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3 minutes ago, Homeandawayfan. said:

Nice one Kat,  a copper throwing water over Ricky lol. You make Brennan in Neighbours look like a great cop lol.

Oh Ricky needs to be brought down a peg or two when it comes to getting with Nate So I enjoyed Kat's little outbrust...:ph34r:

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22 hours ago, Dan F said:

There was only the one on-screen miscarriage in October 1997 - and yes she was aware that it was likely to happen due to her fibroids. Dr De'ath operated on her in January 1998 and I think she discovered she was pregnant with Byron in May.

Oh, okay.I just wondered if I'd missed a detail, since I've a feeling I wasn't entirely paying attention to that episode.So, new information: a miscarriage during her time in London seems most likely, a miscarriage while with Phil is possible, and the conspiracy theorist in me is suddenly looking at those months she was away from the Bay in 1989, pondering the fact that when she came back she refused to sleep with anyone for about three years and going "Hmm..."

Roo's episode count this week:Four. Ricky was also in four, although she wasn't credited on Wednesday.

I was annoyed about Phoebe forcing Kyle and Ash together to start with but I guess it came off, and they went from eyeballing each other to make a good team.It probably helped that they had Andy at his most obnoxious to face off against.Well, Denny's farewell dinner was certainly memorable.And, while she arguably hasn't done anything wrong, Ricky's been so annoying at times recently that I pretty much cheered when Kat threw that drink over her.I don't see what Kat being a police officer has to do with it, she wasn't in uniform and they were out of the Bay so most people wouldn't know she's a cop.Turning up to work hungover is going to be more problematic...I'd like to get excited about that cliffhanger, except it's near identical to one last week, even if the promo does suggest there's more to it.

Love that we got a decent Madscar scene about the possibility of her moving out, I thought that little glimpse on the couch was all we were going to see of him to start with.And Maddy comparing it to them living together.I've got very mixed feelings about both Roo and Maddy moving out though.While I look forward to her having her own room again, I'd have been happy for Maddy to stay behind, even though I understand why Roo wouldn't want to go without her.Turning the whole house over to the Patterson-MacGuire clan increases the Them and Us feeling and leaves me with the odd image of Alf coming home to find "his" family have moved out.It was a bit disappointing too to see the fridge door, which in the past has had photos of old characters on it, plastered with photos of Alf, Roo and Maddy, aside from one of the Patterson-MacGuires and a photo of Alf and Ailsa that I guess was put there after Maddy acted as though she'd never seen a photo of Ailsa before.

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18 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Huh? Why?? It was so grand and romantic!! :wub: It's a soap opera. That was the fix we all wanted right?!! I think it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in Neighbours or H&A or TV full stop really tbh. Anyway to each their own I suppose.

I guess it wasn't the use of the song itself that annoyed me, but everything that led up to it. I think it might have worked nicely if we hadn't seen Leah and Zac split, make up and split again just a matter of days ago. Since the show had tried to get us to buy into the fact that Leah and Zac's problems were somehow more fundamental, it felt too easy as a resolution. One split (followed by one Ed Sheeran song) would have sufficed, IMO.

So Denny's exit seems unusually long and drawn out - on normal soap timescales she'd be living it up in Latvia about now. At least she finally remembered how she knows James, and it's nothing like as big a secret as I thought it would be. Even if he does have a secret daughter (which seems likely), the fact he's asked Roo and Maddy to move in with him means she's presumably not in the Bay with him, but with an estranged wife in The City. Unless he's just a filthy two-timer and goes home to his wife at weekends, which is possible. It would also explain his evasiveness about his parents, I guess. Or maybe his family issues simply stem from the fact that he's killed them all.

It was fairly clear that Ricky and Kat's out-of-the-blue friendship was going to be on the rocks before it began, the moment Hannah foolishly entrusted Chris with the secret about the former's night with Nate. I find it increasingly tough to like or sympathise with Kat - not that I'm justifying Nate and Ricky's behaviour because really, they should've waited, but does she have to be so combative all the time?

Oh dear. Just when Ash and Kyle were finally beginning to act like adults (to the degree that I was expecting them to rock up for a same-sex birthing class together by the end of the episode), the writers decide we haven't seen the inside of the hospital recently enough, and Phoebe's having baby-cramps. I hope everything turns out okay, although after one scare a few days ago, I'm mindful of the fact that false alarms rarely strike twice in fiction...

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On 11/6/2015, 2:41:03, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Me too Slade. I loathe and despise and truly hate Chris so much

Splendid!  A fellow Chris disliker:D.  TBH there are very few people in this forum who feel that way about Chris.  Excluding the posters who are indifferent the general consensus I feel is that he is quite popular and either liked or loved.  I can't get my head around it but there is something within his childish antics and immature behaviour that draws people to him.


On 11/6/2015, 2:03:38, H&Alover said:

Hate and loathe are very strong words to use against Chris, yes he can be very, very, very annoying, but he's not a bad person like a lot I could mention, it's just the way he is and he has never deliberately hurt anyone by actions or words.

Re the bit in bold, I've heard that argument before but it's one that just simply doesn't wash with me.  Just because a character isn't necessarily a bad person it does not mean they are automatically immune from dislike or hatred.  TBH I've said this quite a few times but Chris is the only character who I literally feel like punching anytime he's onscreen.  I don't find him fun or entertaining but just see him as some oxygen thief.  Regardless of how strong it is, loathe is an honest expression of how I feel about the character - like it or not.

I really enjoyed the scenes leading up to and including Kat throwing her drink over Ricky.  Each time we saw Kat I was eagerly excited seeing how long she could contain her built up anger for.  I'm assuming Hannah figured out Kat knew just before Kat called Ricky out on it and Ricky figured it out just before that hence the reason why she offered to take Phoebe home to try and avoid the inevitable fallout.  Denny didn't seem that bothered about it though but I think she was thinking more about her trip more than anything else.  I'm still wondering whether the writing of Kat has been inconsistent.  Acting like this over a guy she didn't even want  to get involved with because she didn't want to lose credibility as a police officer.  Perhaps it has something to do with the shooting which has made her reassess things, made her fearful and perhaps needs support which Nate would have provided if Kat was still going out with him.

Maybe I was wrong about Roo,  Perhaps she is in love with James.  Either that or she's fed up of living in such a crowded house.  If she's moving out though it would make sense for Maddy to leave with her.  Thought the stuff with Maddy and Oscar was like watching paint dry though.

Don't particularly like the fact that Ash was made to spend time with Kyle although I did find Andy quite amusing, especially when he called Ash and Kyle a bunch of girls with regards to looking after Casey.

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I think I meant to put the bold in italics, but whatever. I guess we are all entitled to our opinions, that's what makes a good forum, we can disagree about something/someone but still be grown up about it.  Chis is someone we will have to agree to disagree about.

Oh Roo listen to your instincts, you're still not totally sure about moving in with James and for me there is still the little matter of him looking up Maddy on her FB page which doesn't sit right with me. He comes across as very intense and you can bet your bottom dollar Alf won't be pleased, he already had his doubts about James before he went away.  Roo is going to let Alf know I hope. Talking of Maddy and her hoping her moving into James' will give her free rein to have Oscar over whenever she likes, it'll be James' place so would only be courtesy to get his OK. He'd hardly be able to pop to the city to see his wife and daughter when Roo and Maddy move in with him if one of your theories is true atrus.

Denny's leaving was indeed memorable in more ways than one!!!   It was only a matter of time before Kat did something, must have been most entertaining for the rest of the diners. I don't suppose one of the cocktails was Between The Sheets by any chance?:wink:  Great build up to Kat finally losing it with Hannah (and me) getting increasingly nervous  and trying to get Kat to have some water/fresh air as she was drinking too much. She and Nat had broken up so she had no claim on him anymore, once again it was the speed it happened and with Ricky who in Kat's eyes (sorry no pun intended) was the enemy and Nate's ex who she already had (unfounded) suspicions about. Kat had trust issues to start with after her ex and to her this just justified her beliefs. If someone other than Ricky had tried to talk Kat out of driving while still over the limit she may have listened, but the fact it was just made her all the more determined to shoot off. Hopefully she'll come to her senses before she hits anything/anyone.   Btw wouldn't want to be Chris when Hannah next sees him.

It did look like it was going to be a tense evening between Kyle and Ash but Andy being there as a buffer did calm the situation as they were ganging up on him instead of taking chunks out of each other. It worked out OK in the end bonding over Casey with Ash feeding him and checking on him after they put him down. It doesn't look like good news for Phoebe, Ash or Kyle, I don't think I'm giving anything away by mentioning the genetic heart problem that came up in the trailer, thing is on who's side does it come from?

Another something happens I certainly didn't see coming!!!!:o


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Again, Phoebe kinda annoyed me when pushing Ash to help babysit with Kyle. In the end, it worked out OK, but really I think she just needed to give Ash some time to adjust. Especially because you know that if the roles were reversed and Ash was having a baby with someone else, there would be no way that Phoebe would be understanding.

Everytime I want to warm to Chris, he pulls a stunt that makes me want to shake it. It wasn't Hannah's secret to tell, she shouldn't have let Chris guilt-triip her into telling him, especially knowing that he would 100% spill the beans. Which he of course did. While I get Kat's frustrations here - Nate knew she had trust issues, and yet he let her believe that all her suspicions about Ricky were all in her head. And though Nate and Kat were not together, it was way too soon after they broke up. However, Kat lost sympathy points from me, because she made Denny's leaving night about her. Even before her outburst, she made it clear throughout the night that she was in a bad mood.


2 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Oh Roo listen to your instincts, you're still not totally sure about moving in with James and for me there is still the little matter of him looking up Maddy on her FB page which doesn't sit right with me. He comes across as very intense and you can bet your bottom dollar Alf won't be pleased, he already had his doubts about James before he went away.  Roo is going to let Alf know I hope. Talking of Maddy and her hoping her moving into James' will give her free rein to have Oscar over whenever she likes, it'll be James' place so would only be courtesy to get his OK. He'd hardly be able to pop to the city to see his wife and daughter when Roo and Maddy move in with him if one of your theories is true atrus.

I agree with you H&A lover. James needs to learn new ways of averting personal questions rather than speeding through relationship milestones just because Roo asks him questions about his family. If he does have a daughter, I don't understand the need for secrecy unless he is still in a relationship with the mother (in which case, surely it would be harder to hide this if Roo is living with him). Maddy and Oscar presumptive attitude that Oscar can freely come over for sleepovers when Maddy lives with James really annoyed me too. Maddy would still be a guest in the house, and therefore, certain etiquette applies here. It feels like the writers seem to be compensating for the criticisms of the platonic nature of Maddy/Oscar even when in a relationship, by suddenly making them obsessed with hooking up all the time. Like all their interactions seem to involve people walking in on them on the sofa at the mo.

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Nate didn't just 'let' Kat believe it was all in her head - he 'led' her to believe it -  he knew all the time she was right, but  made himself out to be the innocent party as usual.  He did exactly the same thing with Sophie so it was  no wonder she turned out like she did,  he Is just a waste of space who plays with  peoples feelings and their minds.

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On 11/6/2015, 9:42:33, atrus said:

I guess it wasn't the use of the song itself that annoyed me, but everything that led up to it. I think it might have worked nicely if we hadn't seen Leah and Zac split, make up and split again just a matter of days ago. Since the show had tried to get us to buy into the fact that Leah and Zac's problems were somehow more fundamental, it felt too easy as a resolution. One split (followed by one Ed Sheeran song) would have sufficed, IMO.

I supose. Sorry about my strong reaction before. I have no complaints to make about the "Ed Sheeran uber romantic, magical etc. reunion". :wub: I think it would've meant less if it was just after the first time Leah called it off with Zac. I think it would've been ott if it was just after the one break up. Yes maybe the fact it had to happen at all was extraneous. I can kinda understand why Leah did it both times though. It was (OK a little more than) mildly annoying both times but she did it coz she was worried she was gonna lose Zac to Charlotte and Hunter. We all said they never talked sufficiently about the issues after the first fix so I suppose I could albeit grudgingly admit the second breakup, tedious as it was kinda figures. It was an amazing fix!! :wub::wub: 

I was a bit on edge even after the reunion to end all reunions :wub: because TPTB didn't seem to be treating Z/L very well at all.  :angry: But Leah and Zac are both super on the same page now and they seem to be really firmly back on top form now so I'm all good!!  


On 11/7/2015, 9:45:13, Slade said:

Splendid!  A fellow Chris disliker:D.  TBH there are very few people in this forum who feel that way about Chris.  Excluding the posters who are indifferent the general consensus I feel is that he is quite popular and either liked or loved.  I can't get my head around it but there is something within his childish antics and immature behaviour that draws people to him.

Splendid lol!! Oh don't get me started! Yeah he's just so self-entitled and self obsessed and I've really had enough now. I mean from that thing with the wild mushrooms in the Diner last year to meddling with Zac's proposal, to the thing with Nate and the pink snuggie and then all the stuff about how he wanted topless waiters at Zac and Leah's fundraiser to amuse himself *SELFISH* to this now. HEY HARRINGTON: IF IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS DO EVERYONE A FAVOUR AND KEEP YOUR BIG FAT NOSE OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry: With this most recent thing too: It wasn't just that Chris fell victim to the "Talking about something he thinks the other person is all clued up on" thing. Chris was the one that said he was relieved for crying out loud. WHY???????????????? :angry::angry::angry::angry: I can't of course forget when knucklehead was upset and bummed out when John Palmer pointed out the absolute truth to him. I didn't have any issues lol! I was just like 'Go John!!' Maybe everyone should just learn to never listen to Chris. Problem solved! I won't be ever giving him the time of day from now on. It's a shame coz I actually do like Hahnnah. Oh well all the faster I'll be able to get to see the characters that I love who are so infinitely better than dumb bum loser Harrington. 

Onto Friday's ep:

The scenes when Ash and Kyle were babysitting were good! Good to see them working as a team! Andy really annoyed me. It was good a t the end when he was talking to Kyle. You know it felt all to clipped and clean and stuff and too good to be true. Kat's on the road when she probably shouldn't be. :o

The stuff with Roo and James and Roo and Maddy... Yes very fast and he shouldn't ask Roo to move in with him just to avoid talking about his parents. This whole thing is very mysterious indeed. Some of you guys have put across some interesting theories! Naturally I have one or two theories myself as well.

I just don't want TPTB to suddenly turn James into some twisted, mean bad guy. I do genuinely like James and Roo's in love with him I think and vice versa. :wub: Yeah it'll be interesting to see how Maddy gets on with the two of them. It is kinda interesting that all this is happening while Alf is away. Maybe now Leah, Zac and fam. will just stay on at the gorgeous, ultimate Summer Bay House and not move out coz there's more space now. :wink:

Thanks for the explanation about when Sasha and Denny were looking at the unis. :) I'd guessed it was something along those lines. Still the takeaway point from that whole thing is: Recent.



Ooh P.S. *twirl* Ta da!!! I found this photo for my AV while I was Googling to see if there'd been any progress at Oz pace with Zac and Leah's Wedding. I LOVE it!!! Gonna make some new wallpaper soon for my laptop and this will be just such an absolutely perfect replacement for the current photo I have of Deacon and Rayna from Nashville. Zac and Leah wipe... the... floor with the two of them!!! :wub::wub::wub: Anytime!!!!!!

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On 11/7/2015, 9:45:13, Slade said:

TBH I've said this quite a few times but Chris is the only character who I literally feel like punching anytime he's onscreen.  I don't find him fun or entertaining but just see him as some oxygen thief.  Regardless of how strong it is, loathe is an honest expression of how I feel about the character - like it or not.

Sorry to post twice in a row! I just wanted to say I really enjoyed and thoroughly agree with this comment!!!


Oh yeah how could I forget Denny's leaving do. Yes very memorable Den!! I am gonna miss Denny for sure. *sniffle*

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11 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Thanks for the explanation about when Sasha and Denny were looking at the unis. :) I'd guessed it was something along those lines. Still the takeaway point from that whole thing is: Recent.

If I'm remembering right it was earlier this year, Matt was supposed to go with her but bailed.

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