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Baby Casey did it Simpsons refence to when Maggie shot Mr Burns haha

Noo I reckon they could wimp out and have Gunno do it or one of his Henchmen Maybe Oscar they are slowly trying to change his character now.

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Nought's had, all's spent,
Where our desire is got without content;
'Tis safer to be that which we destroy
Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.

And a round of applause for Charlotte, everybody. I'm certainly taking that last scene of her floating in the water as her being dead, and not just bobbing around for the fun of it while she dreams up her latest evil scheme. And what a presence she's been. The show's definitely going to be a lot less fun without her.

Well, H&A certainly knows how to do season finales. Only three real criticisms of all this: too much dramatic underscore; Andy and Evie - really?; and nearly everyone in the Bay's tendency to, as Red put it, "say variations of "I'm going to kill her!", after which most of them wandered off on their own and a few of them came back saying things like "We don't have to worry about Charlotte anymore.""

So yes, I think that aspect could have been done with a lot more subtlety, but otherwise it's an undeniably clever and compelling way to end the year. To make more or less every Bay resident a suspect is no mean feat, and it's only really in this last week that the storyline's started to look hammy as a result - and really, how could it not? But it's worth it for the pay-off, and I for one am glad we're getting this a few weeks later so that we can pick up with it straight away on Monday, rather than waiting for weeks while the show goes on hiatus. I'm curious, but not deeply interested, in who killed her, unless it happens to be someone I like. Most likely it'll be one of the Braxtons Plus - in which case, good, as one or more of them will probably end up in jail for it. I'll be furious if it's Irene (I don't believe for a second that it is), and I won't be happy if it's any of the teens (except Hunter, which would be pretty poetic). I'd quite like it if it was more than one unrelated character who each happened to show up at the pier at the same time. Or yes, why not the whole damn town?

Hunter could, perhaps, at a push, have started to redeem himself if he'd broken down and admitted his crimes at this point, and told everyone that his mum was responsible for killing Denny. But nope; he caught the first cab out of town, and with it goes any sense that I'm ever going to be able to forgive him. There was way too much time devoted here to his goodbye with Olivia - the one scene would have sufficed, and repeating it almost word-for-word outside the cab was totally unnecessary. Or was it? It did, after all, indicate that Hunter was still in the Bay at the time Charlotte was murdered, which perhaps was why it had to be there...

It was nice to see Oscar doing the mature thing and telling Matt and Maddy not to hold off on his behalf (although they still should have for a while, in my opinion). That felt more like the Oscar I knew and loved, than the jealous, violent one we've seen over the last few weeks - so I was glad we'd finally moved on from all that. Except that then we got a glimpse of him kicking bits of furniture on the seafront, in possibly the least subtle of all the suspect set-ups. I don't at all buy him as a potential killer, so I'm hoping the focus on him here was a deliberate misdirection..

The wedding - well, apart from Charlotte's 'Oh, What A Touching Scene' intervention, and Kat's own rather insensitively delivered bombshell - seemed to go down well for the most part, and I am glad for Leah and Zac, even if he is now on borrowed time by default. The family setup at Summer Bay House (them, Alf, Roo (does she live there now? Who knows) and about nineteen teenagers, give or take) is unorthodox, but does seem to work pretty well, and I'm hoping the two of them are going to remain at the centre of the show for years to come, taking in the obligatory waifs and strays whenever they show up.  I had hoped Roo and Harvey would fulfil this purpose, but it seems Roo is being sidelined a bit for some reason these days.

Odd that Brax didn't get a credit for his random looking-pensive-in-a-shed-somewhere cameo on Friday. I was watching out for it, as I was praying that his name would show up in the guest list rather than the regulars.

And still no reprieve for Skye! I also assumed the phone call John received was probably her, though.

Guess I should catch up with this 'Eye for an Eye' spin-off now. Are we talking that in here, or someplace else?

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I am quite fickle, I tuned into the start of the episode and ended up watching the entire ep, seeing as I am still a casual viewer due to the format of the show now but the episode was good, watchable, and a lot better than the 2014 season finale. A good mix of drama and suspense and normality such as the wedding reception scene. So now ding dong the witch is dead, aka Charlotte King. I spent a few seconds examining Brax's hand tattoo in his guest shot.

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I have to admit, whilst he didn't deserve it I was kind of glad Irene hit Chris as I felt he's had it coming for a while.  Was a bit surprised he and Hannah finished that quickly.  But he was actually astute enough to realise the longer he continued with the relationship the more hurt he would have been.  Given that he finished with her like that, I am now questioning whether he did actually love her or whether he told her that just to keep the relationship going.

O-M-G Andy and Evelyn.  The kiss was awesome and seemed to come out of nowhere.  I would normally have loved the fact that Hannah saw them kissing if anything as I like to see her out of shape but this time I'm concerned if Andy/Evelyn know Hannah saw them kiss neither of them will want to take things further.

I'm completely torn with Charlotte.  I actually felt very sorry for her when I saw her crying at the beginning of yesterday's episode.  I don't think Hunter has any idea how much she loves him.  And I've absolutely hated his attitude towards his mother as of late.  He has shown her no loyalty whatsoever.  If that had been me I would have appreciated the fact that whilst what she did was evil she did it partially out of a twisted sense of love (there was also an element of self-interest i.e. she wanted to get away with it and didn't want to go to jail).  So I'm annoyed at him for that.  I also loved how she turned up at the wedding and tried to ruin it as I love watching drama unfold.  Whilst not as good as Ethan ruining Amanda's wedding I was actually hoping she would reveal all.  That really would have set the cat amongst the pigeons.  Although that would have put Andy in serious strife so maybe not.  I would have at least have liked her to reveal to everyone that Brax was still alive just to see Ash's reaction.  I did have an issue in her scene with Hunter saying that this was all his fault.  No Charlotte this was completely your own doing.  Firstly she helped to cover up the fact that Hunter started the fire - There's an argument a more responsible parent would have turned him in.  She choose the get rid of the safe and whilst her killing Denny was an accident rather than report the matter to the police she disposed of her body.  Then she emptied Hunter's trust fund and murdered Trystan.  So whilst I agree with her that she did it all for Hunter nobody forced her to do those things.  If she followed the logic actions have consequences she might not have ended up in this situation or with a bullet inside of her and that would have been good mythology to pass onto her offspring when she was raising him.

Well I was surprised Olivia slept with Hunter so quickly because she wasn't under any pressure to do so.  And whilst I wasn't particularly happy about it I like that she at least feels close enough to someone.  Him leaving was kinda disappointing as I would like to see him stick around and face what happens.  I honestly believe if the stuff comes out about the fire Olivia will stand by him.   She's found things difficult since she came to the bay and she's felt as though he's been there for her so that will probably outweigh almost any bad thing he's done.

I'm so over Maddy and Matt already.  Don't find anything interesting about them at all.  And I thought Maddy and Oscar were bad.

When Oscar threw the chair for a moment I thought he was going to do a Kyle (re the cot).  Interestingly how Kyle walked off when Oscar asked him if he'd ever been angry enough to kill someone.  Kyle?  Never.  Come one Oscar you must have known about Casey.  If the circumstances are right Kyle could very well be digging a hole like Charlotte one day.

Really wasn't expecting to see Brax at the end of that episode.  Just as Ricky accepts Nate's proposal of marriage.  Now this could get very interesting.

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The list of suspects is a long one, the only male who definitely couldn't have done it is Josh, the others - well!!  From what I could make out, bearing in mind it was dark was that Charlotte knew her killer, obviously, because she said 'What are you doing here?' not 'What are you doing here?  Also from the build it looked like a male wearing dark clothing, which to me rules out Irene, her coat was light coloured. Too big to be any of the other women, btw didn't she fall back into the lido? Just realised the suspects are literally A-Z!  One person who's not been suggested is Brax himself.  As we don't exactly know the time line it could be Hunter was with Olivia at the time of the shooting.  In true who-dun-it fashion the main suspects did all wander off and all looked guilty when they re-appeared, which one isn't a red herring? While it's good to be kept on tenterhooks waiting for the Yabby Creek constabulary to narrow down the suspects I hope they don't do what they normally do in soaps, keep nicking the wrong person only to have to release them the next day.  I thought it was very well done, from Charlotte gate crashing the wedding, hinting at the various secrets being kept, even including her own son's crime.  Neatly dealt with and a marriage ceremony actually managed to go ahead. Andy and Josh still hadn't worked out how Charlotte knew he had killed Jake.

I'm with Hunter (and Slade) he wasn't responsible for Denny's death, that was down to Charlotte, even though it was an accident, it was her covering for him (again)!  if she'd done the right thing at the beginning, after the arson attack, we wouldn't be where we are now, Denny would still be alive and so would she. One last thing Charlotte will leave behind is everyone being suspicious of each other.

From what Alf said to Chris the other night about keeping an eye on her, he does know Irene is an alcoholic.  He dealt with her very well, steering her away from the party, taking her home and telling her although he didn't know what had turned her back to the drink he wanted to help, he certainly didn't deserve that slap.  It's not often we see his sensitive side so a shame that when we do it's abused.  It was too late for her to apologise later, but meanwhile she has decided to find her child, but first she needs to see a counsellor which in turn will get her back on the wagon. The drinking is the symptom not the cause. Must have hurt him to tell Hannah he knew she still had feeling for Andy, even though nothing had happened.  He said what we have been saying her responding she loved him, she never said it first, was like pulling teeth.

Even though Oscar kind of gave Matt and Maddy his blessing  to be a couple it was sort of nice they didn't dance together in front of him and the others, but did it in private.

Probably wrong but I felt that kiss between Andy and Evie was more of a sympathy snog than anything. 

I also think that call John got was from Skye seeing as she is back in it next week.  Maybe she managed to get hold of a phone but was only to able to ring his number before her mum came back.

The gods definitely don't want Nate and Ricky to be together do they? 

Good question atrus where do we put any chat about the Eye for an Eye spin-off?

As has been said at least we get back  into it  on Monday.

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51 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

The list of suspects is a long one, the only male who definitely couldn't have done it is Josh, 

Unless of course his eyesight has returned and he just hasn't said anything......or he went to find Andy to tell him the good news and stumbled across Andy and Charlotte arguing. She pulls a gun, he steps in, bang...Kat and Damo all over again! I'm actually totally convinced that it was either him or him and Andy together. (It's my worst nightmare because he's one of my favourites but everything is pointing to him in my head!) He's been saying Charlotte's a psycho ever since she threatened him after he tried to tell her to stop seeing Matt. The way she said "what are you doing here" was pretty much the same way she greeted Josh on the stairs of the diner flat when he went to see her. The tapping sound just before the murder could have been his cane - used to make her think he was still blind - or because things were still a bit fuzzy. 

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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Good question atrus where do we put any chat about the Eye for an Eye spin-off?

For anyone who's missed it, it's on tomorrow in the day on C5. Going to record it and post my thoughts here after I've caught up...

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On ‎19‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 7:15 PM, Slade said:

Interestingly how Kyle walked off when Oscar asked him if he'd ever been angry enough to kill someone.  Kyle?  Never.  Come one Oscar you must have known about Casey.  

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Oscar knows nothing about it: It was a year before he came to the Bay and it's not something that would necessarily come up in casual conversation.

I can't be bothered to watch An Eye for an Eye.Maybe one day I'll be bored enough to get curious but it's a busy week.I can't quite tell from the publicity whether it's entirely incompatible with the 2016 season or if it's something that could have happened but which they'll never mention again.(Which, if it has the resolution to the Gunno storyline, is going to be very strange.)I did notice there was a time skip in today's episode: It begins the night Charlotte was killed but then another day that we see nothing of passes before the body is discovered.Is it meant to have happened then?Ricky suddenly being protective of Casey felt like something was being suggested...

But anyway, we're finally into the 2016 season, seven weeks behind Australia and my main thought is how far into this season will we get before the first break.As to the plot, bit meh so far.It's probably my problem but my interest levels nosedived whenever Olivia appeared, her suddenly acting like Hunter's the most important thing in the world to her seems ludicrous yet I've got a horrible feeling we're meant to just go along with it.Of course, if this is the following the Angie storyline, he's just killed his mother.(I'm assuming the scenes took place in the order they were shown, meaning the two Hunter/Olivia scenes took place either side of her death.)On the other hand, these days if it is him he'll probably get a medal and everyone will lie for him.Not happy to see Charlotte still being blamed for things that were Hunter's fault, in the same way that I'm not happy about Ash once again being blamed for things that were Brax's fault.No real clues about the killer, although Irene's definitely acting like she's got something to hide with the way she got rid of that coat.

One plus point about the Brax reveal is that Kyle got told straightaway.Hard to find anything else positive: Ash even apologises to Phoebe after I cheered him having a go at her and she was as self-righteous as ever.No real follow-up to Andy and Evelyn, although I suppose objectively I can't blame Hannah for her reaction.And where's Oscar?Given that we last saw him smashing up a chair, I'd have thought someone would have checked on him.Has he disappeared and no-one's noticed again?

And Dylan.I thought when he got a name check last season (he sent Kat flowers after her brother's death) that it was leading somewhere and here he is.He seems a fair bit older than Kat but not too bad so far, guess we'll have to see if he really does turn out to be the monster that her references to an abusive ex have suggested.(I get the feeling the actor's really well known in Australia but my main experience of him is that he shared scenes with Charlotte Best in Puberty Blues...)

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So, An Eye for An Eye...

Heath's tattoos weren't quite right, he seemed to be missing one on his right arm. His costume was all wrong too with the t-shirt rather than a vest (wife beater).

The endless amount of cash in the Angelo's account has been depleted a lot since Brax left then, obviously with it not being a cover for illegitimate businesses.

I know it's meant to be standalone too, but there was no sign of Irene being hungover or having been drinking or even struggling.

Oh, and they missed a chance to tie it in with Irene having had a baby taken from her.

I also hate that Heath deliberately let Gunno go, that's twice now they've destroyed his character development. I was willing him not to let him go as even though I knew the character well enough to know he now wouldn't, I don't trust the show not to ruin the character, and I was right not to.

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