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5 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

It's hard not to shake the feeling that we're thinking more about the sexual harassment issue than the writers did but... While I think Kyle was more intimidating and had more intention to go further than Matt, if we're talking minimum grounds for assault then Matt had crossed that line.He knew Evelyn didn't want him to kiss her and he did it, to upset her.I also want to say there's a certain parallel between Kyle making unwanted advances on Maddy and Phoebe doing the same to Ash: Done for the same reason and with a similar, shall we say, delay in registering the word "No".I get there's a difference in that there was an existing relationship there, but if the positions were reversed, if Kyle had come on strong with his girlfriend and Phoebe had come on to a younger employee, I wonder which one we'd view as worse?

Yes, and I don't think Matt's behaviour towards Evie was appropriate either. She didn't actually tell him not do it beforehand; they're much closer to the same age; and Matt wasn't her employer and didn't imply that being with him would bring her pecuniary advantages - all of which I think mitigates it a little in comparison. But I'd still say he was way out of line.

I think Phoebe/Ash was a totally different situation, for lots of reasons. Yes, the existing relationship makes a big difference; as well as being her partner, Ash was in the know about what was making Phoebe act out-of-character, and was clearly resisting primarily for her sake, even though I'm sure he didn't feel right about it himself either. In terms of mitigating circumstances, I also think Phoebe has the greater claim than Kyle, having had to go through the physical horrors of miscarriage as well as the emotional trauma. And yes, I think gender does make a big difference here. We'd view it differently were the roles reversed for good reason, in my view - Phoebe didn't pose a potential threat to Ash in the way Kyle did to Maddy, and most of that comes down to gender power dynamics. I wouldn't attempt to justify Phoebe pursuing an unwilling younger male employee in that way either, but at the same time I think it's obvious that the one has more potential to be seriously scary/upsetting than the other.

The last thing I'd say about all this is that, despite some criticism of the storyline, it's got us all talking and thinking about these issues in a way that has to be positive. It does raise some interesting questions about consent etc when you think about it more deeply like this - for instance, how many people really ask permission before they go in for a kiss? Arguably the permission is usually in the body language (which, being drunk, Kyle failed to see wasn't working in his favour), but it's hardly something you can easily prove or disprove in a court of law.

Onto today, and silly Evie for having sex without protection. At least she's dealt with the potential pregnancy issue - let's just hope she hasn't caught anything else from Teak. (Like woodworm, for example.) He does seem to be massively overdoing it with the friendly earnestness routine, so I think Oscar is right to be worried - and I don't know why Maddy isn't, given she's the only one who knows they had unprotected sex and given how that kind of thing is basically tantamount to devil worship in H&A - a fact of which the promo offered a timely reminder. It's second only in sinfulness to beer-drinking, in fact, which was no doubt the cause of Evie's sustained horror during the cliffhanger. Time to place bets on how many of Tank's stereotypically hoonish mates will get an -o on the end of their names.

The scene where Zac and Leah came in and she started questioning him was pretty odd, given that they took one step through towards the stairs and started talking about him in the third person as loudly as possible, apparently having forgotten that he and Evie were just feet away through an open doorway.

It didn't take long for Irene to rumble Marilyn's white lie. I'm surprised John didn't too, as she was pretty obvious, but perhaps he was just seeing what he wanted to - he didn't seem too surprised by her revelation at the end, after all.

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Phoebe coming onto a younger male employee is just as bad as what Kyle was doing to Maddy, both are in a position of power.  It's same as Charlotte and Matt, except he came onto her and at that time she didn't know he was going to be her pupil, though of course she did later. Phoebe trying to get Ash to make love to her (or in this instance have sex with her) was her way of wanting to make herself feel better and Ash recognised that fact which is why he refused.

Good to see how wise Maddy was when Evie confided in her she'd slept with Tank a.k.a Wayne without using protection and atrus I also thought about the other dangers that could involve, even if Tank had only slept with just one other girl the possibility of a STD is there. He came across as caring when Evie told him and she was right it did take two, it wasn't as if he forced her into anything also his looking after her when she said the morning after pill had made her feel queasy.  On that note, doesn't she have to take another one just to be sure? I have to admit I'm also wary about his mates.  Oscar, even before Josh told him about his own worries, got the 'vibe' Tank was trying too hard to fit in and he didn't dismiss Josh like the others have done by putting it down to jealously, stick with your instincts Oscar.  Leah didn't do subtle when she questioned Tank, it was more like an interrogation!   I know she and Zac would be cncerned about who Evie is seeing, they don't know anything about him, neither for that matter does Evie, but there are ways of going about it without using thumbscrews!

Irene is certainly no dummy, she quickly saw through Marilyn's suddenly 'remembering' John and Leah wasn't far behind her, as she said, like I did, it's Marilyn all over putting other people's feelings ahead of her own, but as Irene rightly pointed out it was only going to cause John further hurt in the end. And yes John was seeing what he wanted to see.  Was Marilyn a vegetarian back in 1996 or was she one when she made her return after being away 10 years, it would explain her helping herself to chicken.  It's funny how something  so instinctive like her meditating came so easily to her and in her words 'seemed the right thing to do', she didn't have to think about it, it just came naturally to her.

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23 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Phoebe coming onto a younger male employee is just as bad as what Kyle was doing to Maddy, both are in a position of power.  It's same as Charlotte and Matt, except he came onto her and at that time she didn't know he was going to be her pupil, though of course she did later. Phoebe trying to get Ash to make love to her (or in this instance have sex with her) was her way of wanting to make herself feel better and Ash recognised that fact which is why he refused.

Agreed - I think it is double standards to suggest that it would not be as bad if the person in power is a female such as with Charlotte/Matt. The reason why Kyle/Maddy and Phoebe/Ash can not be compared isn't because of the genders of the people involved but rather the type of relationship they have (i.e employer/employee in one situation, lovers in the other). I think all of this discussion obviously shows how subjective this whole concept of consent/assault etc. Of course, H&A only use it for shock value only for everyone to forget by the next episode.

Is it me or is Evie wearing blue contacts at the moment? Her eyes seems extra blue in recent times. I wish people would remember that the serious consequences of unprotected sex is not just restricted to unwanted pregnancy but extends to things such as STIs.

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OK so I just wanna start by saying that I really enjoy coming here and reading the things you guys put and having chats with you guys and sharing my thoughts too! I don't think I'm gonna manage to come all that regularly though. I know I'm not obligated but yeah. Just wanted to share that. I do come and read sometimes peoples posts' even if I don't comment that day. :wink: 

So onto the week... I thought I'd made at least one post and spoken about James' parents but apparently not.

I think I can manage to go over everything in order. Here goes...

When Auntie Roo wanted to go round and lynch Kyle yeah that was a very strong reaction and especially for her too. :o I was like "AUNTIE ROO!!!!!!!!!" :o It's different for us of course because we knew all the facts about Kyle and what was going on in his head etc. :cryingsmiley: Speaking of while it really, totally, completely SUCKS and I think it's kinda a waste of a storyline and an opportunity I don't know her name but Nick Westaway and um Phoebe? did have very good acting and conveying their characters devastations' and heart breaks' through many different ways throughout this whole sl development!! Kyle smashing up the cot was very extreme yes and very sad but he was angry and he was HURTING. 

It was good that Kyle and Phoebe had a face to face apology scene and it will be good to see the memorial whenever that happens! :) 

I liked Kyle's conversation with Ricky about what he was gonna teach the child and everything. Oh Kyle. :cryingsmiley: :cryingsmiley: That brings me nicely onto (well I say nicely)...

Ricky just offering Kyle up on a plate so nicely like that: "You can press charges if you want!" WHAT ARE YOU SAYING WOMAN??? Oh yeah re: "state secret" - me too. I was like 'You can say Ricky. It's not some big secret. Would be helpful'. IDIOT. This was of course after she'd had that go at him right? I disagreed with that like I think someone else did too. I mean there were extenuating circumstances that Ricky was fully aware of right? I mean COME ON!!!! I don't think we should go so far as to assume it was attempted rape either. Yes it was bad. Kyle's Maddy's boss etc. but I mean we'll never know now thanks to good old Matt. I don't know. I mean that's probably not a bad thing at the end of the day. I'm just saying that you know it probably wouldn't have been all that hard for Maddy to get away from Kyle right? Then Kyle's just standing there like 'Oh sorry Maddy' - problem solved! Good old Home and Away!!! :o Anyway Maddy's keeping working there. Kyle's gonna apologise and Kyle and Ricky had a heart to heart in the end and Uncle Kyle was playing with Casey (although I do wonder if he might begin to fixate on Casey as time moves on you know...) so it's all good! (For now) Moving on...

It was good that Phoebe finally got around to apologising to Kyle face to face! Yeah at first I was SO mad at Phoebe for what she said but then I realised 'Well she's hurting too'. I don't think there's any right or wrong way for a couple to go about handling this whole thing. Obviously not lumping all the blame on your ex or cracking onto your new employee would be better but it's a very, very, very, very painful experience. I think for such as it is H&A have handled it well. It is a soap opera too so obviously everything's gonna be amped up a fair bit.

The memorial seems like a lovely idea! 

Ash - Meh. That's all I'm gonna say. Apart from his dumb stupid comment to Ricky about how he was relieved. Yeah shut uppa ya face. I really don't like Ash very much.

James has a very cool pad!! :D Nice moving in scenes with the banter! :lol: Two phones!!!! Oooh shocking Maddy!!!! /SARCASM. Knowing H&A the way I do there's probably something there. But just at face value it's a bit like 'Umm hmm. Okay'. I did enjoy Oscar's line about James' "telecommunication habits'" - amusing! :lol: Maddy's suspicious now ooh... I just... I repeat: I LIKE JAMES!!! I hope TPTB don't ruin his character just for the sake of it and worse ruin yet another decent relationship for Auntie Roo. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I'd already mentioned this before but apparently not: I did get rather EXCITED when James said his parents were coming!! There might've been some bouncing up and down on the sofa! :P Roo's gonna meet them and Maddy too of course and we'll see what they look like and how James gets on with them! There's been kinda a big build up! :wink: But then I thought about it for two seconds and I realised they're not gonna come. *shakes head* Nope. Oh you know one of them's gonna fall down the stairs or have a sickness bug or something you know the night before. :wink: I bet anyone any money. AAAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!! It's doing my head in soooooooooooooo much. :angry: Anyhoo who's up next...

Oh Charlotte and Denny yaaaay!! Oh yeah NOT!!! So enjoying all this 'Denny standing over Charlotte' bizzo! I tell you guys: Lady Macbeth!! She's gonna crack up and lose it. You know "Denny's" post on the social media sounded so dang enthusiastic!! Great!! :mellow::mellow: You know what? That passwords thing - I do that. They're all in a little purple notebook in my bedroom *SHHHHHH DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!* Although I'm pretty sure my family already knows. I may or may not have told them. But I do have to go and retrieve my little book every so often. How else am I supposed to remember all the so flippin many passwords otherwise?? Although this being said I don't think I've written down my Facebook password. I use it so bloomin often and I've used a little "key" with that one anyway. :wink: So moving on... Nearly at the end now!

Hunter seems to be continuing to make good progress. No interaction with his Dad or anyone this week but he's doing good!

Speaking of Hunter's amazing Dad I've saved the best for last but hold on a second first.

Oh yeah Evie and OilTank Wayne :wink:  - lucky, lucky, lucky actors to get to go to that gorgeous shooting location!!! So glad Evie and OTW didn't fall off and die when they became amorous you know! I don't know but that wasn't Evie's first time right? I'm sure that's the move he pulls on all the girl's Evie. :wink: Especially how he stopped her and everything and it was his idea to jump in the first place - please! 

It was good of Maddy to advise Evie to get "the pill". Nice way to throw in the word "sex" there. H&A clearly don't have the same filters as Neigh. I'm telling you: Australian Hollyoaks but just a million trillion times better in every single way!! :wink: :wink: Shame M. lied to Oscar later on though when they were talking about Evie and Tank.



I wish people would remember that the serious consequences of unprotected sex is not just restricted to unwanted pregnancy but extends to things such as STIs.

Oh yes well this is "Soapville" so probably an STI yes. :rolleyes: *shake head* That was my reaction when Maddy and Evie were talking the next morning. I mean those good old PTBs can't just leave it at "She took the pill and "amazing boyfriend" took care of her and it's all tickety-boo" can they?? We should know. I mean they just created a whole bonanza of a "Who's the dad? Interesting reveal. Fighting daddies. Sick babies etc." storyline; Just to tear it all down at the end and see how the characters progress from there. Never say never in H&A. Nuh uh. :wink::mellow: 

Then Oily :wink: (it's not bad huh?) was looking after Evie later and I think that was all part of his angle to get her to go to his house. How scary was that end scene btw? "What have you brought us?" All the guys were just looking at Evie and it was in some run down place, she was she only female there. OK so maybe I've been watching a little too much of Law and Order: SVU over recent years but come on: It's creepy right? 

Marilyn and John... Not quite so interested. They're taking it really slowly and stuff. Nice one Dead To Me (CH) with your stoopid shoving your dumb photos in her face and not shutting up. Classic Harrington: DEAD... TO... ME. Was good that Marilyn came clean to John in the end if not a little heartbreaking again too. The meditaition thing was deffo very interesting! Maybe all hope isn't lost after all!!

Arrrrgghhh best for last (and I'm finally at the end. Gotta go and get washing off line and have lunch and watch today's offering)!!! How much do I love Zac and Leah?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially after not seeing them together at all the last week. That lunch at Irene's almost made up for not seeing the barbie. ALMOST. More on that later.

When Evie got the text message and Leah was gonna quiz VJ about "Tank" (you think we're ever gonna get an explanation about that just to ask?) how funny was VJ's face and just that whole thing. :lol::lol: Was a bit weird that Uncle Z was standing at the kitchen island to do his work but maybe he didn't have that much to do or they were just about to eat at the table or whatever. Next...

Possibly my fave this one!! First though - Does Zac really need a menu for the Diner?? Maybe he doesn't go there all that often but everyone seems to be there all the time and his fiance works there. Anyway... I LOVED their little argument about rebound relationships!! So cute and HILARIOUS especially when Zac was like "... Which it's not" and at the same time Leah was like "Well it is!!" HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Then on Friday this was the best way to finish the week!! The lunch thing was cool and talking about Z/L's honeymoon plans (or lack there of). I wonder how many honeymoons Leah's actually been on? Zac's never been married before right? I hope they get to go on a lovely honeymoon together! I mean they completely deserve it right?? :wub: They've been through so flippin much together just in the short time that I've been back.  Anyway... then they got home. Gotta say woulda been a nice touch for them to be holding hands. #Justsayin. More hilarity and fun!! I loved Leah asking Oily all those questions and Z's uber obvious way of getting her out of the room!! Their conversation by the stairs was again cute and fun!! :D

Then when Evie and... yeah were leaving how Leah insisted on asking him round for dinner and Evie's reaction; how she loved that. LOVED Uncle Z's "Make tracks" joke!!!!!!!

I've already spoken about the weekend cliffhanger.

Ta da!!!!!!

Thanks er... Red right? for going into yet more details about the whole thing with Oscar and Zac and the car accident. I might have a re-read and come back to it again at a later date. :)

Just wanna close by saying I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOOVE how when you accidentally click on something you didn't mean to and lose your reply window it saves it for you. I thought I was gonna lose all my typing at one point but then it was STILL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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Very nice farewell service for the twins on the beach. Loved the song that Kyle sung - it seemed such an appropriate thing to do on that occasion. Will that be the end for Kyle and Phoebe now? I hope not - I still can't see her long term with Ash, but can she go back to Kyle? One of the three will probably leave the Bay now, but which one?          

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On 11/20/2015, 2:09:03, H&Alover said:

One last thing from my post yesterday  - James.  I agree with what others said, he saw that Maddy had seen his other phone in the drawer, and she wasn't snooping she was looking for something as you do in a new house and you don't know where things are

She was definitely snooping.  Admittedly it wasn't her intention initially but when she saw James's phone she consciously chose to take it out of the draw, activate the touch screen and be nosey.  If James hadn't interrupted her and she was somehow able to unlock the phone I'm sure she would have done.  Regardless of how suspicious James has been acting it's not the sort of thing you would do if you're a guest at somebody's house.  When James said that Roo and Maddy could have free reign I didn't think he meant going through his personal stuff.  I'm sure Maddy wouldn't have been too happy if it was the other way around.  It was an invasion of privacy.

Going by first impressions I don't like Tank but I can see he provides a certain entertainment value however one issue I have with him is that he's presence has made a few characters quite annoying.  Josh has already been annoying obsessing over him and Evelyn and harping on about them, although he wasn't as bad as the preview on Friday suggested and he didn't really feature in today's episode.

Leah I've found quite annoying especially her initial objection to Tank and I don't like the way she and Zac were waiting outside for Evelyn to make sure Tank got her home on time.  Couldn't they have been a little more subtle and just sat down pretending to watch TV?  I also didn't like the way Leah suggested that Evie stop seeing Tank.  Admittedly Leah had a point about Evie's exams but if it had been someone that she actually liked would she have said that?

Whilst I appreciate that there is something about Tank that bothers Oscar and I don't specifically have a problem with that I don't like the way he was texting Evie when she was on a date with him and used Josh as a way to bash Tank and to try and prevent him from attending the study session and generally his acting as the dating expert.

Evie has been irritating with the self-righteous manner in which she has been defending Tank.

Maddy actually wasn't one of the annoying ones but I found it really funny when Tank was very subtly flirting with her and especially liked the way he winked at her.  Her reaction was wonderful.  She was so shocked that he had the audacity to to it practically right under Evie's nose that Maddy didn't know how to take that - Bet she doesn't want to defend him now.  She did the right thing telling Evie but Evie was right.  Both Maddy and Oscar were very hypocritical about her not using protection.  I do have to admit Oscar's "I think Maddy would know if she's being hit on" line quite amusing.

Another thing I found really funny is that even Tank's friends were slating him or at least that girl Jem.  I actually wondered whether Jem was one of the girls that got burned by Tank as she didn't seem to be genuinely concerned for Evie but came across as wanting to get Tank for something.

So they continuing the Nate/Kat/Ricky thing.  I'm assuming that Ricky still likes Nate.  Even though Kat got the guy, I'm surprised at how friendly she is being with Ricky - being perfectly OK for Nate and Ricky to continue to be best friends and even hugging Ricky almost wanting to resume their friendship.  As I said before I wouldn't be too happy if I was in a relationship with someone that is still best friends with their ex.

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On 11/22/2015, 3:47:15, H&Alover said:

Phoebe coming onto a younger male employee is just as bad as what Kyle was doing to Maddy, both are in a position of power.  It's same as Charlotte and Matt, except he came onto her and at that time she didn't know he was going to be her pupil, though of course she did later.

8 hours ago, Angelica said:

Agreed - I think it is double standards to suggest that it would not be as bad if the person in power is a female such as with Charlotte/Matt. The reason why Kyle/Maddy and Phoebe/Ash can not be compared isn't because of the genders of the people involved but rather the type of relationship they have (i.e employer/employee in one situation, lovers in the other). 

Okay, so I hope nobody is interpreting my earlier comments as my justifying Phoebe's hypothetical attack on a hypothetical younger male employee. Just to be clear, that's not what I'm doing. And I didn't even mention Charlotte, whose decision to start a relationship with Matt I think, as my earlier comments in this thread demonstrate, was totally unacceptable. 

The point I'm making is this and only this: that, without going into the anatomical differences of which I think we're all aware, there are clear biological reasons why the male-on-female rape statistics are far higher than that of female-on-male. Hence there is an element of physical threat in male-on-female harassment or assault which is much reduced the other way around.

To be clear, I'm not saying sexual harassment of any employee by anyone of any gender is acceptable - far from it (and certainly not of any teenage school pupil, by any teacher, which is abhorrent). What I'm saying is that statistically, a male-on-female encounter of that description is more likely to end in some kind of assault or rape - and therefore a female victim of such an approach is more likely to be seriously traumatised and upset by their ordeal. Therefore men need to be doubly mindful about how they approach such situations. Not saying the reverse can't or doesn't happen, because it does - simply that it's statistically less likely. And I think objectively speaking, that's difficult to deny. I'm saying all this, by the way, as a man who could definitely describe previous behaviour directed towards me at work as sexual harassment. So I'm not saying it's only ever a male-on-female thing.

Onto today's episode, and no surprise to see Torque sleazing onto Maddy. He's starting to show his true colours now, but only in rather subtle ways so that you could explain it away by, for example, saying he has a bit of a squint. All the same, I wasn't sure that it was Maddy's place to blurt out to Oscar about Evie having had unprotected sex. I think there is a hypocrisy in how Oscar and Josh never get pulled up for this sort of behaviour, but that Tank does - by them. However, my chief problem with this storyline continues to be that every time somebody says the name 'Tank' with a straight face I burst out laughing. 

Much as I liked the beach ceremony in lots of ways, does anyone else feel a bit of a disconnect between Kyle's usual macho, emotionally constipated modus operandi, and his occasional spontaneous bursts into song? I mean, he has a nice voice and I'm glad he's capable of that tone shift in a way - but the way he acts most of the time makes it difficult to buy, IMO. Just my gut reaction.

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On ‎22‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎15‎:‎47‎:‎15, H&Alover said:

Was Marilyn a vegetarian back in 1996 or was she one when she made her return after being away 10 years, it would explain her helping herself to chicken. 

The latter, I think: If memory serves me correctly, it was prompted by her wanting to eat more healthily after her cancer.

I am really not liking Leah and Oscar's attitude towards Tank.They seem to have both just decided they don't trust him on the basis of...what?Leah seemed to decide she didn't like him before she'd even met him because Evelyn didn't tell her about him, Oscar...well, okay, vibe, but a bit of objectivity would help.You can't hang a man on a vibe.Zac did seem to be trying to be the peacemaker and I got the impression he only went outside to stop Leah overreacting.Tank's gathering wasn't as bad as it first appeared.The fact that there was another girl there made it seem less threatening and the boys basically treated Evie like one of the gang.She was outside of her comfort zone, which brings to mind when she came across Matt and his rough friends drinking and challenged them to a rap-off: This is what she should have been like then.Okay, she had Josh to back her up then, maybe that made her feel braver.It's not her scene but then I doubt hanging around studying is Tank's scene: If they want to be together, they need to make an effort with each other's friends, and that means doing the things they do.Then we get Tank's moment with Maddy: That wink was quite suggestive but not entirely incriminating.I actually didn't think Jem was saying Tank would cheat on Evie when she said "commitment issues", I just thought she meant he had a high turnover.I'm glad Evelyn pointed out that Oscar and Maddy had unprotected sex, when they either weren't even dating or had been together less than 24 hours: It doesn't automatically make you a wrong un.Tank's behaviour with Evelyn at the end reinforced that he's got issues, but he came across as someone who's used to people leaving him rather than a cheat.Are his issues insurmountable?Time will tell.

I did like Kyle and Phoebe's memorial and I don't think there's any contradiction in Kyle's character, he's a complex person and is quite affable and sensitive when his temper's under control.I thought when Phoebe was umming and ahhing over the speech at the start that what she was saying was perfect, and in the end it seemed she did just stop trying to be clever and say what she thought.It did feel like closure not just on the twins but on the relationship.I wasn't a fan but then I'm even less of a fan of Phoebe and Ash together.I liked that Chris was there and accepted by everyone: It does feel like we missed the stage of everyone accepting him as Hannah's boyfriend but ho-hum, it's happened and I'm glad.

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OK so yesterday briefly...

The memorial was lovely! 

13 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I thought when Phoebe was umming and ahhing over the speech at the start that what she was saying was perfect

Yes me too! I was like "You could just say this Pheebs!" Ash seems to be stepping up and being there for Phoebe which is good! I can't see them as a long term couple either. Ash annoys me often and I don't think there's much chemistry there. I was liking Kyle and Phoebe when they had their brief reunion. I'd be interested to see them make a real proper go of things although I doubt that's gonna happen. :(

I loved what Phoebe really said at the memorial and Kyle's song was perfect as well! Beautiful! Nick has a great voice and I could tell Kyle's performance was very natural and raw almost. I don't know just sort of plain in a beautiful way! That was what the scene called for and Nick W. was able to fulfill that criteria! Was very interesting and appropriate I think to have Kyle's speech in song format! No contradiction to character no. Kyle suffered a massive loss and it's made him really really devastated. He can throw his weight around and do the talking with his fists first (that's like the Braxton motto right?) but they all of them at the end of the day have/had a good heart tucked away in there. We saw glimpses of their true selves at various times and how they loved their partners or family or how the brothers were always there for each other! :D At the end of the day the Braxton Criminals Extraordinaire (I don't even know the half of it) were just a bunch of human men. The criminal stuff did get very ott and I still stand by my decision to quit back then but at the end of the day they were all emotional humans and Kyle's song was just very honest and heartfelt! :wub:

Onto Evie, WayneTank (so much fun!!) and everyone...

I'll talk about T's "awesome" mates first. Yes it was good when that other girl came and I'm thinking maybe she was trying to sabotage Evie and Tank's relationship. She had like a little smirk on her face when Evie said she wanted to leave. Maybe T wronged that other girl in the past? Anyway whatever... Not one of my favourite storylines atm. I can say. 

OK I suppose maybe and it's a pretty big maybe Tank's comment and winking at Maddy could've been innocent. It is a very very strange thing to say and do to your new girlfriend's brother's girlfriend though right? Very very strange. He could've just been giving her a compliment but the wink was weird and what he said to Maddy was just very very strange.

It was a very snarky argument M and E were having and maybe not the best way to reveal Evie's secret M. Maybe better that Oscar knows though I don't know. 

What was that whole thing about Maddy and Oscar having a pregnancy scare? When M seduced him just for the sake of it or whatever it was that one of you lovely people told me about? 

Saved the best till last again!! Such a good start to the week with Zac and Leah!!! :wub::D:D Maybe I'm a little unable to be unbiased here because I'm not a fan of Oil Boy and Leah's one of my favourite characters, but she's just looking out for Evie. She said to Z last week that she's a bit ambivalent about parenting a teenage girl. But Zac and Leah make a TOP team!! She's the worried disciplinarian and protector. Parent too! Let's not forget she has a lot of experience in this field! Zac's new to it all. He has an amazing heart and he loves VJ and Oscar and Evie but he is new to the whole thing. He never knew Hunter as he was growing up. Just pointing out the facts. Anyway Wonderful Zac's like the buffer who's a bit more easy going! Winning!! Hehehe!!! :lol: But seriously Zee and Lee rock!! I LOVED Zac's facial expressions and comment to Leah about "She's back now! You can breathe again!!" LOVE ZAC SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D He's a good defuser our Zac!!

I don't know maybe I should be preparing myself now for Zac to leave us. :cryingsmiley: The thing is that Ada wants to stay because she's so so much in love with her job. :D That's really really awesome!!! But it does mean though if the guy playing Leah's significant other wants to move on well that leaves TPTB in rather a predicament. I've said it before and I'll say it again I REALLY HOPE ZAC AND LEAH LAST THE DISTANCE!!! :wub::wub: I never really got to know Vinnie (at all) or Dan (minimally) all that well but some other partners of Leah's I did. Suffice it to say that I saw an interview with the lovely Charlie C on youtube and he said he's really enjoying his job right now so hopefully Z will be the husband that stays "till death do us part" - like in their 90s or till the show finishes you know what I'm saying??!! for Leah (and me and my fellow shippers/everyone else)!!! :wub::D :lol::P:wub:



Sorry, no, what I meant was Zac passed out drunk, woke up at home not knowing how he got there, and thought he’d driven back and couldn’t remember it, then found out someone had been run over and his car was damaged and thought he’d done it. In fact, Oscar had found him passed out and driven him home, and he was the one who’d run someone over.

  Ooh!! So what happened to Oscar then? It's still very sobering [literally] to wake up and think you've run someone over and have those shocking thoughts running through your mind! Even when you find out it wasn't you. I think this all happened long before he got together with Leah right?

So this is my daily offering on yesterday's ep. I don't think I'll be able to come every night but I'll try.

Off to have my lunch and watch today's ep. now!! Bring on more Zac and Leah (hopefully)!! WOO HOO!!!!!!

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