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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Five really need to reconsider their promos, as it is really hard to feel any suspense with any of the storylines, with so much being revealed in the promos. For instance,


Josh lifting his finger in the the next episode promo - killing any suspense I might feel about whether Josh might recover

It would seem that I care as much as the majority of the Bay about Josh's condition...i.e very little. It doesn't help that we have had this traumatic brain injury storyline done twice already in the last year with Leah and Marilyn (both of whom I care a lot more about). These life support conversations seem premature, and the suggestion that this decision could be left to Andy is ridiculous (although ironic, given the last time, Andy took it upon himself to make the decision about someone coming off their life support *cough*Jake *cough*).

It is a shame to see Tank go - he is a lot more interesting that half the characters that we have left. And while I do not excuse his behaviour, I think it is clear that he has lot of issues he needs addressing, rather than a one-dimensional villain.

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Some may see it as Karma for Jake (who, in all fairness, killed two people, but it doesn't make it right). 

Am I the only one kind of disappointed that there was no actual bomb? (but I suppose after the 2014 explosion, they didn't want to go down that road again)

Odds are they'll probably reset the paper.

Matt Page, is one bad motherf... I'll shut my mouth but I'm talking 'bout Matt, so we can all dig it!^_^

The house, The Patterson-McGuires are gonna need somewhere else eventually. It's gotta be a bit of a squeeze in there (ala 2006-07). I  can just imagine:

"Veej, if you're gonna do THAT in there at least Close the door and clean up afterward!"

"Evie, don't you ever knock?"

"Hogan's ghost! Who used all the flamin' hot water?!"



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Party of 1 moment here but I have actually enjoyed the Josh & Andy storyline, apart from the Hannah thing... and shoehorning Evie in. I think Andy's reaction to it all has been realistic character wise & at times quite moving.

Shame it looks like they screw up the finish.

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I agree. I like Josh and despite having prior knowledge because I'm a spoiler junkie, I'm still pretty invested in watching the way this storyline pans out. When Leah was in a coma I forgot she existed and Marylin's amnaesia storyline was pretty laughable. 

I can't stand Tank. I hate the standard thing of giving people a break because they have "issues". It doesn't matter what has happened to you in the past, there's never an excuse for abusing other people. I wish TV land would stop implying that it's OK if you have a valid reason. It isn't. Ever. No doubt he'll return and be the usual bad boy turned good just like all the others......

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20 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

The house, The Patterson-McGuires are gonna need somewhere else eventually. It's gotta be a bit of a squeeze in there (ala 2006-07).

Three adults and four teenagers? Doesn't seem much different to the original two adults, four teenagers and one pre-teen line-up.

Well...I'm struggling to find anything nice to say about that episode.Evelyn, a girl who was declaring that she'd never felt as strongly about anyone as she did about Tank just two weeks ago, sobs over Josh like he's the love of her life and I'm left hoping they pull the plug just to spare us an arbitrary reunion.Andy...well, his scenes just about stayed on the right side of hypocrisy but yeah, he started off as an abusive brother, no point having him recycle Brax's old speeches about his little brother being everything to him now.And then the whole thing's rendered completely pointless because he's still alive. Oh, Chris! There's a positive: He's learned from last week and knows when to keep his distance and when to be a supportive boyfriend.Good old Chris.

And then we get Alf, looking suspiciously like he's holding up prompt cards to the audience, telling VJ he should be nice to Psycho Hunter because...well, actually, he doesn't give a reason but be nice to him, okay? And then he sends Charlotte packing as if to hammer home the point that we should like Hunter and blame Charlotte for everything, even though he really started all this.(Again, not buying it.He's shown zero remorse for the fire and is happy to leave Billie locked up.That's down to him, not Charlotte.)And incredibly, after a couple of lines, VJ and Hunter are suddenly, what, frenemies?

But they leave the worst till last.I was afraid of this the moment Irene got that phone call where she got Olivia's age wrong and was hoping we'd dodged it but...no.Obviously someone wanted to have a blonde wild girl living with Irene.But they couldn't be bothered to write a proper introduction for her and come up with a proper reason for her to be living there, so they plucked a random past character out of the air and gave her the same name.Last time we saw her she was five years older than VJ and now they're the same age? I said a while back it's wise not to think about inconsistent time scales but seriously, what are we meant to think? That now Vinnie and Leah were already married when Chloe was around? Guess we're back to the Bay's children falling through holes into parallel dimensions and coming back the wrong age.I might like the character a bit better if she wasn't an insult to the show's history.Or I might not.But it's a shame that yet again a character who was given a happy positive exit has had it messed up and been turned into a brat.

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As much as I dislike Tank I actually felt sorry for him after hearing what had happened to his mother.  Not that it excuses what he did but I'm glad Evelyn had sympathy for him as well.  I also quite liked Andy apologising to her, hopefully he will apologise to Kat when he sees her.  I do however find myself not buying her being in love with Josh.  She was definitely completely over him and even found him to be a nuisance.  I think this is a combination of gratitude and guilt.

I did quite like it for some reason when everybody hated Andy but now that he's OK with just about everyone I'm not complaining.  Never thought I'd see the day where Maddy gave him a hug.  I'm still enjoying the scenes with Hannah and Andy.  The interactions from her side seem more genuine this time round.  Maybe because when she was going out with him it was just about her getting her kit off and getting laid as far as she was concerned.  I do think there is something about her persona that still bothers me.  I dunno, at times she just seems quite cold.  I wonder when Chris was hugging her at the end whether he wondered why she was crying like that.  Was it really about the state Josh was in or were her tears more for Andy?  Don't understand why Andy/Josh's mother hasn't been contacted yet.  Surely they could let her compassionately see Josh on day release from jail.

It's so funny how quickly everyone has changed their opinion about Hunter.  Alf was team Hunter twice in that episode even refusing to let his own mother see him.  And now it looks as though even VJ is prepared to give him another shot.

This new lass seems like a handful and I wasn't impressed with her stealing someone's bike.  Summer Bay is a small town so surely that guy will recognise VJ if he sees him again.

Didn't mind the stuff with Charlotte and Kyle.  Like the way he said he felt she got a raw deal.  I guess it pales in comparison to what he's done (although he wouldn't be thinking that if he knew about Denny).  I'm undecided.  Losing her job was fair.  Not sure what would happen in the UK at 19 but if Matt had been two of three years younger she could have ended up in the slammer.  BTW Kyle you were punishing the liver.  It was a kidney that Ash wasted on you!

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22 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Three adults and four teenagers? Doesn't seem much different to the original two adults, four teenagers and one pre-teen line-up.

In terms of numbers maybe, but when you consider logistics in terms of bedroom arrangements with ages and genders it's a bit different - you can hardly have Alf share with one of the teenagers and you can't have Evelyn share with one of the boys, so the only option is to have the three boys share, which isn't ideal. Then if you were to have Roo & Maddie, who does Roo share with?

Wasn't Marilyn still in the bay when Olivia was born? Why did she need so much explanation of who she was? I understand it was for the new audience's benefit, but couldn't they have used Chris instead of Maz?

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41 minutes ago, c120701 said:

Wasn't Marilyn still in the bay when Olivia was born? Why did she need so much explanation of who she was? I understand it was for the new audience's benefit, but couldn't they have used Chris instead of Maz?

Yes she was - well technically she was visiting Angel, who was giving birth to her own baby, when Olivia was born - but on her return she was living in the bay alongside Olivia for well over a year.

I commented at the time it aired in Aus that it was bad continuity and very clunky exposition, though someone else suggested that Maz might not have fully got over her amnesia... (that'd be one way for them to get out of it)

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1 hour ago, c120701 said:

In terms of numbers maybe, but when you consider logistics in terms of bedroom arrangements with ages and genders it's a bit different - you can hardly have Alf share with one of the teenagers and you can't have Evelyn share with one of the boys, so the only option is to have the three boys share, which isn't ideal. Then if you were to have Roo & Maddie, who does Roo share with?

Seems exactly the same to me, at least for the moment.As it stands, Matt and Hunter are both in caravans (much like Bobby back in the day) and Roo is living at the place she shared with James. So that leaves Leah and Zac in Tom and Pippa's old room, Maddy and Evelyn in Carly and Lynn's old room, Oscar and VJ in Frank and Steven's old room and presumably Alf in Sally's old room.

1 hour ago, c120701 said:

Wasn't Marilyn still in the bay when Olivia was born? Why did she need so much explanation of who she was? I understand it was for the new audience's benefit, but couldn't they have used Chris instead of Maz?


17 minutes ago, Dan F said:

Yes she was - well technically she was visiting Angel, who was giving birth to her own baby, when Olivia was born - but on her return she was living in the bay alongside Olivia for well over a year.

I commented at the time it aired in Aus that it was bad continuity and very clunky exposition, though someone else suggested that Maz might not have fully got over her amnesia... (that'd be one way for them to get out of it)

All she said was "It's Olivia! Chloe's daughter, Olivia!" or words to that effect, didn't she?(Followed by Marilyn's "Who you were looking after in London?")It's a bit clunky but if Marilyn hasn't seen Olivia since she was a baby then she wouldn't recognise her on sight, and Irene might have felt the need to clarify which Olivia it was.Marilyn needing further clarification might be stretching it a bit, but she can be slow on the uptake sometimes.

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Well, We soon find out the reason for her behaviour....


17 minutes ago, Dan F said:

Yes she was - well technically she was visiting Angel, who was giving birth to her own baby, when Olivia was born - but on her return she was living in the bay alongside Olivia for well over a year.

I commented at the time it aired in Aus that it was bad continuity and very clunky exposition, though someone else suggested that Maz might not have fully got over her amnesia... (that'd be one way for them to get out of it)

H&A's continuity can be brain breaking but let's not forget Maz was busy with her own family plans at time (still no excuse though)

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