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Evie seemed to soften a little today towards Zac and Leah, but I think only because she was saying goodbye to them in a roundabout way. Sad to say but I think at this stage, the only way she's going to see Tank's true colours is by spending some serious time with him. And if that means running away with him and learning it the hard way, so be it.

Are teachers paid very handsomely in Australia? Because that's quite some trust fund Charlotte's managed to accrue for Hunter. Not that that justifies her stealing it back from him, of course. What's more I'm far from sure that handing over all this money to Mr Creepy and Our Mutual Friend is actually going to have any material effect in terms of getting rid of them. If they know she can get that much, they'll just want more.

Not too interested in the renewal-of-wedding-vows story. Soaps seem to have far too many of these, these days.

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54 minutes ago, atrus said:

Evie seemed to soften a little today towards Zac and Leah, but I think only because she was saying goodbye to them in a roundabout way. Sad to say but I think at this stage, the only way she's going to see Tank's true colours is by spending some serious time with him. And if that means running away with him and learning it the hard way, so be it.

Are teachers paid very handsomely in Australia? Because that's quite some trust fund Charlotte's managed to accrue for Hunter. Not that that justifies her stealing it back from him, of course. What's more I'm far from sure that handing over all this money to Mr Creepy and Our Mutual Friend is actually going to have any material effect in terms of getting rid of them. If they know she can get that much, they'll just want more.

Not too interested in the renewal-of-wedding-vows story. Soaps seem to have far too many of these, these days.

I imagine the money in trust for Hunter is from Charlotte's Dad who we've already heard about as he used to take Hunter fishing.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Andy didn't appear at all.

Evelyn's still a brat, and I'm not convinced that her being nice to Zac and Leah wasn't just an act to make them drop their guard.So, once again she has the run of the house at night, and this time she's run away completely.(Why's Alf got such a high opinion of her anyway?Their relationship's seemed rather mixed.)Josh talking about visiting that room puzzled me, since I don't think he and Evelyn were together that long if at all while she was living there, unless he meant when he was dating Maddy.Where was Maddy anyway?If she's moved back in, shouldn't she be sharing with Evie again?(The promo hints at a solution, guess we'll see how it plays out.)

I wouldn't mind the vow renewal if that's all it was about but the fact that Marilyn, for no real reason, seems to not want to be married John (and almost acts as if not renewing their vows means she won't be!) upsets me somewhat, especially since Emily's forthcoming maternity leave suggests there's not going to be a happy ending.(What happened to Visiting A Sick Relative?)Oh, and a hint that, as usual, Leah is going to go on using two former husbands' names (according to the credits) rather than her current/future husband's.Because who cares about whether it's in character or not?

It's only when you sit down that you realise how repetitive Charlotte's storyline was.Is she really going to clean out Denny's bank account?(It looked like she'd just about have enough with her own savings and the trust account.)Murdering her was bad enough, stealing her savings would be truly evil.

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8 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Evelyn's still a brat, and I'm not convinced that her being nice to Zac and Leah wasn't just an act to make them drop their guard.So, once again she has the run of the house at night, and this time she's run away completely.(Why's Alf got such a high opinion of her anyway?Their relationship's seemed rather mixed.)...

...Oh, and a hint that, as usual, Leah is going to go on using two former husbands' names (according to the credits) rather than her current/future husband's.Because who cares about whether it's in character or not?

It wasn't that long ago that Alf was fuming because Evie said that Anzac Day wasn't important.

The problem they have with Leah is that she didn't want to give up Vinnie's name, partly out of respect but partly so she has the same surname as her son, but now she has two dead husbands it would't be fair to Dan to drop Baker but keep Patterson and Patterson-Baker-MacGuire isn't really an option. So does she offend Zac or disrespect Dan or be fairer and change to just MacGuire but have a different surname to VJ?

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I'm with atrus as regards Evie seeming to soften towards Zac because she knew she was going to be doing  a runner. What were Zac and Leah supposed to do, lock her in her room at night to stop her wandering about? Her running off doesn't look like it ends well at all.  Alf was well behind in the 'Evie's a sensible girl' line.  Both Leah and Zac came out with that one ages ago and both were proved wrong. It was during the day when Josh called round so I'm guessing maybe Maddy was at school?  School must be back as Charlotte has been absent.

Makes perfect sense for Leah to keep Vinnie's surname for VJ sake, does stop a lot of confusion form filing wise etc.  He is old enough now though for her to ask him if It would be OK with him to change her surname to MacGuire if she wanted to. She is known as Patterson by new people. Where did the renewal of the wedding vows come from, I don't remember that before the break?  Marilyn definitely seems unsure about the whole thing, not that I think she's stopped loving John, despite someone (I forget who) suggesting she tell John, she chickened out again, because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. But something is going to have to happen soon , she can't keep hiding her noticeable bump.

Very specific  amount Trystan wanted from Charlotte , wouldn't Denny's bank enquire why she wants to effectively close her account?  I supposing Charlotte is the sole trustee to Hunters trust fund otherwise she'd possibly need her mothers signature as well?


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I'm glad that we at least got confirmation that James wasn't lying about leaving Megan this time, but it potentially makes way for a more interesting dilemma - whether Roo will choose to sacrifice her relationship in order to give James another chance with his family. Personally I don't really believe in couples "staying together for the sake of the kids", since kids are likelier to be happier in the long run, in my view, if they're not stuck with bickering or loveless parents for the rest of their childhoods. And that's what he'd be doing if he returned to Megan - so I don't think that should form as much of a factor in Roo's considerations as the way James has already treated her personally. Meanwhile, Alf's apology was a bit of a backhanded one if you ask me; 'I'm sorry I didn't teach you to have more self-respect' feels like yet another criticism of Roo, which is probably the last thing she needed.

So Tank's psychotic tendencies seem to be coming out even sooner than I expected. He's clearly unstable rather than outright evil, not that that's much comfort to Evie right now. I'm looking forward to her inevitable rescue, largely to see the look on her face when she's treated to a weeks-long chorus of 'I told you so' by everyone who's ever known her. Could anyone tell what the other thing Evie found in Tank's bag was, apart from the balaclava? I couldn't make it out. (It actually stirred up a very odd memory for me: there was a famous incident a few years ago during the days of those premium-rate 24-hour quiz channels, when ITV got rapped by Ofcom for having the question: "What might be found in a woman's handbag?" and two of the answers were "a balaclava" and "Rawl plugs". For some reason that's always stuck in my head - so my immediate thought was that the other object Evie found was Rawl plugs! Not that I know what Rawl plugs are or look like. :lol:)

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They're the things that hold screws into the wall!:lol::lol::lol:

But today's ep made me want to slap Evie more than Sympathize with her, Dozy mare made her bed, she may as well lie in and if Tank's in it, she made that choice!

(Anyone get a touch of Kane/Kirsty, Macca/Cassie w/ this?)

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27 minutes ago, CaptainHulk said:

They're the things that hold screws into the wall!:lol::lol::lol:

But today's ep made me want to slap Evie more than Sympathize with her, Dozy mare made her bed, she may as well lie in and if Tank's in it, she made that choice!

(Anyone get a touch of Kane/Kirsty, Macca/Cassie w/ this?)

Yeah, it's incredible how many girls have been there. I think Spencer & Nick are perhaps the only boys to have been in a dodgy situation. 

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