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Sounded like when A. Roo was on the phone to (I assume) James he was away somewhere.

Ah, that would make sense.I assumed it was Alf but James was possibly a better fit for "See you tomorrow" or words to that effect.

Funny Chris wasn't there it would have been right up his street. 

As mentioned in today's episode, Chris and Hannah were both there, but we saw an awful lot of characters for a short space of time, I'm not surprised you missed some.

Alf's episode count this week:None. No idea when he's back so might have to suspend that for a bit.

Phoebe's being irritating and self-absorbed.Well, she does that at least twice a week.When she kept moaning about being stuck in the middle, I just rolled my eyes at her acting the victim when she's basically caused all this by jumping straight from Kyle to Ash (and being oddly lax with birth control for someone who didn't want children).While, again, Kyle ended up taking it up to 11, his initial desire to go to her next appointment didn't seem at all unreasonable and Phoebe's reasons for refusing seemed a bit simplistic.Shame those stomach pains made everyone feel sorry for her.

So, as I feared, Barrett finding out about Hunter means zilch and, to use his own words from last episode, he's prepared to let Billie rot in jail for something she didn't do.I thought he liked Billie, and while she's a bit messed up herself (although she arguably has better reason that Hunter), she deserves protecting far more than Hunter does: She's the one that ran into a burning building to save people she barely knew, he's the one that set fire to a house and then, implicitly, sat outside and watched while people nearly died.I thought Andy liked Oscar too, but apparently he doesn't care that Hunter nearly killed him.I get that Barrett's done worse and had people cover it up, but letting an innocent person go to jail is an extra level of selfishness and callousness.At least Charlotte's Hunter's mother and her loyalty is understandable if no less wrong.What's Andy's excuse?That he slept with his mother a couple of times?That he overidentifies with him?I really hope that more melancholy music doesn't mean we're meant to empathise with Hunter, especially when he looked as psychotic as ever when looking through his box.So, what was with the photo of the old man and the baby?Hunter and his grandfather presumably but Poppa King looked way too old, as if he had Charlotte when he was retired and died when he was about 100.

The show is doing a very good job of messing up Chrisannah really early on.I'm glad that Chris called her out for trying to hide him, and Hannah's excuse didn't really cover it.The resulting declaration felt a bit too much like a re-run of the end of last week and suffered from the fact that there was hardly anyone in the episode, meaning that instead of telling her friends they're together Hannah announces it to a bunch of extras who quite clearly couldn't care less.

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Yeah I assumed James without even thiniking about Alf. In spite of Thursday's utter amazingness and I'm like wracking my brain to remember anything before that! :P I have missed my Dr J/A. Roo shippy ship this week. :(

Like I said maybe it was the residual euphoria but I really didn't think that much of Friday's ep. and in particular "Chrisannah". Yeah they're one of the couples that'll never be making it even near to my list of ships. Ash and Phoebe too are on the anti list. I like both Phoebe and Hannah it's just their choices in men atm that I find dull and unsuitable. Yep that works! #justcallinitlikeIseeit :wink:

ETA: Good to know you guys all read my uber long soooooo very detailed messages! :D

Oh yeah my sister loved the video. She sent me a reply but I haven't got back to her yet. I will!

I've been listening to my "Zee and Lee" playlist on youtube almost nonstop and it's like I'm addicted to that scene. Can't stop watching it: On TV, on youtube I even filmed THE MOMENT on my phone (stopping at Nate's lovely smile!) too. Argh!!! Gonna have to ween myself off it I think. This sort of thing **really** doesn't happen often just to make that known. :) I'm not an absolutely crazy person.

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Rewatched Thurs episode as I love Ed Sheeran. I think the Patterson-Baker/Macguire household are the best thing about H&A at the mo. There were a couple of touches I missed on first viewing that I loved: Matt offering to buy Leah breakfast, VJ mentioning in the diner that both Zac and Leah loved Sheeran which Matt overheard, and VJ hugging Matt when he realised that Matt was responsible for getting Sheeran to perform (which lead to Zac and Leah getting back together). It was sweet how happy the teens were for Zac and Leah. 

Leah walking up to Zac and kissing him was :wub:. I hope that now Zac's eyes have been opened to the craziness of Hunter and the lingering feelings of Charlotte, that these two have a chance of moving forward. I don't get why they are making Hunter this psychotic when we know they will try to redeem him soon.

Friday's episode was bland in comparison. Phoebe needs to stop acting like a brat. She in the middle of this tug-of-war  because she put herself there. And while Kyle was OTT, I feel for him the most because this was what he had always wanted - a family with Phoebe. It was Phoebe who then moved on to Ash. 

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Did I really miss seeing Chris there, I thought I heard him say to Nate he'd heard about Ed Sheeran playing at Angelo's?

I know Phoebe has only herself to blame for being in the middle of 'who's the daddy', but Kyle did go to the last scan, seemed only fair that Ash went this time.

Charlotte is dong Hunter no favours by keeping on insisting he should keep quiet about the fire, I think that is what the talk Andy had with him was all about, he'd said he'd made some big mistakes, one of them being he'd actually killed someone.  It's  a decision Hunter needs (and should) make for himself.  Which going by the trailer he does want to, but Charlotte says he shouldn't. 

I really couldn't blame Chris for having a go at Hannah for not wanting to make their relationship public, it is as if she is ashamed of him, Andy now knows so that awkwardness is out of the way. In fact she did a real Chris when she did make it public, and not to worry about there not being many bay'ers about Marilyn will spread the word.

The call from DoCs was to rearrange the appointment that was rather foreshortened last time due to her walking in on John Snelgrove having a schoolboy tussle.

Looks like Marilyn becomes the next victim of Hunter's anger from the look of the trailer.

Can't be long before Emily is written out, is John going with her?


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Rewatched Thurs episode as I love Ed Sheeran. I think the Patterson-Baker/Macguire household are the best thing about H&A at the mo. There were a couple of touches I missed on first viewing that I loved: Matt offering to buy Leah breakfast, VJ mentioning in the diner that both Zac and Leah loved Sheeran which Matt overheard, and VJ hugging Matt when he realised that Matt was responsible for getting Sheeran to perform (which lead to Zac and Leah getting back together). It was sweet how happy the teens were for Zac and Leah. 

YEEEEESSSSS to all of that SO MUCH!!! Yeah it's totally the best thing about H&A atm!! Don't forget Auntie Roo, Alf, Maddy and James when he stops by too! Share houses are always fun but that's deffo where all the best characters are atm!! I think Zac and Leah's sort of "stuck together family" have a really brilliant dynamic!!! You're absolutely right Angelica; that is something TPTB have very very right atm!!! I picked up on all of those moments in a mixture of my crazy long mad shipper posts!!

Again SO GOOD to come here and find like-minded (more succinct) people on this brilliant forum!!

The more I watch *THE SCENE* the more and more new things I notice about it!! For example if you look closely you can see Z and Leah cuddling and swaying in the background (they're bodies) on at least 3 occasions! :wub:

I'm sure I must've picked up on how cool the teens' reactions were to THE REUNION. :wub: But yes very cool and lovely and family like aw YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!! Except for maybe Matt's. Evelyn was definitely thrilled and Veej obviously too!! Matt and Oscar... although when they got home and VJ was teasing Zac and Leah it was cool that Oscar said "It's great you guys are back together!" :D 

Oh no that means I'm gonna have to watch all the Leah/Zac scenes/L/Z related scenes all over again. What a horrible thing to have to do (!) :P I didn't notice that thing with Matt in the diner when "Teddy" first arrived. Speaking of I said it once and I'll say it again how HILARIOUS was Marylin's reaction to Ed coming in and signing autographs and everything?!!! Just LOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!! The thing with VJ I noticed for sure - yes very cute and how he loves them both so much and stuff and still saw them as a couple or however you wanna say it.

Thanks for giving me an excuse Angelica! ;) I'll go and do that right now!!


ETA: In the diner it was Oscar talking about how Zac and Leah both love ED Sheeran not VJ. Easy mistake to make. I made that mistake at first too. :wink: 

Hey did anyone else notice the scene when Z and Leah are talking at the side of the road it looks like someone walks literally right in front of the camera???? Weirdy weird.

I can't quite decide - re: :wub: *THE  MOMENT* :wub: - when Leah gets to Zac is he still looking at the stage or is he looking at Leah? Sometimes I think he's still looking at the stage and sometimes it looks like he's unsuspecting but he's noticed Leah?? 

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On ‎01‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎15‎:‎17‎:‎27, H&Alover said:

Did I really miss seeing Chris there, I thought I heard him say to Nate he'd heard about Ed Sheeran playing at Angelo's?

Nate wasn't in Friday's episode..?And neither he nor Chris said a word on Thursday.John and Marilyn remarked that they'd seen Chris and Hannah at the concert together.

So, Kyle's the dad.To be honest, it would have been very harsh on him if he hadn't been, if Phoebe broke up with him because she didn't want a family and then promptly had a baby with Ash.It's an awkward situation (which I guess is another reason why the show would do it), but the ending which expects us to care that Ash and Phoebe are breaking up just had me shrugging.Given that Ash has lost all his spark and likability since hooking up with Phoebe, it can only be a good thing.

I admit I'm not loving Chrisannah but I certainly don't mind them and they do seem to be good for each other.Chris being a lifeguard is something that keeps being mooted and then forgotten, so hopefully they'll follow through on it this time.Hannah becoming a paramedic is interesting: I don't think we've ever had a regular paramedic character in 25+ years. Chris' comments about the paternity situation had me alternately burying my face in my hand and laughing out loud, but it'd be funnier if we still thought it was natural and he doesn't realise he's being offensive rather than having to deal with the retcon that he's putting it on.

John and Marilyn's chat was going well until her past came up.It's nice continuity but requires a lot of work on the viewer's part to make sense: Nicole didn't report it at the time, so why would DOCS talk to her, and she parted on good terms with Marilyn so would be unlikely to land her in it.(Possible explanation:Given that Marilyn's been talking about George a lot lately, she might well have mentioned him on her application.That could prompt DOCS to talk to Nicole, who could well have let it slip by accident or because she thought they already knew.)Interesting that they called her "Miss Nicole Franklin", suggesting she isn't married (or kept her maiden name like everyone else on the show).No mention either way as to whether she and Angelo are still together.

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Have you been watching H&A for 25 years, Red, to be able to say that there has been no paramedic before?

Pleased to see Kyle is to be the father. They kept it very quiet and we did not even see that reaction on their faces when they heard. Then the commercial break and we were still waiting! They couldn't haver dragged it out more. Kyle didn't come out smiling either. We couldn't even tell then.  It was well done. Very happy to see Kyle as the father and him not bragging about it. Will Ash be able to live with Phoebe and get used to it? Perhaps for a while, as he still has the kidney link with Kyle, but I can see him going away eventually. Then will Kyle and phoebe get back together? I hope so, as they were great together and still could be. But I suspect that the writers will drag it out for a while - as long as it does not become too boring.

Let's have the teenagers back soon please. I'm fed up with John and Marilyn, Chris and Hannah,   

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Was disappointing that Andy decided not to say anything about Hunter starting the fire.  I'm undecided whether that's because it gets Billie off the hook or if it's because Hunter quite rightly gets what he deserves.

It's funny.  Whilst I was watching this episode I had already thought about how I was going to comment on the whole Phoebe/Ash/Kyle thing.  I was going to say that Ash should seriously consider ending things with Phoebe and after the paternity test revealed the father was Kyle (which I guess most people would have assumed would be the case) lo and behold he does.  He's absolutely made the right decision IMO.  He doesn't want kids ATM and wasn't too happy that Phoebe was pregnant.  He should count this as a blessing as this is a get out of jail card.  He might be sad because he's in love with Phoebe (or at least thinks he's in love with her) but he'll get over it.  And it's a small price to pay to being lumbered with a kid he doesn't want.  So now he is free from having to raise somebody else's.

It annoyed me how Marilyn and John went out of their way to impress the woman at DOCS, particularly having Leah there to blow their trumpet.  As if she couldn't figure out what they were up to.  Still I did actually feel sorry for Marilyn when the stuff with Nicole came up.  I have to admit I'd completely forgotten about that.  It is a shame as I thought the family unit with Jett functioned pretty well and I wouldn't have minded seeing that again.  And I would much rather see Marilyn as a foster mother than someone sticking her nose into other people's love lives.

Chris annoyed me again with his insensitive comment re the whole Phoebe/Ash/Kyle situation.  He seemed to be on Cloud nine with Hannah.  I was actually smiling through their scenes but not because I was happy for him or particularly enjoy them as a couple.  It's because based on form I just know that Hannah's going to end up hurting him so I hope it all comes crashing down...

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7 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

but the ending which expects us to care that Ash and Phoebe are breaking up just had me shrugging.Given that Ash has lost all his spark and likability since hooking up with Phoebe, it can only be a good thing.

Yeah I was just quietly like 'Alright!'. Phoebe cried which I felt for kinda but no I'm not sad and I don't feel a loss either! The absolute right decision for Kyle to be the Dad! Yes this revelation was done very well!! I assumed Kyle was The Dad otherwise he wouldn't have stuck around afterwards. Maybe this will lead to a reunion? I haven't really seen Kyle and Phoebe as a couple except for their brief reunion recently and it did seem then like they could be good together :wub: but that was somewhat overshadowed by what was going on between Phoebe and Ash. Put it this way: When Kyle and Phoebe broke up then I was disappointed and I'm not really feeling anything now that Ash seems to have walked away from Phoebe. This whole thing is a lot different/better than the storyline in Neighbours with Amber, Josh and Daniel!

I did enjoy the scene in the Diner with Auntie Roo and she was joined by Auntie Leah today!! Was nice to see the two of them just having a chat beforehand too. :) Two of my faves right there! :wink: Leah was giving such good advice to John and Marilyn! Her and Roo are of course both parents themselves. :) A. Roo was a bit naughty to insist that Leah went with Marilyn and John to help them roleplay. I loved the looks the three of them were giving each other after Marilyn was so insistant about Leah going with them hehe!! I have to admit I got a bit mixed up when Leah told Roo she doesn't work there. It was coz she'd been filling in for Irene who was away (and is actually still away). Was it just Leah's last ditch attempt to not have to go with crazy "Maz"? Oh dear.

The scene with the three of them at Marilyn and John's was good! Yes very interesting twist to hear that Nicole was brought up and everything that happened with the baby then. Very very unfortunate for poor Marilyn. As I was watching it I was like :( "But Nicole went back on the whole deal". No it wasn't good that Marilyn did it at the time but it was understandable to a certain point. I really hope TPTB don't end this whole storyline here. Marilyn and John did a good job with Jett by all accounts and it would be interesting to see them become foster parents!

7 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

(Possible explanation:Given that Marilyn's been talking about George a lot lately, she might well have mentioned him on her application.That could prompt DOCS to talk to Nicole, who could well have let it slip by accident or because she thought they already knew.)Interesting that they called her "Miss Nicole Franklin", suggesting she isn't married (or kept her maiden name like everyone else on the show).No mention either way as to whether she and Angelo are still together.

Very interesting possible explanation there my friend! Uh huh no way of knowing if she's still with the one and only Angiepants™. I never quite got into them as a couple but they seemed happy together. :)

Yeah I might now be forced to admit that Hannah and Chris seem good for each other. Dang it!!! Was good that she encouraged him to go for it with the Bronze Medallion thing and vice versa for Chris with the paramedic encouragement for Hannah. Still a long way off entering onto my list of ships but not as bad as Friday.

Oh yeah Chris's comment about the paternity results was really stupid.  

ETA: Hey we're all friends right? You guys are a friendly bunch I feel. :D Does anyone remember the song that was playing as Daryl Braxton was looking at Ricki and Casey one last time before he drove away? Something about a storm or a hurricane or a tornado?? That really resonated with me because firstly I liked the song and I thought it was very poignant and secondly I have respect for those sorts of things. I was gonna listen to the song again tonight! Yet I go onto youtube and the song in the scene on youtube was different to the song in the scene here in the UK. Very strange..... Can anyone help me out with this?

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