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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Not for the first time, I'm left wondering who is doing most to screw up who out of Charlotte and Hunter.It seems like a kind of toxic symbiosis:Charlotte's too weak a parent to stop Hunter doing bad stuff, and when he does she just brushes it under the table and covers for him, prompting him to do something bad again.Even his uncharacteristic attack of conscience here gets shut down pretty quickly.

Is John's appeal about Marilyn unlikely?Maybe, but I'm sure a lot of people would be willing to speak up for her if DOCS asked them, and she's looked after Jett without difficulty. James has no bedside manner, but Nate was definitely pushing the bounds of his suspension by being at the hospital as a visitor and then trying to get involved with the medical side.

Josh's anti-drug video was what it was.Aside from the wince-inducing moment of him calling Evelyn the love of his life (overstating it a bit, surely?), it was effective as a scare tool. Evelyn and Maddy's repartee was good, as was that between Evelyn and Matt later.Maddy in particular seemed a bit too hyped up, but I guess that was to provide the contrast when they saw the video.So, it seems Maddy did forgive Matt because of the concert, we just didn't see it.Bit annoying although personally I'm happy for Matt's feelings to be forgotten about.I doubt it'll be that simple though.As for Tank, and his conveniently timed appearance just as Evelyn seemed to be softening towards Josh...I'm not too bothered about the name: Yes, it's a bit silly, but that's nothing new for Home and Away.Roo sounded like a silly name until we all got used to it and as for Tug...So I'm willing to judge him on his character, which seems fine so far, and he's another one who has an interesting surname in the end credits...

CURS: What was all that stuff with Ricky and Nate doing there?Okay, they had a scene together, but their activities last week weren't mentioned.

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c120701,  John  and Gina had already been fostering Jett  and he is a teenager.  Marilyn snatching George was a long time ago, though to be honest I am/was wondering how she would handle handing a baby back after she and John had been looking after them for a while.

Charlotte what kind of idiot are you, one moment you're yelling at Hunter he has to take responsibility for what he caused at the Diner then when he decides he's going to hand himself in you're telling him he can't and ordering him back to his nan's, you can't have it both ways love.  As much as he is unhinged he had no idea that he'd pulled those wires loose and caused the flood, he was just after the safe, was there supposed to be money in it? It didn't help Marilyn had taken her shoes off, which may have insulated her feet a bit more, I'm no expert on these things so could be totally wrong about that.  Zac was very cavalier with Hunter's feelings, suddenly cancelling like he did, he could have made time for him instead of which we had another shouting match between him Hunter, Leah and VJ.  Hunter was in no mood to listen to Zac say it had nothing to do with Leah why he cancelled. Unless Charlotte is playing the long game she does seem genuine about all of them sitting down and sorting things out, though having to drag Hunter there doesn't auger well for a  calm meeting.  All that is academic now as he's been packed off to his gran's again. It appears his mood swings are nothing new, no wonder Charlotte seems afraid of him sometimes.

No wonder Josh didn't want such a large audience for his video, but it did get the point he was making across. Maddy was back to her hyper self again, so cringey, please don't do it. It was very well put together, it got him on his HSC course so good luck Josh.  Loved the bif brotherly hug Andy gave him.:D 

Going by past experiences  guys (and a few gals) with nicknames like Tank, as already mentioned Tug, not to mention Brax, have to be a bad 'un.

I'm with Angelica over Ash, it may have been a bit different if it had a couple of months down the line and it was definite who the father was, but first it was soon after Kyle and Phoebe broke up which lead to  the uncertainty who the father was.  He, like Chris, isn't as confident as he comes across, not in matters of the heart anyway. Ash was right about one thing though Kyle is still in love with Phoebe even if she doesn't feel the same way.

Nate was only at the hospital as a friend, but, naturally, couldn't help himself horning in on James' examination methods. I guess John was asking him as they know each other better, James is still a relative newcomer. James certainly didn't hold back with the prognosis, giving Alf and co the worst possible scenario.  Any other time the news John got would have been wonderful and he may come across as a buffoon at times, full of his own importance but it was moving how he put Marilyn's case across to the SS lady.  Will we be seeing Jett at all do we think? 


Marilyn's floaty dresses are hiding Emily's bump very well. I think I know how she is going to be written out for her maternity leave, if what I've read in the TV mags are anything to go by.



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Re Marilyn's "miscarriages": Have I actually forgotten something, rather than it being new information?Because I'm suddenly remembering she knew there was a problem when she had the on screen miscarriage while married to Donald and chose to ignore it.

Anyway! Oh dear, Chris.I was praying all episode that he wouldn't be the one to let it slip but...he was.He really should have accepted that sometimes Hannah will keep secrets from him that aren't hers to tell.Mind you, I wasn't keen on the way Nate manipulated him after being abrupt, so maybe he deserves it.Kat seemed oddly broody around Casey.A Braxton who listens to the police, wonders will never cease.

Wow, Evelyn wore a really short dress to her date.With the wind blowing up on the headland, she seemed in danger of revealing everything.I wonder if Matt's on the nose about Josh's video being at least partly to win Evie back, he did seem keener for her to see it than the rest of the teens.Josh certainly isn't keen on Evelyn moving on.He seems to have made a snap judgement about Tank on the basis of one meeting and he needs to remember that it's not long ago that people were telling Maddy similar things about him.Matt is infinitely more enjoyable when not sulking over Maddy, hopefully he'll stay this way.

So, we do get the answer for how Denny knows James and it's relatively innocent...except Roo could be heading for a feeling of deja vu, Harvey hid the fact he had a daughter from her as well.And James could be hiding more than that, unless he's just worried about his parents mentioning his family.

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11 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Re Marilyn's "miscarriages": Have I actually forgotten something, rather than it being new information?Because I'm suddenly remembering she knew there was a problem when she had the on screen miscarriage while married to Donald and chose to ignore it.

There was only the one on-screen miscarriage in October 1997 - and yes she was aware that it was likely to happen due to her fibroids. Dr De'ath operated on her in January 1998 and I think she discovered she was pregnant with Byron in May.

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39 minutes ago, Dan F said:

There was only the one on-screen miscarriage in October 1997 - and yes she was aware that it was likely to happen due to her fibroids. Dr De'ath operated on her in January 1998 and I think she discovered she was pregnant with Byron in May.

So it's possible she either had a miscarriage during her time away on the farm with Phil or she fell pregnant after Byron whilst in the UK or even before she met Lance.

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Just when I thought Ash did the right thing finishing with Phoebe and was free from her and Kyle's child he decides to get back with her again.  Why oh why?  I was extremely annoyed the way Kyle and Ricky (especially) pressured Ash.  And it annoyed me the way Kyle thought he was better than Ash.  This waster kidnaps someone, tries to kill them and beats someone else to a pulp.  It was his childish behaviour storming off and getting into debt gambling just because Phoebe didn't want him anymore that caused this mess and ended up with Ash having to waste a kidney on him.

Whilst I don't think what Hunter did breaking into the Diner was as bad as the fire I was actually almost gobsmacked at Charlotte afterwards.  So it doesn't matter what Hunter does she's always going to try and protect him even when he actually wanted to do the right thing for once and turn himself in.  I guess this goes to some way of explaining why he's like that.  I think there's an argument that Hunter didn't deliberately try and physically harm anyone and he genuinely seemed remorseful about Marilyn but he needs to be stopped.  It will be interesting to see what Andy does if he finds out Hunter was behind this as well.

Today is one of the reasons why I loathe Chris.  He is such a cretin - A first class idiot - telling Kat like that although I admit I did find the scene where he did quite amusing.  But Hannah really should have known better than to tell him in the first place.  I didn't like the way she reacted to finding out about Nate and Ricky at first although to be fair she was trying to be a friend to all.  It is a shame going by the trailer as I actually quite enjoyed the scenes with Ricky and Kat and actually think they would make good friends.

I'm fed up with Josh still being hung up on Evie.  I wish he would just get over her and move on.  I actually don't mind her getting with Tank however I hate the way she often acts towards Josh and it's making me start to quite dislike her.  Which again is a shame as Evelyn has been a character that I've quite liked over the last year or so even though she is very often extremely self-righteous.  I haven't minded her indignation up until this point as it's usually been directed towards characters I don't like i.e. Hannah/Maddy however I quite like Josh, he's very easy going and non threatening.

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On 04/11/2015, 19:36:41, atrus said:

I didn't much like the way the song was used as a platform for Leah changing her mind yet again.

Huh? Why?? It was so grand and romantic!! :wub: It's a soap opera. That was the fix we all wanted right?!! I think it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in Neighbours or H&A or TV full stop really tbh. Anyway to each their own I suppose.


So I have Weds and Thurs eps. to comment on again. It's not gonna be such a euphoric post as this time last week.


Wednesday's ep. was good! I thought Josh's video was amazing!! I think he should show it at the school!!I think they should show it at the school! Josh should talk to Zac about that I think! :wink:

John calling Nate to the hospital was a bit weird. Probably coz he knows him but still. I mean James didn't hold back with the info he gave out about Marilyn's prognosis but it is best for doctors to always be honest and not sugar coat stuff or lie. They teach you that at med school or something. :wink:

Two hugs from my two fave ships in this ep!! :wub: Good old Zaccy going to talk to the electrician at the Diner for Leah! :D Oh yeah that reminds me I didn't really know the Diner had a door. :lol: That's one of the things that's so good about H&A though - even the inside feels outdoors often!! There was a sneaky little comforting hug between James and Roo too!! :wub:

Good scene with Josh and Evie talking after the video.

Charlotte and Hunter are both a lost cause I feel. Hunter's a complete and total headcase although it was good that he wanted to go to the Police. Charlotte's just selfish saying she didn't want to watch him going to prison.

Good old Matty talking to Ed Sheeran to get him to play because Z and Leah love him!! :wub: Good that Maddy and Matt are back on good terms again now! 

John's heartfelt plea to Marilyn was very touching! :( Great news from DOCS about all the fostering stuff!!! :D 


And onto Thursday's ep:

Was cool that Nate and Hannah were gonna have a discussion about her becoming a paramedic! Shame the conversation apparently got hijacked by what happened between Nate and Ricki.

18 hours ago, Slade said:

Today is one of the reasons why I loathe Chris.  He is such a cretin - A first class idiot

  Me too Slade. I loathe and despise and truly hate Chris so much. Hannah was maybe a bit weak but Chris is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb. I hate him. Why did he feel like he was entitled to find out something really private from Hannah???? Then he talks to Nate about it and finally blurts it all out to Kat at the end. And he's selfish. :o:o:o With Kat he was like "This is such good news for me". Just do one you sad loser.  Yep Chris I don't even know what his surname is is dead to me. Harrington. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: Hannah needs to dump him as soon as possible. She's actually a decent character when she wants to be! At least Chris did recognise it when Nate was talking to him. Still that doesn't count for much. If he knows that's what he's like he should stop surely.

Good scenes between Kat and Ricki and especially with Kat and Casey!!! :wub: He likes Kat!! Aw!! She does have younger brothers right? 

So James... Aw he has a daughter! He obviously did love her from what Denny said! Wonder what went wrong there? My current theory is that she's living with her grandparents which is why James would be reluctant to take Roo there.  HOLD THE PHONE PEOPLE. WE HAVE A NEW LEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just watching at the same time coz you know... Anyway Denny said she went to the uni with Sasha. Sasha Sasha?? Our Sasha?? Wow that must've been recent then?? Woooow!!!! I mean unless it was a kidnap?? But James doesn't seem like the type. Plus if it was a kidnap she wouldn't have looked like his daughter to Denny and Sasha. There's clearly something more to it than meets the eye because James was pretty short with Denny when she first approached him and all these little looks he keeps giving. Oh why are TPTB dragging this whole thing out so slooooooooooowly???

You know I hope for many reasons that Zac and Leah are gonna last the distance!! :wub: One of those reasons being Leah has lost more than enough men she's been in love with over the years. The same applies to Roo. James seems like a good guy and he obviously loves Roo a lot and I don't want TPTB to mess up this what could be a cracking relationship/ship! :wub::wub: 

OK whilst I am very interested in Roo and James and I do think James is a genuine guy and he cares a lot about Roo which is all awesome :wub: it was a very sudden decision to make when he asked Roo to move in with him!! :o 

Matt and Josh's friendship is good! Did anyone else notice the funny walk and singing M did when Evelyn was there at the house reading Tank's text? Yes that is a very interesting surname he has!


I did read something really really vague about how he's Snelgrove's son. In fact that was all it said.

I can't watch the ep. later today coz I'm going away fro the weekend. H&A continues to maintain a high standard!! :D 


One final thing: I noticed the other day in the credits that the Standby Props guy has the surname Elmalogou. 'Any relation??' I wondered. A quick Google search revealed that they are indeed siblings and Sebastian used to be in H&A apparently. 

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Hate and loathe are very strong words to use against Chris, yes he can be very, very, very annoying, but he's not a bad person like a lot I could mention, it's just the way he is and he has never deliberately hurt anyone by actions or words.  He just happened to fall into soap trap no. 44 (or whatever) when after being told 'someone' knows 'everything' about 'something' they assume they did mean 'everything'.  He isn't the last and he certainly won't be the last.

It was a shame as Ricky and Kat after a very awkward beginning to their impromptu lunch, not helped by Hannah not knowing how to react over this new development,  if only Nate hadn't confessed to his and Ricky's one night stand just before, were getting on and I could see they could have been friends. Kat was very good with Casey and he is very young so plenty of time to start having different feelings abut the police!:P  Be interesting to see how the girly night goes now!!!

Just when James was about to breathe a sigh of relief that it looked like Denny was going to leave town without remembering where she had seen him, she did!  Btw Changelo, Denny accompanied Sasha to the city back when Sash was looking at various unis and asked Denny to go with her as she was thinking about doing a mechanics course, which does seem to have come to nothing and it was only recently.  If James having a young daughter is so innocent such as in the girl's mum died or left and he's got custody why is it a secret, Roo would totally understand.  I guess that is also why he doesn't want her to meet his parents who must be looking after her until he gets a proper place to love (another theory).  Unless his wife/partner is still around but not capable of looking after their daughter - mad woman in the attic scenario? He does seem very keen for them to move into together, not an ulterior motive behind it I hope as in he is the possessive type.

Oh Josh why didn't you listen to Matt who was talking a lot of sense, not often that happens, but it does occasionally, about not interfering with Evie and her new guy just as you and Evie had become friends again. He came  across as a totally jealous ex even if the bloke is a tool no need to act like one yourself!  All it's going to do is ensure Evie sees more of him just to rub your nose in it.

No more of Marilyn though she did get a mention in passing at the Diner.

Kyle has more than redeemed himself for his actions when we first 'met' him, if the Braxtons could forgive him who are we to keep bringing his past up?  He is an adult so can do what he wants he did what he thought was right at the time by leaving the bay and no-one forced Ash to offer him his kidney. 

16 hours ago, c120701 said:

So it's possible she either had a miscarriage during her time away on the farm with Phil or she fell pregnant after Byron whilst in the UK or even before she met Lance.

That thought that it may have been when she was Phil keeps coming to my mind as well.

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