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5 hours ago, atrus said:

I'm going to stick to my guns and say I think Ricky was doling out some much needed tough love on the beach to Kyle. He needed to hear that his behaviour wasn't on. She was stroking his arm throughout that conversation, which I took as her being as supportive as she felt able having heard how he'd acted; and really, what was he thinking? And she is an employee. And that's not just necessarily about protecting the business; it's also about the fact that he abused a position of power by suggesting to Maddy that further work would result from sexual favours. That makes his behaviour more morally and legally serious, and Ricky was absolutely right to flag it up, before continuing to fight his corner the following day.

Maybe she stroked his arm a bit, but it seemed like most of the time she was standing over him and lecturing him.Kyle is sitting on the beach, broken and remorseful.He doesn't need Ricky to tell him he did the wrong thing, he knows.I'm not saying she shouldn't have said anything, but being a bit more even-handed might have made it seem less didactic.

5 hours ago, atrus said:

But equally I don't think she left Maddy with a 'random teenage boy'. Matt and Maddy are pretty close friends and live together, and Roo was also trying to defuse any kind of violent confrontation by giving Matt a task that would prevent him from going back in and smacking Kyle in the face.

Well, as of the previous episode they don't live together and I'm not sure how close friends they are, a couple of weeks ago they weren't even friends at all until they suddenly were again.But I take your point, it did give Matt a job that stopped him causing more trouble.

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Well once again Charlotte's been careless.  Trying multiple times to hack into Denny's social media account from her own machine and then doing a search for most popular passwords straight after that.  Although if she's forgotten her password 3 times within the past year then I'm assuming she's not technically savy enough to realise that the site she is trying to hack into will probably record her IP address and her ISP will tie the IP address to her - So presumably she hasn't taken any precautions to obfuscate it.  Also even if she does find the password they will know if the access came from London or Australia.  She's taking a big risk breaking into the Hannah's to find Denny's book.  I would have thought that if Denny has gone to London without taking it she probably would remember what the password is anyway.  Although from Charlotte's perspective it's a calculated risk.  What is she going to do if Chris finds her?  Again I didn't mind Hunter and liked the scenes with Charlotte although we've only seen him with her since he's returned from visiting his nan so we'll wait to see how he is with everybody else.

After the delight and quite simply wonderful scene of Kyle smashing the cot from last episode I was on a temporary high and hoping for his suffering to continue.  So to my dismay, I was left having to side with him after trying to stick his tongue down the great immortal Maddy's throat.  It wasn't what he did to Maddy that was the problem.  That was unprofessional and out of order.  But Roo, Ricky and Matt all annoyed me intensely.  Especially when they suggested involving the police.  Matt's attitude really annoyed me.  Whilst I felt it was interesting he was the one who rescued her and agreed to look out for her, I didn't like the way he was talking about Kyle and wanted to sough Kyle out afterwards especially given that Matt did the same thing to Evelyn not too long ago when he was in quite a similar state.  Ricky's self righteous attitude annoyed me as well.  Whilst it was more understandable with Roo I don't like the way she immediately wanted to involve the police.  Maddy would have been in her rights to slap him and Kyle should definitely have to apologise (get on his hands and knees if required) but it should be left at that.  Even Maddy didn't think it should be a police matter.

Another thing I didn't like was the fact that Ash stuck up for Kyle when Ricky quizzed him about Kyle assaulting him.  Kyle behaved pretty disgustingly so why should Ash defend him.  It's not like this has been a one off.  Kyle has proved time and time again that he cannot control his temper - He wouldn't have even been in a position to deck someone if it hadn't been for Ash.  Similarly whilst there's an argument that Phoebe was wrong about Kyle (even Ash pointed this out) I wasn't happy when she apologised and absolved him of any wrong doing.  Couldn't they have just let Kyle suffer for a little while longer?

Once again Andy made another comment which made me laugh to Kyle starting with "At the risk of sounding like a girl....".  Although he was right again.  Kyle should get counselling.  I felt for a long time that he needs help.  And whilst I don't think he's dangerous in a sexual manner I do believe when things aren't going well for him he has the potential to be an extremely dangerous and violent person.  Much like Danny was. Like father like son I guess.

Can't believe I'm saying this but.......I actually quite liked Maddy in parts of that episode.  I really liked the scenes at Angelos with Andy and Josh.  Andy gave her good advice when she messed the order up about pretending it was just for Kyle.  Funnily enough I did actually feel sorry for her when Kyle snapped at her initially.  I can kind of understand her wanting to continuing working there as it is a small town so I'd imagine not too many job opportunities and she needs the money.

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Everyone was lashing out at everyone else after Phoebe was told she'd lost the remaining twin which I guess isn't totally unexpected they were all hurting. Phoebe blamed Kyle for forcing her to carry on with the pregnancy not forcing her to get pregnant, she didn't know who the father was right away. Kyle didn't want Phoebe to have an abortion  true, but it was her choice in the end to continue with it which she did acknowledge and did go and apologise in person once she'd managed to track him down. Kyle blamed Ash for taking Phoebe to the beach but as Ash pointed out it could just have easily happened at the farm house, in fact Phoebe was having twinges then but still chose to go to the beach with Ash. At least Ash was a bloke and therefore well able to give as good as he got when Kyle started taking a swing at him. Ash, though not as deeply effected as Phoebe or Kyle must still have been upset. I think Ricky thought she could help as she had had a miscarriage but as Phoebe pointed out she had just survived a bomb blast and wanted her baby.  Phoebe blaming herself because initially she didn't want the baby/babies and felt she was being punished. I liked how Ash very gently and wisely turned down Phoebe's attempt to have sex with him, he knew why she wanted it and that it wasn't for the right reason, being held was more than enough and she was able to cry.  Ricky took a while to cotton on something wasn't right with Kyle chattering on the way she was, but once she did she was able to comfort him.

Bit of a slip by Ash when he was telling Ricky how he feels relieved that Kyle won't be in this and Phoebe's lives for the next how many years it would have been while the baby was growing up, only to find Phoebe had come up behind him. Luckily for him part of Phoebe felt the same and he did redeem himself by suggesting a farewell ceremony for the twins so they could all say a proper goodbye and Kyle is on board for that. 

:offtopic:I've got a t-shirt like Phoebe's except mine is a cat with glasses, just thought I'd share that!:P

Moving on to Kyle's very drunken attempt to kiss, grope Maddy, it was totally out of character for him and though making no excuses for him, it was all down to him having lost the baby.  He's already feeling mortified. The only reason she had been looking at him all night was because she saw how much he was knocking back the booze. Once they meet up again, which I hope will be on-screen, he'll definitely apologise and even say he'll keep out of her way if that would make her feel more comfortable. Will the fact it was Matt who came to her rescue revive his feelings for her just as it seems it he was getting over her? I can see him hovering about as much as he can. Roo made the right choice getting Matt to take Maddy home while she dealt with Kyle, it would have ended in a punch up. One thing, the way Kyle was talking to Ricky on the pier made it seem as if he's never going to meet anyone else, fall in love and have children with them, God willing he will.

Maddy made the right choice by deciding not to involve the police, although I can understand Roo's anger, Maddy is under her care and still a minor but she's old enough to make her own decision. Maybe Ricky felt sitting in the Diner wasn't the right place to announce the real reason why Kyle acted like he did.

So Hunter, who now seems the saner one of the pair, went off to his nan's, is school out btw?  Charlotte definitely well into Lady Macbeth mode 'seeing' Denny!  How much longer will she be able to hold it together? Funny how it's Chris who appears to be the only one worried that no-one has heard from Denny, it maybe a day's time difference between London and the bay, but that wouldn't stop her posting or emailing at any time of the day. Totally against all advice Hunter has written down his password and suggests Charlotte does the same, though that wasn't the reason she was getting all het up. Wouldn't Denny have taken it with her if she had written it down, therefore it could be in her backpack, so maybe it's another trip to the outback for Charlotte. Don't understand how it works so can't say whether it is possible for Charlotte to pretend to be Denny and if people will be able to tell from where the messages are coming from. It will get tricky if Hannah and co start asking questions Charlotte can't answer. If it wasn't so serious it would be funny about Charlotte hiding behind the door when Chris turned up at the farm, like to see how she gets out of that.

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At the risk of dragging out a debate: Is Kyle capable of murder? Short answer: Yes, but with qualification.What he did to Casey, was with the possible exception of Andy, probably the most "evil" thing an incoming regular has done in their debut storyline and I'm still astonished that's how the show chose to introduce us to him.However, in retrospect there is a certain half-heartedness to it.His method was sadistic but also meant he didn't have to directly kill him, just let nature takes its course.(And do the Bond villain thing of driving off and just assuming he'll die.)When it did get to the point of Just Shoot Him, he kept putting it off.Since then, he, for reasons that I admit weren't entirely to do with morality, declined to take part in Brax's "Let's kill Jake" hunting trip.I think Kyle could very easily get to the point where he's angry enough to, in the spur of the moment, lash out and kill someone accidentally or even deliberately.But it'd take more than being asked "And how does that make you feel?" too many times.I don't think he's someone who could go out with the intent to kill someone, do it, then go home and get on with his life as if nothing happened.Brax probably could.Andy did.Heath, bless him, would have a good stab at it.Kyle? I'm not convinced. He does have anger management issues though and it would be nice to see it addressed and him do something about it.

Kmp, thanks for the info on sexual harassment laws in NZ. Going purely by what I've seen in Australian soaps, I suspect the same is not true there.I'm prepared to be proved wrong.

Today! I get that I'm being pedantic and it's probably realistic that memories would be imprecise, but there are inconsistencies in what Marilyn remembers.If her comment about Irene's hair referred to her no longer bleaching it, she stopped before Marilyn and Don get married.And Angel left town before Marilyn and Don got married.So...can she not remember some things before that, even though she seems to remember being married to him?Doesn't matter to anyone except the three people who remember the details but still... And while the references were nice, it would have been good to get an update on Pippa, Angel and Selina rather than a breezy "They're fine." Chris was well-intentioned but bombarding Marilyn like that was the wrong approach.Marilyn lying to John, which the body language suggests is what's happening, is also well-intentioned but the wrong approach, but they could do with spending time together, however difficult that might be.Nice continuity in using Alf's old counsellor as Marilyn's therapist, but asking her questions and forcing her to give answers she knows are wrong seems utterly pointless.

So Charlotte did find Denny's password?Sigh. Her being haunted by Denny feels very Sam and Johnny: Not that I'd equate Denny with Johnny, but there is a parallel with Charlotte as someone who'd happily live a normal life but took such extreme steps to keep her family together that the guilt's destroying her.Sinister undertone with her telling Chris about living vicariously through Denny.Not sure what that "Disable location finder" thing would do, would that just stop it being displayed?

I continue to feel that we're probably meant to mistrust Tank but on the face of it there's very little reason why we should.Leah's blabber about starting a new relationship five minutes after the previous one ended seems to ignore the fact that's pretty much literally how Evelyn and Josh got together.(Okay, not exactly the same thing, but Josh was saying he was in love with Maddy less than a week before they were making out.)Tank was actually quite sweet and charming with her and I was surprised that he stopped her making the jump, guess he's got some sense of responsibility.Is the father he mentioned Greg? Must be some reason they've got the same surname, father or uncle seem the most likely options.So, is that meant to be the first time they've Done It, despite the compromising car scene last week?And they wouldn't have been the first to jump off Jump Rock...

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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

At the risk of dragging out a debate: Is Kyle capable of murder? Short answer: Yes, but with qualification.What he did to Casey, was with the possible exception of Andy, probably the most "evil" thing an incoming regular has done in their debut storyline and I'm still astonished that's how the show chose to introduce us to him.However, in retrospect there is a certain half-heartedness to it.His method was sadistic but also meant he didn't have to directly kill him, just let nature takes its course.(And do the Bond villain thing of driving off and just assuming he'll die.)When it did get to the point of Just Shoot Him, he kept putting it off.Since then, he, for reasons that I admit weren't entirely to do with morality, declined to take part in Brax's "Let's kill Jake" hunting trip.I think Kyle could very easily get to the point where he's angry enough to, in the spur of the moment, lash out and kill someone accidentally or even deliberately.But it'd take more than being asked "And how does that make you feel?" too many times.I don't think he's someone who could go out with the intent to kill someone, do it, then go home and get on with his life as if nothing happened.Brax probably could.Andy did.Heath, bless him, would have a good stab at it.Kyle? I'm not convinced. He does have anger management issues though and it would be nice to see it addressed and him do something about it.

Yeah. I'd pretty much agree with all of that. Reiterating again that my joke about the therapist was a joke, but it really doesn't take much to make Kyle fly off the handle. I think he's complex enough to feel serious remorse for it afterwards, though. The macho rubbish about not reacting well to advice he considers worthy of 'a girl' gets boring as well, but in fairness all this constitutes a consistent character flaw and as such I can live with it most of the time. Occasionally though, he really oversteps the mark, and when he does, a little more of my sympathy ebbs away and I remember his introduction which, as you say, was astonishing.

I was trying to work out where I recognised Marilyn's counsellor from - so yes, that it's Alf's old counsellor now rings bells. While it's clearly right that some of the memories in Marilyn's circa-1996 mind don't tally up, this could be put down as much to the natural flaws of human memory as to continuity lapses. There's a tendency (and I've been succumbing to it myself as I've watched this play out) to assume Marilyn ought to be remembering things as if she had the entire 1996 season on VHS somewhere and could refer back to it at will - but memory, and I'd assume especially damaged memory, plays cruel tricks, and that might explain some of the discrepancies about Morag, Roo, Donald, Irene's hair etc. Obviously she's now pretending to remember John to spare everyone's feelings; but I hope she doesn't keep up that game, as otherwise they'll stop treating her and she'll miss her arbitrarily imposed getting-better deadline.

I wish my house was so tidy that a jutting-out box lid would constitute cast-iron proof that someone had been there uninvited. Of course Denny's password was CASEY2014 - the person and year she was almost wholly defined by. But how long before people are going to start asking why she isn't posting any pictures of London - or more specifically, pictures of her in it? Next week: Charlotte gets to grips with Photoshop.

Not sure what to make of Evie and Toke's foray into tombstoning. He didn't do anything explicitly terrible in this episode, but I don't trust him and if I were Evie I wouldn't be feeling the slightest bit safe in his company. Assuming we can take him even halfway at face value, he seems to equate a willingness to take physical risks with emotional commitment, which is slightly concerning - and judging by the promo for the next episode it's an attitude he extends to the use (or otherwise) of contraception. I'm glad we established he has a reasonably tragic backstory sooner rather than later, though - assuming he's telling the truth - as no doubt once he's pushed his behaviour as close as the show dare go to the Redemption Event Horizon, the overnight personality transplant will kick in and we'll be expected to feel incredibly bad for him over the loss of his mother and dysfunctional relationship with daddy dearest.

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I was watching back in 1996 and in 2015 when I watched the episode where Marilyn said Morag keeps mentioning Roo, it slipped my mind that Morag was not around in 1996 as she was away from the area from 1993 to 2001. Even viewers watching at the time may forget certain details from episodes broadcast 20 years ago. I think on the whole the refs have been quite good, and I have yet to notice a glaring error with the timeline outside Maz thinking Morag was in the bay in 1996. I remember when Alf disowned Morag in 1993 so it is highly unlikely when Maz returned in 1995 she would be in contact with a former Bay resident who was disowned by her family and whom Maz barely knew. The Early years have not yet got up to 1996 so viewers/scriptwriters watching back then just have memory or a brief Wikipedia search as virtually all 1996 episodes have not be repeated since their original broadcasts.

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I am a bit late on commenting about Kyle's behaviour yesterday, but ultimately, I would rather characters overreact then underreact to these situations. Let's face it, sexual harrassment in the workplace is not uncommon. No matter what Kyle was going through, it was not OK for him to do that to someone especially as she was his employee (and therefore, he is technically abusing his position of power), especially if they are a minor (I can't believe Maddy is still not 18 - presumably this is to ignore the age gap that should exist between Oscar and Maddy). i don't think it can be compared to Matt trying to kiss Evie when drunk post Sasha break up as Matt is not in a position of power over Evie (in the same way that Charlotte/Matt was worse because she wasn't just an older woman but his teacher). Yes, it may have been out of character for Kyle, and it was likely that Kyle would have stopped. But it is not completely out of the realm of the possibility for it to have escalated further - even trustworthy people can end up doing horrible things. I am glad that Ricky introduced the idea of the police, even though I am glad that Maddy didn't take her up on the offer. I think Ricky had to make sure that Maddy realised that this issue would be escalated as appropriate even while trying to defend Kyle. Maybe I feel strongly about this because I felt that with the whole Dani/Kane thing - the whole rape thing got trivialised because many viewers ended up suspecting Dani of  overreacting/exaggerating.

I do think Kyle needs to get over his anger issues. He can't go walk around with his hands clenched in fists for the rest of the life. He needs to find more constructive ways of dealing with difficult events in his life. Even though, I want to give his character the benefit of the doubt for his initial introduction, he makes his hard with his constant anger issues. I feel that the more Braxtons leave, the angrier Kyle has become to compensate. I remember a time, when I would have considered Kyle one of the more levelheaded Braxton. But I think even Heath is prob more worthy of that these days. Especially with the other Braxtons gone, Kyle is going to struggle to feel like a part of the bay unless his character progresses significantly.

Charlotte is very Lady MacBeth but I appreciate that at least, she is showing some human reaction to manslaughter such as guilt, which is more than some of the others involved in murders have. However, she is getting sloppier and sloppier - she is essentially leaving more clues to link her to Denny's death. I am pretty sure the location hider only stops the location coming up on the status - it doesn't block the IP address. Also, is she going to try to impersonate Denny for the rest of her life?

While I felt so sorry for John, I still find the whole amnesia thing contrived especially this arbitrary deadline.

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8 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Totally against all advice Hunter has written down his password and suggests Charlotte does the same

You'll be surprised how many people actually do that.

8 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Don't understand how it works so can't say whether it is possible for Charlotte to pretend to be Denny and if people will be able to tell from where the messages are coming from.

That's probably why she turned off the location tracker in today's episode precisely because Charlotte didn't want people to know where Denny is posting from.

1 hour ago, Angelica said:

i don't think it can be compared to Matt trying to kiss Evie when drunk post Sasha break up as Matt is not in a position of power over Evie (in the same way that Charlotte/Matt was worse because she wasn't just an older woman but his teacher). Yes, it may have been out of character for Kyle, and it was likely that Kyle would have stopped. But it is not completely out of the realm of the possibility for it to have escalated further - even trustworthy people can end up doing horrible things. I am glad that Ricky introduced the idea of the police, even though I am glad that Maddy didn't take her up on the offer. I think Ricky had to make sure that Maddy realised that this issue would be escalated as appropriate even while trying to defend Kyle. Maybe I feel strongly about this because I felt that with the whole Dani/Kane thing - the whole rape thing got trivialised because many viewers ended up suspecting Dani of  overreacting/exaggerating.

Sorry but my point still stands.  I don't really care about the position of power.  I was referring more to the act and Matt's hypocrisy regarding that.  It has been claimed that an assault took place (I just saw it as Kyle trying to kiss Maddy).  But what difference does it make where it happened?  If an assault did happen, surely assault is assault whether that be on the beach or at somebody's house or on the street or at a place of work.  It's all the same as far as I'm concerned.  So Matt kissing Evelyn was the same as what Kyle did to Maddy.  If I'm honest I'm way past the point of caring if somebody has been assaulted now.  We've had so many sexual assaults  over the years - Charlie, Joey, Rachel, Rosie, Dani etc that I'm now completely desensitized to the whole thing.  So somebody simply trying to cop off with someone else is water off a duck's back.  As much as I loathe Kyle even if Matt hadn't intervened I can't see him trying to rape Maddy which is what has been suggested would have happened.  I think he would have realised what he was doing and stopped himself possibly while he was still trying to kiss her.  The problem with the Dani/Kane thing is that the producers refused to use the word 'rape' which left some of the younger viewers unsure of what had actually happened.  So it was the producers fault.  As I mentioned above and what I do agree with you though is the anger management issues.  Kyle is such a waste of space though (he really is) I'm not sure he's worth it!

With a password of CASEY2014 (Should I even bother questioning that fact that the site didn't obfuscate the password field when Charlotte typed it in?) was Denny really going to forget that?  Did she really need to write that down?  Regardless I've now gone from thinking Charlotte's been careless to unbelievably stupid.  But she's in a state of semi panic and clearly not thinking properly.  Hiding the location will not mask her IP so all that will do is delay the inevitable.  The question is how long can she keep this up for.  If she knows anything about social media as already mentioned above people will be expecting Denny to post selfies in London - And lots of them!  If she doesn't it will arouse suspicion.  So it will be interesting to see how she handles that.  I'm now wondering if Charlotte would have been better off simply letting people think Denny was missing.  Because when somebody does suspect something is amiss and calls the cops they are going to check with the people who host the site and tie it back to her.  Not trying to impersonate her via social media would have at least meant Denny could have been anywhere.  There is no evidence to suggest she has been murdered and her body disposed of.  I do quite like the fact that Charlotte's being remorseful but at the same time dong her best to cover it up.

Funnily enough I actually didn't mind Chris interfering today.  He wasn't being an idiot about it and was genuinely trying to help out a friend.  I actually really feel for John here.  It's a horrible situation he's in.  The woman that he loves doesn't love him and she's being pressurised to feel something that isn't there even though she is in love with someone else.  It was nice of Marilyn to say she remembered anyway just to make John happy.

Whilst I agree with Leah that often getting involved in rebound relationships can turn out bad I don't think it's necessarily to do with the rebound person.  It's usually the person who broke up with the previous partner which in this case would be Evelyn.  Whilst I think Leah is probably right I'm not sure I like the idea of her judging Tank without actually meeting him.  So what does Evie do after Zac refers to her as sensible and level-headed and trusts her not to go crazy?  She was quite prepared to jump of the rock with Tank and she slept with him already presumably without taking the necessary precautions.

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One last thing from my post yesterday  - James.  I agree with what others said, he saw that Maddy had seen his other phone in the drawer, and she wasn't snooping she was looking for something as you do in a new house and you don't know where things are,  and pre-empted her telling Roo about it by himself by casually asking if she had seen his charger so he could charge his phones. Of course it's perfectly reasonable for him to have to have a work phone and a personal phone, but he just comes across so shady about it. As for his parents turning up this week, we'll see, though I'm betting there will be a last minute reason why they can't come. Maddy should listen to those alarm bells. To my mind James, who may well love Roo, is just too intense and that worries me.


What happens next week with him just makes me worry even more for Roo.

Not sure how much it excuses Kyle's behaviour when we first met him, but he had had his mind filled by what Danny  had told him about the rest of the Braxtons, leading him to believe Brax, Heath and Casey didn't want to know him, when we all know  (and as he found out) they didn't know he even existed.  Danny of course was doing it for his own twisted reasons and Kyle 'picked' on Casey as he was the youngest and the one Danny knew full well Brax would go all out to protect. Kyle did have one advantage he did escape Danny's influence by being fostered out and in between his anger outbursts, was often the one trying to talk sense into Brax and Heath.  He's certainly,  like Red has said, not a cold blooded killer, but him losing his temper at the wrong moment could lead to him killing someone.

I think even people who haven't lost their memory may have trouble remembering precisely what happened 20 years ago. Maz did quite rightly remember Chloe, Pippa, Angel and Selina who were around in '96.  I understand Irene's reluctance to tell Maz what had happened to Chloe, but her evasiveness did made it obvious she was hiding something and Maz has lost her memory but still knows when someone is fudging it.

I'm no therapist but I imagine Maz is being asked those questions time after time to test her real memory, she was told to answer what she knew/remembered not what she thought she ought to say.  I felt so sorry for John when he thought Marilyn was coming home with him, only to find she was going 'home' with Irene.  While on one hand it would have made sense for her to return back to her and John's place as she doesn't remember marrying him it would make it very awkward for both of them.  Having her today things around her may trip memories, but also may make her even more confused.  Chris did mean well, he wanted to help John, but he went into Tigger mode and totally overwhelmed Marilyn. Marilyn overhearing their talk is what made her 'recognise' John later, that is one thing that hasn't changed about Marilyn she's never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings.

I thought the same as you atrus, why worry about the box sticking out and really risk Chris turning round and seeing you, when it's quite reasonable to assume it got kicked when someone walked past it. Well done those who spotted Denny's password, obvious when you think about it, but of course it wouldn't to Charlotte who didn't know him.  I wasn't even aware there was a such a thing as a location tracker, people aren't going to be thinking about the IP yet.  All very fine Charlotte posting 'London's amazing!!' but she is going to have to do a lot more than that, she's admitted she's never been to London so apart from posting pics of the usual suspects - by that I mean the normal much visited landmarks, her friends, as Slade said, are going to want to see selfies of Denny plus Charlotte hasn't a clue of what a 20 odd year woman would want to see, she didn't know her so wouldn't know what would interest her. Plus wouldn't they spot  a time difference on any post 'Denny' posted?  For instance Charlotte may post something at night in Oz, but of course they would see something taken in the daytime in 'London'.

I too had to smile Slade when Zac said that Evelyn was sensible and level headed when she was planning to jump off Dog Rock, not to forget her sleeping with him without contraception!  Although Tank comes across as caring and a little early to say he might be falling in love with her, but it could be his way of getting her to do what he wants.  She opened up to him about what she had gone through yet he wasn't willing to tell her anything about himself apart from his mum had died and he didn't get on with his dad who had kicked him out, or so he says.  Although it's mentioned in the credits it still hasn't been mentioned verbally who his dad is, but going by past storylines it will be Greg!  I can see why Leah is worried, she doesn't know Tank and Zac is her guardian so they should at least meet him and not just rely on the fact VJ has meet him so he must be OK.

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It's hard not to shake the feeling that we're thinking more about the sexual harassment issue than the writers did but... While I think Kyle was more intimidating and had more intention to go further than Matt, if we're talking minimum grounds for assault then Matt had crossed that line.He knew Evelyn didn't want him to kiss her and he did it, to upset her.I also want to say there's a certain parallel between Kyle making unwanted advances on Maddy and Phoebe doing the same to Ash: Done for the same reason and with a similar, shall we say, delay in registering the word "No".I get there's a difference in that there was an existing relationship there, but if the positions were reversed, if Kyle had come on strong with his girlfriend and Phoebe had come on to a younger employee, I wonder which one we'd view as worse?

I admit I didn't immediate recognise Alf's counsellor, I had a feeling she'd been it before and looked it up.We've had a lot of one-off doctors recently, my first thought was she was one of them.

Roo's episode count this week: Four.

Now...I get that the characters don't have a video collection of 1996 episodes to consult.I probably wouldn't notice half of these discrepancies if Channel 5 hadn't repeated Don and Marilyn's wedding during that 25 Years run and I'd noticed at the time that Irene had brown hair and Angel was gone.So it's not surprising that Irene doesn't remember.But Marilyn's not looking back from 20 years, as far as she's concerned 1996 is now, or a week ago.It struck me that her memory might still be faulty even if she can't remember the intervening years, but then I thought about it a bit more and presumably on a normal day she remembers that Angel left town.So if that happened before she and Don got married (which it did), and she can't remember it now, that means there are things before that which she can't remember anymore.Maybe it's as simple as that, although it's hard not to shake the feeling that she's remembering an identikit mid-90s and no-one checked if all those things were actually there at the same time.Anyway, the storyline progressed decently today, with Marilyn trying to bluff her way through things but Irene and Leah on to her, and John perhaps believing what he wanted to.And then that little ray of hope as she instinctively does something that the older Marilyn would do.

Loved Maddy being big sisterly towards Evelyn, even if the way things are going Evelyn will probably end up older than her if she's not already.(The show seemed to knock a year off Spencer and Maddy's ages around the time Josh and the twins turned up and put them all in the same year, when originally they were in the same year as Sasha.)She's probably speaking from experience, given that she presumably had unprotected sex with both Josh and Oscar to think she was pregnant by one of them.I'm not sure about Oscar's reaction to Tank.If you get a vibe, you get a vibe, but you still need to keep an open mind.Oscar acts as though Tank trying to make him like him makes him a wrong 'un, but isn't that what everyone does when they meet their new partner's family?Josh stirs the pot by saying Tank's a different person when Evie's not around even though...Evie wasn't around.Leah plays the overprotective guardian and interrogates him, although having him round for dinner seems like a sensible idea.(She did have some experience looking after teenage girls with Ruby.)That ending...Hmm.I can understand Evelyn's discomfort, but Tank's friends were never going to be choir boys, what was she expecting?Then again, Tank could probably have given her a better idea of where they were going.She seemed a bit overdressed and it didn't help that the only friend allowed to speak reacted as if she was a new toy he'd brought home for them.And I suspect I'll be talking more about than on Monday.

Oh yes: What's happened to Nate? When Chris came home, Irene acted as if it was just going to be the two of them and Marilyn living there.Given that the beach house seems to officially have three rooms these days, who's doubling up? Or is Nate staying with Kat for the duration?

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