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Alf's episode count this week:Two. Josh again spent most of his two episodes comatose with no dialogue.

Chris did have a valid point and I wasn't too impressed with other people's reactions. I thought Irene made the wrong call by getting Hannah to stay for the bronze medallion exam, Chris needed to be focused and having her there could have put him off.And then we get Saint Andy being shoehorned into the storyline as an unlikely matchmaker in a way that seems designed to make us go "What a guy!" Not to mention Phoebe, incredulously, trying to push Hannah back towards Andy.(Seriously, Hannington? Has my Chrisannah suggestion been rejected?) So I'm glad that Chris and Hannah sorted things out but not entirely convinced. I'm glad that Denny got a mention, it shows that Chris is affected by constantly winning the girl of his dreams only to have her spuriously dump him a bit further down the track.

Surprisingly, I am really enjoying the Andy/Evelyn scenes.It's possibly the first time I've enjoyed scenes with Andy in since his brief support of Maddy back in 2014.I did briefly wonder if Evelyn was pregnant when she collapsed, which would have been an interesting development, but nope.I was thinking it was just me that was spotting some chemistry there and wasn't going to say anything but Pierced noticed it too so...hypocritical of me it may be, but they've been one of my Crack Pairings for some time (I even alluded to it in my last fiction) so I'd actually be onboard with that one.But having got my hopes up with Heapril, I suspect if it did happen they'd soon go back to Hannah and Josh, who seem to have been fingered as their respective One True Pairings despite them being a bit dull together.

I share Pierced and Slade's views on Phoebe's storyline.After Phoebe's tantrum in Angelo's (was Greg's office being redecorated?!), I sat there thinking "This isn't going to be one of those occasions where a character messes up an interview but somehow gets the job anyway, is it?", and, sadly, that's exactly what it was. Phoebe's outfit was not appropriate for working in a school and her attempting to turn it into a feminist statement was ridiculous.I imagine Greg would have raised an eyebrow or two if a male applicant had turned up in tight leather trousers and a studded jacket.(That is kind of what Liam wore for the job but hey, Gina was running things then, she made odd decisions at times.)The frustrating thing is Phoebe working in the school is a potentially good idea that could give the character something new to do, but the way it came about was so daft that I've suddenly got a resistance to the idea.

Oh, and I think Josh woke up but I forgot to care.

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Well, different strokes for different folks, and I actually found myself siding with Hannah mostly today, much as I'm usually a Chris cheerleader. Yes, she did cheat before, but it was on Andy, which I feel is one mitigating factor - and she has been pretty remorseful about it since, which is another. So while I could understand Chris fearing she'd do it again deep down, it wasn't really on to give her the cold treatment because of it. Anyway, I'm glad that they sorted it out, but I do share others' concerns that their days as a couple are numbered, mainly because it seems too one-sided. I think relationships where one person worships the other like that are almost certainly doomed to failure. I almost felt inclined to criticise Hannah for continuing to date someone she's not in love with, until I then remembered that that's how most people live their lives - and is probably the reason I remain stubbornly single.

1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

(Seriously, Hannington? Has my Chrisannah suggestion been rejected?)

They seem to have picked up and run with Handy, though, which I was most pleased about!

What else to say? Oh, to hell with it - I actually quite enjoyed the Phoebe/Snelgrove interludes. I agree that Phoebe was behaving ridiculously, incidentally, but I found she was doing so in a way that made it difficult to dislike her - and I guess Snelgrove came to the same conclusion, ugly tie notwithstanding.

I think the Evie/Andy chemistry has passed me by, but then I wasn't paying much attention in their scenes, which have been a little repetitive of late because of the Josh situation. Looks like he's waking up, but since they can't rehash amnesia again so soon, they're going to have to find another secondary affliction with which to drag this out for a few more weeks. Maybe he could develop a very painful ingrowing toenail or something.

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I can see why Chris would be upset by situation as a) he has been cheated on before, b) he knows that Hannah has cheated before and c) he knows that he has stronger feelings for Hannah than she has for him. Also, Chris tends to take things to heart more than others. I did think he was being childish with giving the Hannah the silent treatment though. It given that Hannah seems more interested in babysitting Andy than she does spend time with her actual boyfriend (in the same way Maddy is with Matt and Oscar), it is clear that Chris/Hannah will break up soon and Hannah/Andy will reunite. Not that I care either way.

Speaking of Maddy's little love triangle, I was so frustrated with Maddy in Thurs episode. She was acting like Matt had made a move of her, rather than the fact that she wouldn't let up until she worked out who the mystery girl was. Matt has his faults, but he has never done anything to act on his feelings, in fact, he had the reverse problem, acting irrationally dismissive to Maddy to hide his feelings. It was harsh of Maddy to be giving Matt the silent treatment for most of the episode rather than just make a joke about it, and just forget she knew. Her complete overreaction to the whole thing (similar to Hannah's reaction to Andy's kiss) is a hint that the storyline is likely going to move to Maddy/Matt getting together at some point. That's 101 of storywriting like how two arguing people of opposing gender are invariably hot for each other.

Phoebe once again reminds me why I dislike her. It's a pity because if her passionate nature was appropriately channeled, it could make her interesting. Instead, she always comes across as sanctimonious. Snelgrove was hardly being unreasonable about his comments about attire - her rants about feminism just made her come across like a petulant child. it also annoyed me that Ash was apologising to Phoebe, even when she was the one in the wrong - a reminder of why I stopped liking Ash once he got together with Phoebe. I do think the mechanic idea would be good way to expand Ash's character a bit more (as would breaking him and Phoebe up lol).

Andy and Evie have had some nice scenes together. I agree with you, Slade, a Kat apology would have been nice. It could have been a potentially nice scene to given that they would both probably able to relate to losing a brother due to an accident/trauma.

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18 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Surprisingly, I am really enjoying the Andy/Evelyn scenes.It's possibly the first time I've enjoyed scenes with Andy in since his brief support of Maddy back in 2014.I did briefly wonder if Evelyn was pregnant when she collapsed, which would have been an interesting development, but nope.I was thinking it was just me that was spotting some chemistry there and wasn't going to say anything but Pierced noticed it too so...hypocritical of me it may be, but they've been one of my Crack Pairings for some time (I even alluded to it in my last fiction) so I'd actually be onboard with that one.But having got my hopes up with Heapril, I suspect if it did happen they'd soon go back to Hannah and Josh, who seem to have been fingered as their respective One True Pairings despite them being a bit dull together.


Crack pairings are one of the best things ever. I will sit at that table with you, just like I did when Heapril came along... although I also believe that if it does happen then it will be broken apart for the sake of the OTP's of Evie/Josh & Andy/Hannah. The difference between April & Evie is that they haven't tried to put Evie back in the innocent box after she has been to the darkside, unlike April.


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First of al let me say I may be  a lone voice but I hate shipping!

I'm on Chris' side with his comment about Hannah having cheated before and that was on someone  she was supposed to be in love with (Andy) when she hasn't said she loves him. It once again proves Chris is a lot more sensitive than the image he  likes to put across. He has been let down by other women he really fell for (the first being Indie who left him)so now wonder he's wary.  I was also worried the situation would put him off putting his all into trying out for his bronze and the fact she was there would unnerve him even more, but good for him he rose above it and got it. Must the  first time he's actually stuck to something and seen it through.  I do have to agree with others on here that sadly he may well have cause to worry. Hannah was a tad evasive in the talk with Phoebe about it all. The 'I'm happy with Chris' comment didn't entirely convince.

Talking of Phoebe, she may well have thought Greg was against her because of the way she was dressed but Ash had already brought it up and he is hardly conventional.  I dare say Greg could be thinking the way she dresses wouldn't be a good idea if she is going to be tutoring testosterone fuelled teenage boys, besides she doesn't need it she's got a strong enough personality not to look like she's just stepped off the stage at a rock gig. Yes, Red, Angelo's was a strange place to hold an interview! 

The Andy/Evelyn moments were nice and they were very comfortable in each others company both with a shared worry. It crossed my mind that she may be pregnant, but I'm guessing (and hoping) since her initial unprotected time with Tank, she made sure one of them was careful.  No more has been mentioned of him btw, is he getting the help he so obviously needed?

Nice little mention of Denny, is she still supposed to be in London, 'she' hasn't posted anything lately, but then Charlotte has been rather preoccupied with other things. Would have been nice to see an apology from Ash to Kat, unless it has been one of those off screen ones.  Kat, as a cop, though must be used to having people sound off at her.

If the trailer is to be believed Josh is going to be in a vegetive state, but I've read a different scenario.

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Sadly, I have to admit that Irene's actions are in character: She can be petty and vindictive when she arbitrarily takes against someone.Just ask Josie Russell.So again, my sympathies are with Charlotte, even though they probably shouldn't be.And now we've got Fake Olivia sticking her oar in for no good reason, given that this is the first time they've even spoken, and dripping poison in Hunter's ear expecting him to hate his mother.To be honest, I'm finding the character so objectionable I'm finding it hard to care that there might be a reason for her issues.Hunter is a character that I feel the urge to punch every time I see him, especially when he's being smug towards VJ, yet he still came across as less of a brat than her.The only time I found her halfway tolerable in that episode was when she got over herself and was friendly to VJ again.But I suspect the latest vandalism was her and if she was responsible for the brick through the window (I seem to recall she took a long time getting a pizza around that time) then all bets are really off.Again, I'd probably appreciate Kyle trying to give Charlotte a chance more if he wasn't sleeping with her.

Talking of which, what bothers me a lot more than Andy never apologising to Kat is that we never saw Kyle apologise to Maddy for sexually harassing her, and we haven't seen her working at Angelo's since despite saying she wanted to keep the job, leaving me to wonder if the whole thing's been forgotten and we're meant to do the same.(They appeared to be in Angelo's at the same time last week, albeit not in the same shot.)

Well, Hannah lost any points by dumping Chris to spend time with Andy.She was ostensibly there for Evelyn but Andy didn't seem to see it that way.Evelyn's attitude towards Andy seemed a bit bratty.To be honest, it's hard to see any outcome except Josh making a miraculous recovery so it's hard to be that interested.

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Agree with you, Red, on both Irene and her new guard-dog Olivia as regards their attitudes towards Charlotte. It's a cliché but you don't right wrongs with more wrongs, and there's something really unpleasant about the small-town persecution affinity that appears to be being headquartered at the Beach House right now. Charlotte can be spiteful too but in fairness to her, it's usually only when she's provoked - and Irene and Olivia did a lot of provoking today. Irene just seemed to revel in rubbing Charlotte's nose in the fact that she'd got her evicted, and Olivia was even more obnoxious. However much of a git Hunter was to VJ today, I really didn't like the way Olivia spoke to Hunter about his mother, as if she had some kind of profound insight into Charlotte that he himself had somehow missed. I thought Kat had joined the club when she could barely keep the smirk from her face as she assessed the damage in Charlotte's flat. But then she was also smirking when she came for Olivia later - is she in on some great cosmic joke that has passed the rest of us by?

The Josh stuff is really dragging. If he's going to miraculously recover as I have no doubt he will, let's just make it sooner rather than later and get it over with.

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I was rather disappointed in the way Irene acted towards Charlotte, I thought the least she would have done is spoken to Charlotte before giving her notice! To be fair Red Josie did deserve it! I can understand Olivia (and I'll ask again as I got ignored last time why 'fake'?) standing up for Irene, but her dumping all that rubbish in the flat was totally childish, as there was no break in Kat didn't have far to go to start asking questions, and I noticed Irene didn't jump in and defend Olivia!  As for the suggestion Olivia may have been behind the brick through the window I don't think so.  Only got a quick glimpse but was that Trystan's file Kat was looking at, told you she was a good (as in her job) cop, didn't think she'd let it drop without finding out more about him.

I know the rest of you don't like her, but those look like fairly fresh cuts on Olivia's legs, something stresses her out enough to do it.  I do agree though she should back off in winding Hunter up about Charlotte every time she sees him, though he hasn't been very quick in defending her.

Going back to Charlotte and her eviction I was fully expecting Kyle to offer her a bed at the Braxton house! Btw atrus you said she is only spiteful when provoked which lately doesn't take a lot, but then that's what a guilty conscience will do to you.

Couldn't see anything wrong with Hannah dashing off to the hospital when Andy rang with the news Josh had come round (sort of). Chris seemed to accept it OK and Hannah was picking up Evelyn on the way.  Sadly atrus that is the way it goes with some head injuries they can take a long time for a result either way, they are trying to keep it realistic, weren't some complaining Leah came round and recovered too quick, TPTB can't win can they?  Evelyn didn't take the news (she overheard) about Andy had considered switching Josh off  and he was having doubts again when he was told Josh may be stuck in a vegetative state.  As I mentioned before I hope Josh hasn't 'heard' any of Andy and Evie's conversation.

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2 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

Evelyn didn't take the news (she overheard) about Andy had considered switching Josh off  and he was having doubts again when he was told Josh may be stuck in a vegetative state.  As I mentioned before I hope Josh hasn't 'heard' any of Andy and Evie's conversation.

I was thinking he's hearing something. Did I imagine a little tear in his eye at the end? 

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