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Kyle wanted a quiet exit, he even asked Ricky not to let people to know for a while, then of course Phoebe and Ash turn up looking for him.  Actually I was pleased Phoebe and Kyle got to say  a proper goodbye, rounded it off nicely, Ash did right keeping a discreet distance. Kyle did say to Ricky earlier things hadn't been right between them since he and Phoebe got back together. He'll probably hitch a lift to somewhere or catch a bus. I'm guessing he'll get in touch with Ricky once he's settled somewhere, he did say he'd be there if they needed him.  Ricky btw does seem a lot more settled now she has made the decision over Brax.  Ricky I suppose will run Angelo's and Andy the gym, though now Kyle's gone but will Ricky be his boss? We did get to see Kyle's beautiful smile when he left Ricky.

I agree about Roo and James being under scrutiny from Irene and Marilyn and Maz's oh so unsubtle act of picking up their cups, Not very many places two people can go for a quick coffee/meal and not be talked about.  That may have been the end of it, no more said, but Roo took the decision of inviting him to the naming ceremony which would stir up more debate.  Poor John and Alf did try and deflect the interrogation and failed miserably, they should know better. I hope Roo isn't reading more into James' behaviour towards het than is actually there, she did look very smitten by that kiss.

I think Nate was the leader at the ceremony because as Ricky said he did bring Casey into the world and he's been very good to the Braxton family, practically their own private doctor at times.  We didn't hear why Heath or Bianca weren't there. Leah, Zac would have been there if they hadn't done their three days.


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Didn't like seeing Phoebe and Ash together in bed in today's episode. They still don't seem right together. COME BACK KYLE!!! She'll take you back.

What a laugh those 4 girls in the same house. That should result in a few hilarious episodes, but is it a good idea for PC Kat? She's had enough problems in her relationship with Dr Nate. What will happen if any of the other 3 girls get into trouble?

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While a house with the 4 girls could potentially be fun, I do think it is a bit ridiculous that Hannah is moving people into the farm house while the twins are sleeping on the sofa at the caravan park.

Billie needs psychiatric help. That being said though, I think Ash was quite quick to give up on her after the lengths he went to to find her. After all, it was the search for Billie that culminated in Brax's arrest (although ultimately, Brax's poor decision making is to blame).

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It felt suspiciously like housekeeping day today, as the Bay's residents played home-swap and the recalibration of Hannah's character as one of the fun twentysomethings continued apace. It's all very well her inviting the entire sisterhood to move in at the farm, but it also feels incredibly jarring when over at Summer Bay House, Maddy is having to share with Roo just so that Oscar and Evie have somewhere to live. But I guess that boring parenting is Zac's responsibility now.

Billie had some pertinent home truths for Ash, but I still feel it was a bit rich of her to be throwing him out for not believing her. Anyone who falsely accuses someone of sexual assault has to be a little bit messed up, and so I don't blame him for doubting her over the arson attack too, especially given the convenient presence of the gloves and matches - a plot point which continues to linger conspicuously in the background. Meanwhile Charlotte, in between chewing Andy's face off, continues to get away with the crime, apparently; or at least, I'm still assuming it's her for want of any other credible suspects.

I'm not sure how I feel about Billie apparently blowing the secret that Brax is still alive. I think Ricky deserves to know, but on the other hand Billie once again seems to be playing god with other people's lives as means of inflicting her own petty revenge, which isn't a good look.

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Home and Away seems to be making a habit of doing the right thing in completely the wrong way.First we have the welcome decision to move Oscar and Evelyn in with Zac, except not only is it prompted by endless tantrums from Evelyn but the house burns down less than a week later and they end up squashed into the caravan park.(Which I'm not actually completely against, since that house was starting to seem very empty, but still.)Another thing I've been hoping for for some time is to move all those single females stuck out in caravans into a shared girls' house (I was half hoping it would be the Braxton house, which served that purpose around the turn of the century with the Sally/Leah/Shauna/Charlotte/ Gypsy set-up), but this was completely the wrong time for it to happen.As others have said, although the episode finally remembers that Hannah and Denny live together it forgets that they're related to Zac, Evelyn and Oscar: In fact, I'm not sure they've had any interaction with them since the fire, the closest we got was Hannah thanking Billie for saving them. And then, in order to keep the sisterhood together, Denny has to abruptly turn into a Phoebe worshipper: Phoebe lied to her, manipulated her and hit her, yet somehow Denny apologises because she didn't like it and was honest with Kyle when Phoebe would have happily kept stringing him along? (Yes, her motives might not have been pure, but that was still doing the right thing for the wrong reason.)Meanwhile, Hannah, who actually was the one at fault in her break-up, acts hard done by.Andy and Charlotte getting together: Hard to decide who's made the biggest error of judgement, the one that's hooked up with a murderer or the one that's hooked up with a potential arsonist who sleeps with and threatens teenagers.Oh well, keeps them away from everyone else.

As was pointed out in the Australian thread, it doesn't say much for Ash that Nate has more compassion for Billie than him.Heck, Phoebe has more compassion for Billie than him and she's neither particularly altruistic nor a fan of Billie.That said, I can't really fault his behaviour at the hospital from a moral standpoint, I was expecting him to chuck a wobbly at her continuing to deny it but instead he was honest but basically supportive.Looking at the recap, Billie threw her bag down out of sight of Leah and co, so they're not going to be able to back her up.I guess there's a cry wolf element to this: Ash believed Billie when she was lying, now he doesn't believe her when she's probably telling the truth.Of course, and the episode seemed like it was going to touch on this but unfortunately backed off, Ash went to jail because Billie refused to believe his version of events and now he's possibly making the same mistake with her.I don't agree with Billie dropping the "Brax is alive" bombshell though and it demonstrates how foolish Ash was to tell her.

CURS: Why was that stuff of Leah and Zac looking at the house there, when the episode then tries to make us forget about them?

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Home and Away seems to be making a habit of doing the right thing in completely the wrong way.First we have the welcome decision to move Oscar and Evelyn in with Zac, except not only is it prompted by endless tantrums from Evelyn but the house burns down less than a week later and they end up squashed into the caravan park.(Which I'm not actually completely against, since that house was starting to seem very empty, but still.)Another thing I've been hoping for for some time is to move all those single females stuck out in caravans into a shared girls' house (I was half hoping it would be the Braxton house, which served that purpose around the turn of the century with the Sally/Leah/Shauna/Charlotte/ Gypsy set-up), but this was completely the wrong time for it to happen.As others have said, although the episode finally remembers that Hannah and Denny live together it forgets that they're related to Zac, Evelyn and Oscar: In fact, I'm not sure they've had any interaction with them since the fire, the closest we got was Hannah thanking Billie for saving them. And then, in order to keep the sisterhood together, Denny has to abruptly turn into a Phoebe worshipper: Phoebe lied to her, manipulated her and hit her, yet somehow Denny apologises because she didn't like it and was honest with Kyle when Phoebe would have happily kept stringing him along? (Yes, her motives might not have been pure, but that was still doing the right thing for the wrong reason.)Meanwhile, Hannah, who actually was the one at fault in her break-up, acts hard done by.Andy and Charlotte getting together: Hard to decide who's made the biggest error of judgement, the one that's hooked up with a murderer or the one that's hooked up with a potential arsonist who sleeps with and threatens teenagers.Oh well, keeps them away from everyone else.

As was pointed out in the Australian thread, it doesn't say much for Ash that Nate has more compassion for Billie than him.Heck, Phoebe has more compassion for Billie than him and she's neither particularly altruistic nor a fan of Billie.That said, I can't really fault his behaviour at the hospital from a moral standpoint, I was expecting him to chuck a wobbly at her continuing to deny it but instead he was honest but basically supportive.Looking at the recap, Billie threw her bag down out of sight of Leah and co, so they're not going to be able to back her up.I guess there's a cry wolf element to this: Ash believed Billie when she was lying, now he doesn't believe her when she's probably telling the truth.Of course, and the episode seemed like it was going to touch on this but unfortunately backed off, Ash went to jail because Billie refused to believe his version of events and now he's possibly making the same mistake with her.I don't agree with Billie dropping the "Brax is alive" bombshell though and it demonstrates how foolish Ash was to tell her.

CURS: Why was that stuff of Leah and Zac looking at the house there, when the episode then tries to make us forget about them?

You reminded me of another aspect of the whole girls' house that was jarring. It annoyed me that Denny did such as U-turn on Phoebe. Phoebe and Ash may have technically been single when they gotten together, but that does not mean they were blameless. Denny had recently confided in Phoebe that she still had feelings for Ash, and Phoebe had pushed Denny to get back with Ash while knowing all the way what was happening between her and Ash. And then when she did get together with Ash, Phoebe didn't have tje decency to even tell Denny. While I don't think that Phoebe did enough to warrant Denny leaving a place just because Phoebe was there, I certainly don't think Denny should be the one apologising. And realistically, it would make sense for Denny to be a bit wary of Phoebe even if she has forgiven her, and would have much preferred an apology similar to Evie and Hannah (where Evie managed to create a detente without actually apologising). . That coupled with the issue that Oscar and Evie should really have first dibs on spare rooms in the farmhouse, means that I can't really enjoy the idea of a single girls house.

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Should be interesting having Denny, Phoebe, Hannah and Kat all in the same house seeing the different personalities  they have!  Does mean Phoebe can't ask Ash back for a sleep over, Nate is going to be one brave man when he visits Kat, it does, for now at least put paid to any chance of Evie, Oscar reconciling enough with Hannah to move back in. Both Phoebe and Denny made errors over Ash, Denny was letting Ash think she wanted it to be casual and Phoebe only pushed him back into Denny's arms hoping she'd forget her feelings for him.

Phoebe does have her heart in the right place, most of the time, encouraging Ash to go and see Billie even though it didn't work as  she hoped.  Nate has been more caring to her than Ash whilst still maintaining his professional distance. Billie was really hoping Ash would believe her, does he honestly think she is capable of such a thing? Her writing that note to Ricky was her lashing out but it's not his secret to tell, she's not obviously not going to post it so how is she going to get it to Ricky?  She did put it back in her notebook so maybe she was thinking it over, the she does a runner. Seems enough people do care about her to go looking for her so she doesn't break her bail conditions. Looks pretty dramatic tonight, real cliffhanger if you like,  going by the trailer.

Another one, this time Hannah, shocked by how quick their ex has moved on, though I can't see Andy and Charlotte lasting long.   Seems Andy will have to recruit more permanent staff, he can't keep relying on casuals now, at least he will have a proper bed now Ricky has asked him to move back into the Braxton house.

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Well, it's nice to see Ash showing some deep consideration for his sister and to get an insight into their past and what's made them the people they are:I think that's the first confirmation that their parents are dead, underlining that they only really have each other.While Phoebe may have a point with her "Billie's responsible for her own decisions" stance, she still doesn't fully appreciate that other people feel a responsibility for their families.Similarly, I appreciate the logic of waiting until morning but there were two pressing reasons for finding her before then, and it might have avoided that ill-timed radio message.Kat showed a fair amount of empathy before that and perhaps begins to realise how broken Billie is. It's typical of the show that again we get a "Will Billie help Kat?" cliffhanger, followed by a promo saying "Yes she does", although at least it didn't reveal what actually happened to Kat.

The plot device to stop Ricky reading Billie's note was very weak: Is Ricky just going to forget it exists?So Andy and Charlotte are a goer and he's seen the photo, not clear if he believed her story.I thought Hannah's date was going well but not sure if a one-night stand was really what she needed, except as a quick pick-up.Given that Denny left the Diner only seconds before them, how did she not see them arriving home?I wish we'd had more than a couple of seconds of Chris/Denny interaction: His turning up to help with the search was a nice pay off, but it felt like we actually needed to see him finding out what's going on.

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