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May or may not be a contrived storyline to give Irene something other to do rather than dish out meals, scold Chris, give advice but be interesting  to see how it pans out. let's hope they do it justice and it's not forgotten about in a couple of weeks.  'It's our little secret' may well be a well used phrase, but sometimes words can trigger something more than actions, maybe be the way Olivia said it.  It could explain, though I could be very wide of the mark, Irene becoming an alcoholic, drinking being a way of blotting it out. She was a little harsh on Chris but I did have to smile when she rounded on Leah when she was probing and said what a lot of us have thought over the years about as Irene so beautifully put 'sticking her neb in'!  

They do tend to give the younger non English soap characters hippy type names - Jett, Asia, Romeo, Indi and now Skye.  Definitely a back story with her. I'm guessing she told John her name off screen as all she said was 'You must be John' then later he addressed her by name. I liked her as well and handled John's cross examination well. VJ's jaw is going to drop when he sees her.

You're not wrong Psychic Ash is still on licence so he'd better tread very carefully around Kat and Charlotte. That storyline steps a gear next week.

I think they are handling the Josh plot well, He wasn't in such a serious vegetative state as they first thought, he is able to communicate and can move, that statement he was scared was so real.  No surprises  that when Andy told her that Josh had said his name that Evelyn was hoping he'd also mentioned her.  It's going to be a lot of work for Andy when Josh comes home, although I think/hope there will be a good back up team, he has been there before with Hannah but at least she could see and wasn't brain damaged into the bargain. Tricky moment when Dr. Griffith involved her in the talk about Josh's future treatment.  Different scenario Andy admitting he still has feelings for Hannah and Matt admitting he has feelings for Maddy, Andy and Hannah were a couple Matt and Maddy haven't been. Good timing (?) that Chris wants to take Hannah to meet his folks and yes good to know his (and Spencer's) dad is on the mend, nice mention of Spencer too.

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Have Phoebe and Ash really been together six months?I suspect not and that the operative word is "nearly": We're about six months on from Brax's "death" and I don't think they were together then.Charlotte begins to learn the problems of giving part of the story to too many people, especially when most of her one-time allies are turning on her.Kyle is getting increasingly suspicious but backs off when he realises how ruthless Charlotte is.Hunter covers for her but is now in possession of another piece of the truth and is beginning to realise just how far Charlotte has gone, although he doesn't yet realise how deeply involved he is himself.Kat is on the right track but still turning up nothing in the way of evidence.I think if Charlotte had only killed Trystan then that wouldn't be too dissimilar to Andy killing Jake and there'd be a possibility of her getting away with it, but the fact she's killed Denny as well suggests there's going to be some sort of reckoning.

Skye's storyline is shaping up well.I loved her first meeting with VJ, who seemed utterly bemused at this strange girl suddenly flinging her arms around him.The encounter with Phoebe, who hardly knows Jett, felt less believable.So, we get an answer to what Skye's problem is and it is developing into a nice traditional Home and Away storyline of a teenager in trouble and the good folk of the Bay rallying around to help them.John was great value, with his clearly knowing something was wrong but having a hard time working out what, and nice to see a scene between him and Alf.

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Gosh, hasn't Jett grown? I remember the family unit he, Gina and John created. One of the best family dynamics the show has done I believe.

Lynne McGranger's next big storyline for Irene is starting... I do love Irene. It's taking me a while to warm to Olivia though.

Does anyone think the show has become quite watchable lately? It has certainly improved.

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Things are certainly hotting up between Charlotte and Kat and from what we saw in the trailer things don't look good for Kat.  Methinks Kat overplayed her hand by telling Charlotte  she was still investigating Trystan's death and knew she had something to do with it.  What though was with all the exaggeration last night?  Alf to Charlotte 'Hunter was dragged off to the police station.  Charlotte to Kat 'How dare you interrogate my son'. I don't remember Hunter being dragged off in handcuffs and Zac was there with Hunter as his appropriate adult and they were just questions. :unsure:  You're right Red Charlotte is spreading her story too thin and Kyle found out just how vicious she can be.  I could be wrong but did I see her look over and see Kyle watching her and Ash talk?  Now Phoebe has twigged something due to that look between Charlotte and Ash. Can't see Charlotte being content with Ash saying he'd contacted Brax but hadn't heard back from him yet, she's going to start pushing.  Just as things were starting to thaw between her and Hunter this new snippet of news, as in the guy that was killed was the guy that 'mended' their car and mum forget to mention he  later turned up to blackmail her and that is where his trust fund money went, freezes things over again. Maybe a big reach but when the truth does out will he finally admit his part in the whole thing, though he could not have envisioned how far she would go to keep his secret.  No way am I excusing him and he may have put peoples lives at risk but he hasn't killed anyone either by design (Trystan) or accident (Denny).

I do like Skye, she's a lovely looking girl even with glasses (I wear glasses btw so can say that) and of course she has to have a tragic back story.  John usually comes across as being a bit unaware of what is going on around him, but he was quick to pick up on there being a 'secret' between Jett and Skye and his sudden panic when he thought she might be pregnant!  It was nice he had Alf to bounce ideas off.  Wasn't  the Jett, Skye and VJ meet up a replay of VJ, Hunter and Olivia? Skye did get a bit skittish when the mention of families came up at the Surf Club and a little mention of the aforesaid Olivia when VJ said they were just friends and just subtly said she had her own problems. Glad Jett persuaded Skye to let John in on her secret.  Maybe  to them his laugh of relief when they said she wasn't pregnant could have seemed inappropriate, but then he listened and was very understanding, living with Marilyn has been beneficial.

If memory serves Phoebe was still with Kyle when Brax 'died', so you're right Red, is that really six months ago?

CURS: It seems Oscar is still on cleaning duty!

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I wonder if it was a mistake bringing in Skye and Olivia into the show around the same time, especially when both are dealing with abuse-related issues. I think comparisons between the two would be inevitable. Certainly, I have found it a lot easier to warm to Skye and her tale, than Olivia though I do resent having the sob stories foisted onto us before we've had a chance to like a character in their own right.

Charlotte is getting crazier, and I am loving every minute of it. 

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Ash becomes Charlotte's latest somewhat reluctant ally, even if he doesn't do much.I'm not quite sure when Charlotte suddenly became a master criminal with easy access to rohypnol or whatever.And even if we assume she deliberately followed Kat in there, it seemed like her plan depended not only on Kat wandering off (to the bathroom?) and leaving her drink unattended but Phoebe wandering off and leaving the bar unattended.I'm not sure why the show missed the obvious cliffhanger of Charlotte looming over a helpless Kat in favour of her waking up unharmed.I'm guessing her gun was one of the missing items and the promo suggests the other one was handcuffs.Given the report she read, is Charlotte planning to use the gun for something and frame Kat for it?

Paralleling the VJ/Skye/Jett meeting with the VJ/Olivia/Hunter one just underlines that Skye and Jett are more likable than Olivia and Hunter.And maybe there's a wisdom in Angelica's comment above, but the different handling also shows the advantage of giving us a reason to sympathise with a character from the start rather than have them act like a brat for weeks and then trying to make us feel sorry for them.Skye certainly seemed to show genuine fear at the thought of meeting her mother again, although it seemed like John and Jett could have caught her if they'd actually bothered.Given that it was Leah's idea, it seem a bit disingenuous of her not to mention the fact when chatting to Skye later, but it does kind of cement her increasing status as the new heart of Home and Away (some of her lines felt exactly like what Alf or Sally would say).Despite the show moving her out of the school counsellor's office and back into the Diner (one of Dan Bennett's less welcome changes?), it's nice to see those skills haven't gone entirely to waste.

I was glad that Gavin got to depart on a positive note rather than being another relative who's quickly written off and never mentioned again...even if he probably will never be mentioned again.He even apologised to Ricky (which is more than we've seen Kyle do to Maddy...).While Nate just about avoids coming across as too cold, it's a shame that Gavin's departure means he's again reduced to a near blank slate with nothing to his character apart from his not-particularly-interesting relationship with Ricky.

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Well, Kat, I hate to say I told you so, but... I've found it intensely annoying how she's been following Charlotte around telling her she knows she's up to something, and anyone else who'll listen too, in clear violation of police protocol. In real life that sort of conduct would certainly get her hauled over the coals and possibly even dismissed. If Charlotte had done a disappearing act as a result, like many would on learning the police were onto them, Kat would be responsible. As it is, Charlotte's going nowhere and it's backfired in an altogether more dangerous way. I'm now getting the clear sense that Charlotte is getting quite a kick out of being the town pariah and villainess-in-chief - I honestly think there's very little she'd stop at now, with so little left to lose. I thought the Tuesday cliffhanger was great in a disorienting, 'what's she up to' kind of way.

I keep thinking Skye reminds me of someone, and I'm starting to suspect she has mild Sally vibes. Agree with your point, Red, about her proving that we don't have to have weeks of brattiness every time a new teen shows up in order to connect with them. It's a good job too because I'm not sure I could have taken another brat in such quick succession. The influx of new teens lately - Skye, Olivia, Hunter (whom I'm now convinced the writers believe is three quarters of the way up Redemption Road, despite having done absolutely nothing to atone for his sins so far) - is leading me to think that there could be a few departures around the corner; it's all feeling a bit saturated at the moment.

Resist though I did, I must admit I found myself quite liking the way the Nate/Gavin story concluded - it wasn't all smiles and rainbows, but at the same time left us with a bit of hope for their relationship, which was a braver approach and less hypocritical than having the entire town chase Gavin up the road with pitchforks the moment he was discharged from hospital. It also left Ricky looking like a bigger person than I think many would be in her shoes.

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Kat has been seriously annoying me the way she has been constantly getting in Charlotte's face and goading Charlotte with her apparent smugness, I was cheering when Charlotte drugged her (Judging by tomorrows preview it looks like Kat is going to get hers).  Phoebe also annoyed me intensely the way she spoke to Charlotte when she asked for her wages that I was hoping that Charlotte would have drugged her too.  It's really good to see that Charlotte isn't taking any crap from people such as Kat and the bully Kyle.  And I loved how when Kyle threatened to report Charlotte to the police she basically threatened to also implicate him in knowing about the murder.  I also liked how Ash is forced to do her bidding.  From the day she threatened Maddy I knew Charlotte had potential.  And I'd go one further than Angelica not only am I loving it but I find I'm also rooting for her.

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15 hours ago, Angelica said:

I wonder if it was a mistake bringing in Skye and Olivia into the show around the same time, especially when both are dealing with abuse-related issues. I think comparisons between the two would be inevitable. Certainly, I have found it a lot easier to warm to Skye and her tale, than Olivia though I do resent having the sob stories foisted onto us before we've had a chance to like a character in their own right.

Charlotte is getting crazier, and I am loving every minute of it. 

We don't have any evidence that Skye is being abused yet, she may just be an over sensitive teen, Johns visit to her mother will sort it out.

I have to agree with you Slade, Kat is becoming obsessed with Charlotte she should get on with finding the evidence she needs and stop sledging her. I like the way H&A are depicting small town mentality in turning Charlotte into pariah, she hasn't done anything to either Irene or Phoebe but they think they can be nasty to her.

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