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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Red, to answer your question about whether Diane knows about Olivia's living arrangements Chloe stipulated in her will that she (Diane) have nothing to do with Olivia's upbringing so no reason why she should know or be told. James is her legal guardian and didn't Irene and he talk when Olivia turned up in the bay and I'm guessing they have talked since. 

So her secret was a lot more serious than a lad tweaking her bra strap.  It's the old, old story of an older man, friend of the family and a doctor to boot taking advantage of a younger girl.  Even that well used phrase 'It'll be our secret' was used (Irene looked very uncomfortable when she said that). Dare say, he also said no-one would believe her anyway.  Be interesting to see if it is followed up seeing as not only is the fact it happened back in England but it wasn't stated how long ago it happened. Wonder why Olivia said James wouldn't believe her if she had told him, maybe a history of making things up? Chris showed his more sensitive side again by not pushing why Irene was so intent on finding Olivia and just got on with helping with the search.

Yes, great to see Jett, though methinks he's being a tad economical with the tale about him being allowed home early as Marilyn is away, John did say it was only a couple of weeks before the college broke up anyway.  Had to smile at John being reluctant to let Roo go as he was lonely but didn't want to admit it. Liked Jett's reply to VJ when he asked why didn't he tell him was that he couldn't trust him to keep him mouth shut!

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I'm not sure where they're going with Irene, as great as it is to see Lynne McGranger playing a character again, I'm just not sure that character is Irene. If they're implying that Irene was molested as a child then why wouldn't we have seen her struggling with it before, like when Mud tried to get into Selina's bed - which Irene handled with great strength - or when Chloe was attacked?  If they really wanted to go somewhere with the story that focused on Irene, then how about her feeling that she'd let both Chloe and Olivia down by not being able to protect either of them.

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Alf's episode count this week: Three. Josh and Matt both appeared in two but only had dialogue in one of them.

I'm not sure about Irene's storyline either.I think it was a big mistake to try and continue the storyline without Olivia present, as if they've suddenly shifted focus and protagonist without telling anyone.I also didn't like her snapping at Chris to stay away from Olivia when he could probably be a good support for her (especially when Irene was fine with her hanging out with Hunter, albeit before she knew about her issues).It doesn't help that Irene seems to have started having PTSD flashbacks just because of one phrase.As atrus pointed out, it's not even an uncommon phrase, so does she start shaking in the corner every time she watches Movies of the Week? (Maybe it was the cumulative effect of hearing Olivia's story, but that's not the way it was played.)

Skye is instantly likable, which puts her ahead of several other recent additions.She's also hiding something, naturally.The John/Jett interplay was picked up as if he'd never been away, and throwing Skye into the mix hit home.(Although...why does John take her bag to Jett's room when she's just said she'll sleep on the couch?Oh yeah, so they can have a secret talk...)

I argued against Leah telling Hannah to tell Chris about the kiss before but...hmm.I think part of the problem was Hannah's way of presenting the news and she is running a risk of Chris finding out from someone else, especially with Evelyn asking awkward questions.I'm not quite sure why everyone assumes she'd be looking after Josh when he comes home, even if she has been at the hospital a lot when she's off duty.Josh's first words were well chosen: I was expecting something melodramatic like "Get away from me!" or "I wish I was dead!", but the quiet simplicity of it was quite disquieting.

So has Roo actually gone now?It seems like every episode she's in involves her saying goodbye to everyone and then she's still there.Nice callback to her previous visit to Hawaii with Romeo and Indi.

ETA: Oh, I forgot to say: Nice to finally hear that Chris and Spencer's dad is out of his coma!

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9 hours ago, c120701 said:

I'm not sure where they're going with Irene, as great as it is to see Lynne McGranger playing a character again, I'm just not sure that character is Irene. If they're implying that Irene was molested as a child then why wouldn't we have seen her struggling with it before, like when Mud tried to get into Selina's bed - which Irene handled with great strength - or when Chloe was attacked?  If they really wanted to go somewhere with the story that focused on Irene, then how about her feeling that she'd let both Chloe and Olivia down by not being able to protect either of them.

What do you mean by Lynne playing a character?.

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3 hours ago, j.laur5 said:

What do you mean by Lynne playing a character?.

I mean that a lot of the time she doesn't have anything to do other than move lettuce and pass over an empty takeaway coffee cup. It has been better for the past year or so, but there was a time you could've given any of the Diner "ladies" the same lines and whilst they wouldn't have sounded like their characters, they wouldn't have sounded like Irene either.

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Where are H&A getting character names from? Jet and Skye sound like a couple from a cartoon lol. Kind of dismayed to see another relationship storyline appearing, nothing against Skye but it would have been nice to see Jet hangout with VJ and Hunter King and perhaps a storyline develop from that rather than yet another teen drama.

If Kat rumbles what's going off with Charlotte then I can see rapid promotion for her but trouble for Ash who I believe is still out on licence from prison(?). But then the police never caught up with Andy regarding his murder so Charlotte may get away with it.

Not nice seeing Josh brain damaged, it will take months for him to recover :-(



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So what's going on with Irene? More than your common/garden empathy for Olivia, surely. Is there something buried in her past, reawakened by Olivia's story, that's never been referenced before in her however-many-years on the show? I'll reserve judgement on the plausibility of that because I don't think it's impossible to pull off, but I'll be interested to see how it's done, and how it's justified that it's never cropped up until now.

Skye was likeable and I'm enjoying the dynamic with her, John and Jett. The Josh's recovery stuff has improved a bit too, with some moving scenes between Josh and Andy.

What's annoying me, though, is how stupidly worked up everyone's getting about Andy still having feelings for his ex, as if this is a revelation of unprecedented significance, or somehow deeply unusual. Love's an important thing to the person who's feeling it, but the denizens of Summer Bay do have an irritating habit of blowing it out all proportion like it's a rare form of leprosy. First we had everyone overreacting to Matt's feelings for Maddy the other week, and now we have a second set of headless chickens running around because Andy hasn't turned off his feelings like a tap, as most H&A characters are wont to do immediately on the termination of a relationship.

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Ash's look of absolute panic once he realised that Charlotte knew about Brax was brilliant.

If Matt doesn't want to take Asia to the ball, I wouldn't mind.  She's cute and I actually quite enjoyed Oscar flirting with her.

Whilst still on the subject of cute I love Olivia's eyes.  As I mentioned before I especially like the way they are sweet and puppy dog like one minute but really intense the other.

Maddy appears to want to go to the formal with Oscar but at the same time doesn't want Matt going with Asia or pursuing any other girls during schoolies - Starting to veer towards having her cake and eating it!

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