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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I very much doubt Alf and Roo are charging Matt rent, he's there as part of the family.It's best not to ask too many questions about what financial support parents/guardians are getting: If they're entitled to the equivalent of child support, I assume they're getting it.I meant Matilda, H&Alover, variously shortened to Maddie, Mattie, Tilly and probably a host of others.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.

I actually sympathised quite a bit with Josh in the first part of the episode.They were meant to be there to study but all the others seemed to be doing was messing about and making a noise.(I do think his comment to Maddy was a bit below the belt though and he owed her more of an apology than he did Evelyn.)Nice continuity and a bit of an awkward moment where Maddy reminds Evelyn this isn't the first time Josh has got stressed about studying and Evelyn seems to think "And last time I took advantage of it to split you two up...Moving on."So Josh decides to go to Damo, which is likely to backfire badly.

Irene and Marilyn seemed to be on the obnoxious pills again.Roo would have been better off listening to John's advice and just being herself.John actually came across very well in this episode, stopping Irene and Marilyn from interfering, at least until they hoodwinked him.I suppose they did redeem themselves a bit by bringing Roo and James together again, even if they did then hide behind a tree rather than give them space.I did actually feel happy for them when they had that kiss.I know Alf was messing about but has he actually remembered James?(We're told he was two years younger than Roo, but I think everyone in the class of 1990 came to town after the show began.Well, apart from the odd guest character...Hang on, does that make him Vicky Baxter's year?)Roo gives her age as "nearly forty-s..."; if she was going to say forty-six, meaning she's forty-five now, that's fairly close to her original age.(I seem to remember someone pointing out she was given an age when she was in hospital last year that was way too old for her to have been at school in 1988, probably because someone forgot Georgie Parker's a fair bit older than original Roo Justine Clarke.)

Zac has pretty much lost the plot here.The loan company seemed fairly professional (frustratingly, their representative isn't credited, so no idea who she was), but this is not a solution.I get the philosophy of not wanting Leah to give up the one tie to her history that she's got left, but if she sells her share then that means they've got the money and it's theirs. This way, he's saddling them with a massive debt that's effectively going to leave them worse off in the long run.Does he not get the point that if you take out a loan you have to pay it back?When even Charlotte's talking more sense and she's a sociopath, you know you're in trouble.

Aaaand Kyle's in the promo! Looks like he just took a week off.

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Well I for one had totally forgotten that Josh had study-addiction problems before, as Maddy alluded to today. Presumably I've suppressed the memory? And not content with study-addiction, the writers have now introduced the added conceit of study-pills, which will no doubt leave Josh fighting for his life or similar. I'm afraid he still strikes me as a relentlessly dull character for the most part; it's not that Jackson can't act, it's that the writers can't seem to pen anything remotely interesting for him, for some reason. The only place the character does succeed is in minor comedy/sidekick roles, which is more down to the performances than the scripts.

The Roo/James stuff really livened up today, and I enjoyed the scene with Alf giving him a good flamin', as well as the subsequent date scenes. Apart from anything it was refreshing to see someone able to have a meal at Angelo's without some angst-ridden configuration of Kyle, Ash, Phoebe and/or Ricky giving one another the silent evils across the bar; but even so, Roo's date was an unmitigated disaster. Not sure whether to blame Marilyn and Irene for their banal dating advice, or Roo for actually taking it. But I was sad for her when James took an early dart, so glad that he came back the next day. I found Irene and Marilyn's insistence on acting like schoolgirls for the whole episode pretty funny, truth be told, although arguably they're playing fast and loose with characterisation - because certainly Irene doesn't usually act like that.

Zac lying to Leah about his 'inheritance' didn't seem very in-character either. I know his intentions are good, but even so I'm getting a whiff of Dan and his gambling addiction with this loan shark story - which can never be a good thing. Combine that with Charlotte sniffing about, and we can safely surmise that there'll be trouble in paradise for Leah for some time to come.

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I'm not 100% sure but I think another member once worked out that Travis/Rob/Donna were the year above, meaning they'd have been in classes with Carly when she (started to) repeat Year 12 in 1989.Steven would be two years below Roo (well, eventually, he famously moved up two years between seasons) but of course he didn't come to Summer Bay until 1988, by which time James may have left town given Roo's comments about him not finishing school there.The only other regulars who were in that year group were Emma and Viv, who didn't turn up until even later, and arguably Lynn who turned up with Steven and was in the same year as him.So that just leaves a few long term guest characters like Vicky and Paul Jensen, and Craig Barnett if you take the approach that Steven was always in that year, who would have been in classes with him.

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I'm not 100% sure but I think another member once worked out that Travis/Rob/Donna were the year above, meaning they'd have been in classes with Carly when she (started to) repeat Year 12 in 1989.Steven would be two years below Roo (well, eventually, he famously moved up two years between seasons) but of course he didn't come to Summer Bay until 1988, by which time James may have left town given Roo's comments about him not finishing school there.The only other regulars who were in that year group were Emma and Viv, who didn't turn up until even later, and arguably Lynn who turned up with Steven and was in the same year as him.So that just leaves a few long term guest characters like Vicky and Paul Jensen, and Craig Barnett if you take the approach that Steven was always in that year, who would have been in classes with him.

Funny you mention Paul, Vicky, etc . There was actually a Travis in their class (played by Craig Black before he played Paul), but The Travis We know was in the year above so that pretty much nullifies me thinking they're one and the same. And Travis, Rob and Donna would have most likely  also known Bobby and Matt (who vanished in a similar manner to Rob, but they didn't act like he still lived in town for upto four years after his onscreen departure)  

I'm guessing Steven got accelerated a year early without any real fuss ala Zeke Kinski and Michael Martin of Neighbours fame who were a year max younger than their sisters.


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Roo and James seem the most unlikeliest couple, it took me three episodes to remember his name he's so bland. Looks like Roo got a taste of her own medicine with Marilyn and Irene, well, Roo is well known for sticking her beak into other peoples affairs lol. I'm sure it's only a matter of time James gets a job in Perth and has to leave the next day.

I can't believe Zak, doesn't the bloke learn anything. He and Leah discussed not keeping secrets from each other and now here he is getting a massive loan behind her back, on his own head be it! I have no idea what his ex is up to, I'm sure she has a hidden agenda. ..and the fire starter woman in black who is she, could be revenge attacks?

Kind of felt sorry Billie was being moved to the city hospital, I hope she comes back because I think there's more mileage in her character, but I hope she steers clear of Chris if she does, I don't think he's mature enough for her.

I think Josh should have just picked his books up and gone to the library to study rather than stay in the house, strange he's going to take drugs after his stance on Andy pushing them. Evie should be more sympathetic, I'm sure Maddie would have been more understanding.


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I'm really not happy about the situation with Hannah moving Phoebe and Kat into the farmhouse whilst the twins are stuck at the caravan park. I don't give a damn if she's bringing randoms home but the fact that she wasn't prepared to let them move back in shows how selfish she is although at least it's in character.  I'm also disappointed that Denny hasn't tried to fight their corner.  The main reason why I feel she decided to stay in Summer Bay was because of Oscar and Evelyn.  She and Hannah weren't even that close at first (Hannah actually wanted her gone) so she should have said something to Hannah.  But judging how childish she was about Ash and Phoebe should I really be surprised.  I was mildly satisfied when she apologised to Phoebe about the way she acted although I still did not like Phoebe hitting her at all.

So Billie saves someone's life again.  I genuinely don't understand how she could have possibly pulled Kat up from the cliff like that.  She's been working at the gym but it hasn't been long and it's not as if she's been hitting the weights.  I was very surprised at how sympathetic towards Billie Nate was.  He's a bigger person than me because I would have been quite happy to leave her to rot.  I initially thought Billie was guilty when they arrested her but I started to have doubts when they kept bringing up the fact that she didn't do it.  So I do hope that my initial thoughts were wrong and it wasn't her.  I found Ash's chat with her before she was transferred to the city quite interesting.  I'm assuming Ash was genuine and not simply telling Billie what she wanted to hear.  I found myself disagreeing with him here.  I don't think Billie's a good person at all.  A good person wouldn't try and frame the person who saved their life for sexual assault.  The only reason Nate isn't behind bars is because Chris got a confession out of her.  Saving Kat was obviously the writers way of redeeming her and it is worth mentioning the point made previously in this thread about writers trying to get viewers to automatically like characters - Maddy, Andy etc who were previously portrayed as the bad guys/girls.  In spite of that I don't think she is beyond redemption and do hope she returns but I don't think it can happen until she gets help.  I'm not surprised at Chris turning up and clearing the air as his dating options are quite limited at the moment.

I thought Josh overreacted when Maddy, Evelyn and Matt were disturbing his study although they should have shown more consideration.  When Maddy said she was thinking of traveling I initially hoped it was a one way ticket.  I thought it was interesting when she told Evie to watch him.  Then I was trying to get my head around what she meant, whether it was Josh neglecting her - or should I say her neglecting him - or was she still out of shape because 'dumb' Josh beat her.  Again thought she and Matt gel well in their scenes together.

Really didn't like Alf's attitude towards James.  I know it was I joke but I personally felt it was in poor taste and didn't come across as very funny.  Couldn't understand what Roo's problem on that date was initially.  But I guess it makes things easier that James was just as nervous as she was.  Marilyn and Irene were annoying again interfering although at least it worked out this time.

Can't believe how stupid Zac is being with the loan.

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I'm not 100% sure but I think another member once worked out that Travis/Rob/Donna were the year above, meaning they'd have been in classes with Carly when she (started to) repeat Year 12 in 1989.Steven would be two years below Roo (well, eventually, he famously moved up two years between seasons) but of course he didn't come to Summer Bay until 1988, by which time James may have left town given Roo's comments about him not finishing school there.The only other regulars who were in that year group were Emma and Viv, who didn't turn up until even later, and arguably Lynn who turned up with Steven and was in the same year as him.So that just leaves a few long term guest characters like Vicky and Paul Jensen, and Craig Barnett if you take the approach that Steven was always in that year, who would have been in classes with him.

Funny you mention Paul, Vicky, etc . There was actually a Travis in their class (played by Craig Black before he played Paul), but The Travis We know was in the year above so that pretty much nullifies me thinking they're one and the same. And Travis, Rob and Donna would have most likely  also known Bobby and Matt (who vanished in a similar manner to Rob, but they didn't act like he still lived in town for upto four years after his onscreen departure)  

I'm guessing Steven got accelerated a year early without any real fuss ala Zeke Kinski and Michael Martin of Neighbours fame who were a year max younger than their sisters.


Hmm, except Steven does mention being in Year 10 at one point, so I suspect it's more a case of it being retconned that he was in Year 10 in 1988.

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Zac lying to Leah about his 'inheritance' didn't seem very in-character either. I know his intentions are good, but even so I'm getting a whiff of Dan and his gambling addiction with this loan shark story - which can never be a good thing. Combine that with Charlotte sniffing about, and we can safely surmise that there'll be trouble in paradise for Leah for some time to come.

My first thought when Zac was taking out the loan was that it was very reminiscent of Dan and his gambling storyline. At least in Dan's case, I could kinda of get it because a) he was battling an addiction and b) he wasn't always the smartest tool in the shed. But Zac is fairly levelheaded normally, so it is frustrating to see him make such a mind blowingly stupid decision here especially when I don't understand why Zac/Leah need the money so urgently. They have a roof over their head, and the wedding can be postponed. And Leah has a family that could potentially lend her some money if they really need (and I am sure even Stella would help out). I know that it wouldn't be as dramatic if they approached this logically, but when the people involved are relatively sensible normally it is much harder to stomach such poor decision making.

My guess is that the firestarter is linked to Charlotte. Given how many times we have seen the photo of the baby, I wonder whether it could be Charlotte's child (as I don't believe her story that it was a picture of a friend's child). If this person is actively targetting Leah or Zac, and it is Charlotte's child, whether Zac may unknowingly be the father (I am not sure if the timeline fits). A lot of assumptions here I know.

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