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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Australia have been showing double episodes in some regions for a while now, so  must be even more confusing for them too.   So if they stick to their normal pattern, we won't be any worse off than we are now.  The one thing in our favour is we won't have to wait six (?) weeks after the series cliff hanger to get any resolutions  resolved.  According to their official page we'll see their 9th December episode on 16th March.  Tomorrow's episode is their 8th October episode, our first episode back 11th January is their 12th October episode, hope you are keeping up at the back.  Episode no 6300 tomorrow night.

There is going to be another recycling of an old storyline, this time involving Twank and Evie, you'll know it when you see it.:rolleyes:

Right Charlotte and Hunter, they're leaving, oh no they're not, oh yes they are, oh no they're not!!!    Didn't think I'd ever say it but this time Hunter is innocent of any wrong doing and I think killing someone does trump, arson, assault, breaking and entering and burglary. So after a couple of weeks when it looked like the Zac and Hunter getting to know each idea had been totally forgotten, rather like the loan Charlotte made to Zak, they suddenly remember each other.  Guy in suit seems very civilised and is either working with or for someone, but what does he expect to achieve, he obviously knows about Denny's body but rather callously has no interest in it.

I think that 50's look was the idea behind the photo shoot and Nate and Ricky did have the grace to look uncomfortable when the photographer suggested the getting cosy look.  I really think Ricky doesn't think of Kyle the way it seems he thinks of her and how much does Casey play a part in it? Ricky sent Nate snaps of her breakfast, really, get a life woman!!!!  So Kat loves Nate, Ricky loves Nate, Kyle fancies Ricky, Nate loves Ricky/Kat, complicated.

Naturally James would deny he 'threatened' Alf and it was a misunderstanding. That 'let's get married' came way out of the blue and how handy the paperwork can be done after the ceremony.:rolleyes: I do have to say Roo didn't look too ecstatic at one point and interesting Irene didn't feel she could go, surely not just because neither Alf or Maddy would be there?  Roo was very dismissive about that fact (Maddy I mean) 'oh she'll understand' oh yeah!!!  Another teen hitting 18!!! Of course as happens in soaps Alf gets off the phone with Morag in earshot of Irene who then fills him in of what is happening at Maz's and John's.



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Just be thankful that wasn't Friday's episode.

Lol! I suppose. :wink: 

Today's wasn't much better though. I mean are they even gonna reveal the whole truth before this 5 week break???

I can't believe they only told us he uses a different name in the Blue Mountians. If that's true again it's not so bad. I'm just being purely factual here. I'm kinda over the whole thing after that today. I don't know!!! I still wanna find out obviously but today's ep. was just so bad and I didn't get the reason to dislike James Peter I thought I was going to. Not that I particularly want to dislike James you know but I thought it was gonna be all tied up today. I know something's up. We all know that. It's just getting ridiculous now.

Sweet about the whole surprise party thing. Is there an age limit in Aus. about scratch cards or was it just coz VJ's really truly broke? He has his new job though...

Awesome present that Oscar gave Maddy and so sweet and romantic! :wub:

Missed Zac in the family scenes. These shows can be so strange sometimes.



Seriously now though DTM never has even just a little bit of tact. EVER. He's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo self entitled and he's got the biggest mouth in the world ever and someone just needs to... like Charlotte's on a role lately for being a killer or Tank could make a good use of himself and run him over in his fast car or more poisonous mushrooms or even a surfing accident.

Was cool to see Leah laying into him in the background!! Would've loved to be in the kitchen with them cheering!! :D


Australia have been showing double episodes in some regions for a while now, so  must be even more confusing for them too.   So if they stick to their normal pattern, we won't be any worse off than we are now.  The one thing in our favour is we won't have to wait six (?) weeks after the series cliff hanger to get any resolutions  resolved.  According to their official page we'll see their 9th December episode on 16th March.  Tomorrow's episode is their 8th October episode, our first episode back 11th January is their 12th October episode

Oh yeah the whole "We'll be 10 weeks behind when it returns" thing. That does seem a bit extreme. 

It could be kinda good to have a break at the season/year end you know. Give us a chance to take everything in and stuff and think about the whole year and everything. You know?

Huh? Why are they keeping that 9/10 episode from us in the UK? That seems very strange...

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A six week break in Australia would mean the gap wouldn't change at all, we'd stay eight weeks behind...Just saying.I'm guessing no-one's heard anything definite?

Yeah, that was a massive anti-climax from Alf and James, and to be honest it feels like a massive cop-out.If James is telling the truth, then it sounds like there was a Doctor James Edmunds working at the hospital, even if it wasn't him, so why would Morag think it wasn't him? Wouldn't she notice there was a Peter Edmunds there and wonder if there was a connection? If James is lying, did Alf bother to ring Morag back and ask if there was a Peter Edmunds there? Not making much sense at the moment.(The promo does suggest we're going to get some sort of reveal tomorrow.We'll see.)Anyway, we get some good stuff between Roo and Maddy, and ultimately between Roo and Alf, and Roo realises she was going about it the wrong way.

I guess Marilyn's going to have to leave the Bay somehow at some point but it's disappointing that the fostering news, which would once have made her day, gets such a blasé reaction.She's talking as if she's spent her whole life in Summer Bay, rather than living on the other side of the world for a big chunk of it, although I guess there's a lot of it she hasn't seen.I kind of agree with John here, it's not something I'd want to do, leaving everything I know to travel around the world for a year.

Forgot to mention that I was surprised and quite pleased to hear about Maddy visiting her parents, seems the lines of communication are still open despite her recognising her home was in Summer Bay.And she finally turns 18! So...is she younger than the twins now? Because if this was 8th October, the twins' birthday was previously established as 23rd September, but Evelyn said she was 17 nearly 18 in the episode shown 29th September, so looks like they've been deSORASed too.Hah, continuity, what continuity?Chris blows a secret twice in a minute, it really is getting beyond a joke.Still, we got some lovely Madscar interaction and I loved how delighted she was with the party.She seemed...less delighted with what was, I admit, a very ugly bracelet (and Evelyn and VJ seemed to be thinking "You thought that was a good idea?" as well), but it's the thought that counts and she clearly recognised that and that Oscar had spent all his savings on something he thought she'd like.(Tutoring sessions?Does he mean that one tutoring session he gave Jett?Have there been more?)If Tank wrecks the party, then I will seriously hate him.I'm drawing a line in the sand here, you do not ruin Maddy's 18th birthday party.

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1 hour ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

Huh? Why are they keeping that 9/10 episode from us in the UK? That seems very strange...

It was the 2nd part of the double episode in Oz on Thursday 8th October - UK sees them separately.

11 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

.Just saying.I'm guessing no-one's heard anything definite?

No they tend not to reveal the Aus return date until January - though there's people on various FB pages/Twitter who tell people when it will return, it's nothing more than speculation.

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On ‎01‎/‎12‎/‎2015‎ ‎19‎:‎46‎:‎10, Red Ranger 1 said:


Don't panic Changelo, there is more to be revealed tonight!!!!  I'm hoping it's not a misleading reveal, which if it isn't is going to make you think 'how did he hope to get away with that?':o  Now let me see if I have this right, James uses (or says he does) his middle name Peter at the hospital as his dad who is also a doctor is called James  who I guess doesn't work at the hospital so why the name change? :unsure: Wouldn't they have mentioned there was a James Peter?  Alf is right he does have a ready answer for everything.  So glad Maddy gave Roo short shrift for having the (non) wedding without her, didn't know her as well as she thought she did did she?  James wasn't happy about Roo cancelling the ceremony and took it out on Alf again, what is the urgency or is he  just a control freak? It only got a brief mention the other night that Maddy had gone to see her family.  You answered your own question Red, they swop birthdays around to suit the storylines, so now Maddy is older than Oscar and Evie for a week or two anyway.

Oh Chris, just as you show you do have a sensitive side like at the twins memorial service you undo all the good work by blowing the surprise birthday party for Maddy.  She had asked if there was a party and Oscar pretended there wasn't. She was over the moon and clever of Leah to arrange for it to be held outside and only right it should be at the Stewart house, to limit any damage that may be done. That's been well scuppered by Twank and his mates turning up, he, like James, doesn't seem to take rejection well, it was only for an afternoon, Evie could have slipped away later. An invite might start off as private (I saw some SBH kids in the background), but those invitee's (in this case Twank) can also include others by text, phone can't they? I've given up trying to work out why certain people aren't at do's they should be at.  I thought the same Red, Maddy did look a tad underwhelmed at Oscar's present, it seemed very clunky, was it a charm bracelet? Didn't Oscar start tutoring others recently to help out Leah and Zac? Anyway as any good party in any soap it descends into chaos. 

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On ‎04‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 2:30 PM, H&Alover said:

Didn't Oscar start tutoring others recently to help out Leah and Zac?

Ah yes, good point, I forgot that!

On ‎04‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 2:30 PM, H&Alover said:

You answered your own question Red, they swop birthdays around to suit the storylines, so now Maddy is older than Oscar and Evie for a week or two anyway.

Except...is she?I mean, there's been no mention of Oscar and Evie turning 18, but there's been time for it to happen off screen.How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?Because while they might have been disproving, no-one said Evie was too young.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Marilyn annoyed me with the way she was constantly banging on about her trip.Despite Zac's speech about an experience like that changing you, I'm not convinced by this abrupt turnaround in her character and found her quite childish.I'm glad Leah had a word to her and pointed out that John just wanted his life back, but it seemed like Marilyn only changed her mind to please him, which isn't good. And do they seriously have holidays to the Antarctic? I thought it was just Captain Scott went there.(Or is that the Arctic?)

Okay, anything I might have said in Tank's defence, forget it.He's scum.Although it probably helped that he was dealing with incompetents.What happened to calling the police? Oscar stands there with his phone ready to make the call, Tank takes it off him and, what, he never tries again? Did Tank hold onto it all night? Could he not just use the land line? Did no-one else have a phone? Matt annoyed me with the way he just stood there smirking and making smug remarks about how it's going to end badly, instead of helping out the others.Even Chris did more than him, even if he did need to have Hannah have a go at him first.(And what was with the claim that Chris is 10 years older than the teens?Maybe 5 at a push, especially if he's meant to be a lot younger than Hannah, who doesn't seem much more than 10 years older than Tank's crowd.)I liked Oscar standing up to Tank, although he probably could have handled it better rather than challenging him to a fight.Chris grabbing Evelyn seemed like a rather random way to expose her tattoo.

I want to like the angle of Maddy's music being resurrected but it just felt completely random and ended up as a throwaway moment.I'm struggling to work out why Matt would buy her that when she's never played a violin anywhere near him or mentioned it (has he been facebook stalking her again?).Off-screen discussion, I guess.I couldn't even work out if his comment about it only having one string was a joke or not.I was expecting Josh's "What the hell is that?" to lead to further discussion, but apparently he was talking about the bracelet, which didn't actually look that bad when she was wearing it, and his laboured speech about how much she hates gold (off screen discussion again, apparently) just felt unnatural.

And then, in the last five seconds, we get a revelation about James that leaves us going "Huh?", even if it was blatantly obvious from the promo.He tried to rush Roo into marrying him but...he's already married? Why would anyone do that? Did he only propose because Maddy thought he was going to? Is this a massive double bluff and he's not really married to her? (He did seem out of it when she said so.) Is the old "We can do the paperwork afterwards" excuse actually a clever twist and the marriage wouldn't have been legal anyway? We really need answers but...

"Home and Away will be back in the new year,"says an annoying continuity announcer.Hmm...that's curiously vague? I've been hoping Channel 5 will cut the break to 3 weeks and come back straight after Christmas, this seems to rule that out but maybe they'll cut it to 4 and come back the same day as Neighbours? Or maybe they won't and I'm just in denial.

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One theory to explain Evie saying she is almost 18 on 28th Sep when her birthday is 23 Sep is, could the episodes be set a week or two before transmission date? I think H&A has done this in the past, some episodes set a few weeks before transmission date.

Want a party at Summer Bay House to be stopped? Get Max Ramsay on the case "All right you lot the party's over!!!!!".

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   Have a great Christmas everyone. Hear from you again in 2016.  I thought it was a very good last episode tonight - lots of action, lots of teenagers enjoying themselves as usual, silly Marilyn, stupid Chris and a great finish for Roo "I'm his wife, Who are you?"

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14 hours ago, Homeandawayfan. said:

One theory to explain Evie saying she is almost 18 on 28th Sep when her birthday is 23 Sep is, could the episodes be set a week or two before transmission date? I think H&A has done this in the past, some episodes set a few weeks before transmission date.

It's possible but that still leaves us with the major issue that Maddy was already 16 in February 2013, over six months before Oscar and Evelyn turned 16, but doesn't turn 18 until over two and a half years later, a few weeks after they should have done...

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