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Alf’s episode count this week: Four. And he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.

It’s hard to shake the feeling of the show trying to have its cake and eat it. It felt like we were meant to be nodding in agreement when Maddy said she and Oscar would never have worked out long term, but then someone twigs that saying it made her seem unsympathetic so she has to not mean it. Then Maddy goes through a massive guilt complex but Evelyn has to apologise for blaming her even though it is at least partly her fault, just as Andy had to when he blamed Evelyn. Matt really didn’t come across that well here: He seems completely dismissive about Oscar for the most part (eg his “Yeah, and?” when Leah says his stuff’s been found on the beach), but once he finds out Maddy feels guilty he suddenly claims he does too. It’s reached the point where I just roll my eyes and give an exasperated sigh when a scene opens with Matt or Maddy alone somewhere, because it’s obvious that a second later the other one’s going to sidle into shot for an “intimate” chat. I’m sorry, I’ve always felt that putting these two together would not benefit either character or add anything new to them, and recent events have destroyed any chance of me ever liking or supporting them as a couple.

I am rapidly going off the Irene storyline. It doesn’t help that we have half an episode of Hunter being shoehorned into something that’s nothing to do with him. Can someone please kill him? Because spending huge chunks of episodes wanting to murder him every time he’s on screen is kind of spoiling my enjoyment. Olivia isn’t much better: The character appears to be composed of 100% plastic, just there to smile and look pretty, and it’s becoming increasingly obvious that her abuse is just a distasteful plot device to kick start Irene’s storyline (so Irene saying Olivia’s the one that’s important was an utterly laughable moment). There’s been no attempt to build on her and Irene’s relationship, in fact they seem to have slid back to the point she’s just there for Irene to yell at, with the result that Irene saying she’s glad she’s there just left me thinking “Er, why?” I’m back to not understanding why Olivia’s still around, especially when the fact that she’s been there for weeks and Irene still hasn’t said anything about her going to school is becoming increasingly glaring. And then Irene with a bottle of vodka: Give me strength. I’m surprised to realise it’s six and a half years since Irene’s alcoholism got revived for the sake of a two week storyline where she gets drunk once, hits Annie, goes to an AA meeting, storyline over. It feels like yesterday and I’m not expecting this to be any better.

I’m struggling to work out where they’re going with this “Nate keeps failing to propose” storyline and how we’re meant to feel about it. I’m guessing the idea is for us to find it cute and sweet, but I’m struggling to muster the energy to care.

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A couple of good episodes on Friday and Monday. I know it's an age-old device but I do love a spot of pathetic fallacy, and the storm really helped to boost the atmosphere in all the ongoing storylines.

While a good old-fashioned missing person search in The Bush is always welcome in H&A, I don't like it when they invoke the 'twin thing', because it's nonsense - and on previous occasions the show has foolishly implied that it's a genuine phenomenon. I can buy it to the degree that Evie thinks she feels some spooky twin connection with Oscar, but I just hope we're not going to end up going down the Kirsty/Jade route (or so I remember it) of this feeling later being borne out by fact.

I'm glad Maddy was feeling bad for how she spoke to Oscar, as rightly she should. Even Matt seemed surprised by what she'd said, and I'm not sure I buy her 'not meaning it', either - in my view, it's not the sort of thing you come out with unless there's been at least a kernel of that thought in your mind for some time.

Accepting that hypothesis that deep down she sees herself and Oscar as an uneven pairing, it becomes difficult (for me at least) to shake the feeling that Matt is the better match. I did like Oscar and Maddy as a couple in lots of ways, but I think the chemistry with Maddy and Matt probably has the edge. And ultimately these characters are supposed to be teenagers; they chop and change relationships with frequency in real life, unlike the stabler personalities found in most twenty/thirtysomethings, who in this show are prone to bedhopping with far greater frequency than the teens are. So in that context I'm prepared to forgive this particular partner-swap and chalk it up to hormones out of control. Still, it's way too soon for anything to be happening on that front if we're to retain our sympathy - and if they end up getting it on in the car while they're supposedly searching for Oscar, I'll be pretty disappointed.

So Hunter can cook as well as set houses on fire? Guess that makes some kind of warped sense. Not pleased about him and Olivia getting together; I'd rather she got with VJ, personally, who I think would be a far better influence. I didn't like how all the adults suddenly seemed to accept that they were suddenly on kissing/thigh-touching terms with little more than a shrug, either, given Olivia's apparent vulnerability, and how volatile Hunter's proved to be in the past.

Irene's story continues to be a highlight, and I'm liking her relationship with Olivia more generally - although I do share the concern that Olivia's storyline is being used merely as a tool to kickstart Irene's, so I'm hoping the former doesn't get left by the wayside. I found it quite upsetting to see Irene falling off the drinking wagon after so many years dry (her hitting Annie a few years back is news to me, so it must have been during my own 'dry' period). I'm fairly sure that in the past, Irene hasn't let lodgers bring alcohol into the house - so I was really surprised when she said to Leah that Nate and Chris leave bottles around the place.

Speaking of Nate, I was getting well and truly mindnumbed by his endlessly delayed marriage proposal, so I'm glad Ricky found the ring. But if she changes her mind about getting married by this time tomorrow - possibly because Phoebe, who seems lately to have acquired an HSC in other people's business, decides to spill the beans about Brax being alive - then the whole saga could drag on for a few episodes yet.

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You could well be right about that blanket Psychic and Irene told Leah and Olivia her uncle raped her when her and her sister went to stay with him and her aunt when she was 14.  Maybe she had a baby and he/she died or was taken away from her. It's a shame she seems to have gone back on her promise to Olivia that if she went for counselling she would too, even coming out with the old 'I'm too busy' line. But of course you can't force someone to go until they are ready and she obviously isn't yet.  I'm pretty sure she does have a bedroom, but there wouldn't be a current storyline if she had it in there though would there? Maybe the reason she is being so snappy with Olivia is because her own experience was so much worse.  Haven't seen Monday's episode yet, but I'm hoping she restrains herself from hitting the vodka.  Irene doesn't mind drink being brought into the house as long as she knows about it  and that people do it behind her back.

Methinks the gods are trying to tell Nate something about the abortive proposals!

Maddy was acting like the old me, me me Maddy when she put Oscar down like she did.  Of course it was guilt talking, even though nothing psychical has happened between her and Matt, sometimes having feelings for another person is worse than having a secret kiss, Ash and Phoebe spring to mind. Evie stunned me, one moment she was having a go at Maddy for calling Oscar pathetic the next she was giving her  a hug!:huh:  Oscar and Maddy are better suited on an intellectual level, but you need more to a relationship than that.  Matt is the complete opposite to Oscar, even though he's just as clever, but has a completely different attitude to learning, he doesn't make it the be all and end all to life. Could Maddy really be content/happy being with someone who lives like that?  Matt has tried to stay out of the way since the big reveal, but has to take his share of the fall out and has at least got involved in the search for Oscar.  Chris played it cool and didn't get over excited when  he found Oscar's belongings on the beach, just calmly called Zac and told him to get down there.  Been a while since we had a storm and it wouldn't be the same without someone going missing during it would it?

Although I don't think he'd intentionally commit suicide Oscar has had his problems in the past, body issues, panic attacks, low self esteem and he did go missing before, he went running in the bush with a heavy backpack on trying to toughen himself up and was found by Andy. Just because it hasn't been mentioned recently doesn't mean to say those problems aren't lurking beneath the surface, that put down by Maddy the girl he loves and who he thought loved him could have brought it all back. Btw what's happened to Evie and Oscar's twin psychic link that was working so well when they were back in the commune?

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There was a moment during that episode when I realised to my horror and disappointment that I'm not enjoying watching Home and Away.I'm not at the point where I'm about to give up but watching it just makes me angry.So, let's turn Oscar being missing into another contrived excuse to force Matt and Maddy together.The actors are trying their best, there is some basic chemistry there, but I've thought all along that they're not really suited in terms of personality, or at least not in terms of who Maddy was until a few episodes ago.Matt isn't a person who's going to bring out the best in Maddy, he's too immature.And I don't think she'll bring out the best in him either, I think she'll just end up being frustrated by him and trying to change him.She needed someone like Oscar, who was more grounded and who made her act more grown-up, and now we've lost that.Whilst I don't think they're right for each other, I'd have accepted it if they'd got together in the right way, but that's not what's happening.And I'm worried that if it does happen, they won't be treated as a temporary teen relationship, they'll be treated as "soul mates" in the same way Josh and Evelyn apparently are.To be honest, I'd have been happy if that tree had done more damage but instead it's just an excuse for Maddy to forget to pretend she's worried about Oscar and start fawning over Matt instead.Oh,..and apparently no-one's noticed they're gone.Losing one teenager could be considered a misfortune, losing three smacks of really not paying attention.

I actually found Evelyn's concern more interesting.I don't have a problem with twin power (which, as H&Alover mentioned, was in full effect when Oscar sensed Evelyn was being chased by Murray), real phenomenon or not, real twins or not.Maybe it's out of sorts with the show's current style, but I remember the days when ghosts, reincarnation, precognition and near death experiences were presented as fact so I'm fine with this.Mind you, I thought she had apologised to Oscar for what happened with Tank?She's certainly had the chance either way.

I found Hunter completely sleazy in this episode and I'm really not keen in Olivia running around town looking to make out with him when we've barely seen them speak.I agree I'd rather see her with VJ.This is worse than Evelyn and Tank, in that we know Hunter's sick in the head and I don't buy that because he's "behaved himself" (ie not nearly killed anyone) for a month or two then him setting fire to a house with people inside or Billie still being up on charges because he framed her (and that's just for starters) somehow doesn't matter anymore.I hope that this is meant to be Olivia making a huge mistake, that we know what he's like and she doesn't and there's going to be a huge wake up call coming.Because if we're meant to see this as a normal teenage couple, that's disturbing.

Meanwhile, Olivia's so self-absorbed she doesn't even know Irene's an alcoholic.Oh come on! If the show wants us to believe they're so close that Olivia would randomly run thousands of miles because she's suddenly decided she wants to live with her, how can she literally not know the first thing about her? Then Leah and Roo don't bother to tell her either, Leah pops round and asks her if she's going to drink, then just leaves her alone in sole charge of a seventeen-year-old girl.Head bang.

The worst thing? Phoebe turns up and doesn't even make the episode worse.It's already so bad that having Phoebe in it doesn't make any difference.In fact, her girls chats with Ricky were actually one of the least annoying things on offer, which is saying a lot, because out of all the contrived and selfish pairings on offer, Ricky and Nate are actually the best of a bad bunch.

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Olivia is such a little cutie.  Finding myself really enjoying the scenes with her and Hunter.  When he put his hand on her leg I thought she actually seemed quite receptive to it and I'm left wondering how far he could have gone.  I also liked the way she went after him when he backed off because he didn't want to cross the line.  The only reason why she went back home after going to his was because Leah insisted.

It's disappointing to see Irene lying and back to drinking but I like the realism of this part of the storyline.

I said that I wanted Matt and Maddy together because I wanted Oscar away from her.  Whilst I'm glad Maddy and Oscar are over I have to say that I'm really not enjoying the scenes with Maddy and Matt at all.

Still quite impressed with Evelyn especially with her insistence not to blame Maddy for Oscar being missing and i quite liked her and Maddy's hug too.  They do actually work very well as friends.

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Olivia and Hunter would be sweet if I wasn't acutely aware while watching them that Olivia is extremely vulnerable given her previous history of abuse, and Hunter was willing to let all the people he currently lives with die in a fire and an innocent girl go to prison for it. I wish the writers would address the forementioned issues rather than brushing them aside in favour of another teenager romance. Or perhaps avoid creating such dramatic backstory for characters... After all, Hunter causing the fire by accident and fleeing the scene scared, would have created the same drama and would have been a lot easier to redeem. And the Olivia abuse storyline only seems to be a prop for Irene's storyline - as Olivia seems to have no issues re physical contact with boys nor any issues with wearing shorts despite the scars on her legs. 

Really like Evie and Maddy as friends. I still don't feel any drama re: Oscar's disappearance because I am sure he will be OK regardless of what Evie's twin sense is telling her. 

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Oh... you mean Hunter doesn't have an evil twin who did demented things for no real reason? And this is the good twin who is a perfect gentleman and wouldn't hurt a fly? News to me :lol:.

I'm calling it now. Ricky & Phoebe is the next pairing to start a nice hidden romance...

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Wouldn't you know it no sooner do I mention  the fact that Oscar and Evie's twin sense seems to have been forgotten she brings it up herself and I believe it exists, there have been too many instances of it been written about not to have some truth in it.  Disturbing though when at the end of last nights episode she says she couldn't 'feel' him anymore. Amazed me how many people, not just the teens, kept going off into the storm.  Did smile at Olivia's answer to Irene when she went after Hunter that she used to live in England so ' a bit of rain' wasn't going to bother her'.:)  With all that coming and going at the Stewart house not surprising no-one has noticed Matt and Maddy are missing. 

It is only us and Charlotte that know what Hunter has done, setting light to Leah's house, shoving Josh down the stairs, stealing the money box from the Diner, that's apart from the way he behaved towards Leah, Nate and VJ so Olivia has no reason to be wary of him. I thought he acted very well when he touched her leg then  stopped, she was more astonished that he did then did a runner. The thought about Olivia 'forgetting' Irene was an alcoholic went through my mind, but she was only a child when she was last living with her so possible the subject never come up seeing as she would have been far too young for it to be talked about in front of her.  Guests have brought drinks into the house, but she wouldn't have noticed Irene wasn't drinking. I was more surprised Leah actually brought Irene's explanation she had that bottle of vodka in the house because it was for her wedding and she couldn't leave it at the Diner because they don't have a drinks licence and Roo was no better. I know we know, but even to my ears Irene's 'I'm fine' to Leah sounded false. I really hoped she wouldn't open that bottle and drink any. I'm glad TPTB aren't fast tracking the storyline, that would be a real cop out, Irene's carried what happened to her for what 40 odd years and it would be a kick in the teeth to anyone who has gone through it for it all to be OK in a couple of episodes. Olivia's that much younger and while not belittling what she went through is getting help a lot sooner than much later. Going by the trailer it looks like Olivia will find out Irene  has a drink problem (to put it mildly), that blanket gets damaged, it looks like Olivia  uses it  to stem the blood, will that prompt Irene to say why it means so much to her?

Matt and Maddy are both acting out of guilt by going to look for Oscar, not that they have any idea where he is, but you have to have someone in possible peril in a storm at night!!!

Oh so now Ricky has found the ring and definitely acted cool once Nate had had his shower, he sensed something was amiss but wisely didn't push it. His panic about where his clothes, notably his trousers, were made me smile. He was another one who went off into the storm - see above. I liked those scenes  between Phoebe and Ricky scoffing the ice cream and interesting talk about how the subject of marriage never came up between her and Brax, it not normally being a Braxton thing but once she had got over the shock would love to be Nate's wife.  I like Ricky and Phoebe's friendship.


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I think what annoys me most about Irene's alcoholism is the inconsistent writing as to her views on having alcohol in the house. At one point she wouldn't buy it even if she were having dinner guests (except the fancy meal with the Rosses & Stewarts), then we found out she'd kept a bottle for years as a test and had never opened it, then she wouldn't allow it in the house at all even if she hadn't bought it, then now she's gone back to letting others drink in the house and buying it herself for special occasions for others. I think what should have sparked the alarm bells with Leah is that Irene claimed she bought vodka for her hens party when normally Irene serves bubbles at hen parties - although I suppose it is fourth go (third in the Bay or is it more than that?) for Leah.

Also, why didn't Leah suggest storing it at Roo's or at Alf's house?

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