? Partly because of that, and partly because it dumps from a great height on months of character development for all involved, I'm still dead against the bizarre Phoebe and Ash pair-up. I don't blame Denny for reacting the way that she did when she saw them kissing, either, given the lengths Ash went to to secure a relationship with Denny just a matter of weeks ago - even to the extent of ignoring a royal veto from King Brax himself.

It felt like they were about to launch some kind of counter-hook-up with Kyle and Denny too, so I was glad they managed to resist that cliché and have Kyle attempt a rebound with the random instead - and at least it allowed him to briefly crack a smile. I won't hold my breath regarding his decision to leave the Bay...

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I agree Red, I don't see much chemistry between Ash and Phoebe. It seems to have happened remarkedly quickly with little thought as to how they would deal with the fallout. Well done Dee telling Phoebe exactly what she thought of her, even though she did get a smack for it. And then Phoebe tells her off for her attitude!!!!!! and says "I've done nothing wrong". Not much - just throwing away your long term relationship with Kyle without even telling him. All good dramatic stuff I suppose. I expect Phoebe will now go running after Kyle and beg him to come back to the Bay. What about his half share in Angelos anyway?

Interesting to see the outcome of who started the fire : Billie, Charlotte, a n other????? And the motive?  

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II don't blame Denny for reacting the way that she did when she saw them kissing, either, given the lengths Ash went to to secure a relationship with Denny just a matter of weeks ago - even to the extent of ignoring a royal veto from King Brax himself.

I know what you mean! I feel like they have forgotten that Ash seems ultra keen on pursuing a relationship with Denny to the point that he was going to turn his back on Brax, and not help Kyle with the Great Escape, to protect Denny. Conversely, Phoebe refused to leave Kyle to tour Asia, which contributed to the issues she had with launching her music career. I do think Phoebe and Ash have chemistry, and could work. However, I think glossing over the importance of their previous relationships and rushing this new relationship has made it all seem so shallow that I can't find any inclination to get invested. I am glad Denny admitted that she agreed to a casual thing with Ash in the hopes that he would change his mind about their relationship with less pressure on him (I never really bought Denny agreeing to things being casual given how big a deal it was for her to move on from Casey with him).

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For me personally, yesterday showed just how immature Denny and Kyle both are.  Denny and Ash have broken up.  Irrespective of the reasons or how bad the writing is he's a free agent.  He can kiss whoever he likes.  But Denny just storms of in a childish strop.  Although I really wasn't impressed with Phoebe slapping her and Denny would have had every right to tell her to get stuffed.  I'm still seeing a slightly manipulative side to Denny immediately running to Kyle again (just like she told him about Phoebe and Ash last week) and guilt-tripping Phoebe towards the end of that episode about Kyle being in a bad place.  Kyle's attitude wasn't that much better.  Accusing Ash of taken revenge for him sleeping with Billie and being unprofessional with Ash although I did think Ricky was right asking Ash to finish his shift.  And now Kyle wants to leave the Bay.  He should seriously get over himself.  I was kind of hoping something would happen with Kyle and Denny or even that blonde girl in the bar but Kyle just wasn't in the right head space.

Was a little surprised at Ash's attitude towards his sister but he's pretty angry and disappointed and I'm sure he'll come round.  I actually hope I'm wrong about Billie deliberately starting the fire.

Thought Roo's lecture was cringeworthy.  Could hardly bare to watch.  Still at least she's got a date lined up.  Did that guy only offer her the job because he fancied her?

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Yeah, I'm kind of ambivalent w/ last night's ep.

I was behind Kylenny a bit but it's way too soon and some may say it would be a tad predictable.

And Yes, I'd rather Denny spear tackle to Phoebe to the floor and whale on her (That seems like it would be her style, not being afraid to fight dirty if push came to shove) but sometimes it takes a lot more guts NOT to smack somebody one, no mattter HOW much they *deserve* it.

Roo's storyline was like something out of some two-star Rom com but I guess it has a purpose.

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Not that I'm doubting you Red, but how would the fire spread into the loft?

Last night's episode was a bit of an anti-climax after the previous two nights.

It has been a slow burn between Ash and Phoebe, started with harmless flirting  and nothing did actually happen until after Kyle dumped Phoebe. Denny and Ash were only casual, though I think on his part he knew it was only going to be short lived, whereas Denny was hoping it would become more permanent. I was surprised Ricky was pleased for them, Phoebe and Ash, I'd thought she'd be angry on Kyle's behalf that Phoebe had moved on so quick or does she not know about the attraction between Phoebe and Ash that led to Kyle dumping Phoebe? Liked the interaction between Denny and Kyle on their 'let's get drunk and commiserate' night out.  I think she did right to get Kyle away from Tanya, Kyle was in totally the wrong state of mind and it would have been unfair on Tanya. Just because Phoebe is no longer with Kyle didn't mean she didn't care about him, though Ash didn't seem that concerned. I guess Kyle's reasoning to leave is because he would have to see Ash & Phoebe together and that would be too painful, shame he's chosen now just as Ricky as asked him to be Casey's godfather and John was definitely angling for the 'job'. I suppose he'd keep his half share in Angelo's but hand over the running of it to Ricky. So now he's gone (if he really has) it means there is no adult living Braxton in the bay.

Roo got her wires crossed over James' invite to coffee, though Marilyn has got her match making hat on already. Her first lecture really went south, come on Roo deep breath and get back in there. Sly mention via the slide show of her stay in South America.



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