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Annoyed again with the Zac and Leah story today as we kept getting hints that Leah isn't certain about her decision to split with Zac after all. Yet again, it took a 16-year-old boy to make her doubt her decision. They shouldn't be treating them like any old teenage couple, splitting up and getting back together every other day. And even more annoyed at Zac deciding to stay at Charlotte's, and then not telling Leah about it. Did he not think for one second that it might get back to her? What was wrong with a motel, or the caravan park he happens to live next door to? It really infuriates me when characters make absolutely moronic decisions just to service a fast-moving plot

I agree. While I understand why they may have introduced conflict into the relationship, it doesn't make sense to keep breaking them up and reuniting them. Having really warmed to Zac in the last year, I have found myself more and more annoyed with Zac since the introduction of Hunter. It made no sense, except for the sake of creating drama, for Zac to stay at Charlotte's when he could have easily rented a van in the caravan park now that the children all now that they have split up (and surely, he would want to stay close to the twins). He could have even crashed at Denny's and Hannah's - even that would have made more sense. I am glad that Zac at least showed no hesistation in stopping Charlotte in her tracks when she tried to kiss him (I was expecting him to go for the usual soap-style lean in to kiss only to pull back after the kiss had commenced).


Meanwhile Matt's doing his usual routine of deliberately alienating someone he cares about, to shield himself from further emotional damage. And he's possibly being even more of a jerk about it than usual. It's a testament to Alec Snow's acting skills, however, that I don't hate him for it - apart from anything because it's so consistent with what we've seen before, as Evie astutely observed. Nonetheless, his lame, explanation-less apology to Maddy was rightly rejected; I'm afraid he's probably going to have to be honest if he wants to make amends. But that doesn't involve snatching Maddy from Oscar's arms either.

I do think Alec Snow is the most charismatic of the teen actors, and think he has an ability to switch from acting like a jerk to the sad puppy eyes very convincingly (very reminiscent of Todd Lasance's ability to do the same with Aden). I agree with VJ - he was making his feelings obvious to anyone who knows him as Evie quickly worked out what's been going on (and nice reference to Sasha - was starting to think the show had forgotten her). Thought the scene with his apology to Maddy, where he offered no explanation, was really well played by both. I did feel for Matt because you can tell he wishes he could tell her the truth, and yet, knows by doing the right thing by Oscar, he is risking losing even Maddy's friendship. It was nicely nuanced here. Did find Oscar extremely passive in the whole episode - he seemed extremely disinterested in why Matt was behaving like an ass, and didn't make much of an effort to stand up to/defend Maddy from Matt's verbal attacks (not that Maddy needs Oscar's protection or anything)>

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Excellent point sir erm... ma'am?! It's weird we all talk all the time on these forums but I don't if know if some of y'all are male or female?? Crazy!

Just completely ot how useful is that little "enter" thing on the quotes in reply here?!! We should get that on nf.com right. Psst it's me Snugglepie!! Incase you didn't figure it out! ;) :P

I actually think Andy's alright. I don't know his back story but he's cool now!

Yes, I'm a "sir".That's what it says on my profile anyway.And I did have my suspicions.Andy's back story?Well, let's just say it started with him deliberately running Casey and Maddy off the road and leaving them for dead for arbitrary reasons (a combination of blaming the Braxtons for his stepfather's "disappearance" and Casey stopping Maddy doing something she'd regret with Josh when she was drunk) and includes Josh twice being kidnapped by the drug dealers Andy was working for (the same people that killed Casey, incidentally) because Andy annoyed them.

I lost a bit of sympathy for Leah here.Zac not being able to think of anywhere to sleep other than at the school (as Angelica said, what about the farm?) and then choosing the even worse place of with Charlotte and Hunter was dumb, although Charlotte may have overplayed her hand.But Leah has been very dogmatic and VJ's got a point, she's so certain everything will go wrong and they'll get hurt that she's hurting people herself.Her hiding behind the "You're too young" card was frustrating and I'm glad VJ had a go.I also liked Matt blaming Zac for prioritising Charlotte and Hunter (although it's a bit random, given that it's not long since he was practically forcing the family to give Hunter a chance).Even better was Oscar and Evelyn's quiet but practical reaction.One thing I'm not appreciating is the Them and Us attitude that's sprung up in that household.Leah sending Maddy away felt very wrong, and provided Matt with ammunition for his bile later.They're all one household, it affects Maddy and Roo the same as everyone else, she should not have been excluded.

Surely this episode shows who's the better man and who's the better man for Maddy.And it's not Matt.He was so utterly vile here that at times it was hard to tell the difference between him and Hunter (who was as repellent as ever).I didn't have any sympathy for him at all, just like I could never warm to Aden, another character that spent half his time treating the poor girl he'd latched on to like dirt and then expecting it to all be okay because he apologised.(And, sadly, it usually was.)I'm surprised and very disappointed that Evelyn was so sympathetic, I wanted her to have a go at him and I'd have thought she'd be at least a bit concerned about him being interested in her brother's girlfriend.(I guess either she thinks Matt doesn't have a chance or she doesn't care if Maddy and Oscar split up.)Matt deserved a bigger punishment than just Maddy saying they don't have to be friends, and if she does end up leaving Oscar for him then I for one will feel massively betrayed.(I think Oscar was just stunned by the venom being directed at his girlfriend by someone he considered a friend, but I would have liked to see him face down Matt a bit more as well.)Yet the mention of Spencer and Sasha reminds us that Matt is worryingly good at luring otherwise intelligent girls away from their nice boyfriends despite being an a-hole.(Not that I was a fan of Sasha and Spencer either...)

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Once again I found Marilyn sticking her nose into somebody else's love life annoying although Ricky seemed OK with it.

(The scene where she gave Casey back to Ricky it looked like I could see quite a bump and the way I feel about the character at the moment if she acts like this I'll be glad if the actress is gone for a while assuming she is taking maternity leave)

At first I thought Nate was trying to keep his options open with Kat but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he talked her out of leaving because he felt guilty after hearing about her panic attack and the fact that he dumped her.  Although I don't dislike him part of me felt he kinda deserved Ricky telling him she didn't want to get involved in anything after their one night stand.

Sadly really not liking Leah ATM.  I hated the way she was with Zac when he tried to surprise her with the lunch.  He tried to do something nice for her and she practically had a go at him.  Even Roo didn't seem to agree with it.  I hated the way Leah kept saying it was a mutual decision when she was the one who wanted to end it.  So whilst I don't like people sticking their noses into other people's relationships (as mentioned above) in this particular case I was glad Roo said something because she was doing it as a friend and as they are all living under the same roof it's fair enough that she wouldn't want them to be at loggerheads.  Leah storming off when Roo mentioned this on the beach spoke volumes.  I was glad that VJ had a go at her because it was her decision and wasn't too happy when Matt blamed Zac.  Leah's tone continued to annoy me and whilst I loathe Hunter I enjoyed his gleeful reaction when he figured out Zac/Leah were over but I especially liked the way he rubbed Leah's nose in it.  Leah handled that really badly, storming round to Charlotte's and once again not giving Zac a chance to explain himself.

I couldn't stop laughing through the scenes where Matt was having a go at Maddy.  He was clearly out of line but what I found amusing was the way Oscar just sat back and let him do it (twice).  First time Evelyn had to jump in and defend her brother's girlfriend and Oscar only said something when Matt had practically finished anyway.  Second time he did jump in but again waited far too long.  VJ was right and Evelyn figuring it out just proves that.  Although if it worked with Sasha it might very well work with Maddy.  Seriously though it's going to be very difficult him living with them now that he has feelings for her.  Objectively the best thing might be to tell Maddy and Oscar why he is acting like this although back to the point a made a while ago, if Matt likes her not sure how he can be friends with her now.

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Leah kept insisting it was a mutual agreement her and Zac splitting up , er no it wasn't she decided and he had no choice but to agree.  Like you Red it really, really annoyed me when she told VJ he was too young to understand, he's 16, plenty old enough!   I suppose the exclusion of Maddy was because although she's living at the Stewart house she is not part of the Patterson/MacGuire family, she won't need to decide to stay with Leah or go with Zac. VJ really hit the nail on the head when he told her the reason she split with Zac was because she feared it would go wrong and wanted to get in first before it did. She knows deep down he's right which is probably the same reason she stomped off when Roo pointed out the same thing. The school does seem the go to place, apart from the gym that is, when you have nowhere else to go, oops no I forgot the beach!  Zac was in a lose lose position when Leah asked where he was going to stay, if he'd told her then it was at Charlotte's she'd have blown a gasket and as we saw when she did find out she blew a gasket!!  Unbelievably this time Hunter was innocent of any stirring  when he revealed Zac was staying with them, although he did enjoy rubbing Leah's face in  it.  No-one told him Leah didn't know, not even sure Charlotte knew that!  I'm so glad Zac pulled back when Charlotte moved in for that kiss.So he will definitely be sleeping on the couch then not her bed as she might have been hoping for.

Evie might be a nosy mare sometimes and read things occasionally that aren't there, buts she got it right this time with Matt and his treatment of Maddy.  Isn't that an old ploy pretending to hate someone when it's the opposite (and usually played by someone a lot younger than Matt's age)!  VJ certainly proved he isn't 'too young' to quote Leah,  if he can work out what Matt is trying to do, then someone other than Evie will.  Do you think Evie and VJ will compare notes? I liked the fact Evie had a private chat with Matt, though I don't think telling him he needs to get over it and move on is what he needs to hear right now, he's in the first throes of a massive crush. Not a lot Matt could say in way of an apology to Maddy without giving her huge clues as to why he is acting like he is. I know he doesn't actually live in the house but it's going to look odd if he avoids any tricking situations by keeping to his caravan.

Not sure why Nate stopped Kat leaving, did he think it was because of him and as Slade said felt guilty about it.  She did admit to Denny she had to stop running away from things. Denny did answer a question of mine, she'll be back packing. I have to admit I didn't make the connection between Kat and Josh's appearance in court and  he mentioning Dumo had confessed, but you're right they wouldn't need to go to court. More annoyingly we still don't know what actually happened. Was there a struggle with the gun and it went off or did Dumo shoot Kat?

Was Ricky jealous of that hug between Kat and Nate?  and one of the reasons behind her putting the brakes on their fledging romance? Ricky did ask Marilyn's advice about how long it should be before you got involved with someone else and  Marilyn rightly replied there were are no rules, it's different for each person.    I think her quiet reference to seeing Nate's shirt on the floor was maybe a gentle hint that it could have been someone else who had seen it as in Kyle! 


If I had been Chris I might have felt a bit hurt that Hannah wanted to keep quiet about them being a couple in case , she said, it upset Andy who twigged them getting cosy anyway.  It was a lovely tribute to Casey and  a  nice way to remember him. I wonder if Brax, wherever he is, was thinking of him and making his own tribute?

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Once again my cultural ignorance means I'm left scratching my head over a celebrity guest star: My only sighting of Ed Sheeran outside Home and Away was when Channel 5 were trailing a new show with him a short while back.(Coincidence?)I found myself wondering just how old he would have been when Marilyn was in England 5-15 years ago but a check on Wikipedia shows that apparently he’s younger than he looks. Anyway, the whole thing was oddly charming, although I guess Marilyn hasn’t been paying that much attention to his career if she thought he was a “struggling musician”. Again, Maddy’s appearances were rather sporadic: She’s there with Oscar at the start but nowhere to be seen in the rest of the episode. With Alf and Irene away and Ash presumably still in hospital, Maddy and Denny stood out as the only regulars not at the concert, with characters like Kyle and Chris only appearing in those scenes and not speaking. So I’m wondering if Maddy’s recent exclusion from family scenes might be down to Kassandra having limited availability for some reason. Anyway, it worked in the episode’s favour since I was expecting Maddy to forgive Matt because of the concert but instead it came across as him making a nice gesture to help Zac and Leah.

 I am actually pleased Zac and Leah sorted things out, and do actually seem more or less on the same page this time, I just hope it sticks. I’ve complained in the past about their romance being portrayed a bit too chastely, but the fact they’ve never done anything like that before meant their exhibitionism at the concert felt a bit out of character, and also unnecessary since they seemed to have already sorted things. Zac finally twigs that Charlotte and Hunter aren’t whiter than white, with Hunter in particular showing his true colours. Not as true as the colours Charlotte accidentally shows Andy though. He reacted rightly but I’m not holding my breath for him to do the right thing.

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They shouldn't be treating them like any old teenage couple, splitting up and getting back together every other day.

Hit the nail on the head there Atrus! Indeed they shouldn't.

OK I've got the Weds. and Thurs. eps to comment on now so without further ado:

Weds'. ep. was just soooooooooooooooo mega frustrating!!!!!!!! I was thinking about the events at the end of Tuesday and I worked out what Leah was doing before VJ told her in Weds' ep. I mean I didn't bring into it everything VJ did but I worked out the bit about Zac with Hunter and Charlotte.

I love Auntie Roo soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!! :D Hero of the ep!!!!!!! I'm so so glad that TPTB have brought back the whole "characters discussing issues together sitting somewhere or walking somewhere but advising and supporting etc." you know?!! That was probably the main reason why I quit before.

Again I agree with a lot of the things you guys have said re: Zac and Leah on Weds. It was hard not to get mad at Leah. I can't say I always managed to achieve that. :( 

Don't you just lurve the predictability of soaps?? At Charlotte's door well it could've been Andy I did think but I quickly changed my mind to Leah. Then lo and behold enter Leah. 

That whole thing with Leah and Hunter: Come on you guys we know Hunter. Zac might've had blinders on but we know Hunter. I'm just saying I'm not 100% sure it was organic telling Leah about Zac or whatever. Wouldn't put it past him you know.

Weds' cliffhanger. Same sentiments as you guys about Zac pulling away from Charlotte! He lurves Leah!! I did think TPTB were gonna go into the whole classic soap opera thing there and we knew Charlotte is still in love with Zac so.... Maybe I'm just likening it too much to Neigh. right now. 

Let's all just make a pact to never talk about any of this ever again right. :wink: :D :D

Apart from Auntie Roo coz I love calling her that. I think I did it a little bit when I was watching when Charlie and Angelo were still around! :D :wink: :D 

With Matty and Maddy :wink:: I thought Matt's remarks were a kind of a coping mechanism at first. But then he got very personal and that wasn't cool. Evie's remarks whilst insightful weren't terribly helpful. The "two M's" apology scene was just sad I thought. :( I thought they'd been having some really cool scenes lately! Fun, friendly, kinda quirky you know? ;) Sad. :cryingsmiley: I hope they can work it and become friends again.

I don't hate Matt. I like Matt! I just wanna say. :) I can kinda relate. I know me and at least one other girl in my youth group when we were younger had a crush on our youth leader. He was married and I went to his wedding. My friend at school asked me about it once. I just flat out denied it. He said to me "You're blushing". I mean I obviously never did anything and I really respected him and looked up to him and I just thought he was really really cool! But crushes can be hard you know. Especially what M was saying about seeing M just everywhere. I only saw my youth leader for three different groups every week.

Speaking of Matt: I love Zac and I love Leah but what both Veej and Matty said when Z/L were telling the teens about the breakup: I don't think either of those statements were completely untrue. Just sayin. Oscar had a very very sensible idea of counselling. I'd never thought of that in all of my "thinkings". Maybe they should do it now anyway! ;) I'm just still a little bit on edge (more on that later). It was kinda a nice touch how Evie was tearing up. I'm not a crier but I don't know... I sometimes wish I was um... I respect those who are! The twins handled it all very maturely I thought. Anyhoo... 

Oh Matt's whole like "school playground act" or whatever - He's Just Not That Into You ft. Ben Affleck and co. I was unfortunate enough to go and see that at the cinema. Anyway onto Thursday... :wub: :D:D:D:wub: 


I loved on Thursday the whole thing about Marilyn not knowing who Ed "Teddy" Sheeran was!! :lol: I do enjoy a good old bit of Ed Sheeran (Lego House is my fave of his!) I have to admit! Anyway with "Maz" :rolleyes: it was just classically soooooo funny!!! :lol::lol: I couldn't work out if Auntie Roo knew he was a world renowned singer coz she really knew of him you know. Was she just quicker off the mark than Marilyn? Anyway that scene in the diner was spot on and I liked the contrast between the teens and the older folks! It was cool how VJ was still talking about "Mum and Zac"! :) 

I'm just gonna "Skip To The Good Bit" now coz it's like 5 am and I can't remember many other things. Oh Marilyn and Ed were kinda funny! Anyway... :D :wub: :D 

I thought when Matt was talking to "Mr Sheeran" 'It would be sooooooooo cool and amazing if Leah and Zac made up at the concert (I'd read the lil description thing on my TiVo. Sometimes they're just annoying and I have to devise ways of not seeing them beforehand but this one was actually helpful for once given the utter bleakness and rubbishness on Weds' ep.) you know classic movie style!!! And then they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :D:D :D:D :D:wub: :wub::wub: :wub:  I loved Ed's little nod to them snogging away too!! :wink: You think he watches the show? Probably just a direction!

I don't think I've ever seen such a grand romantic reunion before!!! :wub: :wub: Ghost Whisperer was pretty dang good and kinda one in Charmed too but this beats them hands down I think!! :wub: :wub:  

When I saw Leah was there I was like 'Oh where's Zac then?' I'm so glad he wasn't there at the start of the song!!! :D :wub:

This scene was made even better too coz I was singing along to the with "Teddy" :P  quietly! It's a rather appt. song for H&A in general right and especially Leah and "Z(ee)" ("Zed": just weird right) as well!! Probably wasn't just a coincidence ey? I'm thinking Wedding song!! Gotta be right?!!! :wink: :D:wub: :wub: I can't get enough of this scene right now too!!!!!

Was spoilt a wee bit by the whole Nate/Ricky/Kat thing. But later on Nate was smiling (I think at the song and uniqueness etc.) so it's ok.

One final thing: Was just a super awesome and super romantic reunion and also really big time cool to see so many of the characters as well! Nice to see Kyle enjoying it and I loved seeing Phoebe too!!

Oh yeah really mega jealous of this cast!!! They get to work on H&A with all their friends and film on the beach and everything and they make big bucks too and they get rewarded by a free Ed Sheeran mini concert (well to them) and they GET PAID FOR IT!!! :o :o I repeat: JEALOUS!!! Ah dear! *blows raspberry*

I'M JUST SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! I decided not to watch Weds' ep. on Weds - just too "Euuuggghhhh'. I'm so mega glad I got around to it later on and that paved the way for "Magic Thursday".

Now one final thing: Whilst I am so ecstatically over the moon for Z and Leah I also remain just a little bit sceptical. I've learnt from the last time see. Like how I brought it round to a full circle there? :wink: Hopefully hopefully the next step's gonna be the two of them walking down the aisle but you never quite know with soap. My caution's probably not gonna last all that long but I have learnt a little bit. :wink: 

Yes, I'm a "sir".That's what it says on my profile anyway.And I did have my suspicions.Andy's back story?Well, let's just say it started with him deliberately running Casey and Maddy off the road and leaving them for dead for arbitrary reasons (a combination of blaming the Braxtons for his stepfather's "disappearance" and Casey stopping Maddy doing something she'd regret with Josh when she was drunk) and includes Josh twice being kidnapped by the drug dealers Andy was working for (the same people that killed Casey, incidentally) because Andy annoyed them.

Aha! Well nice to meet you now "sir"! Thanks for the background info on Andy!! Oh about me being on Nf.com? Small world isn't it haha?! Especially in the world of soap opera, Australian soap opera forums! :wink: I instantly recognised your name of course! :wink:


I'm gonna watch the "Magical scene" again now!!! 

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Why thank you my Red friend! Isn't it pretty?!! Took me an age to write! :wink: sorta :rolleyes: but I mean every single word!!!

I forgot to say: Almost the best part is we can now completely forgive Leah because she initiated the whole kiss of magic romantic awesomeness!!! :wub: :wub: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna send the video of the performance and everything on Youtube to my sister!! She doesn't watch anymore but she knows Leah. Might know Zac. She knows a few of the other characters too!

I made a playlist on Youtube called "Zee and Lee's SUPER KISS™ MAGIC playlist of romance and awesomeness!!!!"

Yes I am that cool! :P I'm not joking this time. It really is the most amazing make up I've ever scene in TV or film!!! This reunion wipes the floor with last week's reunion!!!!!! Completely wipes the floor with it!! :D :D:wub: :wub: 

Hopefully that's all there'll be!! Next stop: Marriage!!! I do know what their song should be!! :wink: :wink::wub: :D:wub: 

Z/L just need to always keep the lines of communication open and they can get through anything I'm sure!! (well as long as the writers are all good with it but let's not think about that atm.)

My number one couple on TV right now!!! 

Ooh! I remembered something from Wednesday's eppy: When the teens were discussing what Leah wants to see them about um... almost any of those ideas would've been better right? Although this seemingly completely nonsensical break up did lead to what could well be TV's most amazing kiss ever!!! Apart from maybe Jim and Mel on Ghost Whisperer when Jim finally fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally came back! :wub: :wink: :wub: 

I would like to see James later today. Sounded like when A. Roo was on the phone to (I assume) James he was away somewhere. Shame he missed the gig and everything. :wink: :wub: That would make my H&A week complete that would! A couple of nice, decent, cute and romantic shipper scenes with James and Roo (Roomes or RooJam or JaRoo (sounds too much like JaRule no?). I quite like Roomes if you will! :wub: :wink:  

ETA: I do love VJ!!!!! He is very mature for his age! :wink: I think all the things he's been through with his Mum over the years have all contributed to this fact. No I didn't like it when Leah said to VJ "Maybe you're too young" either. And VJ was also very mature and he used a very interesting and attention grabbing angle to try and get through to Matt about all the stuff with Maddy!! I might just get an "I love VJ" shirt hehe! Yeah it can say that on the front and have a picture of THE KISS on the back with the words "THINKING OUT LOUD" on the top and "SUPER, MAGIC, AWESOME, ROMANTIC" underneath somewhere!!! :wub: :D :wink: Hehe! :lol:  

I do think the whole teen group in H&A is very good!!!!! WAAAAAAAY better than in Neighbours!!!!!!!!!

Matty sure is a genius and everything coz he's the one that persuaded Mr. "Teddy" to sing at Angelo's!! :D You gotta love the brotherly hug between Matt and VJ right?!!! Sooooooo many good things in the Thursday eppy!! So many!!!!!This is the reason to watch when we get the rare ensemble scenes like this right?!!! Happy ensemble scenes!!!!!! The music was such a treat and an awesome added bonus!!!! :D :wink::D :wink: And Ed Sheerans English too!!! :P Yeah!!! :D :D 

In fact my two most favourite scenes in Neighbours and H&A this year: This scene in this episode and the cricket match scenes in Ramsay Street in Neighbours!!!!!!!! So happy and fun and you get to see characters interact who wouldn't normally!!! PURE AWESOMENESS AND MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wub::wub: I've watched THE scene so many times since yesterday and I'm still not tired of it!! Makes me happy and joyfull each and every time!!! :wub: :wub:   

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I do hope Leah and Zac are back together for good this time, they were making me dizzy!!!!!   Leah does seem more confident about the their future this time.  Very civilised talk between her and Charlotte who didn't come across as having any ulterior motive at all and I think Leah realises she isn't the threat she thought she was. Hunter didn't take the news well when he found Zac had left because she had tried to kiss him, what other things has she mucked up in the past? Was a lucky guess Leah found Zac at the school?  Zac has finally worked out Hunter isn't the son he was hoping he'd be, but in reality he had to see/hear it for himself, doesn't mean he can't still see him. 

I thought Evelyn was very short with Josh when all he wanted to do was say he was sorry hearing the news about Zac and Leah.

I have heard of Ed 'Teddy' Sheeran, but don't follow his music.  Does Marilyn not knowing about how famous he is mean he's never kept her updated in all these years, even John realised he wasn't a struggling musician when he saw the kids crowding round him.  Just how old was he when Marilyn nannied for him because he thanked her for introducing him to Vegemite and beer!  Nice gesture of Matt to ask him to play as the bay had been though some tough times, but I think Ed wasn't off too far the mark when he asked if it was for a girl.  I thought it was odd that Maddy wasn't there, all the other young folk were - Josh, Evie,  VJ and Matt of course as it was his idea but Oscar looked rather lonely sitting there on his own.  In the older category, Kat, Ricky, Phoebe, Kyle, Nate, Marilyn and John.  Then the entrance of Zac and that kiss with Leah!:wub:  That went down very well with the twins, Matt and VJ.  Liked how Evie apologised to Josh for her earlier behaviour, possibility they can now be friends? Funny Chris wasn't there it would have been right up his street. 

The old age soap ploy of someone hearing something they shouldn't was brought into play with Andy just happening to walk in when Charlotte was talking to Hunter on the phone asking him not to burn anyone else's house down. So it's OK for Hunter not to have his life ruined but OK for Billie to have her life ruined for something she didn't do.

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^^ Really! I never knew. I haven't watched H&A for that man years in total really. 

Forgot in all the total and complete excitement and everything that Marilyn got the call back from DOCS yesterday! Was that to arrange the next step in the process right? I'm a bit lost about where Marylin and John have got to.

Was sweet that Matt wanted to buy brekky for Leah "the morning after"! He's a good egg really! :wink:

I did enjoy Nate's smile while Ed was singing and the camera just looks at Nate and Nate's not looking anywhere else/at anyone else!

Still watching *the scene* and loving it!!! You think they told Ada to be spontaneous about when to go kiss Charlie? That way he can be more easily taken by surprise and it will seem more real.

I just keep noticing and remembering more and more super amazing things about that Thursday eppy all the time!!!

Zac looked so upset and lost when he first arrived at the gig. :cryingsmiley:

I thought Ed did a good job at acting himself! When Matt came to talk to him and everything it was all good!!



Nothing really to say about today's episode. Hunter probably needs a father figure but he's gonna have to learn some serious respect first. Um but we still don't know for sure if Hunter is Zac's do we. Grrrrrrr.

Chris and Hannah I get absolutely zero from. Maybe it's still all the residual happiness and euphoria etc. that's still left over from *that scene*. I don't think so though. I just find them extremely extremely flat.

That's about it really. Friday's episode pales big time in comparison to yesterday's.

Oh quarrelsome Dads. Sounds like a TV show lol! But not a TV show anyone'd wanna watch. I did enjoy seeing Phoebe like I usually do!


Yay!!! I've made 50 posts now!!!! :D 

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