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Just thinking about it, would we want to see Leah's house back? Obviously it's burnt right down, but would they keep the character - the panelled doors with their high door handles etc... - I couldn't help thinking when we saw the destroyed kitchen wall that a few years ago we would have been left with the brick fireplace, so there was still something of a substantial structure to rebuild as with Summer Bay House in real life.

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We saw a beam coming down in the fire...I'm guessing it burnt through the ceiling of whichever room it started in and then went across the space up there?

Alf's episode count this week: Four. Nate was also in four, Roo was in all five.Andy and Denny appeared in two but only had dialogue in one.

I get that there's an argument that Phoebe and Ash were both single when things happened so it's not their exes' business, but there was a high level of emotional cheating involved. They were only a few millimetres from kissing while she was with Kyle, twice, when they were interrupted, so it's not like they can claim that much of the moral high ground, and Phoebe basically got back with Kyle and pushed Denny towards Ash when, judging by how quickly she moved on, it was Ash she wanted.

All of which leads me up to...is that Kyle gone then?Because there seems to be a mass exodus in process.I was kind of expecting Phoebe to talk him into staying, but seeing as she didn't I'd have preferred his subtle "Take care of yourself" to be their farewell rather than the somewhat contrived roadside chat, with more self-centred Phoebe dialogue ("You can't just disappear, you jerk!") and an eye-rolling attempt to make her decisions seem sensible.I'm struggling to tell why she thinks things will be any different with Ash if she tried as hard as she could with Kyle.I'm also struggling to see how they improved each other: If they hadn't dated, Phoebe would be a bit more materialistic and a bit more successful, and Kyle wouldn't be walking away from his nephew.I liked the Kyle/Ricky stuff and I'm glad that she wanted him as "guardian" even if he's not going to be a permanent presence in their lives. The ceremony was a bit weird though.Why was Nate conducting it?Did they pull a name out of a hat?

Irene and Marilyn's undisguised nosiness over Roo's embryonic relationship started off shameless and ended up very annoying.I'm glad that Alf and John could see it as well.Roo and James are actually quite sweet, as was the little moment of John looking after Casey.

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Kyle's scene with Phoebe at the end there reminded me that they have a great deal more chemistry than Phoebe and Ash, and a great deal more history too. I was pretty much hoping she'd decide to leave with him. But if Kyle really has gone, as it would appear, then that might perhaps at least explain the writers' motivation behind throwing Phoebe and Ash together, which otherwise still seems totally incongruous.

I feel like the argument that Ash and Phoebe should get a free pass because they weren't technically cheating doesn't hold up. Firstly, emotional cheating is definitely a thing; and secondly, there is what I would call a period of restraint following a break-up, during which one would expect one's close friends and relatives not to go sniffing around one's ex, and vice versa. The time period in question is likely to be fairly subjective, but even so, it's difficult to conclude that Kyle and Denny have not been trampled upon - and when it's the result of hastily confected feelings from nowhere, it begins to feel like the viewer is being trampled on, too. It really grates as far as I'm concerned.

So, Roo's new boyfriend - what do we reckon? Dark secret or imminent untimely death? Or both?

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I agree with you Atrus about the immense chemistry between Kyle and Phoebe and less with Ash and Phoebe. Can't see why the Ash/Phoebe relationship had to take off so suddenly. Ash was being very selfish in thinking that Kyle would get over it so quickly and pressurising Phoebe to forget about him - doesn't come across as a suitable person for Phoebe. .What about poor Denny witnessing all of this?

I wonder also Red if that is farewell to Kyle in the series. I doubt it somehow. He didn't have the usual bay sendoff that longterm characters get - think of the way Jett left.    And how far was he going to walk that day? I'm sure he'll get over his hurt when he realises how much Ricky and Angelos need him. He's almost got the family he wanted with the new Casey.

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I'll second the views about Pheobe and Kyle having more chemistry. Quite fitting they were stood above a sign saying 'road closed' or something as if it represents Kyles realisation that it is indeed the end of the road for him and phoebe. 


So so the fire seems to have completely inialated Leah's house. I'm with you when you say you're not sure bout Leah's house being rebuilt. It will be completely different not to mention unrealistic as she isn't insured. Best leave the memories of the place and find them a new home/ new set etc. one with a realistic number of bedrooms. that's just my opinion. Anyone else feel like Kats arrest of Billie was a bit hasty? They said at some point in sure they found glove air something at ye house when they searched it? Was her backpack searched and I just missed it?

Roo seems very smitten with the bloke from Uni. And she's gone upto the headland one first date!!!! Must be love! Hope her lecturing works out because I liked her in that situation 


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I wonder also Red if that is farewell to Kyle in the series. I doubt it somehow. He didn't have the usual bay sendoff that longterm characters get - think of the way Jett left.   

It doesn't always follow that long-term characters get big send-offs.I think Liam and Romeo were the last to leave without any big party:Liam just dropped by Angelo's to say goodbye to a couple of people and Romeo just left a note and died off screen.There aren't that many people other than Ricky and Phoebe (and Ash until recently) that Kyle is particularly close to: I guess Denny, Andy and Josh would be next in line.

Anyone else feel like Kats arrest of Billie was a bit hasty? They said at some point in sure they found glove air something at ye house when they searched it? Was her backpack searched and I just missed it?

I think they said they found gloves and matches in her bag at the house.Bit of a smoking gun, possibly enough to justify an arrest.

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We saw a beam coming down in the fire...I'm guessing it burnt through the ceiling of whichever room it started in and then went across the space up there?

Alf's episode count this week: Four. Nate was also in four, Roo was in all five.Andy and Denny appeared in two but only had dialogue in one.

I get that there's an argument that Phoebe and Ash were both single when things happened so it's not their exes' business, but there was a high level of emotional cheating involved. They were only a few millimetres from kissing while she was with Kyle, twice, when they were interrupted, so it's not like they can claim that much of the moral high ground, and Phoebe basically got back with Kyle and pushed Denny towards Ash when, judging by how quickly she moved on, it was Ash she wanted.

All of which leads me up to...is that Kyle gone then?Because there seems to be a mass exodus in process.I was kind of expecting Phoebe to talk him into staying, but seeing as she didn't I'd have preferred his subtle "Take care of yourself" to be their farewell rather than the somewhat contrived roadside chat, with more self-centred Phoebe dialogue ("You can't just disappear, you jerk!") and an eye-rolling attempt to make her decisions seem sensible.I'm struggling to tell why she thinks things will be any different with Ash if she tried as hard as she could with Kyle.I'm also struggling to see how they improved each other: If they hadn't dated, Phoebe would be a bit more materialistic and a bit more successful, and Kyle wouldn't be walking away from his nephew.I liked the Kyle/Ricky stuff and I'm glad that she wanted him as "guardian" even if he's not going to be a permanent presence in their lives. The ceremony was a bit weird though.Why was Nate conducting it?Did they pull a name out of a hat?

Irene and Marilyn's undisguised nosiness over Roo's embryonic relationship started off shameless and ended up very annoying.I'm glad that Alf and John could see it as well.Roo and James are actually quite sweet, as was the little moment of John looking after Casey.

Sometimes I wonder if Colleen and Irene did switch bodies before Colleen left!.

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Denny annoyed me again when she gave jealously gave Phoebe the evils after the naming ceremony.  It's got nothing to do with her if Ash is going out with Phoebe.

I actually wouldn't be too fussed if Kyle left because some of his behaviour has been quite tiresome.  Didn't think he would break his promise to look after Ricky and Casey this quickly.

Irene and Marilyn (especially) annoyed me immensely the way they were acting at the start of Roo's date, staring at her and James  and making their silly little comments.  Also when they virtually interrogated him later on, although Roo should have known better than to meet up with him at the diner and then take him to the naming ceremony afterwards.

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I'll second the views about Pheobe and Kyle having more chemistry. Quite fitting they were stood above a sign saying 'road closed' or something as if it represents Kyles realisation that it is indeed the end of the road for him and phoebe. 


So so the fire seems to have completely inialated Leah's house. I'm with you when you say you're not sure bout Leah's house being rebuilt. It will be completely different not to mention unrealistic as she isn't insured. Best leave the memories of the place and find them a new home/ new set etc. one with a realistic number of bedrooms. that's just my opinion.

Maybe I've been watching soaps too long, but if Alf & Roo (with or without Maddy) were to move out then Leah & Zac would be in a house with enough space for their new family and would instantly fill Summer Bay House to the full again with tried and tested characters. Colleen's mobile home must be available.

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Liam just basically wanted out of Summer Bay after everything (Drugs, Bianca, etc) and Romeo was like "I may as well see the rest of the world before I cark it".

I think this a "I gotta get outta town to clear my head" exit from Kyle rather than "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" (No prizes for guessing which shows I watch)

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