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Yes, C5 need a superkick for giving away the week!

In a harsher (read: more realistic) soap, Evie would be chewed out by VJ and Co for her behaviour as of late and pretty much ostracized with Zac doing the whole "I love you but don't even wanna look at you right now". Kind of funny that it took a murderer to call her out on her crap.

And that shot was worse than the punch Cain gave Robert on Emmerdale a while back.

Coward Punching is no new phenomena.  Gutless s***bags have been hitting from behind for centuries but it shows no sign of dying out.

Hannah was looking kind of sexy on the beach wasn't she?

The towel yes... Last thing Jackson Gallagher would have wanted to see crouched over him would have been some dude's... Frank & Beans! :lol:

Yep, Yesterday's ep was a Facedesker. 

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Josh and Tank met at the class Josh was attending to get his HSC but definitely doesn't explain why Tank would have Josh's number, they hated each other.   She must have kept Tank really, really hard for him to be so out of it long enough for her to struggle to open the door and run! Wonderful things GPS', Josh finds the shack then manages to find Evie without having a clue in which direction she ran, then a huge cut from that to those back home hearing she's on her way back!   So we have to assume, he and Evie snuck back to the shack unseen and made their getaway.   I see we saw the knife on Tuesday's episode.  Was it intentional that both Roo and Evie dated blokes with psychological problems?  I could get James' using his parents as a cover for going to see his wife and children, but using them when  they are dead is a BIG NO NO! People in soaps have often said the opposite for various reasons but this is a new one.  Maddy knows from her own actions how much hurt lying to Roo can do, with  her stealing her credit card, stealing from the gym and all the lying about it so she was in the perfect position to call James to tell the whole truth if he wanted to stay with Roo. At least he has acknowledged he has a problem(s), maybe those missing years (still not explained) are part of it. I did 'tell' Roo way back to be careful about dating a doctor, they don't have a good track record for being faithful, Sean, Nate, but did she listen!!! 

May have seemed an innocuous punch to Josh's head by Tank, but he did have that previous injury from when Hunter knocked him down the stairs which may have played it's part. When Ash first walked by Josh he was hidden by the shade so could be missed. Going to be ironic if Andy does have to make that awful decision regarding Josh's life support (and I agree that doctor (Griffith) was way too premature talking about organ donation) isn't that  the decision he made for Jake a while back. 

May be wrong about who it was (Denny maybe) but wasn't Ash asked to ring Brax a little while about something major? I remember Kyle's kidney transplant! Turned out he didn't need to as Brax would have been incompatible anyway.

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16 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

It seemed mildly exploitative to have Ash spend his early scenes wandering about the caravan park in just a towel.Wonder how many out-takes there are where George Mason didn't keep it in place.

... I can't remember most of what I wanted to post now -_-. Apart from actually liking Andy's reaction to the situation (particularly his anger at Evie) the rest of the episode was a non event. 

Oh & loving the nickname Dr. Catwalk :D.

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Well, John actually gave Chris some pretty good advice, certainly better than his "pretend I tell everyone I love them" plan.The picnic was sweet but inappropriate, he should have waited until Hannah got home, although I think Hannah was a bit harsh in her response, which, frustratingly, seemed to be mostly for Andy's benefit.And Andy didn't even really mind. Still, I'm glad that Chrisannah had a proper talk and sorted things out.Andy reminds us what a scumbag he is by bullying Kat just because she was there.(It doesn't help that some of us would rather see him locked up than Tank if it came to it.)Then he gets a taste of his own medicine when Kyle makes inappropriate comments about his private life.

Brax gives Ash the right instructions, causing him to back off.Of course, there's still the problem that Nate isn't available...or at least he wasn't until that last scene.Nate's right, though, things were going too far and if he was going to break up with Kat it needed to be then, not after moving in with her.

I keep forgetting Charlotte was in that episode which shows how interested I am in her.Matt's coming across as increasingly sleazy with the way he keeps letting himself into her home for a booty call, and she really shouldn't have let him go hunting for cups when she's got a bagful of money lying around.I hope there's a decent explanation for what Trystan and his as-yet-unidentified-in-the-episodes-if-not-the-promos associate are up to, because at the moment it seems like they're toying with Charlotte just because they can.(I'm assuming the promos are added onto the prints Channel 5 get by 7 Network, so we can't blame our homegrowns for this screw-up.)

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On 1/21/2016 at 8:00 AM, Slade said:

I agree with Angelica that this whole thing now appears to be purely a plot device to facilitate a Evie/Josh reunion.

I'm assuming the way she was with Andy and the fact that Chris declared his love for her on the beach and it wasn't reciprocated (oh she did thank him) that there is a possible love triangle on the horizon - not like we've seen any of those before.


Neither Josh/Evelyn and Hannah/Andy are back together at Aus pace.


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The whole Charlotte/Denny mess is reminding me of the Amanda/Leo mess 10 years earlier, only difference, Amanda didn't bury the body, just hid it in a bush!:lol:

Yep, The decade loop comes in.

First we had sexual assault allegations at the Surf Club doing the rounds, now blackmail/murder!

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16 hours ago, KIMIF1 said:

Brax was found to be a suitable kidney donor  for Kyle - Heath wasn't -  Ash was also found to be compatible and  chose  to donate himself  rather than contact Brax about it.

Ah, yes I remember now.

One doctor working at NFD hospital I forgot to include on the list of love cheats - Sid!  Evelyn we maybe can excuse for her behaviour towards everyone over her determination to stick with Tank as she is young and impressionable, but Roo is an adult and has  more experience so perhaps not as easy to excuse. Would James saying the reason his name didn't appear on the list of doctors working at his last hospital as he used his second name so as not to confuse him with his dad also a lie?

Ash did omit to tell Brax Ricky was thinking of moving on with Nate who wasn't on Brax's list of people he'd like her to get involved with. At least Nate had the decency to tell Kat he couldn't move in with her because he'd fallen for someone else (and she rightly guessed it was Ricky) and didn't keep stringing her along.  Timing wasn't maybe the best, but better now than later. Unfortunate for Kat the first case she is put on after her return is talking to Andy who could lose his brother, so no surprise she reacted so badly.  Andy could be excused for blowing up at her, he wouldn't know what had happened, he would have behaved like that whoever the cop had been. It's a traditional rant of family members/friends - why aren't the cops out there looking for whoever hurt whoever it was instead of bothering me/us.

Chris got himself in a right state over telling Hannah he loved her, but they have found their way round it.  Better than her saying she loved him back when she didn't mean it. Nice idea the picnic, but not the best time. Is Andy being totally honest when he says what he and Hannah had is in the past?

The other guy in the Charlotte blackmail scheme looks suitably creepy and as far as I know isn't anyone we know. What is Trystan planning next if it isn't money he's after? So Hunter rumbles what his mum and Matt have been up to, very disturbing for him to find she's involved with someone only two years older than him! 

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I did feel sorry for Kat, especially with her brother dying and I hated the way Andy yelled at her at the hospital.  I wanted Kat to tell him that she lost her brother just so he could realise how out of line he was.  I just hope that when he does find out he apologises to her.  It was rough that Nate finished with her but I guess there was never going to be a right time to do it.  No point staying with her and moving in with her out of pity or guilt.  However I have to say Kat really should have known better.  She never should have gotten back with Nate after he slept with Ricky.  I've said this more than once before but Kat knew in her heart of hearts that he was still in love with her.  Even just as Nate was ending things she could tell by the look on Nate's face.  So there's an argument that she's only got herself to blame.  I can understand her wanting to drink to deal with everything but she's been down that road before and it could easily have cost her her job the last time.

Found myself completely on Hunter's side today.  If I'd come home and caught my mother having it off with someone in the year above at my school I would have hit the roof.  I also would have wanted to be physically sick.  And taking a very large sum of money out of Hunter's trust fund is another legitimate reason to be annoyed with Charlotte.  Objectively, although she killed Denny and this is all her fault, I can understand her doing this.  She doesn't really have any alternative.  Gunno's associate's "I own you" confirmed what I suspected all along.  And it often reminds me with any situation where someone is being blackmailed, I always think back to what Harrison Ford said in Air Force One - "Give the cookie monster a biscuit and he'll ask for a glass of milk".  It will be interesting to see how Charlotte gets in with the Braxtons.  I am left wonder how Gunno knew or suspected that Brax is still alive though.

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Now i have been a Home And Away fan for 25 years and after todays episode i don't know if i'll be saying that much longer.First of all Matt and Charlotte out of breath and her saying "i needed that" is so unnecessary and sleazy.I hate the way the show is so obsessed with sex nowadays.My other problem with todays episode is Nate and Kat.He disgusted me the way no sooner had he left Kat devastated he heads straight over to Ricky to kiss her.I really think most of the characters are morally bankrupt.I would like to think the show could one day get back to what it was but to be honest i can't see that happening.

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