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Matt is like Chris, both give out this self assured image, but underneath are sensitive guys who have doubts like everyone else just hide it a lot better.  Matt was a completely different person around Ellie who he probably felt he didn't need to pretend with. I'm glad Matt felt he could trust VJ enough to tell him the truth, though it took some persuading. At least VJ, once he realised who Matt had the crush one, didn't pursue the 'go after her' line. Must have been hard for him Oscar asking if he and Maddy could borrow the caravan so they could have 'some alone time'  I did like those exchanges about the sheets and how long Oscar would need, plus 'should I leave a signal'?:D   Do hope they remembered to close the curtains and locked the door.:wink:  The only thing Matt can do is try and keep out of their way without raising suspicions of why he is.

Chris was being Chris as usual, he got Nate to fling his partygoers out so he didn't come across as the bad guy and also I don't think they would have taken any notice of him trying to be authorative.  For someone who claims to know a  lot about women he certainly got it wrong about Hannah who was so obviously jealous he was asking her advice on how to treat his date. Her kiss really took him by surprise and yes their fledging relationship might not last but they can have a good time while it does.  One thing in it's favour is Chris can be himself (his real self) with her as well as the fun Chris.

As we didn't see Nate and Kat on their trip we don't know what went on, but their deciding the relationship  had run it's course was civilised and at least they won't have to go through the palaver of avoiding each other. Funny though  it was only a couple of weeks ago Nate was all broken up when Kat was lying in hospital unconscious. Will he make a move on Ricky or would he be worrying if she really is over Brax and he'd just be a rebound like last time?




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While calling her "promiscuous", as one poster did, is debatable (Maddy's been on the show nearly three years and only slept with two boys, after all, even if she is no angel),

That was me. I just meant that she was the one who pursued Josh right and it was coz he was a bad boy right and Roo was trying to warn her off but that just encouraged her more. Is that right? I don't really know much about the situation so maybe "promiscuous"  was a bit strong but it's a soap opera right. I didn't know how serious it got or whatever. I likened her to Ruby who we all know was very promiscuous. That was just an observation from having seen maybe two episodes or so back then. Don't hold it against me. I like Maddy now really! She's real and funny and smart, sensible now even! She's cool!! :D Like I said "Not like anything Ruby ever managed to achieve". No offence to Rebecca Breeds. :wink:

Can I ask: Everyone always keeps talking about Oscar and Maddy's "first time" - I don't know anything about that??

People have commented that VJ and Matt had some good "brotherly" type scenes! I agree. :) I think that whole family has a very good dynamic - Leah, Zac, VJ and Matt! :D With Evie and Oscar now too. hope TPTB keep them all together and Zac, Leah and VJ in particular are able to weather the storm/hurricane/volcano/scorpion/*arsonist* (just when are they gonna reveal that whole "box of delights"??) that is Hunter KIng. I quite like that they're all a bigger family too now with Alf, Roo (and James on occasion) and Maddy as well! :)

Chris and Hannah - Yawn. Hannah's OK but Chris is just so... Hmmm... how to describe Chris? OTT. I can't identify with him at all. I don't think I'm the only one who's got this problem right?

Was that the first time Kat had ever told Nate she loves him? Well apart from the time the week previously. He didn't say it back then. I do think it's a shame they split up. It wasn't exactly unforeseeable though. Someone commented they were surprised Nate even agreed to go away for the weekend - ummm me too. 

Someone said they thought Roo only said I love you back to James because he said it to her. I thought that scene was really cute just btws. I have always thought they'd make a good couple and saw the window/angle/opportunity/whatever there from the start I think. But I did very much enjoy that scene! :wub: I could use the word gleeful in reference to that scene. Uh huh! Anyway I don't think Roo said ily back to James just coz he said it to her. I mean why take her Wedding ring off otherwise you know?

Yes H&Alover I wanted to pick up on that point too about Nate being devastated he might lose Kat just previously and then he's walking away from her now. He just went really cold on her too all of a sudden. A bizarre writing choice. I just like Nate though and not just coz he's English. Nate's cool and he's a decent guy! I just hope I can continue to respect Nate and he's not gonna turn around and get back together with Ricki straight away now.

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Caught up with Friday's (Food shop put paid to that and I've been busy as hell this weekend)

Maddy + Bikini = Instant win. I'd never thought I'd say this but I feel for Matt... poor sod's in love with his mate's girl. We've all been there

Didn't give a monkeys about Nate/Kat. ZZZZZZZZZZ. Felt like they were shoehorned into this ep to break up things.

As for Deodorizing, Oscar and Maddy may want to AFTER as well as Caravans, well are cramped spaces! And torch the sheets! :lol:

Good Matt/Oscar interplay in the scene about "Not taking long!"

 Hannah/Chris, not totally buying it but as long as she's no longer with that Murdering Tool (even if the victim DID deserve it) by the name of Andy, anyone'll do!


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Can I ask: Everyone always keeps talking about Oscar and Maddy's "first time" - I don't know anything about that??


Was that the first time Kat had ever told Nate she loves him? 

Maddy and Oscar slept together after she broke-up with Josh. Maddy used Oscar to try to make Josh jealous and to get back at Evelyn for stealing her boyfriend by using her brother. After they slept together Maddy ditched Oscar and told him she didn't want to be together with him as a couple which left him devastated.


Kat and Nate first told each other they loved each during the story-line where Billie tried to set Nate up for sexual assault.

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Oh right! Boy that's pretty bad. Kinda wish I hadn't found out that detail now. Well thanks anyway. I suppose I should know about it. Anyway Maddy's all good now so um... yeah. She's made it right with Oscar and I do think they make a good couple! :wub:

Ah that's when! I think I was still settling back in then. Like I just knew Billie was lying but I didn't know the characters very well at that stage. Thanks friend. :)

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Nate is nothing but a slimy creep, he just hops from one woman to the other and has no substance whatsoever - no wonder his wife ended up like she did. Kat should feel lucky to get rid of him not upset at him leaving her,  sad to see Ricky neglect  her child to fawn around someone like him - in my opinion her character has been ruined  and can he please be given some acting lessons as he is pathetic.

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 Maddy and Oscar slept together after she broke-up with Josh. Maddy used Oscar to try to make Josh jealous and to get back at Evelyn for stealing her boyfriend by using her brother. After they slept together Maddy ditched Oscar and told him she didn't want to be together with him as a couple which left him devastated.

I was waiting to post a slightly more sympathetic version of this but I guess someone got in first.Essentially correct, although I don't think anyone ever accused Maddy of trying to make Josh jealous.Evelyn believed that Maddy did it to get back at her and Maddy confirmed it to Oscar, but Maddy told Roo that she was with Oscar even though she didn't have the same feelings for him that he did for her because he made her feel wanted when she was still down about Josh cheating on her.She actually seemed willing to be a couple with him until Roo pointed out it wasn't fair on him.

As for Maddy and Josh, well, certainly when they first met Maddy just seemed to be throwing herself at him without even knowing his name, when she was upset about Spencer sleeping with Sasha.But it did move beyond that very quickly and she saw that he was more than just a bad boy, that he had a good side to him but was stuck with an awful family, and she insisted on believing in him and trying to help him when Roo and the others had written him off as a bad lot.It was his good points that she was attracted to, not the fact he was a bad boy.

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 Maddy and Oscar slept together after she broke-up with Josh. Maddy used Oscar to try to make Josh jealous and to get back at Evelyn for stealing her boyfriend by using her brother. After they slept together Maddy ditched Oscar and told him she didn't want to be together with him as a couple which left him devastated.

I was waiting to post a slightly more sympathetic version of this but I guess someone got in first.Essentially correct, although I don't think anyone ever accused Maddy of trying to make Josh jealous.Evelyn believed that Maddy did it to get back at her and Maddy confirmed it to Oscar, but Maddy told Roo that she was with Oscar even though she didn't have the same feelings for him that he did for her because he made her feel wanted when she was still down about Josh cheating on her.She actually seemed willing to be a couple with him until Roo pointed out it wasn't fair on him.

As for Maddy and Josh, well, certainly when they first met Maddy just seemed to be throwing herself at him without even knowing his name, when she was upset about Spencer sleeping with Sasha.But it did move beyond that very quickly and she saw that he was more than just a bad boy, that he had a good side to him but was stuck with an awful family, and she insisted on believing in him and trying to help him when Roo and the others had written him off as a bad lot.It was his good points that she was attracted to, not the fact he was a bad boy.

I wasn't trying to not be sympathetic to what Maddy did I was just stating what happened with enough detail to explain :blush: I like Maddy and even if I didn't agree with all her decisions, I will always defend her as she is one of my fav characters on the show :blush:

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Is Kat seriously going to jack in her career and go travelling just because Nate dumped her?  I thought she was stronger than that.  If anything in a way that just means he's won.  I did actually find the scene with her and Ricky quite amusing.  It almost felt like she wanted to have a go at Ricky because she knew that Nate wanted her instead.  I was almost waiting for her to say "He's all yours".

The Kyle/Ash/Phoebe stuff was a little better today.  I'm not sure if Kyle will be able to keep his word about not trying anything on with Phoebe.  Especially if Phoebe keeps going round and her and Kyle get caught up in the moment.  I did feel a little sorry for Ash still being in hospital while Kyle's out.

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I've noticed a lot of comments in the Australian threads recently about how the start of the week has a lot of characters and storylines that no-one's interested in or can think of anything to say about.I'm beginning to see their point.Phoebe seemed to spend most of the episode flirting with both the potential fathers of her baby in turn, meaning Kyle and Ash were taking it in turns to shoot jealous looks at the other one.The whole thing's moving at snails pace, even if we do have the promise of the paternity being sorted shortly. Meanwhile, I started the episode thinking "Hmm, I think I could actually accept Nate and Ricky" but by the end...Nate was incredibly cold towards Kat here, to the point that I find it difficult to believe he ever loved her and has now dropped her like a stone now his preferred choice is making herself available.I don't know how we're meant to feel about Nate and Ricky's hook up at the end: Are we meant to be cheering?Seemed very rushed.

Even though I found her abrupt behaviour annoying, when Denny said she was tired of listening to other people's problems I wondered if she might be showing signs of a character at last.But nope, it's all about flaming Casey, a revelation that almost had me shouting "Seriously?!" at the screen.The fact that Denny still gets treated as if the most important thing about her is she dated a Braxton for about a month shows just how little attention has been paid to the character.I'm surprised at the possibility of both Denny and Kat leaving, since neither seems to have been there that long, but then the show doesn't seem particularly interested in either of them.

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