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When Charlotte and Matt first got together didn't she threaten Maddy because she knew about their liaison?  As we thought Josh was no. 1 suspect for ending the note to Charlotte but as he rightly pointed out he wouldn't jeopardise Matt getting into trouble. Andy can see she is just using him, but of course he won't or doesn't want to believe it.  The guy in the car looked very interested in see Hunter and Charlotte together.  When Charlotte came out with the 'Hunter won't be home for ages' line I half expected him to walk in just as it got interesting as usually happens, he is one person she definitely wouldn't want finding her otherwise occupied. How does mystery man know about Denny and where her grave is and who the book, conveniently left lying around, belonged to?  I may have dreamt it but didn't I see Charlotte and mystery man talking together? Only four days to 'our' break and not long after it's the series finale in Aus, with two episodes on Monday 7th Dec, two on 8th December and three on 9th December. Anyone know when it will re-start in Aus and how far we'll be behind this time?

Nate did try and warn Ash about moving in with three women, he tried living with four!!    Ash had been told the house rules before he moved in and it was a foregone conclusion he'd be the loser in a 'debate' over housework, loo seat, actually contributing to the household fund. Phoebe did concede she was at fault for hogging the drawers, wardrobe clothes wise. To be honest what their room looks like is none of the others business. Re the loo and the on going seat up or down problem, that isn't the problem, as long as the lid is down when it's flushed it doesn't matter.  Having the lid up when the loo is flushed stops germs being spread round the loo. At least Ash made an effort with the pork even if he did blow the budget, was there only going to be him and Phoebe eating it?  They did clear the air and acknowledge why they were fighting and his 'I thought you'd never ask' when she suggested he move out was a neat line.

Odd them texts between Ricky and Nate, not exactly flirty but both Kyle and Kat commented on how many each were getting. You could practically guarantee Pet's photo shoot would hit a snag, but what do you know there just happened to be two good looking people that can fill in. Handy as well Kyle and Ricky turn up then Kat gets called into work and Kyle suggests Ricky stands in for Kat who seemed fine with it. 



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On ‎25‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎23‎:‎02‎:‎54, atrus said:

Aside from some fairly standard 'wars of the sexes' fare chez Phoebe, and the continuing bore-fest that is the Kat/Nate/Ricky triangle (so Ricky's a photographer, is she? Genuinely news to me, and reminds me how seldom we've ever seen her do any form of work whatsoever), the last couple of episodes have been very watchable indeed, I thought.

Ricky was/is indeed a photographer and got herself a gig in London, she'd broken up with Brax and went with Bianca.  Needless to say Brax followed her to London with Casey and  Heath in tow and it all went pear shaped when Brax attacked someone, then he got run over. Now all we see her do is the occasional shift at Angelo's.

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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Only four days to 'our' break and not long after it's the series finale in Aus, with two episodes on Monday 7th Dec, two on 8th December and three on 9th December. Anyone know when it will re-start in Aus and how far we'll be behind this time?

Don't read this paragraph if you don't want to be depressed: With Australia getting fifteen episodes over these two weeks, as opposed to the five we're getting, we'll come back from the break with ten weeks of 2015 still to be shown.Which means we'll get the 2016 premiere on Monday 21st March.At best, we might be down to six weeks behind by then.There's a good chance we won't catch up at all and still be eight weeks behind, if Australia comes back in the last week of January as they have in the past.We might even slip further behind...

Okay, you can read this paragraph because today! To be honest, the idea of Charlotte and Hunter leaving isn't entirely unappealing.They both deserve to be "punished" for their actions, but there's an even chance that if they do stick around the show will try and turn them "good".While it makes sense, Zac and Leah being dragged back into their storyline makes me feel uncomfortable; I really hope Leah's comments about being in a better place with Hunter are meant to be ironic and the whole thing's going to collapse, rather than him actually getting his own room at the Hostel of Second Chances.(Or however many chances he's had.)Charlotte, albeit correctly, seemed to assume that guy was her stalker on the basis of him using a fairly innocuous phrase, she'd have looked a bit stupid if he'd just gone "Huh?" So, she doesn't know who he is either.But it seems he's working for someone...

Well, Nate was a bit of a jerk with the way he spoke to Hannah and the way he seemed to get all possessive over Ricky.Mind you, Kat slipping back into clingy jealous girlfriend mode and putting the idea of Kyle and Ricky in his head wasn't entirely sympathetic either.And, worryingly, it seems like she might be right, given that last scene of Kyle gazing at photos of Ricky.Someone suggested it a while back and I dismissed the idea because I really did think it was a purely platonic/family relationship.The show seems to be convinced men and women can't be friends, what with Ash and Phoebe hooking up, Matt suddenly lusting over Maddy, Nate fancying any woman he has more than a couple of conversations with and now Kyle getting hung up on his de facto sister-in-law.It's disappointing and ruining a lot of good friendships.

And was Ricky modelling 1950s beach gear or something? Maybe it's because it's so different from her usual style, but the way she was made up looked very fake and even a bit cheesy.

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Some thoughts on the last week or so worth of episodes:

-OK so I have to admit, Chris interrupting the Nate/Kat/Ricky/Pete lunch and putting his foot in it was hilarious.  I'm assuming Chris has slept with Hannah now.  So if you include Denny out of the 4 women who were at the farmhouse Kat is the only one he hasn't slept with.

-Didn't like Pete's attitude towards Ricky.  Almost sounding like he was threatening her and I wondered if Kat had mentioned something to him although given how Nate and Ricky have been texting each other without Kat knowing about it he would appear to have good reason.

-Kyle is enjoying looking after Casey this much to compensate for the fact that he lost his own babies although Ricky must be really enjoying getting free child minding.  Ricky is obviously in love with Nate so I really hope Kyle makes a fool out of himself re his feelings towards her.

-Oscar's "Does this something rhyme with wrank?" to Zac and Leah was one of the best lines EVER

-Really not liking Evie and Tank although Leah was quite annoying the way she tried to impose herself I was momentarily glad when their relationship wound her up.  I'm glad Greg told Leah about Tank being a manipulator.  I don't like the guy.  He's quite a bad influence on Evelyn i.e. her lying to Zac and Lea.  BTW really liked that scene.  Thought it was great acting how you could tell Leah and Zac weren't convinced about Evie finishing with Tank.

-Loved that there's trouble in paradise re Oscar/Maddy i.e. Oscar's suggestion that Maddy was 'easy'.  Especially liked it when he was confiding in Matt and Matt's face lit up when Oscar told him about it.

-Finding Charlotte's storyline intriguing her struggling to cope with killing Denny and trying to compensate by attempting to sleep with Andy and when that failed Matt.  Although what is happening with Matt now pales in comparison.  Didn't like the way Andy was with Matt and thought a small part of him was jealous.  Found Charlotte threatening Josh reminiscent of when she did the same thing to Maddy.  I'm now interested to see what happens with this guy who tampered with then fixed her car.  Presumably she's going to be blackmailed into doing something.

-Again didn't like Alf making a big thing about having two mobile phones - There's absolutely nothing wrong with it!  Once more did like him speaking his mind and quite correctly pointing out why he was against Roo and James getting married.

-Really glad Marilyn is getting her memory back even though it was a bit ridiculous.

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So, is Marilyn meant to have got all her memories back now?Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that she and John are back on an even keel, and I like the vow renewal idea, but it all seems a bit rushed and a waste of a potentially good storyline.Still, the focus now seems to have shifted to what James is hiding.So, it seems he really does want to marry Roo, almost obsessively so given that he seems to be rushing her into a wedding before Alf can put too much of a spanner in the works.I'm suspecting either some inheritance that means he has to get married or he's angling for a massive divorce settlement.So what has Morag dug up?Does Alf mean it literally when he says James isn't who he says he is?Is he not the real James Edmunds? Alf and Roo only seemed to vaguely remember him, after all...

Really don't know what to feel about this Kyle/Ricky/Nate opposite triangle.Kyle has been like a brother to Ricky for so long, it does feel vaguely incestuous and it means I'm not enjoying their scenes as much as I usually do. Maybe he could hook up with Kat?!

Is that the first time Mary Regan's celebrant has been given a name?

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35 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Is that the first time Mary Regan's celebrant has been given a name?

First time on-screen I think, I did already had her name down as 'Pamela Jane Dignon' (a surname familiar to anyone who's seen the crew credits) as I've got a close-up pic of Maz & John's marriage certificate - though an on-screen reference as 'Claire' has thrown that out the window...

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Is anybody else a little bored with this "innocent girl gets seduced by Bad boy" storyline? With the last 5 years of Braxtons turning women into cheerleaders it's enough already. It's also especially ironic when Evie told Matt (Who to me never really came across as a "Mangrove River tough guy/bad boy" more than a slightly camp sarcastic guy with a mini skateboard who had a few issues) "You're like an 8 year old when it comes to courtship!". Then she goes and falls into the trap of an obviously manipulative scumbag. Glad Oscar saw through it and I havn't seen the party yet but hopefully Oscar beats the crap out of him (Didn't find it realistic when Oscar apparently beat the hell out of that guy who seemed twice his size and age on the community service stoyline, but since that happened, Tank shouldn't be a problem) No, not justifying needless violence but apparently Tank hits him first and it figures because he's obviously a scumbag.  


I really hope it is the case that Tank is just a lying sneak when it comes to Snelgrove rather than the typical "oh he had a hard life so there's a reason he became a nutcase" excuse. There is damaged then there is beyond repair (But then again, Andy sure came out squeeky clean so wouldn't put it passed them)


Agree with Red again, Marilyn getting her memory back "just like that" is another in a long line of rushed stories in H&A. Even Leah foreshadowed it "I was sick a while back but I got over it" Oh so it should all be fine then


Oh Charlotte, you ain't half as tough as you like to think my dear.

Josh is becoming one of my favourite actors in the show, but the Saint Andy stuff is not cutting the mustard. To quote a wise man: "Do not be fooled by some flickers of emotion, he's a cold eyed killer" but if only the writers could remember that before making him a level abve Santa Claus






Charlotte the tough chick

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So another female isn't in love with Kyle and again like a spoilt child who didn't get his own way he decides to up and leave.  I was worried for a second that he would go back into gambling, get himself stabbed again and Ash would have to waste his other kidney on him but fortunately Ricky managed to talk him around.  Of course she doesn't want Kyle to go.  Who's going to cook for her, look after Casey for free whilst she gets to go out on the lash with her mates or even focus the remainder of her time getting closer to Nate?  It's perfect.  Kyle's playing the dutiful role of the house husband without the romance/sex part.

Can't wait to find out what Alf's reveal about James is.

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SERIOUSLY??? They expect us to wait a whole 24 hours or more to find out what the issue is with James?? After months of trickling bits of info and hardly anything Alf's just gonna tell and then it ends. AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so tempted to look up the next ep. online somewhere. Problem is it's not so readily available as some of the other TV shows on the other sorts of websites.

Well that is the complete typical definition of a cliffhanger I suppose.

I just wanna say that yes the wedding was rushed in the end but maybe James was so moved. There's probably more to it than that knowing H&A. Was interesting that Irene decided to stay away from the ceremony. That was the right decision I think.

I just wanna say one final time that I like James and I'm gonna continue to do so right up until I find something out that suggests maybe I shouldn't anymore.

One final thing: I kinda wanna find out about James and I kinda don't. I mean the issue has been brewing for so long and my frustration about it has grown and grown. On the other hand I do like James and I have by and large enjoyed the development of his relationship with Roo and I don't want anything to happen that's gonna ruin this relationship. Auntie Roo really doesn't deserve that. :angry: I don't want TPTB to set up this seemingly positive relationship and it's developing well and both involved are a good match for each other and then they just ruin it and throw it away just for the sake of a bit of drama. Nope that is not good writing in my opinion.

My thinking was that if James was a conman he would made his move a whole lot sooner... Instead he took the time to really get to know Roo and fall in love with her and everything. Someone mentioned that he could not be the real James Edmonds. That could work I suppose. Like this guy has stolen James Edmonds' identity but apart from that with Roo (and yes alright that's pretty bad) it's all true...

We will all find when we watch later on ooooooohhh!!! Bit nervous and apprehensive. :( Cool that I can come here after though!

Ciao for now peeps. :o

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