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On 3/10/2016 at 10:13 PM, Red Ranger 1 said:

I thought long and hard about that comment, trying not to be personal. Apparently I failed.I tried my best to merely present it as a personal opinion but what I actually think is that the writers expect us to already like Billie, that they have been writing her in a way that they perceive as sympathetic for some time.You're not buying it, that's fair enough, but judging from other comments elsewhere on the forum I suspect that you're in the minority, in the same way that I suspect I'm in the minority with regards Hunter, Olivia and others.(I will say I was surprised by your reaction to Billie, since my memory is that you were sympathetic towards her after her lies were exposed.)

And I realise that I'm basically proving you right by replying like this (although I would point out that I mostly agreed with you in the Oscar discussion thread and basically said so). Regarding your point about Olivia, I'd say it applies equally to Billie, someone who has been through a similar amount of trauma and been physically and mentally abused by her partner and whose worst sin isn't all that bad comparatively speaking, although I accept it's worse than anything Olivia's done so far.(Conversely, it's hard to find anything "good" that Olivia's done, beyond be a bit worried about Irene.)Despite evidence to the contrary, I am interested in your opinion.I'm sorry that you've come to find mine so objectionable.

I actually don't have an issue with you having an opinion.  Think back to all your posts which criticised Andy/Evelyn, two of my favourite characters.  I've never once uttered a word in their defence. Why?  I've been at this forum long enough to know that if someone feels strongly about a character, then nothing I can say will change their minds (I accept that some people feel that no one should remain unchallenged but that's just not me).  But most importantly it doesn't really bother me if someone criticises characters I like.  I also feel that everybody should be able to engage in negative discussion about all characters as you said recently it would be very boring if we all felt the same.

BTW please don't feel that I'm trying to censor you because I'm not.  I personally felt that you may have been offended by some of my comments towards certain characters.  I don't mind discussion but the disagreeing with almost all my statements in certain threads made me think it wasn't about discussing but more about defending out of frustration.

With regards to Billie, I was impressed with her initially for going back into a burning building but unfortunately the more and more I thought about what she tried to do to Nate the more it bothered me.  I guess because if this sort of thing happens in real life it can ruin people although I accept very rarely.  Concerning Oscar I was referring to before when he was pursuing Maddy.

Irrespective of our opinions one thing I like about you is that towards other forum members you've always displayed respect, civility and common courtesy.

So Hannah has to practically force the words out of her mouth every time she declares her love for Chris.  You could see her almost wincing on Friday and it's coming across as disingenuous.  So much so that Chris can sense that something's not right with the relationship.  He can't quite put his finger on it yet but his gut is telling him something's amiss.  Personally I think it's inevitable that Hannah will want out.  Just a question of how long she will stick with him for.

Still enjoying the scenes with Hunter and Olivia.  I'm glad she felt she could confide in him re her abuse.

My reaction when Charlotte overheard Josh arguing with Andy about killing Pirovic was "Oh bugger".  This is perfect blackmail material although if Emerson closed the case surely they would need some sort of proof to reopen it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Charlotte's got planned after retrieving Kat's gun.

Judging by the preview to next week, it looks like it's going to get very interesting.

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Spin off episode on Thursday on 5* 7pm-8.35pm with the return of Brax, Heath and Bianca


Series finale this week and I know what happens - but my lips are sealed!!!!  Ash isn't the only one who can keep a secret.:wink:

I'm with others on this about Josh and hoping TPTB don't decide he gets his sight back, the only other character I can think of that didn't make a recovery from a serious injury was Seb, ended up wheel chair bound,  so they had him leave instead.  If it is permanent he is going to have to rethink his whole future, if he'd been into music he could have found a way round it, but what he really love doing was visual, drawing, wanting to be an architect..  At the moment he's acting like a lot of people do, lashing out at his dearest and nearest, has counselling been suggested if he's willing? In true soap tradition Charlotte just happens to turn up at Andy's just as Josh blurts out about what he did for Andy over Jake.  What though is Charlotte hoping to get out of Andy to get her out of the hole she is in, he hasn't got any money to spare, so what is she going to want to stop her going  to the police? why did she show up there anyway, it was right after Hunter told her to get lost. What surprises me is she hasn't yet used that well known phrase/cliché 'You don't know what I have done to protect you!.'   Not that unbelievable Olivia would confide in Hunter even it she has only known him a short while, maybe on a deeper level she senses he has things to hide as well. Regarding her scars they do have a habit of being visible one moment and not the next, despite the short skirts/shorts she wears. As for not telling James the bloke who assaulted her is a friend of his and maybe feels he wouldn't believe her? If it wasn't Hunter saying it 'I'll kill them' , another well known phrase used by people, we wouldn't think twice about it, but he does have history in that department (though not actual murder, that's his mums' department) Hunter will get his comeuppance.


maybe this week at the wedding!

Charlotte certainly has a fondness for burying  things in the bush. :)

Oh Kat you'd done so well in your last meeting with Charlotte now you jump in with both feet and nick her after Emerson warned her and put his own career on the line for her as well. I believed her (Kat) when she told Charlotte it had been confirmed it was Denny's body, btw would Charlotte be allowed to get away with what she was saying to Kat in the interview there was another cop there to witness what was said and it was a personal attack. Emerson had no choice but to release Charlotte but he did warn her to stay in town.

Not totally defending Billie and her fit up of Nate but what she did to him to setting fire to a house was a big leap , even if she thought no-one was in it

Yes they had split up, just, but to anyone it would have looked suss seeing another woman, a friend, coming out of his van the very next morning, it always amuses me when things like that happen one  of the party never looks in the direction of the person who stumbles across them. Phoebe did have the grace to admit it was something she'd done to Kyle once she had split with him, except she had actually slept with Ash.  Just as well she didn't ask Ash what Kat had been doing there, he would have been in the very difficult position of saying we just talked but she made me promise not to say anything! I had to smile when Kat did say to him 'You can't say anything to anyone' thinking he's well used to that!!!

Now it has been confirmed whose body it is  it was OK for Kat to tell Phoebe, though officially the police will need to inform Denny's family before releasing that info to the press if following proper procedures, but of course this is soapland so who knows.

It's so clear Hannah feels nothing for Chris  like what he feels for her and it's getting harder and harder to say those words and make it sound like she means them. His insecurity was showing when he asked her what was going on when he saw her with Andy.


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Kat continues to annoy me - meaning I continue to root for the murderer Charlotte over her. We, at least, have the benefit of knowing for a fact that Charlotte is guilty.Kat is just acting on a hunch - what she is doing is police harassment. Any good defense lawyer could use that to suggest police tampering in the case and cause reasonable doubt. In addition, all she is doing is giving Charlotte more time to cover her tracks.  I am intrigued by Jake Pirovic's name coming up - nice bit of continuity there. 

Hannah clearly feels uncomfortable telling Chris she loves him. I can't see their relationship lasting much longer. 

I just don't buy Olivia confiding in Hunter so early on in their relationship. I just feel they are glossing over the whole abuse thing too easily - like Olivia's suddenly sorted after one counselling session. If they can't be bothered to spend in any time on it, why bother giving Olivia that backstory. They may as well as just have her stay with Irene because she was bored of England.

I don't want to turn into a broken record about Hunter - but I just wish they had picked any other guy for Olivia to confide in. Again, why have Hunter burn Leah's house if that fact is now constantly gloss over so that they can make Hunter likeable. I still feel that given how much Charlotte has done to protect him, (and how much she has forgiven him for his wrong deeds), Hunter could be more conflicted about his feelings towards his mother rather than this unadulterated hatred. Even Dylan struggled more over his feelings about Angie. 

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We always have to have a rogue cop - Jack Hunter anyone and look where that got him in the end. Kat searching Charlotte's flat before the search warrant was granted was brought up by Emerson and the fact it could jeopardise the case if it came out.

Olivia may say and come across as 'sorted' but I doubt it is as easy as that, she hasn't had to hide it as long as Irene and there is now the help (once you've come out and said what's wrong) about there wasn't back then and she's a lot younger.  I can't think of anyone in the bay they could have used so Irene's 'story' could be revealed so I'm guessing TPTB plumped for Olivia, a seemingly confident young woman who (of course) has to have a problem.

I still feel as I said in my last post Hunter will get rumbled.  Every case is different with, shall we say, unstable to be generous, people, Ang and Charlotte to name but two.  Angie at least was unhinged from the beginning, whereas Charlotte didn't at first give that impression.  I think Hunter's disenchantment with his mum started with him discovering she had lied about Zac not wanting anything to do with him, of course lately her stealing his trust fund money definitely put an end to that close relationship and the constant lying to him.

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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I still feel as I said in my last post Hunter will get rumbled.

As do I.  These things always come out eventually.  But I think the big question is not so much when this will come out but what will happen to him when it does?  Will he get a slap on the wrist like Kyle or objectively will he be given some jail time (which I can't really argue against)?

I liked the various reactions to Denny's death.  Hannah and Evie, arguably the two people who liked her the least when she first came to the bay had the strongest.  I actually thought Phillipa did a great job.  I liked Oscar's reaction too.  One of complete shock almost failing to register the significance of what happened. Zac, whilst equally devastated was trying to hold it together for everyone.  Alf (who was very close to Denise) was sitting there silently pondering.  I would have liked Leah to have been there when Zac found out.  Even though I don't want Evelyn and Josh back together I was a little disappointed she didn't seek comfort from him.  Although I guess she's probably feeling bitter about him rejecting her help.

I also think Ash had figured it out when he saw Phoebe crying.  I did wonder whether we were going to have a scene where Phoebe told him, realised that Ash already had some idea then had another go at him but I'm glad we didn't see that.  It would have ruined the effect.  I really hope these two are not going to get back together.

Did you see the look in Kyle's eyes when he found out?  Boy, I wouldn't want to be in Charlotte's shoes when he discovers she was the one who killed her.  Add to that his "Do you want to see what I'm capable of?" line.

I really like Olivia but have to admit Irene calling her out about string guys along, being a freeloader and only caring about her self had me in stitches.  Is Irene always this funny when she's drunk?  Olivia handled it a lot better than I though she would though.

After watching Billie in today's episode I'm not so sure about her now.  I liked the way she helped Irene and tried to cover for her but again it feels like the writers were trying too hard to get the audience to like her even though I actually did quite like her.  Once again had to question Kat's dodgy policing.  She should have not turned a blind eye to that.  Irene could have killed someone drink driving.  Like Charlotte killed Denny.  I did like the way Kat forgave Billie and the scene where she and Ash were reunited.

So what's Charlotte going to use the money she's trying to blackmail Andy for?  I'm glad Andy told her where to go although I did quite enjoy seeing Charlotte attempt to blackmail him.  I would have thought Josh or Andy would have sussed that she overheard them as presumably it's the first time Josh brought it up in quite a while and she wasn't around when this happened originally.  Charlotte is now a complete sociopath and like Angelica I have been rooting for her against Kat.  Although Kat was better today, offering her the chance to turn herself in. for the peace of mind for Denny's family.  I think it's a smart move to try and frame Billie not sure if it's smart enough though.  She's got rid of the handcuffs so that just leaves the gun.

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I spent half an hour last night typing out a lengthy response and what happened? I hit Save and the website crashed. So, try again...

On ‎13‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 2:38 PM, Slade said:

I actually don't have an issue with you having an opinion.  Think back to all your posts which criticised Andy/Evelyn, two of my favourite characters.  I've never once uttered a word in their defence. Why?  I've been at this forum long enough to know that if someone feels strongly about a character, then nothing I can say will change their minds (I accept that some people feel that no one should remain unchallenged but that's just not me).  But most importantly it doesn't really bother me if someone criticises characters I like.  I also feel that everybody should be able to engage in negative discussion about all characters as you said recently it would be very boring if we all felt the same.

BTW please don't feel that I'm trying to censor you because I'm not.  I personally felt that you may have been offended by some of my comments towards certain characters.  I don't mind discussion but the disagreeing with almost all my statements in certain threads made me think it wasn't about discussing but more about defending out of frustration.

Irrespective of our opinions one thing I like about you is that towards other forum members you've always displayed respect, civility and common courtesy.

Thank you for that. It feels as though we spend most of our time avoiding talking to each other directly for fear of causing an argument. I suspect we’re a bit too alike (apart from, you know, disagreeing about everything). I hope you don’t think there’s anything personal in my disagreeing with your posts.

Anyway, moving on while staying on the same subject but sort of relating it to the episode: You can tell it’s finale week when all the storylines are intertwined and it’s hard to pick them apart and discuss them separately. But let’s start with Billie. I know what she did to Nate was wrong but, even though I’m usually one of the first to complain about a lack of legal punishment, I do think she’s both suffered enough and made up for it enough for me to forgive her. What Hunter’s done to her is just as bad as what she did to Nate (worse if you consider he put her in hospital for months) and stands just as good a chance of wrecking her life, and now Charlotte’s doing the same. (I wonder if Charlotte might come unstuck here: We don’t know how long Billie’s been sleeping rough, so if she was in hospital when Kat was robbed that’s the plan gone wrong.) So confirmation Billie’s out on bail: Not sure how she got it without a permanent address but I’ll let it slide. Objectively, I’m not sure what happened to the charge she was facing over falsely accusing Nate: Did the police drop the case in favour of pursuing the more serious arson charge? I’m glad she’s reunited with Ash, and that Kat was nice to her: I’ve always felt Kat was far too quick to blame her for the fire, possibly partly because of their history, instead of doing a full investigation that could have prevented Denny’s death. Right from the start, I've been worried that by the time Hunter's exposed Zac will have accepted him as his son and won't care, and he'll just get a slap on the wrist, and that seems to be exactly what's happening, which frustrates me because after everything he's done I think he belongs in jail.

So, after what seems like six months, Denny’s family and friends finally know she’s dead. Some of the scenes of people finding out were good but I wish we’d had those scenes together or at least had the characters stay in that storyline instead of having Ash and Phoebe wandering about the bush flirting mere hours after learning their friend’s dead. I have never loved Oscar more than in that first scene being an absolute rock to Evelyn while pushing aside his own grief. As affecting as that scene of him standing alone was, I wish we’d seen Alf’s immediate reaction. I also didn’t like that Andy was the one to tell Hannah, that should have been Zac’s job, so that scene fell flat. I also found it weird that Josh gets out of the house to be with the others…and they promptly all walk away and leave him alone.

We were probably meant to disagree but I was cheering Irene’s drunken rant at Olivia, I’ve been saying most of it for ages. My interest levels dropped when Saint Hunter got shoehorned into the storyline (whilst being kept away from the storyline he should be part of, except in a dream). Everyone’s handling of it is still ludicrous sadly. Olivia still doesn’t know about Irene’s alcoholism, making flippant remarks about parties, and no-one is showing more than token concern about a potentially violent drunk being left in charge of her. Alf pours the booze away and leaves as if that’s somehow more than a temporary solution. And I make that at least the third time this season that someone’s been drink driving without any consequences. (One of them was Kat, which may explain her leniency.) That seems like a very dangerous message to send out, and Billie’s claim that she was driving Irene’s car was very transparent.

Charlotte seems to have picked up Kat’s habit of trying to intimidate people without anything to back it up, although given the way that people like Gunno and Kyle back off it seems to work for her. I don’t know what to make of her dream: Are they saying that deep down she just wants her family back and wishes she didn’t keep having to kill people? To be fair, Angie seemed normal at first, it was only later we found out she wasn’t. I thought the dream was real up until Zac announced the three of them were going to be a family, and I would actually respect Hunter a teensy bit more (not like but respect) if he held out an olive branch to Charlotte instead of pretending he’s better than her. Not sure why she bothered digging up the gun and handcuffs if she was just going to fall asleep with them in front of her: She can’t have been planning to frame Billie at that point (she didn’t know she was back until later) and if Kat had brought another search warrant with her they’d have been found easily.

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A rare thing is about to happen but I disagree with you about Ash & Phoebe flirting while searching. It was obvious both were using Billie as a way to escape from the news of Denny. It was only that scene just before Kat phoned that really showed any flirting.

Still not a fan of the pairing though.

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