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Shame Chris and Hannah were dropped from the roster today in favour of more Kat/Nate/Ricky/Kyle/Phoebe/Ash angst. Despite not caring much about Kat, it annoyed me how quickly Nate and Ricky leapt into bed. They could've given it a week at least; as it is, it just feels like another giddying round of the love carousel. More dramatic maybe, but leaves you feeling dissatisfied and a little queasy afterwards.

DENNY: "It's just sometimes I get tired of listening to other people's problems."

And Denny's not the only one who gets tired of Denny listening to other people's problems. A year on and still her only storyline is pining after Casey - once again, it's a totally true-to-life reaction to be sad on the anniversary of a death, but also totally jarring in the fast-moving world of soap, where pretty much everyone has gotten over Brax's 'death' now, never mind Casey's. Still, a nice scene between Ricky and Denny, which rather cemented my belief that the latter character is really being wasted for the most part at the moment. Which is possibly why Kat and Denny now appear to be embarking on a Thelma and Louise-style road trip together. If they are both off it's an unceremonious ending for Kat in particular, after less than a year on-screen. But I can't say I'd be too devastated.

I remembered today that the plot thread about Denny recognising James has just been left hanging, which is curious. I hope it's resolved before she leaves, anyhow.

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I was thinking that atrus, James will breathe a sigh of relief if she goes before she remembers she where knew him from. Unless they are thinking of going back packing around Europe where is the money coming from to fund it? Denny doesn't earn that much, don't know about Kat and how much notice would she have to give at work?  Totally off subject but I do love Kat's dimples.:wub:  Frankly after the way Nate talked to her I don't blame her for wanting to get away, as she said to Denny seeing your ex everyday is bad enough but also seeing your ex's ex makes it worse. After last nights up close encounter are they still ex's (Ricky and Nate that is)?  I was cheering Ricky when she asked Nate to leave, but then she did a uturn and went to go after him, but he'd already changed his mind.

It did make me think the doctors in the bay do seem to have interesting love lives, there was Sid, Nate, Hannah's ex, and now James appears to have a secret in his private life.  Is it an acquirement of their being accepted to work at NDH that they have various lovers? Have I missed one?

It doesn't seem possible it's been a year since Casey died and the first anniversary is always the worst and personally I'm glad they did acknowledge it, though it rook a while for Kyle and Ricky to realise what the date was though Kyle could be excused, he did have other things to think about. I think because Denny and Casey's romance was so new is the reason it was so intense. Be interesting to know if Andy remembered seeing as it was his involvement with  Jake that lead to Casey's death. 

Seems Ricky is another one that can't keep a secret, though it was more her expression that gave the game away with Ash.  Way it goes with any organ donor, it's tougher on them than the donee (is that a word)?. 



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SERIOUSLY?????????????????????? They expect us to buy that whole thing with Leah and Zac????? IT WAS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: That end scene: I was like "Yeah I reject this whole scene".

We were talking last week about Leah's decision coming out of the blue and the fact that Zac never gave up and the fact that they never actually discussed anything that was really important. What's changed this week? Well nothing except for the fact that Zac just gave up this time.

What I wanted to bring up was the fact that Leah said "Everything we wanted and hoped for and planned for has all gone now". Seriously have you ever heard a bigger load of complete and total rubbish in your life??? OK I know that's a bit OTT but I'm trying to make a point here.

Also I want to comment on what the heck is up with the couples being 200% involved with each other one week and then the next it's all just over with the drop of a hat????? We saw it when Kat got shot and now with Leah and Zac. And it could be a slow burner with Maddy/Oscar/Matt but TPTB could just thrown Maddy and Oscar's relationship away too. This could be a short revisit for me my friends. :angry::cryingsmiley::angry::o:angry2:

I thought the conversation Roo and Zac were having was shaping up to turn out really negatively but I'm glad she told him his relationship wasn't at that stage yet. Kinda funny that Zac was supposed to have a romantic picnic with Leah and then he gave the food to Roo who's his friend and is seeing another man. You know?

But it's kinda like Hunter's won. :o:o:angry::angry::angry::cryingsmiley: Leah and Zac have ended things and it does feel a lot more final than last week which is why I'm so wound up. But Hunter can spend all the time he wants to with his Dad now and he doesn't have to fake anymore drownings or anything because Zac and Leah aren't together anymore. IT'S JUST WRONG. Seriously when are TPTB gonna bring up that whole thing about the fact Psycho Spawn (if I may?) burnt down Leah's house??? They really are taking their time with that.

I'll leave it here for now. I need some support you guys. :angry::angry::cryingsmiley::angry: OK not support just backup and stuff to know that I'm not the only one who's outraged about this and you guys also feel like Zac and Leah are being a pair of idiots about this. Btw where was Zac supposed to go at whatever time of night it was??? It's just wrong. Bad decision.

Good couples come up so rarely in these sorts of shows. Couples who truly love and respect each other and you really feel could go the distance. Well I know Leah's sure had her share of those over the years (apart from Elijah) but that's another reason why TPTB shouldn't screw her over with this thing with Zac right now. ARGGGGHHH!!! 

Parting shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4umc87T5UMs Right?? Someone just needs to blast that right in Zac and Leah's faces and just stand on the beach playing it really so everyone can hear. Right??? I've never been even nearly lucky enough to be in love with an amazing guy but I'm sure in the future when it gets a bit hard for us (not giving up hope yet) I'm not just gonna give up and walk away when we have issues.

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So, looks like we're keeping Kat, but rather disappointing that Nate was the one to talk her into it.The way he went rushing after her right after declaring his feelings to Ricky left me wondering if he's hedging his bets.Marilyn must pay a lot of attention to Nate's wardrobe to recognise his top, or maybe it was just process of deduction as to who it was most likely to belong to.I believe that's the first time it's actually been confirmed that Damo shot Kat and we've still got no idea what actually happened.Hannah is in danger of losing the good will she's gained over the last few weeks.Does she really think that dating a basically decent if occasionally self-absorbed guy like Chris is more embarrassing than dating Andy, a drug dealer and attempted murderer (and actual murderer, but not many people know that)?Worse, are we meant to think she still has feelings for Andy and so doesn't want him to know she's dating Chris?

I started off appreciating the Leah/Zac storyline: Despite their reunion, they never addressed their problems, so it's understandable that things would still be awkward, especially with no kids around to distract them.But then Leah throws it in again without any prompting, which makes me wonder what the point of them getting back together was.

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Regarding Leah and Zac - in a nutshell, what Changelo shipper <3 said. This latest break-up really annoyed me because nothing's really happened in the interim to exacerbate the situation, and yet we're back to square one again with them for no reason. Valiant acting but really bad storylining, I'm afraid.

Speaking of which, possibly I don't understand the system but would Kat and Josh really need to go to court if Damo was pleading guilty? I didn't think that's how it worked? They've already made their police statements, surely. And if Damo corroborates that, why the need for a court appearance?

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which makes me wonder what the point of them getting back together was.

Well yes that too. Excellent point sir erm... ma'am?! It's weird we all talk all the time on these forums but I don't if know if some of y'all are male or female?? Crazy!

Just completely ot how useful is that little "enter" thing on the quotes in reply here?!! We should get that on nf.com right. Psst it's me Snugglepie!! Incase you didn't figure it out! ;) :P

I'm so happy to be able to speak for all of us about this whole Zac and Leah situation! Well not happy but you get what I mean.

I started off appreciating the Leah/Zac storyline: Despite their reunion, they never addressed their problems, so it's understandable that things would still be awkward, especially with no kids around to distract them.

Umm I kind of get your point but it's just like "They fixed it!! :wub: Can we just leave it at that please???" It's not gonna be easy and stuff and they should communicate more and do whatever it takes to keep their relationship functional and whatever but they fixed it just last week. Why go back on that and break them up again now???? Good remembering about where all the kids are too. I was just too incredulous to entirely hear that part about what the characters were saying about telling all the kids.

 Regarding Leah and Zac - in a nutshell, what Changelo shipper <3 said. This latest break-up really annoyed me because nothing's really happened in the interim to exacerbate the situation, and yet we're back to square one again with them for no reason. Valiant acting but really bad storylining, I'm afraid.

Uh huh! Right back at ya atrus! :cryingsmiley: It's sad and I don't like it and just disagree with every part of this particular story development. Good job Charlie and Ada yes! But it's just wholly rubbish and wrong.

Elsewise: Am I the only one who's gonna miss Denny? Was nice that Zac gave her a kiss and said they should meet up one last time before she leaves. She's his niece?? 

That dinner party thing was cool! Very dignified and mature. I didn't know Casey very well but it was a good memorial.

All the stuff with Ricky and Nate: Yeah they're welcome to each other the way they were carrying on. And what was with the whole 'Ricky changing her mind' thing?? I am kinda starting to go off Nate a little bit. I always thought he was cool and he was well matched to Kat. :wub: I liked their relationship in the end. That whole thing when she was ashamed of him at the start I thought was really lame and rubbish but they had a good thing going in the end. Shame it's come to an end now and under such rubish/pathetic circumstances on Nate's end. I still think it's pretty cool that he's English :D but yeah we are seeing a very different side to him right now and if Kat's now not leaving... Awkwardville. *blows raspberry*

Chris and Hannah... tumbleweed... They can't just split up Nate and Kat and Zac and Leah and leave us with them. Well not just them but come on that's two cool couples we've lost and we're still left with the lame rubbish one. I think James should be in it more!! He's just so lovely!! And he's got a really good thing going with Roo!! If they're gonna show us more of Chris and Hannah they have to counteract it with some decent couples having just broken up two.

I actually think Andy's alright. I don't know his back story but he's cool now! He's doing well. :) When I first came back this time around I wasn't quite so keen on him but this whole thing with Charlotte has endeared me to Andy and how they formed a proper relationship and then they broke up in such a mature and non judgmental manner (well not that Charlotte doesn't deserve it (I'm still just about managing to like her just btws) but yeah).

The end. Back to the bay solidarity YEEEAH!!! We should all do that hands in the middle of the circle "power" thing (metaphorically). Too much? I just appreciate and value having this forum to come to and even though I can get pretty crazy sometimes I'm still on the same page as you guys on occasions and that's really cool when that happens!! I like the "like" option on here and nf.com. It makes me feel when I write all these things and take too much time in doing so that I'm kinda justified or something you know?


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Annoyed again with the Zac and Leah story today as we kept getting hints that Leah isn't certain about her decision to split with Zac after all. Yet again, it took a 16-year-old boy to make her doubt her decision. They shouldn't be treating them like any old teenage couple, splitting up and getting back together every other day. And even more annoyed at Zac deciding to stay at Charlotte's, and then not telling Leah about it. Did he not think for one second that it might get back to her? What was wrong with a motel, or the caravan park he happens to live next door to? It really infuriates me when characters make absolutely moronic decisions just to service a fast-moving plot.

Hunter really is a little [insert coarse slang here].

Meanwhile Matt's doing his usual routine of deliberately alienating someone he cares about, to shield himself from further emotional damage. And he's possibly being even more of a jerk about it than usual. It's a testament to Alec Snow's acting skills, however, that I don't hate him for it - apart from anything because it's so consistent with what we've seen before, as Evie astutely observed. Nonetheless, his lame, explanation-less apology to Maddy was rightly rejected; I'm afraid he's probably going to have to be honest if he wants to make amends. But that doesn't involve snatching Maddy from Oscar's arms either.

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Haven't watched today's ep. yet. Just wanted to come in here and ask you guys about Pollyanna? It seems funny I know but stay with me.

You know in the story how she always plays that game about "Let's find the positive thing in this seemingly bad/hopeless/devastating etc. situation". 

I feel like with Zac and Leah it's all of the above. Anyway here's my challenge to you guys, my fellow viewers and community if you will: Pollyanna for Zac and Leah can't be done. It's impossible. If you can think of something please let me know.

Yes I'm still angry about this. Well my thoughts have developed pretty strongly into anger at this stage. 

I just... I don't get it. It's utterly pointless on every level.

Anyway I'll leave you in peace now. Get thinking. :) 

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Agree with you all. The Leah/Zac storyline is ridiculous. What a pathetic explanation to the kids. Why didn't Zac speak up and say he didn't agree with Leah?. Roo got it right for Leah and told her straight.. And why did Zac go to stay with Hunter - just more ammunition for him to have a go at Leah? It's getting rather like Teresa/Brad/? in Neighbours (forgotten her name). Do they have the same writers?

Agree good acting by Matt - will he come clean eventually?

Can't wait to know who the father is for Phoebe. I want it to be Kyle and then Phoebe busts up with Ash? What do you others think?   

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