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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎08‎:‎12‎:‎25, Slade said:

Initially when I realised that she was going to dispose of the body I would say my reaction was shocked but not surprised.  I have to say it wouldn't have been easy to move Denny into the car, carry her out then dig a hole large enough to bury her in but Charlotte clearly had an incentive.

Not only that Slade she had to carry a body down the stairs in the dark, not an easy task a  dead weight is just that a weight. That did look a pretty deep grave as well. Full marks to Charlotte for  thinking on her feet, not once but twice.  First when Zac asked if she had seen Denny and the day after the shooting when Kat questioned her about sleep walking - 'you sleep in your clothes' 'I fell asleep on the sofa'.  Did Charlotte actually break into the bait shop or was she just lurking about outside? Good that Kat insisted on reporting the incident despite Charlotte suggesting, very naively, that they just forget about it. Apart from the outside chance someone heard the shots, there would be the fact Kat's gun would have two bullets missing which she would have to account for and there has to be two bullet holes buried in the walls of the bait shop. Mind it was so dark it was hard to see what was going on. Hunter maybe a bit of a psycho (reformed?) but he's not stupid, Charlotte's behaviour has spooked him and I have the distinct feeling he's now gone off to the cops to hand himself in. It would certainly explain Charlotte's complete collapse, all that hard work in vain, if she'd let him go when he wanted Denny would still be alive. Which leads me to ask something I meant to say the other day, just how do the school board manage to hire such flaky teachers/principals, the ones we see anyway? Going way back there was Barry Hyde who killed his wife, Bianca who was hardly ever there, Sophie who was  unstable, Zac former drug user and drinker, Mad Monty, now Charlotte!  The only normal ones that spring to mind were Donald and Gina. I think what happened to Marilyn really has made Hunter rethink his entire attitude, he was even willing to have the meeting that was postponed before Charlotte bundled him off to his nan's.  No matter what he did, it's small fry compered to what his mum has done, be interesting to see Zac's reaction if he has gone to the cops, his son has committed arson, assaulted Josh and caused (admittedly accidentally) Marilyn to be electrocuted.

Odd Denny didn't go and see her mum before she left, so Ricky and Hannah are already thinking it's strange they haven't heard from Denny, do they have Denny's mum's number, if she didn't ring them first she'd ring her mum.

More quick thinking, this time on Hannah's part, when Ash called round sensing something was not right with Pheebs and her saying she was out and Chris after a nano pause throwing in the, 'we've got the house to ourselves' line, then just walking  back into the front room, see told you he can be sensitive. Good idea of Hannah's to be there when Phoebe decided to get the guys over and break the news to them together.  Both reacted as you would expect, Kyle being the actual father would want Phoebe to carry on with the pregnancy and hope the baby may survive with less problems than the prognosis given. Hannah was, without prejudice, able to say she had seen it from the other side. it was a knee jerk reaction from Kyle so he was in more of a mood to listen when Hannah spoke to him on the beach.  Ultimately though it is, as before, Phoebe's decision, does she have a termination now, hold onto the pregnancy as long as she can, go full term if possible then maybe have the agony of the baby dying soon after birth.  Of course nature may take a hand and she will lose the baby naturally. On a side note, if she decides to carry on will she have to carry the dead twin until whatever happens happens?

Lots of changing of minds going on Kat asking Nate if he would give them another chance then when he's agreed Ricky on Roo's advice decides to tell him she wants them to try again, sorry Ricky it was your idea for Kat to get back together with Nate but this is soap land so nothing's settled.

I like James as a doctor, he doesn't mince his words when giving prognosis' which in a bizarre way I would think relatives/friends would appreciate more then the fudging you sometimes get from doctors. Wasn't Marilyn put in an induced coma to give her brain time to recover? That would explain coming out of it already.  Surprise ending (for those of us who didn't read about it anyway) Maz not recognising John and thinking she is still married to Don. Another example of lax security at the hospital again as we saw that tonight she turns up at the Stewart house wondering who Oscar is and how he knows her.


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Saw today's UK ep.

Leah would have been better off staying out of the room and Roo go it alone and try to help Maz make some sense slowly but that doesn't make for good drama I guess.

Poor Palmer, 6 years ago, I never thought I'd be feeling any sympathy for him as he was kind of a knob back then.

Didn't care too tough for the Teens in this one, my attention was on Maz/Palmer.

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Well - having taken a few days to digest Denny's untimely death, I do find myself feeling a little bit cheated as a viewer. I actually liked her as a character, despite her having practically nothing to do for the last 12 months - and to see her wander into Charlotte's web at the eleventh hour prior to a happy ending, and be summarily bashed on the head with a safe and killed, was actually quite upsetting, to the extent that H&A retains its power to upset me.

Seeing Charlotte's swift descent into blood-scrubbing Lady Macbeth territory was somehow reassuring, though - I always had a feeling in my bones about her, and now it's vindicated in the strongest possible way. And just as Hunter conveniently becomes a reformed, house-trained, model human being overnight, too. I find it impossible to empathise with Charlotte in this situation, I must say; if I'd accidentally bumped someone off, I would be blubbing down the phone to the police within seconds, regardless of the consequences. Charlotte really must have an iron constitution to simply dust off the shovel and make a beeline for The Bush to dig a shallow grave.

Love the new rug, though.

I suppose one person who'll be feeling a lot more comfortable with Denny out of the picture is James, as she was dispatched before being able to tell anyone about the girl she thought was his daughter. Was it the daughter on the phone, or a wife? But it seems Maddy now has her suspicions instead; so let's hope she isn't the next person to land up buried in the woods. I was glad to see Matt and Maddy getting on again, even if he probably doesn't deserve it after the way he was treating her recently. Let's hope Oscar gets back from the nerd-fest before they can share any more loaded sofa moments.

I was ready to leap on Kyle for the way he reacted to the news about the babies. My immediate reaction was that he needed to be putting Phoebe first in all of this, as Ash appeared to be, and that that included being supportive of whatever decision she made. Therefore I'm glad he had a turnaround by close of play on Tuesday. And yet I was also glad in a way that Phoebe made the decision she did - not that I would've blamed her for taking the alternative route.

Oh. A silly amnesia storyline. I suppose if they're going to do it with anyone, it makes sense for it to be Marilyn as a long-running character whose past viewers can relate to; and if anyone can pull it off it's Emily and Shane. But I just don't think it does the show any favours in terms of credibility.

Not interested in the ongoing Ricky/Nate/Kat wranglings, nor in Evie going all googly-eyed over Truck or whatever his name is.

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Well...Josh is a jealous jerk.I've said it.I might end up looking a fool since he'll probably, aggravatingly, turn out to be right, but he is.Despite his claims to the contrary, I suspect he'd be looking for reasons to hate anyone that Evie dates.The only suggestion we've got that Tank isn't perfectly nice is his laddish comments about Evelyn at the Diner and...so what? Matt talks like that about girls all the time, he humiliated Sasha by talking about her "like she was a piece of meat" while she was standing right there twice, and we're not meant to think all girls should stay away from him.(One probably should but that's another matter.)Evelyn and Tank already seems like a more fun relationship than the one she had with Josh, and personally I think they've got better chemistry too.I was pleased that Maddy said she feels the same way about Oscar: These things are subjective after all and not all girls fall for the "dangerous" guys.

James again hints at having a daughter with his comments about teenage girls.If that was her he was on the phone to, he must be a pretty harsh father.

Were Alf and Irene deliberately sent away because they're the only people Marilyn knew in 1996?Even Roo was someone she was only vaguely familiar with.A shame that the Marilyn-thinks-it's-1996 conceit gets blown in the first full episode by having her say Morag is always saying Roo should visit: Morag wasn't in Summer Bay in 1996 and Marilyn would have last seen her seven years previous, not long after she last saw Roo.It can be explained away as Marilyn getting her memories mixed up, as indicated by the fact that the memory of the accident is clearly there but she doesn't want to access it, but it feels like someone just didn't bother to check.(Presumably Marilyn and Morag had a discussion along those lines back in 1989.The only other time they were both in town without Roo was in early 2011, and neither of them would have been in the mood to have that discussion then.) The fact that there's presumably still a maternity leave looming leaves me suspecting this is going to prompt Marilyn to leave John and leave town, although she's in the promo for next episode so she's not heading for the hills just yet.A shame if true.And having Marilyn give her name as Marilyn Fisher just highlights the fact that she should be Marilyn Palmer but the show refuses to let women use their married name even if it's massively out of character for them not to.(Maybe this will prompt her to start doing so?)

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OK so it's been a pretty quiet week since the atrocities of Monday.

I don't know if I'll be able to recount everything (not that there's really stacks) and comment in order but I'll give it a try.

I thought it was really sweet of Zac on Tuesday to offer Kat to go to dinner with him and Leah! They're not great friends but Zac's just that lovely. :wub: I don't know his back story admittedly but from reading someone's post I picked up on some things. I do love a good redemption story!! "Bad" (well not bad by Braxton standards) boy come good!! He took drugs and was drinking since being on the show?

I hope we get to see some whole family scenes including Zac and Leah later today coz I've missed seeing them together this week. The barbie's such an awesome idea! I was hoping there'd be some sort of a farewell meal for Maddy and Roo!! It was strange I thought when Denny was saying goodbye to Zac and the twins and Leah wasn't there. She was probably working (kinda hate that you never really have a time frame on these sorts of shows)? Anyway more on this later.

Charlotte did seem very Lady Macbeth on Tuesday and Wednesday. Scrubbing the blood and how cold and calm she was about everything. Uncovering Denny's body creeped me out. I know we thankfully didn't see anything but still. I wouldn't have been able to go back to the shallow grave and recover Denny's back pack.

It is very sick and wrong what TPTB have done to Denny. :angry: :angry: SHE WAS LEAVING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. It's literally overkill. Not a joke.

I can see Charlotte cracking up in the long run. When Denny's friends and family start to question why she's not contacting them etc. What if Hunter goes to work in the Bait Shop?

Speaking of that brings me nicely onto Wednesday. Alright I'll go on this journey with Hunter and er... I could maybe forget about the arson etc. although especially now it's gonna be ooh 20 times worse at least when the truth comes out. Anyway coz I'm so sick of his behaviour and does really seem genuine I'll go on this journey of redemption with Hunter. :) BUT if he ever screws up again me and him are through and Chris gets just bumped up from the bottom position a little bit. 

That was a nice note he left Charlotte. Sweet! So out of character. :lol: Anyway I liked it and I think Charlotte's strong reaction was because she finally realised what she'd done. She realised she'd killed Denny and she has a son who's trying to turn his life around and if she ever gets found out she'd gonna get taken away from Hunter.

Ash seemed to be kinda doing a good job handling all this baby news and looking after Phoebe. Of course Kyle's gonna have a strong reaction. It's his baby!! Hannah kinda seemed like she didn't understand Kyle's perspective when she was talking to him on the beach. It kinda seemed like to me she just thought Kyle should be there for Phoebe and maybe push his feelings to the side for her sake. I mean I get that Kyle shouldn't be angry at Phoebe but he's completely allowed to be angry at the situation they all find themselves in now. it SUCKS.

Oh yeah Nate and Kat: I feel a bit cheated coz we didn't get to see particularly Nate's thought process or the initial 'getting back together' scene. My reaction as they were walking off arm in arm being watched by Ricki: "I should feel happier about this". I don't know why Nate changed his mind. Is he really gonna do the right thing by Kat? I do genuinely actually like Nate. I think we should all be supporting him in this thread! :wink: If we have a threshold for badness on this show of "the Braxtons" vs. "everyone else" Nate isn't actually all that bad. Characters slip up and do varying degrees of "bad" things all the time even the so called "good ones"! That's what a soap opera is.

I do enjoy Matt and Josh's friendship! That is something this show has been better at than Neighbours in the more recent years - We had Xavier and Romeo and VJ and Jett and now Matt and Josh! Aw! No it's good! Genuinely! I don't know that I really like Josh so much but his friendship with Matthew Page is a highlight!

So I arrive at Thursday:

Nice scenes at Summer Bay House!! Nice to see Leah! What was it her and Matt were spooning into all those jars?? Looked like spices. Mince? Nice Matt and Maddy interactions. Aw cute that Oscar and Uncle Zac've gone to the Nerd Fest Science Expo together! Gotta love Matty!! :D 

I'VE CRACKED THE JAMES ISSUE YOU GUYS!!! So James was married or had a daughter with a woman and she cracked up and left James and the child. James got a job at Summer Bay Hospital so he had to move out of The City. He didn't want to move his daughter (I like the name "Emily" :wink:) and uproot her life even more after her Mum leaving so she's now living with her grandparents. 

Why doesn't he want to tell Roo? His ex is clearly dangerous and he doesn't want Roo involved with that in any way, shape or form. Or some variation of those events.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I like James!! Genuinely! It seems like he was a good, involved, loving father once. Maybe he still is but he just didn't want to uproot his daughter's life and have her move to Summer Bay with him. I would still like TPTB to hurry up with what exactly this issue is with James but I do feel he's a genuine guy who loves Roo and has a good heart. I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope TPTB aren't gonna turn him into some child molester or wife beater or con man. It's too late for me now. I'm in! I like James!! I think all of this mystery stuff is being built up to create all these diffferent ideas that the viewers have. Even the few of us in this thread all have different ideas. It's great that we can all discuss our ideas with each other!

Some nice scenes between Roo and James packing up and stuff! :wub: She does seem to be very giddy about James. Not that that's an issue. Just making an observation.

Evie and Tank... Yeah he's a piece of work. They made that paddle board thing look like a piece of cake. Tank is pretty good looking but he seems like he playing a game with Josh about Evie and that's not cool.

That conversation Evie and Maddy were having about kissing was kinda weird. I don't know why Evie found it so cringeworthy when Maddy started talking about her brother. "Is that news to you Evie?"

The stuff with Marilyn is erm... interesting. Heartbreaking for John obviously. Roo and Leah were certainly a lot less pushy/bordering on aggressive than John was. I know he's distraught and frustrated upset and confused but he really needed to be a lot more gentle.

I don't know if it was 100% necessary for Roo to tell her Dad and Don and Irene? all about Marilyn's condition. What can any of them do about it?

Bring on the barbie!! Yeeeeah!!! That would be an awesome way to end a really mixed/messed up week!!

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I was thinking the same as Red Ranger 1 about Irene and Alf both intentionally being away during this storyline with Marilyn as they are the only two who were also around in 1996. I wonder if it's just a coincidence that Alf is away with Donald at the same time Marilyn thinks Donald is still her husband or could he be returning for a short stint? Would be great to see him back. This memory loss storyline is a really good and gives chance to connect to the past, plus it's time Marilyn had something decent. I don't think this would've been done a year ago. 

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I had to groan when Marilyn miraculously awoke from her coma (I went out of the room for a second and missed it) with soap amnesia. Oh, well now we just need to wait for some event to prod her simple mind back into gear. Run while you can John.

The Charlotte and Hunter characters are a little weird since they drifted into town, Hunter has been playing a out and out sociopath but has now had an epiphany since staying at his grans. Charlotte probably wishes she never set foot in the bay, they're both like they should be in Fargo. I think H&A is due for another reshuffle - not the actors the writers!

Thought it was funny Evie asking Maddie about feeling in love(lust?) with someone, Maddie gave the example of feeling it with Oscar, hmm, I seen to recall her being more passionate towards Josh than Oscar, but I guess that wouldn't have gone down well with Evie.

So, when will Ru find out about James's family, I'm betting they're Vietnamese and overseas. You'd think she'd have sussed him by now the detective she is with everyone else, but love is blind.

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10 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

.And having Marilyn give her name as Marilyn Fisher just highlights the fact that she should be Marilyn Palmer but the show refuses to let women use their married name even if it's massively out of character for them not to.(Maybe this will prompt her to start doing so?)

Ailsa kept her married name til her death. Pippa, despite marrying a third time, stayed "Ross." Leah still is Patterson, chopped the "Baker" off bar the credits (Think she may have reverted to that first married name to keep in sync with VJ)

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Hey Psychic you leave 'our' Maz alone. Despite what James said about not confusing Marilyn Roo and Leah did just that mentioning Leah's (who Marilyn didn't know) wedding, VJ being friends with Jett when those names didn't mean a thing to Marilyn. I remember her having the beauty salon at the back of the diner, didn't we see it on a couple of the episodes they showed during August? They should have just agreed with what she was saying not try and bring her up to date. There probably is a reason why Marilyn has picked on 1996 which may or not come out eventually.  As a matter of interest Roo wasn't in the bay in 1996 either so even more confusion in Marilyn's mind as the last time Morag, Roo and Maz were in the bay was the seven years earlier Marilyn talked about. After being so patient recently John lost it when the neurologist tried to tell him there was no way of telling how long it would take Marilyn to get over/through her retrograde amnesia.  He was right it does vary from patient to patient, the brain is a much complex machine than the most advanced computer and the one organ of the body the most brilliant doctors still don't understand and give definite answers about.  John was kind of desperate when he took in those photos, it does work in a lot of case, but bit early yet for Marilyn I was wondering about Jett and we got a one sided conversation with him.  Good idea of Roo getting Alf and maybe Donald back, even Irene, all three I think would handle it a lot more delicately then Roo and Leah did. All it has done it prompt Marilyn to flee the hospital and although I realise it's not a prison and they don't lock patients in their rooms, you would think they'd be keeping a better eye on her. As an aside in the absence of Nate James does seem to be 'the' doctor in charge of everything.  Might seem a niggle but why is Marilyn wearing makeup, wouldn't the nurses have cleaned it off before her op, also her hair is still in it's usual style.:unsure:

As I said before I like James as a doctor but as a person there is still something about him that sets alarm bells ringing (sorry Changelo), a neat side step when Roo asked him how he knew so much about teenage girls and he replied cousins. I may have misunderstood Denny but didn't she say little girl when remembering where she saw James?  Then there was that call - 'I told you not to ring me on this phone' which right away raises suspicions, certainly has with Maddy.

A real girly chat between Maddy and Evie about fancying someone so much they make you tingle, any other boy Evie would have been cool with it was just the fact Maddy was talking about her brother, kind of sweet and old fashioned in a way. Evie sees Tank as  a bad boy, but too bad, Josh tended to veer that way, but not quite. I guess Josh has got a downer on him because yes he's jealous, but he didn't like the way Tank was talking about Evie, he's her ex for heavens sake, how was he supposed to react. He also has seen him in action away from Evie, but of course she is not going to listen to anything negative he has to say about him.  Matt getting all sensible again by trying to warn Josh from interfering, when did he get all wise?  From where Josh was standing it would look like Tank was getting rough with Evie and he does still care for her. So Tank tells Evie he was thrown out of his last school because a lad attacked him and he fought back but because of his reputation he got thrown out. Is that the full truth or just his spin on it?

So Charlotte and Hunter having done their three days have vanished from the scene so we are left in limbo waiting to find out just what happened and Changelo Charlotte has cracked up!

Interesting she was Marilyn Fisher but didn't want to be Marilyn Palmer and Roo remained a Stewart after marrying Harvey. Gina become a Palmer, Bianca become Scott-Braxton, so it seems to vary from female character to female character.



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Nice all the refs to the past last night, shall look forward to more in tonights episode hopefully. Maz thinking it is 1996, thinking she is still wed to Donald Fisher, and remembering the salon, Diner, and how, while thinking it is 1996, saying she last saw Roo 7 years before. I liked the mention of the Macklin Group, as that family were the great supporting characters of 1988-1989. I noted the slight error, Morag left in 1993 and did not return until 2001, she was not in Summer Bay in 1996. Unless Marilyn was in contact with Morag on the phone, or as said, she does not know Morag was not in Summer Bay in 1996. Dan Bennett has got all other refs right.

Josh Barrett, get out of here and take Andy and Ash with you. Disappear, permanently.



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