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Another episode which showed what an awful pair Charlotte and Hunter are.Both seem completely insincere, even with each other.Hunter acts the innocent with Zac and Charlotte, but shows how utterly vile he really is towards everyone else.Meanwhile, Charlotte acts like butter wouldn't melt while sending Hunter off to disrupt Zac and VJ's bonding.Leah and VJ really don't deserve this, and I'm really hoping that Zac will realise just how unpleasant his new family is.(It is very frustrating that everyone's just dismissed the likelihood that Hunter did the break-in because it's inconvenient.Even Andy doesn't seem bothered with the possibility that Hunter attacked his brother, and I guess Ash has given up on trying to prove it's linked to the fire.)And yet, I still sit through their scenes thinking "Surely, surely, the show won't try and make these two sympathetic?" Because if I did want to like Hunter, and I really really don't, and could be bothered to psychoanalyse him, there is a tiny suggestion of low self-esteem in the way he keeps attacking Leah and VJ and accusing them of only being nice to him to look good, as if he believes no-one could like him unless there was a family obligation or something in it for them... Or he could just be a sociopath and judges everyone else by his own and Charlotte's standards.

Another "Why did they break up?" moment between Chris and Denny, Chris' calls to his exes getting worse and worse (one's gay and another's pretending to be dead!) and some nice little banter between John and Marilyn.And Part 2 of Chrisannah and again, I'm surprisingly loving them and finding that it's actually making me like Hannah.There was a lovely relaxed banter and chemistry between them, I so want this to happen...

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Eventful first day on the job for James. I hadn't really twigged that he was a doctor before today - I thought he was just some kind of lecturer, but then I maybe haven't been paying that much attention in his scenes. I know she's just woken up, but I thought it was a bit harsh of Kat to be guilt-tripping Nate for not having been at her side at that very moment. But it's par for the course for her character; she does seem to have a habit of overreacting completely over inconsequential faux pas.

It was big of Leah and particularly VJ to offer an olive branch to Hunter after the way he's treated them so far, but clearly there's no reasoning with the guy, who seems to have it in for everyone except his parents for no discernible reason. The moment we heard about VJ's basketball match I knew Zac was going to miss it to spend time with Charlotte and Hunter; it would've been nice if they'd averted the cliché there.

It's hard to know what to make of Charlotte at the moment. She seems to be relatively keen on doing the right thing by Zac's family even if she is battling feelings for Zac - but on the other hand she's totally oblivious to the fact she's raised a psychopath, despite the fact that she knows he burned somebody's house down. Meanwhile, Leah and VJ need to start making Zac aware of the way Hunter's behaving - evidently he isn't going to change unless he's faced with losing something that matters to him, and the only thing that fits the bill right now is the relationship with Zac. Increasingly, I'm thinking he's had a bad experience with a step-family at some point in Charlotte's history, which is why he's wary of Leah and VJ - and which could also explain why Charlotte lets him get away with murder. But even so, I'm struggling to think of anything he may have been through that excuses the way he's behaving.

The scene where Chris called up all of his 'harem' was hilarious: 'I can't have turned you completely gay.' I suppose it's churlish of me to complain that homosexuality in H&A is these days only ever referenced in such comedy lines (see also John's 'Ivana Mantohugandkiss'), and is otherwise still conspicuously and unjustifiably absent. But hey - after this many years, I think churlish is the least the show deserves on this. Anyway, back to Chris: fingers crossed for him and Hannah.

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Both Charlotte and Hunter seem to be working at their own agenda re Zac.  Hunter is only 16 so can't really be expected to be subtle about the way he goes about things so just goes in like a bull in a china shop. He's admitted now he wants Zac and Charlotte to get back together and doesn't care how he goes about it. If I was Leah I'd just give up trying to be nice to Hunter and just leave him alone.  Leah has to be careful not to bad mouth Hunter too much to Zac, but conversely she can't keep letting him get away with his insults. The ill fated  'nothing is going to come between us' line was uttered again.  I can't remember if Hunter knew about the Zac & VJ time or just came across them by accident.  Hunter bided his time just right waiting until Zac's back was turned before he threw the ball at VJ. What was VJ supposed to do, blame Hunter outright which he of course would have denied to  make it look like VJ was stirring it. Backfired in a way for Hunter because Zac took VJ home. Big fall out between Leah and Charlotte tonight when Leah demands Charlotte have a paternity test, can she do that, I would have thought only Zac could ask that of her?

I don't know if we have seen this Ivana person before but the way Chris was describing her she sounds like a real stunner. I did feel for Chris, not a new ploy of a guy ringing up all his old girlfriends to get a date, but amusing all the same.  I did like the 'she's not dead, I can hear her in the background' one, that's a new one. :D Remember Chris does tend to go over the top when trying to someone on his side so that's perhaps why the kind, clever, etc line to Hannah. Loved the idea of him having a crib book on himself so Hannah could be more convincing in front of Ivana, though as Hannah pointed out the locals won't be so easily fooled into thinking they are suddenly a couple. They did seem to be on the same wave length more or less about likes and dislikes so like atrus fingers crossed for them even if she is older than him (though not by much).

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Alf's episode count this week:Four (and he was credited on Thursday for no appearance).Roo was in all five, for the second week running.

Well, there's nothing to say about Hunter that hasn't been said already: He's a manipulative psychopath who's playing everyone off against each other.I'm actually starting not to like Zac, who's so desperate for a relationship with his son that he believes every lie that comes out of his mouth.The question is though...just how bad is Charlotte?Is she just an appalling parent, who's blind to her son's faults and covers up for him when she does find out?Or is she something worse, someone who's secretly aware of everything Hunter's doing but playing the role of the protective mother because his actions suit her own purposes?There's a hint of a smile there after Hunter's lies about Leah, as if she knows it's not true but is going to act as if it is anyway.But Leah's DNA test request did seem to genuinely throw her: Is she manipulating everyone to try and get Zac back? I hope so, because if Hunter's just some random rather than Zac's son it reduces the chance of the show trying to redeem him.Leah's taking a huge risk though: If the DNA test shows Hunter is Zac's son, she's just made herself look like the bad guy for no reason.

Chris and Hannah definitely seemed to be getting into their fake date.And Ivana was definitely a stunner, Chris is a lucky guy.I'm tempted to say the show's adding some bones to Chris' character, but actually I think he's always been more sensitive than he's given credit for and cares what people think of him.He doesn't seem himself as a joke so it hurts that John thinks of him as one.Denny's scene with Leah was a bit weird, aside from one comment about Evelyn and Oscar's reaction to her it felt like she's nothing to do with the family now.

I found the Maddy/Oscar/Matt stuff a bit contrived, with the attempt to make Oscar seem clueless ringing false.This is basic stuff that even James knew, so how can Oscar have been close to Maddy for a year without noticing?Okay, I'll take that one, he might not be the most observant of people, but given that the show made a big deal about him knowing Maddy the best at the start of the year when he tracked her down in the city...Actually, I'm changing my mind here, maybe that's the point.Oscar doesn't know the trivial stuff about Maddy but he knows the important stuff, what she really needs and how to make her happy.Yep, I'll take that.Which is why I'm glad the storyline ended on that Madscar moment that shows that that stuff is truly trivial and if Oscar can stop letting Matt's smug nonsense get to him, then they're solid and they love each other.

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I am starting to get frustrated at Charlotte's blind defence of Hunter.  I was shaking my head when she confronted Leah and defended Leah's remark saying he didn't have issues.  He burned Leah and Zac's house down so not sure how that equates to not having issues.  Initially I thought she was turning a blind eye but now I think she's actually deluded.  Her comment about mum's wanting to believe in their kids no matter what seemed to imply that.  Was glad Leah brought up the paternity thing even though it will clearly do her more harm than good.  The way Charlotte was near the end of that episode made me feel that she's genuine although part of me is really hoping Hunter isn't Zac's as that is the best chance to be shot of him.  I found myself getting annoyed with Zac now too although once again I feel he is in a very difficult position.

Really enjoyed Matt playing three's a crowd in the Maddy/Oscar stuff and found it mildly amusing that he seemed to know Maddy better than her own boyfriend, despite Maddy and Oscar being 'soulmates'.  Oscar's jealousy was also amusing, especially given how he skulked off and was sulking afterwards.  So perhaps Oscar doesn't pay attention to anything Maddy says or does and is simply awestruck by her appearance.  Again I look at the scenes between the three and feel that Maddy interacts far better with Matt than she does with Oscar.

I agreed with John when he questioned what Hannah would see in Chris although that's pretty much ensured that they are going to happen now.  I think it's really sad he's going to this much trouble just to make Ivana believe he's going out with someone.  Does it really matter what she thinks?  In fact if he's that worried wouldn't the easiest thing to be not to show his face at all?  Even if he did there could be any number of reasons why he doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment.  It doesn't necessarily mean he's desperate (even though I feel he is).

Given that Irene was trying to meddle in Roo's love life it was good to see a role reversal even if that did mean Marilyn was involved.  So she decided to take Greg up on his offer after all.

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OK, I'm asking for your help to find the name of a song featured in the show. It featured in the episode broadcast in the UK on Wednesday 7th October when Nate is by Katarina's bedside in the hospital after she got shot. Female singer. Lyrics include something like...

Why did you leave. You left me without any closure. I'm still here I'm holding on to you. I'm struggling to forget.

Any help anyone? Much appreciated :)

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OK, I'm asking for your help to find the name of a song featured in the show. It featured in the episode broadcast in the UK on Wednesday 7th October when Nate is by Katarina's bedside in the hospital after she got shot. Female singer. Lyrics include something like...

Why did you leave. You left me without any closure. I'm still here I'm holding on to you. I'm struggling to forget.

Any help anyone? Much appreciated :)

That one is Satellite Maps by Montgomery


Not sure if you saw it but I also posted the correct song from your last query here

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Dan F, thank you again! Once more you appear to be an all-encompassing oracle of information when it comes to my music queries :)

And yes, you were correct last time about the song from St Leonards (Where The Town Lit Up). I had no idea the UK and Australian versions sometimes had different music. Sorry for not acknowledging it or thanking you at the time. Next time I hear a great song on the show that I can't find no doubt you will hear from me again!

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That was my first thought about Ivana, Red, what a stunner, until we saw her close up then she just looked so plastic, her face hardly moved and those teeth were just too white and straight to not to have had a lot of work on them.  Was she played by a actress or is Ivana Frost a real person?  Quick work by Chris convincing the others to go along with his and Hannah's little game, I think that that kiss Hannah gave him had more feeling behind it than maybe was needed for the pretence, loved Hannah's dress btw. I felt sad for Chris when John called him the town clown, I agree with you Red, he is more sensitive and insecure than people give him credit for, it's just he's so good at playing the fool that's all he's known for. Hannah has seen another side to him so I'd like to see them together.

Charlotte is totally blinkered by Hunter and his behaviour and he is very good at  playing people against each other, telling his mother and Zac one thing and acting the innocent and Leah another.  There hasn't been any witnesses to his tirades to Leah so it's just his word against hers and just as Leah would believe VJ it's only natural Charlotte would believe Hunter. VJ hasn't always been an angel and has done his own fair share of lying to Leah in the past. Zac is stuck in the middle, he feels guilty about Hunter and is trying to make up for all that lost time, even though he knew nothing about him until recently. I asked in an earlier post can Leah force Charlotte to have a DNA test done on Hunter?  Angie may have well been the arch manipulator but even she was convinced Rees was Dylan's son. So unless Charlotte did a Phoebe and slept with someone immediately after her break up with Zac there is every chance he is Zac's.  Denny, unlike Hunter, wasn't after anything even if Evie and Oscar initially thought she may have been.

Couldn't the answer to Matt knowing so much about Maddy be because he did a James and looked up her FB page? I don't think he did it to cause trouble between Oscar and Maddy, more he wanted to score points.  I loved that ending as well with Maddy telling Oscar not to sweat it and that she loved him.

Irene didn't seem that comfortable with Greg, her body language, nicking Marilyn's premise, looked like she was backing off from him, if she had been interested she would have been leaning in like he was.

Quite a bit going on next week as we saw from the trailer, that letter gets found for starters!

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