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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Tank is dead. when did that happen!:o    I was expecting Greg to mention where Tank was during his talk with Andy, but apart from him saying it was all down to him (which it wasn't) nothing was said about him.  Yes, indeed, confirmation Greg did send Josh the HSC brochures. Don't see where the self pity is coming from, he hasn't come round sufficiently enough to think that clearly.  Understandable, though totally misguided, first reaction to blame Evie, he was the one who went after her, but she did contact him!  It was nobodies fault except Tank's.

Well the news Trystan is dead has reached Gunno and he's contacted Charlotte direct, don't the prison have to vet the numbers a con can contact?

Chris totally picked the wrong time to approach Andy with his gripe about Hannah and Andy was very restrained in his reaction, just told him to do one! 

Well it was one of those talks on the beach that usually happens when an estranged parent/partner rocks up.  Gavin came out with the usual clichés and platitudes about sorry he is, he's changed etc.etc. If I remember right Nate said Gavin left, then came back , then left again.


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On 2/13/2016 at 11:13 PM, Red Ranger 1 said:

Yes, I agree. I've been there once, found the latest episode wasn't there (and it was much harder to navigate), gave up and went to an, ahem, unofficial source.And yet Channel 5's running promos insisting what a great thing My5 is...

We'll they've gone down the whole having to sign in to watch episodes route now like Channel 4 and ITV have although unlike the other two at least you can watch the episodes for up to a week without having to do this.  The worst thing I find is that the delivery of the content is often quite poor.  The picture frequently freezes and often doesn't resume after that resulting in having to manually refresh the page and trying again.  I don't know if they've been a bit quicker posting the episodes now but today's episode is definitely there.  I think the problem is if you try and link from http://www.channel5.com/show/home-and-away it doesn't have the most recent episodes but if you go directly to https://www.my5.tv/ it is there.


On 2/14/2016 at 4:13 PM, H&Alover said:

Tank is dead. when did that happen!

I was metaphorically referring to the demise of 'evil' Tank i.e. kidnapping Evelyn, sucker punching Josh then revealing what had happened to his mother with the realisation of what he did sinking in so from that point he was no longer 'evil'.  Just damaged and disturbed.  Although good to see you're being pedantic again along with the usual rhetorical questions!

I have to admit I was laughing at the scenes when Nate's dad was blatantly trying to hit on Ricky at the beach with her "Did I hear right? Did he really just say that?" expression.  But putting his hand on her backside was completely out of order.  I bet Ricky feels like a right idiot now given that she was the one who pushed for the guy to meet Nate in the first place against Nate's wishes.  I wonder how long she is going to deliberate before she breaks the news to Nate.  I was actually surprised he didn't try and do the same thing to Maddy before she asked Ricky to intervene.  Although given what happened with Kyle perhaps the writers thought having that done to her a second time when she was working was perhaps a bit much.

So we have one scene with Maddy and Oscar alone together and they can't even get along in that.  Is this what we're going to have to put up with from now?

I really think Evelyn should back off with Josh.  At least for now.  She's prepared to spend a whole year of her life looking after him.  There's no way she's going to be able to sustain doing it for that long.  Really liked the scenes with her and Andy, especially the part where she came crying to him after Josh blamed her and they hugged.  I really, really want something to happen with these two.  So much so that I'm now extremely annoyed with Hannah.  Don't get me wrong I didn't like Andy telling Hannah that he still loves her one bit.  But she's the person with the most power at the moment.  She says she still has feelings for Andy but wants to stay with Chris.  What is it that she's hoping for exactly?  Her feelings for Andy will suddenly vanish and they will somehow be transferred to her current boyfriend.  I have to admit I did actually like Hannah confiding in Nate but the way things are going I assume Chris is going to be the one to lose out again and there will probably be a Hannah/Andy reunion which would be disastrous for Andy/Evelyn.  Why did Hannah have to keep going after Andy even though he told her to back off and was clearly trying to avoid her for most of that episode?

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On ‎14‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 1:00 PM, CaptainHulk said:

Channel 5 is going downhill, It's all poxy Benefit Programmes! (Doing what Channel 4 did, only forcing it down everyones throats) and Big Brother. 

The only things I bother with is the Aussie Soap Hour and the occasional movie I haven't seen in years.

Actually, now that they're showing The X-Files and Gotham it's probably the channel I'm watching most, although they do have an awful lot of dross on...

3 hours ago, Slade said:

We'll they've gone down the whole having to sign in to watch episodes route now like Channel 4 and ITV have although unlike the other two at least you can watch the episodes for up to a week without having to do this.  The worst thing I find is that the delivery of the content is often quite poor.  The picture frequently freezes and often doesn't resume after that resulting in having to manually refresh the page and trying again.  I don't know if they've been a bit quicker posting the episodes now but today's episode is definitely there.  I think the problem is if you try and link from http://www.channel5.com/show/home-and-away it doesn't have the most recent episodes but if you go directly to https://www.my5.tv/ it is there.

I don't think I got as far as signing in... I think I went to the usual Home and Away page and they only had a link directly to the last but one episode, then I found my way to an episode list which didn't seem particularly well labelled (they listed them as something like Episode 730, which seems completely meaningless) and which showed the older episodes before the more recent ones...If you got a six-year-old to design a catch-up page, that's what it would look like.

Anyway, today! Evelyn annoyed me greatly with the way she foisted herself on Josh against his wishes and I was glad Hannah dragged her out of there.I actually thought Maddy and Oscar made a good team even when Oscar's probably right about her still being mad at him.(Meanwhile, Matt stands in the background and doesn't say anything.Best place for him.) Another bonding moment for...Andelyn? Evdy? Andy's actually doing the right thing by keeping his distance from Hannah, so not sure why she's forcing it.It's feeling like we've got two identical love triangles with Maddy/Oscar/Josh and Hannah/Chris/Andy, but it's not offering any insight in the way the Evelyn and Roo parallel relationships did, it just means we get two cases of women wanting to have their cake and eat it, bad boys behaving inappropriately with someone else's girlfriend and nice guys getting trampled on while being made to look like the bad guy.

So, right after I complain that Maddy working in Angelo's has been forgotten, we see her there!(No sign of Kyle though, who isn't in the episode.As Slade indicated above, maybe someone found the juxtaposition awkward.)I can't help feeling that this stuff with Gavin is a bit too much too soon.Unless they're still planning to redeem him somehow, it seems the storyline's nearly over.Either Ricky's going to tell Nate what he did and he's not going to want anything to do with him, or they're going to pad it out a bit by having Ricky stay quiet. It might have been best to just have the stuff on the beach with Gavin being a bit inappropriate but not doing anything obvious rather than having full-on drunken harassment.There is a certain irony in Ricky realising she might have been best off leaving well alone though.

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I was expecting Nate's dad to prove a waster and a drunk, but it was actually a bit of a surprise that being a sleaze turned out to be his primary flaw. Presumably this will result in him being chased out of town, just like gropy Kyle was... Oh.

Matt seemed to get a bit of a random appearance, making breakfast in the background but not really saying or doing anything. I wonder if something was cut, because they seemed to be pursuing the love triangle in other small ways, such as having Maddy and Oscar continue to bicker like a pair of pensioners at the hospital.

Really, really bored of Evie's navel-gazing over Josh now. And of Andy's navel-gazing over Hannah.


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Gavin/Ricky smelled too much of Bernie/Dee on Neighbours a decade and a half ago for my liking.  

Sometimes on TV shows they put regulars in the background in an episode and they don't say jack (case being a few times on EE and CS, when Alfie and Betty were serving behind the bar sans dialogue))

 And back to C5, Gotham is the only non-soap thing I actually bother to watch. 


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I was joshing (so sorry that was totally unintended) Slade about Tank's/Warren's 'demise'. We haven't actually heard if he's been/being reformed. I'm starting to feel Evie is sticking with Josh because she does feel guilty and her insisting on being there for him is her penance. I agree with you Red, Hannah did absolutely the right thing by forcing Evie out of the room, Josh is her patient and his care comes first. 

Perhaps TPTB are mind readers Red re Maddy, and that is the second time we've had an unspoken question answered, the other being where is Roo living. I suppose as she is  18 Maddy can now serve drinks (oops sorry a rhetorical question).:blush: Would have been a completely different situation from Kyle if Gavin had groped Maddy, true both were drunk, but Kyle's only mistake was  misreading the signals.  I thought Gavin's problem was his gambling unless he's got himself a new addiction?  His comments to Ricky made me feel uneasy, wasn't just what he was saying but the why he was saying them. Ricky is no shrinking violet so not shocked about getting a come on, but he's her boyfriends father so he definitely shouldn't be going there. She's going to feel foolish, but she must tell Nate, look what keeping quiet does!



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I suspect a certain amount of narrative irony in Kat accusing Emerson of being happy to let a murderer walk the streets, since that's exactly what he did do.Unusual for the regular cop to be more professional than her semi-regular colleagues.(It did cross my mind though that if she'd been this tenacious with Hunter rather than rushing to blame everything on Billie we might not be here now...)The meeting between Charlotte and Gunno seemed like a bit of a non-event: Gunno surely isn't just going to let her walk away from all this, is he? I'd have thought that bumping off one of his "friends" would trounce what Brax has done, or have the Braxtons signed some honour among thieves charter that Charlotte's exempt from?(And did Trystan not tell anyone where Denny's body is?)Kyle seems to have replaced Matt as Charlotte's sex toy, twice being pressed into service when she needs some exercise.Hard to get worked up about the ending: It's not clear whether Charlotte agreed a cover story with Gunno (I did wonder if he has actually found her a job) but she'll probably have some lie ready either way.

I did wonder if Nate was going to object to Gavin turning up drunk and what happened with Ricky was going to be irrelevant but ultimately she has to spill the beans and that seems to be the end of Gavin...until he turns up in a bad way.So, is Gavin going to be left with a long recovery and Nate and Ricky have to look after him?Weirdly, the nurse that books him in is credited as "Nurse Julie".But presumably she's not meant to be that Nurse Julie.

So, we're denied the pleasure of seeing Phoebe struggle on her first day in favour of scenes of her complaining about it.Unusually, I found myself sympathising with her over Ash though, it seemed like she was actually taking the job seriously and trying to be properly prepared and Ash was just being frivolous and distracting her for no reason.

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