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58 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

No you haven't missed any on-screen explanation atrus, unless we all have.  

It was a totally overreaction by both Leah and Maddy over Oscar punching Matt, there was no comparison in that and what Tank did to Josh. Matt was acting as if he thoroughly deserved it.


What did Matt do to deserve being smacked in the face exactly? When asked he's been open about having feelings about Maddy, I don't think it deserves physical violence.

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I'm not saying Matt deserved it exactly, but, certainly by Home and Away standards, Oscar's response was understandable if not acceptable.It was provoked by Matt admitting that he wanted Maddy to like him back, ie the only reason Matt and Maddy aren't having an affair is because Maddy didn't want to.Whether that's accurate is another matter, but it's what Matt said to Oscar and it's why Oscar punched him.

Alf's episode count this week: Three. Roo was in four, although it looks like she was getting them in early before taking a break.Josh once again has no dialogue in his two episodes, although he did get to move around a bit.

I can't say I'm that involved in the Gavin storyline yet, possibly because Nate isn't the most interesting character.We seem to be dripfed bits of his past: He once implied his mother died when he was around 16, here he states she got ill when he was 12, possibly indicating she took some years to die.There's a definite irony about Ricky saying she wishes Casey could get to know his father...because, of course, he can.

Roo's letter from James didn't seem to say anything she didn't already know, and confirmation if it were needed that she's still living in the house they shared.Alf could probably have done with toning it down a better and ends up just giving her money.

Well, full praise to Jackson Gallagher, for managing to convey a wealth of pain with no dialogue and limited facial expression.It's hard to believe his condition is permanent though, and I wish the show would be brave enough not to have him make a full recovery.Evelyn seems to be in a massive state of denial, expecting Josh to be happy about her being his carer.Looks like he may actually pass his HSC though! Is that the first time we've had confirmation that Greg was the one who sent Josh the brochures? I know we all speculated it at the time but I don't think it was actually said in the show.Leah and Zac's parenting of Evie was nice to see.I thought we might have a nice conversation when Chris approached Andy but no, he was only in the episode so Andy could shout at him.(And John's only there to watch Andy shout at him!)Then Hannah does the Maddy thing of paying more attention to the guy that's not-so-secretly in love with her than her actual boyfriend...

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9 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I'm not saying Matt deserved it exactly, but, certainly by Home and Away standards, Oscar's response was understandable if not acceptable.It was provoked by Matt admitting that he wanted Maddy to like him back, ie the only reason Matt and Maddy aren't having an affair is because Maddy didn't want to.Whether that's accurate is another matter, but it's what Matt said to Oscar and it's why Oscar punched him.

Matt did admit he wanted Maddy to like him back, but it seemed a surprising thing for Oscar to be surprised about - isn't that a given when you're in love with someone? And I'd rather he was honest about that than try to claim otherwise. Also to his credit, he hasn't made a move on Maddy, he only admitted his feelings under duress, and he even lent them his caravan to get jiggy in; as teenagers go, Matt's behaved pretty impeccably throughout this. Of course he'd like Maddy to like him, but I don't think it's necessarily safe to assume that they'd therefore have sneaked around behind Oscar's back if she had felt the same.

Not a huge amount to say about today's episode, really. Looks like 'Josh is in a persistent vegetative state' has been swiftly replaced by 'Josh is in a persistent state of self-pity' - pretty much my least favourite type of storyline. I found it completely implausible that the first words he'd want to communicate would be 'YOUR FAULT', even if he is harbouring serious resentment towards Evie, which I don't think would necessarily be the case either. Elsewhere, yes, Roo's living situation is now fully cleared up; I think Andy and Hannah may have had some scenes; and I couldn't care less about Nate and Nate Sr; so I guess that's a wrap.

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2 minutes ago, atrus said:

Of course he'd like Maddy to like him, but I don't think it's necessarily safe to assume that they'd therefore have sneaked around behind Oscar's back if she had felt the same.

Well, whether he wanted her to sneak around with him or dump Oscar for him, result's pretty much the same. Unless he wanted her to like him back but not do anything about it?

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I'm not saying Matt's so pious as to want him and Maddy just to stare longingly at one another from afar while she stays with Oscar - who would? So yes, the result's the same, sure; but I think the 'dump and switch' would be far less deserving of a punch than the affair scenario. And actually, neither scenario has transpired, yet. I do empathise with Oscar and I understand why the situation would make him feel impotent, but when characters start using their fists to solve problems - particularly characters I'd always thought better of than that - it does really start to grate with me.

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17 minutes ago, atrus said:

Not a huge amount to say about today's episode, really. Looks like 'Josh is in a persistent vegetative state' has been swiftly replaced by 'Josh is in a persistent state of self-pity' - pretty much my least favourite type of storyline. I found it completely implausible that the first words he'd want to communicate would be 'YOUR FAULT', even if he is harbouring serious resentment towards Evie, which I don't think would necessarily be the case either. Elsewhere, yes, Roo's living situation is now fully cleared up; I think Andy and Hannah may have had some scenes; and I couldn't care less about Nate and Nate Sr; so I guess that's a wrap.


I thought Josh 'telling' Evie it was her fault was actually refreshing. I was expecting him to just be okay with her helping him, or push her away to save her the pain of seeing his reabilitation. Was disappointed that the Andy/Chris scene turned out to be just Andy being an arse. Would have been nice to see Chris being the one to help Andy get over the fact Josh couldn't see. Anything but Hannah giving mixed signals to both Andy & Chris.

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1 hour ago, c120701 said:

I don't know if it was written that way intentionally, but I did laugh when it cut straight from Hannah telling Andy that Josh had lost his sight to Alf telling Roo "Blind Freddie can see..."

It's only now 10 at night or thereabouts I connect the two!

But take that away, It's always made me laugh whenever Alf has said it.

Oscar better hold it down or Maddy's going to be rolling in Matt's sheets as soon as help remove them! :lol:

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They've changed the Channel 5 player again and not for the better IMO.  And they seem quite slow on the uptake when posting new episodes.

Well I'm glad Trystan's dead.  Although I imagine from here on in things are going to get a whole lot worse for Charlotte.

Similarly I was glad Andy told Chris to get out of his face.  Part of me was hoping that Andy would deck him.

Seems as though the two people closest to Tank before his demise are motivated to help Josh purely out of guilt.  Snelgrove speaking to the education department and getting them to give him special consideration.  Not sure how accurately that reflects how good he is or what mark he should get given that he has learning difficulties.  I actually don't have an issue Snelgrove actually doing that or offering to help pay for any medical fees for Josh.  Whilst I admire her commitment, I do have an issue with Evelyn helping Josh especially if she's not in love with him.  I was actually pleased Josh blamed her.  Not because I thought he was right but I didn't like the way she treated him just after they broke up.  However if she's helping him out of obligation and he does eventually get over the fact that he thinks it's her fault then there's the danger she could be giving him false hope so he may still think he's in with a shot getting back with her.

I'm glad James wrote a letter to Roo.  I actually hope he does come back.  it will be worth it to wind Alf and Maddy up - especially Maddy!

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9 hours ago, Slade said:

They've changed the Channel 5 player again and not for the better IMO.  And they seem quite slow on the uptake when posting new episodes.

Yes, I agree. I've been there once, found the latest episode wasn't there (and it was much harder to navigate), gave up and went to an, ahem, unofficial source.And yet Channel 5's running promos insisting what a great thing My5 is...

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