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11 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Does anyone remember the song that was playing as Daryl Braxton was looking at Ricki and Casey one last time before he drove away? Something about a storm or a hurricane or a tornado?? 

I don't know if it was the same in the UK but in the Australian ep the song playing when Brax drove away from Ash and the safe house was Hurricane by Whitaker. Start Again by Conrad Sewell was playing when he went to see Ricky and Casey for the last time. 

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Neat trick by TPTB by not revealing who the dad was even after Phoebe, Kyle and Ash left the doctor's office.  If you didn't already know/guess  you'd still be unsure until Ash congratulated Kyle.  It's great how Kyle said he wanted to help out financially, but not insisting he be hands on with the baby and also thinking about living arrangements.  I can completely understand Ash and his punishing workout on the beach, he did as Kyle said had a lot to get his head round. I've said this before but it would be hard enough for a bloke who has been round the block a few times to find your new girlfriend is having her ex's baby and he still lives in the same town, let alone someone like Ash whose relationship with Phoebe is his first serious one plus he's not been with her long so babies definitely not on the agenda, they re still finding out about each other. He's doing the right thing  by walking away now and not prolonging the agony for either of them.  I'm unsure how Ricky will take the news, she did appear to be on team Phoebe/Ash.

Great to hear Chris wants to revive his life guard training dream, it did only come to a halt because of his shoulder injury and Hannah will give him the right encouragement as it appears he will encourage her  becoming a paramedic, she's already got nursing skills and the way she tended to Ash on the beach showed she's got the right mind set for it so there are two things in her favour, she's not going to fall apart at being first on the scene of an accident. I loved Chris' teasing her as being really old.:P Of course Hannah encouraged Andy to do his trainer exams, even though it got weird for him having his girlfriend helping him to read. 

Maz does tend to overthink things like the DoCs interview, John is well aware he can put his foot in it, but she was just making it even more stressful for both of them. Better idea that Leah 'interview' them and she had some good insights, just to be themselves, have a little humour but show you are serious about wanting to foster. It was all going so well until she got that call.  Obviously they do background checks on prospective foster parents and maybe Nicole's name came up somehow and they (DoCS) had to investigate? She would have reported Marilyn 'kidnapping' George at the time even though she bought him back of her own accord after being found by Roo, but it would still be on record somewhere. Not looking good for Maz in the trailer.


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22 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

I never quite got into them as a couple but they seemed happy together.

Yeah, that was pretty much how I saw it too: Didn't quite buy them as the love of each other's lives but I liked them both so good luck to them.

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Obviously they do background checks on prospective foster parents and maybe Nicole's name came up somehow and they (DoCS) had to investigate? She would have reported Marilyn 'kidnapping' George at the time even though she bought him back of her own accord after being found by Roo, but it would still be on record somewhere.

I'm fairly convinced that Sid convinced Nicole not to make it official, so I'm not sure how.

Well, at least Marilyn’s actions are in character: She’s always been someone who has difficulty coping with the more upsetting aspects of adult life and tends to run away and hide, to the point that she seemed to want to pretend the whole thing with Byron never happened. Nice to get a reference to her miscarriage, which she seemed to have been ignoring in favour of harping on about George…But then she mentions “miscarriages”, implying more than one? I mean, there could have been a new one in the decade she was away from the Bay, but it’s new information if so.

You know, I never even liked Kyle and Phoebe together, yet at the moment it’s seeming like the lesser of two evils. Ideal solution of course would be Phoebe leaving and never coming back: I’ve never found the character interesting or likable and she’s never really felt essential to the show, yet apparently someone likes the character and keeps giving her storylines and having men fall in love with her. She was so self-absorbed she didn’t even notice how hurt Kyle was when she said she didn’t love him. We’re meant to see her and Ash as this great love that makes Ricky, at her most irritating, practically bully Ash into getting back with her but…it’s not working.

Ironically, Zac now seems to be being inconsiderate the other way. Did he really think Hunter wouldn’t be upset by a casual text like that? He couldn’t manage a proper phone call? Not that I’ve got any sympathy for Hunter, who once again does something (possibly more than one something) that should make him irredeemable, but when we’re meant to believe Barrett’s okay now, as he covers up everything Hunter’s done that should make him irredeemable…who knows what they’re going to expect us to do? No idea what Marilyn was trying to do at the end there. If I see a puddle of liquid on the floor, I get a towel and mop it up. I don’t stick more water on the floor and make an even bigger puddle. (Was she trying to make it run down a drain or out a door? Or just put it where the customers couldn’t see it?)

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13 hours ago, Fyn3 said:

I don't know if it was the same in the UK but in the Australian ep the song playing when Brax drove away from Ash and the safe house was Hurricane by Whitaker. Start Again by Conrad Sewell was playing when he went to see Ricky and Casey for the last time. 

Fyn!!!! Thank you sooooooo much!!!! :D:D I was beginning to lose all hope. Maybe I just got confused but I think in the UK they played this song and cut it out and then brought it back again when Brax was watching Casey and his Mummy. Definitely this is the one that was playing when Brax was watching them in our UK ep!!!! I remember because I wasn't particularly that upset about Daryl leaving. It was good drama sure. Compelling even. But I was actually kinda glad Brax was leaving. The song Hurricane did help to make it a lot more poignant for me. I've probably just got mixed up. I feel so strongly like I haven't though. It's really weird. All I need to do is go and find that scene on youtube or somewhere now to compare the two. I certainly didn't recognise the song I found yesterday when I found the scene on YT when Brax was watching Ricki and Casey. Strange. :confused:

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23 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:
On 11/2/2015, 9:35:43, Changelo shipper <3 said:

I never quite got into them as a couple but they seemed happy together.

Yeah, that was pretty much how I saw it too: Didn't quite buy them as the love of each other's lives but I liked them both so good luck to them.

Yeah it was a little more than that for me. I was really into Charlie and Angelo's relationship and TPTB gave them such a pathetic break up. 

I do remember that dinner party though and Nicole was the youngest one there (can't remember who else was there - Marilyn and Sid possibly) and she said something about "I don't remember that" or "I wasn't alive then". I think it was the latter and everyone (including me cause I was born at the time) was like "Oh you did not just say that".

Anyway Nic and Angeipants™... meh but might kinda been interesting to have a little update now you mention it. Oh well.

Btw: I just love this forum so much!! It's so friendly and we have such good conversations etc. and it's also very easy to use! Much more so than Nf.com. :wink: Although I haven't worked out how to do a "non quick reply" if you get me and the emoticons list seems to have vanished from my reply options...


I really enjoyed seeing family LZVJ Tues' ep!!! What are we supposed to call them?? Z and Leah were so cute :wub: and all the banter was good fun!! Zac's doing so well now with always being upfront with Leah!! It was good to see VJ and Zac spending some quality time after all the stuff with Hunter and the breakups lately! Aw they love each other!!

Later on... Well they'd spent about 3 hours or so together judging by the clock in the Diner and the time on Hunter's phone. That's good that they were having so much fun together!! :D I despise Hunter SO much don't get me wrong. I can't help but think Zac's the adult though. If he made a time to meet up with Hunter shouldn't he have told VJ they were gonna play till the time just before he needed to leave to go and meet up with Hunter. Maybe he did and then he just lost track of time. That's happened before let's face it. I wanna make it clear that I'm completely not attacking Zac. You know if Hunter and VJ got along better and Hunter was more adaptable and dang RESPECTFUL Zac could've gone and played basket ball with both of them: Problem solved!! Oh yeah *flat tone* that happened once before. Didn't work out so great. See. Hunter's just hanging around in this show like a terrible, awful smell right now. He is partly to blame for Zac and Leah's amazing new take on things I suppose but in spite of how much I loved *the reunion* I could've done without it. Wow can't believe I just said that hehe!! No alright maybe Hunter's been necessary but now's the time TPTB need to start redeeming this character coz I'M SOOOOOOO OVER IT!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry: 

I think Z handled the whole situation very well: He was honest with Leah, he made a proposal for them to spend some decent time together that evening, he spent some much needed quality time with Veej, he let Hunter know he couldn't make it to spend time with him and didn't just forget (OK it is crushing when people cancel their plans on you or fail to respond to your invitations to hang out together. I do know that. :( BUT as a maturing adult it is up to Hunter to deal with that let down in an appropriate manor - talk to his Mum about it, watch TV, listen to some music, watch a movie, talk to a friend about it) and he managed to make it home in time to go out to dinner with his lovely fiance! Hunter's the one who's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of order. Yes maybe Zac could've handled things a bit better. That does not however give Hunter an excuse to go to where his (supposed. We're just gonna have to accept that????) Dad lives and throw his toys out of the pram in the rudest most disrespectful way. I did like the way that Zac and Leah went to Charlotte's on their way to dinner and presented a united front!! I'm really loving this newfound level of respect and attentiveness that's now in their relationship since **last Thursday**!! :wub::D (nice showing of the footage in the recap btw right?! :wub:) It was cool that Leah suggested to Charlotte that the three of them sit down together and they can support Charlotte with all the Hunter issues/all of Hunter's issues! I do kinda think though TPTB should just let Zac and Leah go back to being a happy couple and planning for their WEDDING!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub: 

One last thing about my favy faves!! When Zac and VJ got back: Like the way VJ kissed his Mum on the head! I saw an interview with Matt Little the other day and he said it's weird how he's so much taller than Ada hehe! and Zac's "beep!" greeting was funny and cute too!! Shame their moment got oh so very rudely interrupted. :angry: *blows raspberry* I can take the teasing from VJ coz he's actually happy for them and he loves them and he does live with them. Hunter's just a mad, criminal kid who needs to grow the heck up!! Loved the way Leah stood up for her family and gave him what for too!!! 

In other news: Good old John at getting that second meeting and saying all those lovely things about Marilyn!! I hope it works and that Marilyn will be around to see it what's more. Yeah it kinda was a bit weird the method she was using to clean up the water. Maybe just coz the mop was right there? Odd. Leah'll be turning up at work soon so hopefully Marilyn won't be out for too long.

Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did Ash and Phoebe have to get back together again???? I had respect for this whole sl until TPTB decided to get one of the worst couples lately back together a la anti Zac and Leah's awesomeness, compatibility and match etc. They want to now start an sl where Kyle wants to get back together with Phoebe? Dude they could've just done that. Literally. Well not as quickly as that but I sure reckon Ash made the right decision. Put it that way. MAN!!!! :angry:

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I think everyone is being unfair to Ash. It is a lot to expect him to be happy to play families with Phoebe and Kyle's child esp when he doesn't want children. Phoebe and Ricky really annoyed Mr here. Phoebe is such a brat - she was insensitive to Kyle ("we don't love each other like that anymore " ouch) and her rant about how Ash knew that there was a possibility that the child might be Kyle's made me want to slap her. Likely she couldn't possibly empathise with the fact that he may need some time yo process this development. Phoebe is easily one of the most self-absorbed characters in the show. I had to laugh every time everyone kept repeating that Ash and Phoebe loved each other - sorry, their great love is no more credible just because characters keep repeating that statement. It's a shame because I thought Ash might have potential as a character but he has lost any spark he initially had.

Hunter is predictably a psycho. *yawn*

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You know it's been a productive day when you get through a week's worth of H&A episodes in a single night. I'm not familiar with Ed Sheeran because I'm a musical philistine. But I'm gathering he's fairly well known. While it's nice to have a fun storyline every now and then. I didn't much like the way the song was used as a platform for Leah changing her mind yet again. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's back with Zac - but there's been some seriously iffy writing for them over the last couple of weeks, and if this keeps going on I'm going to get very bored very quickly, so hopefully they're solid again now for the foreseeable future. At least VJ giving Matt a hug was sweet, although Matt's: "The whole town's been through a bit lately" to Ed Sheeran felt like somewhat of a truism - when hasn't the whole town been going through a bit?

Glad Hunter's feathers got ruffled too, the nasty little so-and-so. I think that was the first time he properly lost it with Zac, so it's good that he got to see that side of him. Thursday's twist with Andy finding out that Hunter burnt down the house was a good one. I'll be really annoyed if Andy keeps it to himself. I get Charlotte covering for him just about; she's his mother after all. But Andy? If there was no other suspect it might be halfway excusable, but Billie is sure to go down for this if Andy keeps quiet. His heart-to-heart with Hunter on the beach doesn't justify it either. OK, Hunter grew up without a dad, but bluntly, so the hell what? So do lots of kids, and most don't go round burning people's houses down. Or forcing people's cars off the road and turning off people's life-supports, for that matter. Meanwhile, I'm still maintaining my theory that Hunter bumped off Grandad.

And of course he lapsed into psycho mode again on Tuesday's episode. I'm glad Leah seems to be engaging with the issue again rather than just saying she wants nothing to do with him, but it does feel like we're going round in circles a bit. With his latest attack on Leah by breaking into the diner and electrocuting poor Marilyn, it felt like the show was going out of its way to make him totally irredeemable. At least he apparently felt guilty enough to hand himself in this time - although why he would feel any guiltier at hurting someone who's virtually unknown to him than he would about almost barbecuing his father and his entire family, isn't at all clear. In any case I wish Charlotte would have let him go to the police - it's clear he's totally out of control.

Sad for Chris that Hannah seemed to want to keep their relationship a secret. She made up for it well enough in the end - although it's one thing shouting about it to all the background cast on the beach - quite another telling proper characters, I imagine. Oddly, we seemed to be spared any of those kinds of scenes, which would have had a lot more comedy/dramatic potential.

It seemed like the natural dramatic choice to make Kyle the dad, so no big surprise there. For what it's worth I think Ash had it right about Kyle and Phoebe being an inevitability, but it looks like their break-up was yet another short-termist flash in the narrative pan, and that the triangle continues for now.  

Accepting the premise that DoCS has somehow found out about the Nicole/George saga, I'm afraid the positive outcome of the fostering story didn't ring true at all, John's heartwarming personal appeal notwithstanding. Yes, people can change, and we know Marilyn would be a great foster mum. But the reality is that the state probably can't risk putting people with a history of child kidnapping on the books, no matter how reformed she might be. In any case, it looks like she and John have far bigger concerns to contend with now...

And in other news: Attack of the Stupid Names strikes again with the arrival of Tank. Nickname or not, it's stupid. Drugs Are Bad is one storyline H&A's never been able to do anything but heavy-handedly, and today was no exception - Josh's toe-curlingly preachy video was characteristically devoid of any humour or nuance. And once again, the Maddy/Matt stuff seems to have been pushed into the background. Presumably they're going somewhere with it eventually?.

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