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On 11/14/2015, 8:26:33, Red Ranger 1 said:

More nice girls' talk scenes between Evelyn and Maddy: To be fair, Maddy only said Oscar was one boy she's felt like that about (she'd probably include Spencer too).

Shame I always feel like beating Josh to a pulp when he calls Evelyn "the best thing that's ever happened to me": No, Josh, that was Maddy, she was the one who changed your life for the better, Evelyn is just...there.

I would like to think that too :) and she probably meant Josh aswell.

Yes Maddy was the best thing to happen to Josh and after everything she did for him he treated her so badly at the end of it all.

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You're right Red about Bianca and Rocco.:blush:

I suppose this thing with married women in H&A taking their husbands names and them being addressed by that name yet the closing credits still showing their maiden/previous  surname is how often said closing credits are updated. If it's a while said woman could have divorced/been widowed and remarried again!

There are different versions of memory loss, could be illness, bump on the head or in Marilyn's case electric shock, causing the retrograde amnesia, the consultant said that everyone is different which is why they can't give a blanket prognosis.  It could be as he said in Marilyn's case it is important her memory comes back in two weeks time.

 Pippa was living at the caravan park house then so of course it would make sense her and Sally's photo would be on the mantelpiece.  Oscar has not long moved in so may have not been 'introduced' to the other 'family' members.  The size of mobile phones change from week to week so back then they would have been a long bulkier and certainly didn't have screens on them plus Maz is in a confused state of mind anyway so that wouldn't have helped.  She did meet Andy in the open air whereas Oscar suddenly just walked through the door spooking an already jumpy Marilyn.   When did Marilyn and Donald live in the house where you enter the front door and go down a couple of steps, is that the one she meant? A lot of things have changed in the bay, businesses have moved, closed etc.  There was a whole ten years when Maz was in England when changes happened and she would have had to re-find her way around and she had her memory then. I thought Andy handled the situation very well, we didn't see what transpired, but he obviously kept her calm enough for someone to come and get her and take her back to hospital.  I guess 1996 is as good a year as any other and I think I've read after a trauma like Marilyn went through the amnesiac returns to a year they were happy in.

It's obvious Josh is still hung up on Evie, loved Matt gently taking the mick out of Josh, so naturally he's jealous, problem everyone knows he is so won't be taking him seriously, even Andy has told him to move on.  Tank the plank is well aware of this so turning the charm offensive up to maximum to make then all think he's an OK guy and Josh is the one with the problem.  I did think Matt may have twigged something, seeing as it looked like they both hung in the same part of Mangrove River, but no it came to naught.

When Tank took Evie for the car ride and to end all car rides, after she got him to stop, I thought she was going to jump out but no she jumped on him!!!!! Who would have thought Evie got turned on by speed.  Going back on was 'the best thing to happen' to Josh, yes Maddy did initially get him into studying and helped a lot despite everyone telling her he was a bad 'un.  But then it started to get all about her, she was so used to being first in everything she was more concerned she came second in an exam she completely ignored the fact Josh had for the first time came top in something. She kept promising Josh she'd change and she did for a while, but then reverted back to me, me mode.  In comparison Evelyn was a lot less hard work and listened to him.

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On ‎15‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎17‎:‎15‎:‎09, Slade said:

Once again we have Oscar and Maddy in the same episode not spending 'valuable' time with each other.  She's out socialising and generally having a good time but he's left at home to watch out for Marilyn.

Curiously I wasn't so bothered by Oscar not having scenes with Maddy per se as by all the teens being out together meeting Tank and him left out.We did get that line about him being away at a Science Expo in the previous episode, don't know if we're to assume he'd just come back from that?

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

When did Marilyn and Donald live in the house where you enter the front door and go down a couple of steps, is that the one she meant?

Yep that's...well, the only house they lived in together.

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Going back on was 'the best thing to happen' to Josh, yes Maddy did initially get him into studying and helped a lot despite everyone telling her he was a bad 'un.  But then it started to get all about her, she was so used to being first in everything she was more concerned she came second in an exam she completely ignored the fact Josh had for the first time came top in something. She kept promising Josh she'd change and she did for a while, but then reverted back to me, me mode.  In comparison Evelyn was a lot less hard work and listened to him.

At the risk of a long conversation starting...Maddy failed the exam and Josh passed, and he didn't seem to think about her any more than she did about him.It wasn't really a case of her being a bad girlfriend and him being long-suffering and blameless, what with him lying to her about studying for no reason then snickering about her behind her back (before finally cheating on her).And I don't think you could ever describe Evelyn as not being hard work.(She's still not the first person he turns to in a crisis.)

Anyway...Today's episode! Marilyn has accepted her situation and is willing to take help from friends old and new but seems to be a long way away from recovery.Or two weeks away from recovery, if the deadline's to be believed.John probably isn't much older than Don was in 1996, so Marilyn's used to older men.It's a shame he felt the need to leave when Irene turned up, I guess he felt left out by Marilyn's obvious joy at someone she remembers being close to and worried that she'll never act like that towards him again.Nate should probably just put up with James keeping an eye on him for a week, although if it's "procedure" as James claims you'd expect him to expect it.Nate and Kat actually work quite well together when they're not the main focus.

I thought for one horrible moment we were going to be subjected to Saint Andy acting agony uncle to John, but thankfully he was only in the episode to be a tool towards Kyle. Sanity reigns.Kyle and Phoebe were being overly optimistic by ignoring everything that was wrong with the baby, although Ash ended up being the one that annoyed me the most, especially with the way he just helped himself to stuff from Angelo's.I guess we're meant to assume she lost the other baby, even though no-one said so.It looked like she knew something was happening but didn't want to admit it.

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Irene's return and reunion with Marilyn was a really nice moment, tough as it was on John. I'd forgotten that Alf had gone to spend time with Don; it sort of feels like he'd be the key to all this for Marilyn, and that they're therefore preparing the ground for a guest spot for him, but I won't hold my breath.  

So apparently a sad conclusion to Phoebe's pregnancy storyline, but a good one too - and I mean that only in the sense that the storyline managed to surprise me in a way that these things rarely do. I was pretty sure when we learned that one of the twins had died, that the other would end up making it to full term against all the odds. I'd say it's a brave move for the show to take an alternative route, but I think that hypothesis will only be vindicated in the days and weeks to come as we see how Phoebe and other characters react. I hope the pregnancy isn't forgotten by this time next week, as that would be a real shame.

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On 11/14/2015, 11:37:00, Red Ranger 1 said:

The drugs thing was years ago before we met Zac, he'd already served his time.He did have a drink problem last year.Then...he didn't.

Oh right. Interesting to find out. Are you trying to say TPTB didn't write a decent enough sobriety sl? Anyway thanks for answering my question. :)



As I said before I like James as a doctor but as a person there is still something about him that sets alarm bells ringing (sorry Changelo)

That's fine H&Alover. We're all entitled to our own opinions. Someone else said that's what makes this such a good board! We have discussions etc. I just think for a number of reasons it would really really suck if TPTB were to ruin James' character just for the sake of a short term (feels like long term) storyline. I've not been back for long but I have seen the whole development of Roo and James' relationship! 


Changelo Charlotte has cracked up! 

Well yeah I saw that but we don't know what the reason was for her breakdown yet. I think they're gonna turn this whole sl into much more of a Lady Macbeth thing and Charlotte's gonna become increasingly more unhinged and she's gonna hang herself someday and confess everything she did to someone. Probably Hunter. Maybe Zac or Andy even.

Oh yeah one thing I can remember about Friday's ep: This Byron I've heard so much about over the years - He was Marilyn and Don's son? He died when he was a baby or a little older than a baby? I'd always assumed that Marilyn and Byron had a falling out and now he never talks to Marilyn anymore but she deeply deeply regrets that. Was nice to see Hailey's name on the front of the book! :) Never knew she was an illustrator. I really don't know that much about her tbh. Except for the fact I know I liked her from what I saw of her!

Onto Monday's ep:

Well Auntie Leah and Auntie Roo had some really great ideas to try and help Marilyn recover her memories! I'm completely serious people! Just such a shame their execution of these ideas was so rubbish and they completely overwhelmed poor Marilyn by doing the whole thing all at once. I thought when they were talking about it with John they were gonna have several shortish visits and go over a little bit each time. But no there's Auntie Roo talking about the "stay at home honeymoon" and Auntie Leah's wafting all these things under Marilyn's nose and telling her about recipes and... SLOW DOWN LADIES!!! TPTB obviously don't want a quick fix to this whole sl. Bit worrying. :o

Anyone ever seen the movie The Vow? Based on a true story about big time memory loss. Very very sad but that couple rebuilt their lives and I believe they're still happy today. Now I realise H&A is 100% manipulated and contrived but just saying that sort of thing can happen in real life and the couple/family manage to make it out the other side again!

Nate and Kat seem to be doing well! :wub: It's good to see them happy together again even if there was maybe a little much oversharing with us over breakfast? time. Anyway after their scenes yesterday I will happily accept them as a couple again! :wub: 

That was a truly RUBBISH start to the week. Poor poor Ruby and Kyle. I'm not so sure about Ash though. He's probably doing cartwheels inside right. Not for the first time with this sl: It never rains, it pours. I don't understand why TPTB created this whole paternity sl. and the kitchen sink of everything that went with it and Phoebe having to accept and even starting to look forward to having a baby/ies just to get us to this point in time now when she's lost the entire pregnancy anyway??? Just wrong, wrong, wrong. :angry::angry::angry: 

The stuff with James and Nate at hospital was interesting. James is Nate's friend so I think he's gonna make it as easy on Nate as he possibly can. I don't think they made it 100% clear what was going on with Nate at breakfast time. Maybe I just didn't put two and two together well enough this time around. I came to the realisation much later on that it was Nate's first day back at work.

I dunno what that thing about Ricki and Nate was in the recap for??

To close: I mean not that I don't love Irene of course but John finally seemed like he was gonna give it a go with Marilyn and be gentle and take it slowly then in breezes Irene and takes over the whole thing. I suppose she wasn't to know what John was doing but she shouldn't have ruined that moment the way she did. I thought she was just an apparition at first.

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9 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Oh yeah one thing I can remember about Friday's ep: This Byron I've heard so much about over the years - He was Marilyn and Don's son? He died when he was a baby or a little older than a baby? I'd always assumed that Marilyn and Byron had a falling out and now he never talks to Marilyn anymore but she deeply deeply regrets that.

Byron was born early in 1999 and died later the same year of leukaemia.  Marilyn and Don took him to the States to check out the treatments there, which sadly didn't work.  Don came back alone.

Sad as it is about Phoebe losing her other twin, has she been carrying the dead one since he/she died ?, nature has stepped in and made the choice on how long to carry on for for her. I don't know why Kyle was getting his trousers in a tangle it was lunch on the beach not rock climbing! She looked like she was having twinges before she went out with Ash, but didn't say anything.  Not knowing the location of the hospital to the beach or the farm, not that it made any difference, may have prevented her losing the remaining twin. I don't know if it was because Phoebe was worried about the twinges she was getting so wasn't concentrating on what Ash was saying, but it looked to me she wasn't that keen on them moving in together. I saw from the trailer Kyle turns Braxton, first by thumping Ash then smashing up the cot.  OTT to us, but a knee jerk reaction

I suppose the doctor must have researched other patients with Marilyn's type of amnesia so that is why he said there was only the two week window. Just a remainder she was in an induced coma which doctors put patients in to give their brain time to rest, Leah was put in one, and when they feel the time is right they start to bring them out of it. Not like your 'normal' coma which can last for years.

I would have thought it was common practice (or to use James' words procedure) for any doctor or nurse who has been suspended to work under supervision ( be shadowed) for a period of time. Nate must know this so why did he act so put out about it? I did like how James stood back when Nate was talking to Marilyn, he does know her (even if she doesn't currently remember him) so was able to take the right approach.

Roo and Leah were right smells, sounds can trigger memories, especially with Marilyn being into herbal stuff.  But of course some of the things Leah was trying wouldn't have been from 1996.  They do seem to be rushing it but Maz only has a small window of time. Shame Donald or Alf can't be reached but Irene seems to have managed to make it back from England in record time. Marilyn's remark about Irene's hair colour is a another reminder - for us - that Irene used to be blonde!  I felt sorry for John when he was bringing some more stuff to the Diner and he overheard Roo and Leah talking which must have left him feeling pretty useless.  His backing out of the room when Irene arrived was the right thing to do but it must have hurt. Apart from Roo Irene is the only person from Marilyn's past  she remembers, let's hope Irene won't be so bulldozer-ish.   Funny someone mentioning Marilyn needs to try looking in a mirror, well she did last night and even though she can see she has aged as in her mind it's still 1996 so probably even more confused with her 'new' look.

Who's Ruby Changelo?

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Whoops!! Haha!! I meant Phoebe. ;) I've kinda been watching some old stuff on youtube lately. Phoebe and Ruby aren't a million miles away from each other right? ;) Not that I ever remotely liked Ruby just for the record. Anyway thanks for pointing that out to me my friend. :blush: 

Btw do we use first names on this forum or do we not? I've put mine in my beautiful sig. which I'm very proud of! Makes us all seem a bit more human/real to each other no? And if we're all friends of sorts does that not make sense also? Just asking. Everyone doesn't have to do it but I don't mind if people call me Lydia. :wink: 

Ah Byron! Thanks for the explanation there my friend! You guys are so good to me when I ask about stuff I don't know etc.

I definitely have a much longer history with Neighbours than H&A. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer with Neighbours.

I was thinking about it today and James is the only character I will have seen on H&A from beginning to end.


At least I think James is leaving. I caught a brief glimpse of something on Wikipedia the other day that seemed to suggest this. I stopped fortunately before I was able to read anything too serious. 

I did see Hugo's whole history but that wasn't entirely in real time. I had to look up a lot I think of the beginning - middle episodes of his online. So it's pretty much just James which is possibly also why he means so much to me. He's not my favourite character at all. I like him yes but there are others I like a little more.


I just don't think it's right for TPTB to create a seemingly good character just to tear him down and throw him away a few months down the line. Nuh uh uh.


I might be back later to add some comments about today's tragic eppy. I might on the other hand just leave it at so so *tragic*. Oh and I don't think we'll be seeing James' parents anytime soon. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did get very very excited when I was lying down watching earlier and James said they were coming! That was a sit up moment and I was bopping up and down excitedly on the sofa too! But having calmed down and thought about it a little bit I feel like James is just gonna make an excuse next week and they're not gonna come.

IT'S SERIOUSLY DOING MY HEAD IN the whole uber snail's pace they're taking with this whole mystery storyline for James. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even say what facts we know coz we basically don't know any. He has a daughter but we don't know how old and he has two phones. Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!! We all assume his parents are still alive but we don't for sure. With his complete and utter lack of enthusiasm to introduce them to Roo I do doubt it sometimes. Am I the only one? There might be something about a wife or ex wife but we don't know. And he's in love with Roo!! That is a fact. I believe that's a fact! :wub: I want to say that James being a good person is a fact! Yes he had an angry phone call the other week but that person could've been well deserving of his anger we don't know which brings me nicely back to full circle and the fact we know literally next to nothing about this whole thing. Gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!


AAAAARRGGHH!!! Can someone please help me out and convert the crossed out bits into spoilers? I can't do it. :( How do you do it??

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13 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Are you trying to say TPTB didn't write a decent enough sobriety sl?

I actually cannot remember how Zac stopped drinking which shows how memorable it was.I think thinking he'd run over Tamara (he didn't, it was Oscar) gave him a wake-up call.

57 minutes ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

AAAAARRGGHH!!! Can someone please help me out and convert the crossed out bits into spoilers? I can't do it. :( How do you do it??

It seems to have changed recently, which doesn't help, I had trouble putting spoilers into one of my posts last week.It seems you have to highlight the bit you wanted spoilered and then click on the Spoiler icon on your toolbar (which looks like an eye to me, hopefully yours is the same, they got a bit mixed up at one point).

Today! Okay, scrub the exclamation mark. Confirmation that they lost the other twin and...hmm. The promo wasn't entirely representative although we did have to sit through Kyle and Ash trading punches and Kyle smashing up a room.And that wasn't even the worst thing that happened.We did get some gorgeous Kyle/Ricky scenes, I especially liked the bit where Kyle admitted his dream of having a family.Despite that, Ricky annoyed me: She gave Kyle bad advice when telling him to go and see Phoebe when his instinct was to give her space.I'm glad she went round herself and saw first hand that Phoebe's in no mood to have visitors.But Phoebe telling Kyle he "bullied" her into getting pregnant...What?! She got pregnant because she slept with him when she didn't love him.(Either that or love is something Phoebe turns on and off like a switch.)He stated his opinion, a bit forcefully maybe, and she seemed to make her mind up independently of it.I don't think I've ever felt less sympathy for a woman who lost a baby.(Well, not since Bianca anyway.)I've gone from thinking Kyle was best off out of it to hoping the baby was all right for his sake to thinking he's had a lucky escape, and hopefully one day he'll have a family with someone who's right for the role.That might be a bit of a double standard on my part, Kyle was equally out of line blaming Ash, but I like Kyle, whereas I've very rarely liked Phoebe and haven't really liked Ash since he's been with her.Fair play to him for not letting Phoebe do something she might regret though.

I really don't know if I like Roo and, oddly, especially Maddy moving out of the caravan park house.It's like when Miles moved in with Leah and left Alf, Roo and Marilyn there, I thought "No, that's your home, they should be there with you, not without you." And I'm feeling the same now: Much as I like Leah and Zac, Maddy and Roo should be there with them.So Maddy's still not 18, even though she was 16 two and a half years ago.While it's come out of nowhere, I like the idea of Maddy working at Angelo's (I'd rather she worked at the gym again but I'll take Angelo's), yet the promo suggests it's just a set-up for something contrived.I hope it won't be promptly dropped.Oscar didn't really seem interested in her worries, even if they do sound a bit silly when you say them out loud.James telling Roo about the second phone had a feeling of getting in first.I guess we'll see whether James' parents turn up.

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22 hours ago, Blaxland 89 said:

Not sure why Donald's house wouldn't be there. They were built brand new when he moved in in 1996. They were the new town houses. Someone else would be living there. Be more interesting in we saw maz go back there to strangers. Liking all the references but it's just making me miss the old show more

There's been a mudslide and two cyclones since then and probably more I've forgotten about so it could have been damaged. The house hasn't been seen in 15 years so anything could have happened in the meantime. 

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