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I think it was her reply of "Oh, the one you were looking after in London!" which just didn't sit right.

Probably not so much a case of bad continuity, but certainly a line that was only there blatantly for the viewers which made it look like dodgy continuity  - I mean which other Olivia, daughter of a Chloe, did Maz know of other than the one that Irene visited only a couple of months back? :P

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Some action-packed episodes so far this week. Tank and Evie's scenes were among the highlights. When I saw he'd started a bomb scare, I was starting to tire of him being such a man-child - but when the truth came out about his mum I did feel for him, despite simultaneously hoping that Evie didn't linger long enough to get drawn back into his web. Good to finally learn the cause of the strife between him and his dad, too. I get the feeling another redemption storyline might be beckoning, and that we might not have seen the last of Tank as a result.

What was Andy thinking? If there was anything guaranteed to send Josh into a permanently catatonic state, it was surely the news that Ricky and Nate had got back together. And yet, even that wasn't enough to finish him off altogether, apparently. Despite some very proficient acting from all those involved (including some great finger-waggling from Jackson), the Josh-starting-to-move thing just felt like a cheat. Don't tell us that a character will Never Wake Up, only to have them wake up in the next episode. It's just annoying and sort of insulting. I mean, I know he hasn't woken up yet - but all known narrative rules suggest he'll now have to, simply because Andy is sitting by his bedside telling him to 'fight it' because... well, that's what Braxtons Plus do. Regardless, if Josh is up and about by Friday I'm going to stop watching. OK, I won't stop watching - I'll just be watching and grumbling at the same time.

No surprise Hannah said she'd turn off Oscar and Evie's life support. She's pretty much washed her hands of them already.

I don't have any sympathy for Charlotte, meanwhile. Some of the actions she's taken to protect Hunter as a mother may be understandable; but carrying on with a school pupil just because, simply isn't, I'm afraid. I was shocked that she actually seemed surprised that she was going to lose her job (and there's about zero chance in my estimations of The Department overturning Snelgrove's decision), but not so shocked that she seemed to move onto Kyle with alarming alacrity. It was almost as if keeping Gunno off her back was simply an added bonus.

Love him or loathe him, I don't actually think Matt is deserving of any punishment for sleeping with Charlotte, though. Usually, that particular rule isn't in the student handbook - because it's a given that the teacher won't go there. Offering counselling is pretty much the standard thing that would be done in that situation, as far as I'm aware - Matt isn't the one who's broken the law, and would as far as school policy is concerned be considered a victim, even if he doesn't (or we don't) necessarily feel that way.

I fully agree with the grumbles about Olivia's age, but I think my SORAS fatigue has started to plateau now, so it doesn't bother me like it used to. Yeah, it's shoddy writing and yeah, it craps on the show's continuity. But to an extent it's the nature of the beast, and I suppose we just have to live with it. (I've got used to Taller VJ now and, while again that was daft and implausible, I think Matt Little's doing a good job and makes the character very difficult to dislike.) I didn't feel I disliked Olivia, either - which is good, because I notice she's been gifted immediate promotion to main cast, leapfrogging both Charlotte and Hunter, who I'd have thought were the chief candidates by now.

Speaking of Hunter - since when were he and Leah BFFs? It just seems like they've dropped their former acrimony for convenience's sake. And likewise, weirdly, with Hunter and VJ. It's one of those situations where I think that, like Andy, like Kyle, and so many more before them, they've really ruined Hunter before he's begun, just for the sake of bringing him in with a bang. Only then to redeem him, but without any of the comeuppance or remorse that redemption usually implies. Which is a shame when you see that, again, we have a competent actor trying to make a character likeable - and I'm sorry, but I just can't, because he was an utterly sociopathic arsonist just a matter of weeks ago.

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I had got used to Matt Little as VJ, but then I saw him giggling and acting all virginal around Olivia and it was just one of those times that the casting didn't sit right. I can believe VJ being like that because as far as we know he is a virgin and he hasn't had a girlfriend onscreen, but I couldn't really believe Matt Little playing that.

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On ‎26‎/‎01‎/‎2016 at 9:52 PM, Angelica said:

 These life support conversations seem premature, and the suggestion that this decision could be left to Andy is ridiculous (although ironic, given the last time, Andy took it upon himself to make the decision about someone coming off their life support *cough*Jake *cough*).


Funny you should say that Angelica I said the same a few posts back about the decision Andy 'made' for Jake.  To all and intent purposes Andy is Josh's next of kin seeing as their mum is banged up. Not sure how much difference it makes but Leah was in an induced coma, whereas none of them know for certain how much damage has been done to Josh's brain. Convenient he twitched just before the doctor switched him off otherwise when he wakes up he is going to be very upset to learn Andy decided there was no hope. I'm glad Andy apologised to Evie and as everyone keeps telling her it wasn't her fault Tank made his own decision to do what he did.    I personally didn't see any flirtatious behaviour between Andy and Hannah just one friend comforting another.  He has had one tough choice to make and he has been the only one who could make it, despite various people's conflicting opinions. I know it seems a complete U-turn by Evie, suddenly declaring undying love for Josh when just last week she was professing she loved Tank.  The only excuse I can make for her is she was on the rebound, even though she was the one to break up with Josh due to his drug taking and his lying to her about it.   She was just ripe for the picking for Tank.  Nice tying up (in a way) of Tank's story, though I do hope we hear more about it. I can't remember if Greg said he got counselling at the time of his mum's death? Evie handled it and him very well.  As others have said on here other kids go through similar traumas but don't resort to doing what he did.

Charlotte had a lot to do with how Hunter was when they first arrived in the bay, she lied to him for x amount of years by telling him Zac didn't want to know anything about him when In reality he didn't even know he existed. not surprising he resented seeing him (Zac) all settled with a new family and I know it no way excuses his setting fire to Leah's house. I still think TPTB reformed him as Charlotte being the baddie has more mileage in it, she can be very manipulative than a 16 year can. She recycled an old line of hers when she rang Trystan - 'it's all going to plan'. Well Charlotte did have that fling with Andy, after Matt, then she was after getting Zac back which came to nought, she got over that pretty quick.  Was alone for a while before hooking up with Matt again. All this getting to know Kyle to find out Brax's whereabouts isn't going to go anywhere as  far as he is concerned he's dead. Same rules would apply in the UK Slade, doesn't matter if Matt at 19 is an adult Charlotte is still his teacher and therefore in a position of trust.

About time VJ had a romantic interest, he'd not even had a flirt with a girl before - even if they did start off by recycling the mysterious girl on the beach ploy - she (Olivia) may have been a bit on the wild side, but she was sensible enough to make sure she and VJ wore helmets when they stole the cycles.  Leah is certainly going to want to give her the third degree, never  mind who she is and who her mum was. Methinks Irene is going to have her full with her, but then she has dealt with wild teenagers before.

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20 hours ago, atrus said:

Love him or loathe him, I don't actually think Matt is deserving of any punishment for sleeping with Charlotte, though. Usually, that particular rule isn't in the student handbook - because it's a given that the teacher won't go there. Offering counselling is pretty much the standard thing that would be done in that situation, as far as I'm aware - Matt isn't the one who's broken the law, and would as far as school policy is concerned be considered a victim, even if he doesn't (or we don't) necessarily feel that way.

I didn't feel I disliked Olivia, either - which is good, because I notice she's been gifted immediate promotion to main cast, leapfrogging both Charlotte and Hunter, who I'd have thought were the chief candidates by now.

Logically, I can see why Matt hasn't been punished but dramatically, if you're going to portray this as him risking his academic career (as both Maddy and Josh have claimed), then the storyline needs a better pay off than him shrugging his shoulders and moving on.(Incidentally, Charlotte hasn't broken the law: In both the UK and Australia, sleeping with a 19-year-old student is a sackable offence and likely to end a teaching career but not actually a crime, hence no police involvement.)I would hope neither Charlotte nor Hunter is a candidate for being upgraded from short-term antagonist to permanent fixture.Fake Olivia might be annoying but at least she's a better candidate than those two.

4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Charlotte had a lot to do with how Hunter was when they first arrived in the bay, she lied to him for x amount of years by telling him Zac didn't want to know anything about him when In reality he didn't even know he existed. not surprising he resented seeing him (Zac) all settled with a new family and I know it no way excuses his setting fire to Leah's house.

As you say. As with Tank, a lot of kids have fathers who don't want anything to do with them and don't go around setting fire to their homes with half their extended family inside. What if Charlotte had been telling the truth, would it have been okay then?

Aaaand today!

Well, it increasingly feels as if whoever decided to bring Olivia back has no idea who she is beyond some cliff notes version about "Oh, yeah, she was the daughter of that one that died in the car crash, wasn't she?" So for every nostalgic mention of Sally or look at the caravan park mantelpiece, we get some garbled history like "I came from Summer Bay originally...I moved to London when I was seven", when in fact she moved to the city when she was a baby and until Irene randomly mentioned she was now in London a few months back she was still living there as far as we knew.Does her claim to be seven when Chloe died mean she's now reverted to her original age, even though Irene gave her a younger one in that phone call? James hasn't been completely character assassinated but sending Olivia to boarding school doesn't seem entirely in character, the whole point was he wanted to save her from that sort of life. (And not drag her off to the other side of the world, as this retcon wants us to believe!) It doesn't help that the actress isn't very convincing as a teenager and looks like she should be dating Kyle. And while she was a bit less one-note today, she's clearly not a good influence on VJ.(Incidentally, and this occurred to me back when Marilyn stayed there, Irene seems to have acquired three house guests.Is someone doubling up or has the fourth bedroom returned?)

I'm in two minds about Nate and Ricky's "out and proud" stance.Yes, on one level they're not a secret anymore, but a bit of respect for Kat's feelings wouldn't go astray.Ah well, she didn't turn up anyway.Shame we're in the "Drink two nights running and you're an alcoholic" territory that Charlotte mocked an episode ago.Shame too that Ash is portrayed as out of his depth when he seemed to do quite well last week.

Marilyn is annoying me somewhat.She's acting as though this vow renewal is a marriage but it's not.She's already married, she's already made those vows and it's feeling increasingly like she doesn't want to keep them just because she's having a mid-life crisis.It's vaguely reminiscent of Harvey suddenly walking out on Roo but at least he'd been through a genuine life-changing experience.All Marilyn did was go to sleep for a few days and have amnesia for a week or so.

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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Logically, I can see why Matt hasn't been punished but dramatically, if you're going to portray this as him risking his academic career (as both Maddy and Josh have claimed), then the storyline needs a better pay off than him shrugging his shoulders and moving on.

Agreed. I suppose he could still fail his HSC, which would be a pay off and demonstrate that Actions Have Consequences, but I don't think expelling him or having him forfeit the right to sit his exam would be appropriate.

1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

(Incidentally, Charlotte hasn't broken the law: In both the UK and Australia, sleeping with a 19-year-old student is a sackable offence and likely to end a teaching career but not actually a crime, hence no police involvement.)

OK. Thinking about it that makes sense, because a university lecturer (for example) wouldn't be in legal bother for sleeping with a 19-year-old. I'm sure there is some kind of legal difference for teachers, though? I think I'm right in saying that if he was still legally a child (16 or 17), it would be illegal, even though the age of consent is 16?

1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I would hope neither Charlotte nor Hunter is a candidate for being upgraded from short-term antagonist to permanent fixture.Fake Olivia might be annoying but at least she's a better candidate than those two.

Yeah, she is; I was more talking in terms of length of tenure. On reflection I don't think Charlotte could be regular character material after what she's done, but do I have every expectation they'll try to pull the old Heartstrings of Redemption with Hunter at some point, and move him into the regular cast.

Today's episode - and I feel they're already taking Olivia's rebelliousness a little far. Okay, she hasn't burned down anyone's house (that we know of), but she's already coming across as a bit of a try-hard who doesn't have much respect for other people's property and by inference, for other people. If she's written off that car by tomorrow's episode I won't be impressed. VJ certainly looked pleased as punch to have a girl's head in his lap, but also a little disconcerted by her forwardness - especially if you read the cake scene as a timeslot-safe metaphor for virginity ('I don't want to waste it on you') as the awkwardness seemed to imply.

This Marilyn story is dragging a bit, in honesty, especially on the tail of Maznesia which was a little exasperating in itself. I don't really think whether or not she wants to  renew her vows has anything to do with whether or not she goes travelling, so perhaps she should just concentrate on one at a time, rather than getting herself in a tizz about it.

Nate was irritating me even more than usual, with his whole 'going as a couple' schtick. There's just no need to rub it in Kat's face like that. Yes, it will have to happen eventually, but there's nothing wrong with giving her a bit of breathing space to come to terms with things. Heavy drinking does seem to be a bit of a recurring theme with Kat but then, it's also been a recurring theme for every Braxton character/acolyte over the last few years - and none of them seem particularly worse the wear for it.

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So at least it got established Olivia was 17, seeing as she told VJ her mum died when she was seven and Chloe died in 2005, making her a year older than VJ and I'm guessing she drove Leah's car because I don't remember VJ learning to drive assuming he's old enough to. Interesting little snippet from Olivia's profile page - Olivia returned to Summer Bay in 2005, by which time she had started using her mother’s maiden name Richards and also somehow aged to around ten years old. If TPTB had tuck to that she would be 20 now! Also according to her profile page she did spend part of her childhood in the bay. I thought James' main worry was to keep Olivia away from Diana as he didn't want her influencing her and running her life like she did with him and Lachie and it was also a stipulation of Chloe's will that Diana had nothing to do with her upbringing. Wasn't that one of the reasons Irene went over to the UK to look after Olivia while James was away so Diane couldn't get her paws on her. Olivia has already stolen James' credit card to get herself over to Aus  so who knows what else she is capable of ? On a much smaller scale who walks  into someone else's house and just helps themselves to whatever is in the fridge? I think we will have to put VJ's willingness to go along with whatever she wants down to him not having much experience with the fairer sex before and is just bowled over by a feisty young woman being interested in him! 

Nate and Ricky are in a no win situation, they can't hide away for ever just to spare Kat's feelings yet on the other hand there a few people who already know they are together so 'coming out' is the next logical step. It may have been a step too far though to go to Marilyn' and John's renewal service which would have been very public. 

I think the writing was on the wall when John got the message Jett wasn't able to come.  The only one to know and that was only because Marilyn had voiced her doubts to her before was Leah. She once again tried to get Marilyn to be honest with herself but as before Marilyn was far too worried about hurting John's feelings to pull out before the ceremony.  She also saw from the look on Maz's face that Maz was going to change her mind, so hurting John in front of all his friends was fine then, no embarrassment for anyone. As atrus said renewing her vows doesn't bind her to anything. Hope the inevitable parting between John and Max won't be too acrimonious after that.

Trouble with Kat's drinking is it's not just at night, it's during the day and she's not going into work. Shame Ash seemed to bottle his looking after her last night.

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