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Yeah: not much to add to the above. Lynne as Irene really blew everything else in this episode clean out of the water, so that I was left wishing her story didn't have to be punctuated by Nate making yet another unnecessarily hasty life choice, and the cringiness of Chris announcing to Hannah's housemates in front of her that she's finally said the L word. I'm usually a fan of Chris and his eccentricities, but that was just a little too much for me - what is he, nine years old? Phoebe's discovery means we must surely be close to the endgame with the Brax/Gunno/Charlotte tangle, and probably not before time. Maddy didn't look to be covering herself in glory in the promo.

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I agree with Red about how well they did to make Irene's story plausible, with Leah being the voice of the long term viewers.

The only thing that didn't sit right was that Irene has kept what is obviously a box of secrets hidden in that cupboard downstairs. It wasn't there when the gun was hidden there during the stalker story, so it's been moved in the past ten years or so, but surely she'd have kept that on top of her wardrobe or somewhere out of reach in her bedroom.

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I don't get Chris wanting to be a bridesmaid, why couldn't he be a pageboy? Surely Zak doesn't have that many friends. TBH Chris irritates me, he's like an annoying child, I know this is supposed to be his sweet charm but I can't see any female over nine years old falling for it. I'm surprised Ash tolerates him, I know Nate has nearly landed him one in the past. And this thing about the 'l' word are we supposed to find it cute?

The Oscar Maddie relationship is interesting, it appears it's quickly running out of road. Maddie is starting to look for new adventures like she did with Josh and Oscar is becoming more insecure and controlling. I'm not sure Maddie rocking up at Matt's van was a good idea, kind of reminded me of what happened with Kyle. She needs to end it with Oscar before doing anything. I would have thought cancer would have made Maddie more worldly and wiser but it seems not, Asia was quite astute in her outburst at the party.

Irene's storyline has been strong, at last something Lynne can get into and a good back story to her struggle with grog and relationships. I hope they show a counselling session and follow it a little.

Winced at the scene with Phoebe and Ash where Ricky walked in at the wrong moment in hackneyed soap style. Ash can't think fast enough to get out of it, I can see him spending more time working on Kat's car!  BTW I still don't understand how Gunno knows Brax is still alive.

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Was disappointed we didn't see Asia in Thursday's episode.  I would have liked to have seen a follow up with her and Oscar face to face rather than via text.  I believe part of the reason for  Oscar kissing her in the previous episode is because he feels his relationship is doomed because he knows Maddy has feelings for Matt.  So I wasn't entirely happy about that fact he's tried to cover the kiss up (even though I understand why).  I'd rather he just be upfront with Maddy and owned it.

40 minutes ago, Psychic Wombat said:

TBH Chris irritates me, he's like an annoying child, I know this is supposed to be his sweet charm but I can't see any female over nine years old falling for it. I'm surprised Ash tolerates him, I know Nate has nearly landed him one in the past. And this thing about the 'l' word are we supposed to find it cute?

Yup.  I've basically said this numerous times myself.  I think what happens with Chris is that these females are attracted to his physical appearance initially and they find the childish antics endearing but then once they see through that they grow tired of him and realise he's not relationship material.  I think it's starting to happen with Hannah.  She's clearly regretting using the L-word because now Chris is even more invested in the relationship.  Like Maddy and Oscar I think this one is ultimately doomed.  I actually hope I'm wrong in this case because I want to see Andy get together with Evelyn and that won't happen if Hannah is a free agent.

I have to admit part of me did wonder initially whether Olivia was making the abuse up.  Regardless I haven't really felt this storyline.  It just feels like they've just thrown it in to give Irene something to do.  I do have to admit I did like the part where Olivia was holding her hand when Irene revealed all.  I do wonder whether Olivia genuinely wants to get counselling or whether she was doing that to help Irene.

It's reached the point where I want to strangle Phoebe now.  Once again her self-righteous tone after invading Ash's privacy and quizzing him about Brax annoyed me intensely.  If that had been the other way round there would have been hell to pay and she probably would have gone on about it and had a moan to Kat and/or Ricky afterwards.  I do have to admit once again Ash's expression when Ricky overhead was priceless.  Funny how Ricky overheard just as Nate is planning to propose to her.

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Don't know where the above came from!

Only echoing what most others have said but Friday's episode was amazing!  Great acting from all three and done without any histrionics, just Irene telling her story and Leah and Olivia just listening in stunned silence. Olivia showed great maturity by going and getting Leah when she realised Irene needed help and went up in my estimation. Neat use too of how she used Irene's words to her back on Irene.  Irene's family life certainly wasn't your average one as it seemed both mum and dad were heavy drinkers so she and her sister were hardly cosseted.  The  way Uncle Jim acted was the way most predators act  when  setting up their victim, odd word here and there, odd touch, leading to a caress/stroke, but maybe the fact Irene's life was cosy, as I mentioned before alerted her quicker than it would have most girls her age - 14. I'm not belittling what she went through in any way, but she did say it was only weeks, rather than months, years.  She showed enormous bravery both back then protecting her sister and now in the telling of it. Again not belittling what Olivia went through but seemed to have got off lightly if all James' friend did was to make her touch him. I think Leah knew/guessed something had happened to Olivia when Irene said to Olivia it was her using 'that' expression'  as Irene said to Olivia when she thanked her for not saying anything about her to Leah.  Leah did subtly say to Olivia if she needed to talk about anything she'd be there for her.  I'm guessing Nate and Chris were at their respective girlfriends places. It does seem odd Irene keeping that box (I'm sure she initially got it out of one of the kitchen cabinets, perhaps she moves it round the house) especially with that photo of Uncle Jim but as there were other family members in it she couldn't/didn't want to destroy it.  The blanket definitely has some meaning. 

More secrets coming out as in Phoebe working  out Brax is alive, Ash is a rubbish liar! If he hadn't been acting so furtive over the last few days I don't think Phoebe would have even bothered to look at his phone. He takes  a sneaky call (from shady Charlotte) rushes off to work, then rings in a panic because he left it behind, hardly the attitude of someone with nothing to hide.  Naturally we had to have Ricky at the moment Phoebe utters the words 'is Brax alive'.  It's in the characters walking in when they shouldn't  chapter in the soap book of clichés/awkward moments.  Poor Nate setting up his proposal  lunch and waiting and waiting.

More secrets coming out this week too!!!!!

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Some months ago I praised Ash for not telling Phoebe about Brax being alive.Today, he goes and does exactly that, for no discernible reason: She'd already bought his cover story. The scene of him losing it in the storeroom just came out of nowhere and didn't seem to be motivated by anything at all.I'm guessing we're meant to interpret it as the secret getting on top of him and him needing to talk to someone, but the way things are going he might as well just tell Brax's family, because everyone else knows.Meanwhile, Charlotte's impersonation of Denny rears its head.On one level I can't fault Kat, she's trying to put a murderer away which is more than anyone else in the local police seems to be willing to do, but she is potentially storing up a whole heap of trouble for herself.At least she's showing some subtlety rather than constantly getting in Charlotte's face and provoking her, and her unauthorised search did turn up a useful detail even if she hasn't fitted the piece into place yet.

Loved all the stuff with John, Jett and Skye, and Alf saying farewell to them was a good moment.Well...I loved almost all of it anyway.The stuff with Random Boy felt like poorly explained filler, with Skye jabbering a load of incomprehensible back story.I don't know if it was intended to muddy the waters of Skye's trustworthiness or not but it just felt like something that happened.But it led to that wonderful John/Skye scene with Mr Palmer showing his softer side so not all bad.

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Ash, just about, got away with that!!  It did show though that Ricky still has a lot of feelings for Brax.  Does now cast doubt over whether,  if whenever he manages to get around to it, she'd accept Nate's proposal? Funny no-one picked up that  'Joe' knew Brax as well and as 'he' mentioned Case would have had to have been pretty recently.:unsure:  Ash has carried that secret for six  months (?) now and not just a small secret either and so far has managed to hold it together  At least he was just punching an innocent box of pasta and not another person!:) Phoebe was pushing my buttons last night and I'm usually a fan, but then if he's withheld that from her what else could he, in her eyes, be hiding?  Understandably she blew a gasket when he did tell her and ranted and raved that Ricky and Kyle need to know, but he gave Brax his word and it's not his secret to reveal, though he has or rather Shady Charlotte worked it out.  It seems by the trailer Phoebe has had time to think it over and has calmed down, what would she have done in his place? Be interesting to see if he mentions Charlotte's part in it. Btw Psychic I think Gunno worked it out Brax I alive as A. there   as his body wasn't found and B maybe something he would have done if he'd been in Brax's place.

For an experienced cop Kat was making a right hash of searching Charlotte's place if she didn't want her to know anyone had been there, Charlotte is a smart cookie and would know right away if thing were out of order. Pure chance Kat stumbled upon 'Denny's' itinerary, more suspicious actions by SC.  Awkward Ash walking in when he did, not another, badly, hidden key is there? I had to smile at Kat's smile when she discovered it under, surprise, surprise a flowerpot!!  They sure take security seriously in the bay don't they. Doesn't look good for Kat going by what we saw.:o

Do we know the name of Skye's home town?  It's looks like it's quite inland and old as John loved pointing out the old buildings. I know it's only acting but it's such a good relationship between Jet and John, Jett predicting how long it would be before John mentioned getting something to eat, then John jokingly asking Jett to remind him what it was about him that made him adopt him.  I liked how John was being his usual money saving self by waiting until after 6pm to get the cheaper rate for somewhere to stay. TPTB could have timed it better for the old 'friend' of Skye to pop up, like when they were having a meal, instead of just as soon as they set foot in town.

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Phoebe is massively annoying again.She badgers Ash into telling her what's going on, then when she finds out she just throws tantrums about it.Ash could well be looking at a lucky escape if she decides she can't cope.Meanwhile, Nate once again fails to propose to Ricky through trying to be too elaborate.Just do it, man...

It was interesting that John and Jett seemed more suspicious of Skye's mother than Skye herself.Skye seemed almost desperate for it to be true, for her to have her family back and have what John and Jett have...only to end up with a massive rude awakening.So is her mother going to do a Charlotte and send John and Jett messages as Skye saying everything's fine and they don't need to come back?

So, after being reasonably subtle last episode, at least for her, Kat is back to openly accusing Charlotte and playing her hand way too early.I guess she's trying to rattle her, problem is when Charlotte gets rattled she tends to lash out with precision.I'm not sure at what point Charlotte turned from a screwed up teacher with poor parenting skills and a liking for younger men to a Bond villain with a bunch of henchmen on speed dial and a liking for killing people in overly elaborate ways though.(Was that Gunno she was on the phone to?If so, why would he be bothered if Charlotte goes down for killing Denny?)That is a heck of an elaborate way of killing someone.Big room, not even sure they blocked off all the fresh air, can't see her dying any time soon.

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