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On 3/20/2016 at 4:52 PM, H&Alover said:

Good question atrus where do we put any chat about the Eye for an Eye spin-off?

Here perhaps:

Although someone has already posted their thoughts in this thread.

Whilst I'm not happy that Charlotte's dead one good thing to come out of this is we will never get to see Kat's smug victorious expression after arresting her for Denny's murder.  My initial thoughts were I hope that Kat puts as much effort into finding Charlotte's murderer as  she relentlessly pursued Charlotte for Denny and Trystan.  She clearly wasn't happy about the detective taking over her case (I'm assuming she's slept with him).

I like how Olivia was worried for Hunter.  She did the right thing telling Irene.  I wonder if he's going to see his grandmother.  I suppose Zac can't tell him via text or voicemail that Charlotte's dead so they'll just have to wait for him to turn up and tell him to his face.  Assuming he doesn't find out from a third party before then.

It was disappointing that Evelyn barely acknowledged Andy.  Hannah annoyed me with her stupid jealousy.  What business is it of hers whether they kissed?

I'm with Ash.  This is definitely Phoebe's fault.  And I hope she is proud of herself for ruining Ricky's happiness.

Kyle's reaction upon finding out Brax was alive was brilliant.  Looks like he was getting angry again...

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So - the special. Not sure why, but I was expecting some kind of 'Heath and Bianca's Adventures in The City' sort of set-up, so I was surprised that it followed on so directly from the finale, had a load of current cast in it, and actually continued the ongoing storyline with Gunno. To say it involved all the characters I'm customarily not interested in, I actually really enjoyed it. I didn't like Heath's decision at the end, but it was encapsulated in the title and thus I was expecting it all along - and he is a Braxton, after all. Actually he and Bianca felt a little bit superfluous despite that - the focus being primarily on Ricky - but it was nice to have them back all the same.

Irene's role was a bit odd, because (except for the bit at the beginning where she came in with The Coat on) she was acting more like her usual self, and not like she was on the drink, or about to become a suspect in a murder case. But that's not a flat-out contradiction, and it could be that she was just having a slightly better day.

1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I can't quite tell from the publicity whether it's entirely incompatible with the 2016 season or if it's something that could have happened but which they'll never mention again.(Which, if it has the resolution to the Gunno storyline, is going to be very strange.)

So far, it doesn't seem to be incompatible. On other threads just after it aired in Aus, people were calling it an 'alternate timeline' and 'separate universe', but I feel like they are both misnomers, from what I've seen. It feels to me as if the events of Eye for an Eye fell on the night Charlotte died then through to the missing day that you mentioned - and if so, I don't think anything that happened on Monday actually contradicts the special, although perhaps someone will tell me I'm wrong. Phoebe even says to Ricky that it's been a 'rough couple of days', and as you point out, Ricky seems unwilling to drop Baby Casey off at Cheryl's house, saying she doesn't want to leave him. Which to my mind hints at what's just happened, even if it's not mentioned outright. Likewise Nate calls it a 'whole new day', implying that there was more to Ricky's 'sorry' than letting him down because of a tummy bug. Certainly some scenes are actually common between today's main H&A episode and the special (such as Ricky telling Nate on the phone that she was ill). If the continuity between the two proves to be watertight as I suspect it might, then it's been done very cleverly. If it proves to be different, then I don't know why they'd have made the effort to tie it in so neatly initially. I don't know whether Gunno's story will now resurface in the main show - that's the only part likely to have an effect on ongoing continuity, so I'm going to be watching carefully - but at least now the odd dropping by the wayside of his story with Charlotte a few weeks ago makes sense; they were setting him up for the special instead. 

My only niggle with watching the special was that I ended up spending all of the Monday episode looking for the joins and thinking about what I'd just seen, and not really listening to the relatively mundane goings-on in the premiere. But in summary: Ricky continues to be mad that no-one told her Brax was alive, which given what I'd just seen them go through in the special, fell a little flat for me; a smarmy detective comes to town, but the focus is all on his relationship with Kat; a few people act a little bit like they might have murdered Charlotte; but aside from that, most of the focus seems to be on (in my view) comparatively pointless side-quests like Ash/Phoebe's relationship and Evie/Andy's kiss.

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I'm not really sure what the point of The Eye for Eye episode was. But its a shame it wasn't used for a real storyline. The best part for me was seeing Heath again and the chasing after Gunno through the bush, Oh and Ash and Gunno's showdown was also good but all seemed abit pointless to be truthful

Some very odd background music was used I thought But I guess they were going for a movie type feel but it would be one of these bad made for TV movies :lol:

Might sound cruel but it was odd seeing Ricky so upset about Casey Not too sure he took him and how

The ending made me laugh like the ending of a corny horror movie :lol:

Wasn't sure so I went for spoiler tags in case you guys hadn't seen it

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Glad I wasn't the only one, atrus, to think Irene's behaviour in the special was odd, acting as if the last couple of days hadn't happened and she hadn't fallen off the wagon.  I kept watching the special waiting for Brax to show up.  I hope TPTB don't really expect us to believe Gunno  survived that fall and that movement of his hand was just a final death spasm.  Some consistency at least in Ricky's reaction to hearing Brax was alive both in the regular show and special.  I know she hated not being told things to 'protect' her but there is also Casey to think of this time. She knew/knows what Brax was like and once he'd set his mind to something it was near to impossible to change it and this was so him.  Sadly he was proved right, another little niggle once it was found Casey was missing and Ricky ran out into the street screaming his name, not that he could answer, where were all the neighbours, you would think John at least would have come out to see what all the noise was about. I have to say Gunno took a big risk getting himself stabbed, that guy just needed to be a few inches out and the whole plot line would have been lost. The nurse who was duped into helping had a different idea of how things were going to turn out than what Gunno (Keith) explains why he called himself Gunno, Keith doesn't have quite the same menacing ring, actually had in mind. 

Back to the bay. Well Charlotte's murder does bring the body count up to three, none of them natural or an accident, which is high even for Summer Bay's standards.  Dylan is Kat's ex who as he hinted didn't treat her very well when they were together, hope they can both be professional enough not to let it interfere with the job at hand. Oops so it was the sea she went into, my mistake.  I was watching the faces when Kat broke the news so see if anyone didn't look as shocked as they should have if innocent but nothing stood out. Once the pathologist has narrowed the time that Charlotte died they can get down to interviewing 'the usual suspects'. Even after everything Hunter had done I really can't see him shooting his mum. besides would he have texted to say he was OK if he had, he would have just gone with no word to anyone. Irene was acting shifty chucking her coat away after she discovered the missing button, but that could be another red herring. So after I had ruled Josh out due to him being blind he has, as seen in the trailer, got his sight back, so that could put him back in the frame. Be interesting to see the meeting between Nate and Dylan as he knows what happened between them.

I do wish everyone would stop having a go at Ash, he was put in an impossible position by Brax, because as already said what Brax said went no arguments, Kyle is another one who should know that. I did like Ricky's threat if he did turn up he was going to wish he had died!

I think Evie was embarrassed which is why she ignored Andy. It may have been the  age gap Hannah was bothered about, otherwise she had no right to have a go at Andy, they weren't together so he wasn't cheating on her and Evie is 18 so an adult not a young teenager.

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More tiresome Brax and relationship stuff today when the primary focus should be on who killed Charlotte, in my view. Why doesn't Ash just email Brax and tell him Kyle, Ricky et al know he's alive now, rather than this talk of everyone 'going looking' for Brax - or did I miss an explanation for that? Quite possibly I did, as I wasn't paying proper attention.

It seems Ricky's as fed up of Brax's endless comebacks as I am now, and much as Nate doesn't thrill me, I'd much rather she stayed with him, just so we could put this whole phase of the show behind us. Irene was back to her traditional worldly-wise advisory role again today, a bit like she was in the special.

And I'm sorry but with everything going on, I cannot begin to summon the remotest interest in Evie and Andy's kiss. We just seem to have switched from the needless Josh/Evie/Tank triangle, to a needless Andy/Evie/Josh one. I was a bit curious about who sent that text at the end, though, to tell Josh what happened? Apart from Evie and Andy, doesn't only Hannah know about the kiss? Again, this could be down to me not paying attention.

Kat should be off this investigation for so many reasons. Like she says, she knows everyone on the whiteboard personally; she had several pretty major arguments/run-ins with Charlotte herself, so should also be on the board herself; and she broke into her flat to look for evidence. I believe in dramatic licence up to a point but I'm afraid this is just ridiculous. The sensible way to proceed would have been for Emerson/the smarmy new guy to suspend Kat again and have her continue a parallel 'unofficial' investigation.

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Hang on, the special gives Gunno's first name as Keith? Because according to the credits throughout his tenure, his first name's Trevor. Evidence that it's a parallel universe?

Well, it’s nice that Kyle doesn’t seem to be putting too much of the blame on Ash and acknowledges that Brax is the one who really kept it secret. I can see both Kyle and Ricky’s point of view. Kyle has just found out his brother’s still alive so it’s understandable he’d want to find him, but he isn’t giving enough consideration to why Brax is in hiding. Meanwhile, Ricky’s stung by the fact that he abandoned them and isn’t willing to just pick up where they left off, but it’s perhaps a good idea that she’s there to keep Kyle in line. Irene assuming Ricky will pick Nate over Brax is a bit optimistic given that every female in town seems to choose the devil over the angel…not that Nate’s much of an angel as he basically admits he never saw Sophie as someone long term.

The investigation didn’t really seem to go anywhere but it’s slightly surprising that Phoebe would be so quick to lie for Ash, given that we know he spent some time apart from her. Maybe she’s used to the way the Braxton Pluses do things. (Or maybe she’s got something to hide herself..?)

So…is that it for Andy and Evelyn? An incredible waste if so, I thought they had potential but now it seems we’re waiting for the inevitable Josh/Evelyn and Andy/Hannah reunions even though both pairings are well past their sell by dates. Hannah’s reaction, which last episode could have been the reaction of a family member worried that a young relative sort of still in her charge was being taken advantage of, now came across as pure jealousy. The way that Josh found out was typically ridiculous. If Andy’s so keen to keep it quiet, why leave a paper trail? And why do the usual soap thing of spelling out in precise details what happened to someone that already knows instead of just writing “Hannah won’t say anything”? Josh suddenly regains his sight…the only way this won’t be ridiculous is if he actually did have something to do with Charlotte. (Would he have admitted to Andy if he hadn’t seen him using the phone?)

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5 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Hang on, the special gives Gunno's first name as Keith? Because according to the credits throughout his tenure, his first name's Trevor. Evidence that it's a parallel universe?

The nurse called him Trevor at least once in the special, and he was credited as Trevor too. Not sure where Keith comes from!

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