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Ah okay.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier: Why is everyone suddenly accepting it as fact that Charlotte was the one who stole Kat's gun and handcuffs?Last time we checked Billie was still the main suspect, and the police seem to be ignoring the possibility that the killer stole the gun themselves.(Of course, we know it was Charlotte, but how do they?)I guess we're never going to get an explanation for why Charlotte dug them up either...

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15 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I think Evie was embarrassed which is why she ignored Andy. It may have been the  age gap Hannah was bothered about, otherwise she had no right to have a go at Andy, they weren't together so he wasn't cheating on her and Evie is 18 so an adult not a young teenager.

My philosophy is if there are two or more adults (regardless of any age differences) and they are consenting to romantic/sexual activity and not hurting anyone then I'm not bothered.  But your point about the age gap is valid however I don't believe that to be the reason given that Hannah's always had feelings for Andy.  Regardless it was disappointing that neither Andy or Evelyn want to take things further.  In fact they're both fully committed to getting their previous partners back.  I've questioned Andy's intelligence before but how could he be so stupid as to send Evelyn a text message like that.  Had to laugh at Josh getting his site back.  Just at the right time.  Evelyn's face when he confronted her was brilliant.

Kyle's behaviour was reminiscent of when Brax took money out of Angelos to lend to Andy i.e. once again spitting his dummy out because he couldn't handle the fact that he wasn't consulted about a major decision.  And I didn't like the way he was pressurising Ricky when he was trying to get her onside.  It was bordering on bullying.

Nate's expression upon hearing Brax was alive and seeing Ricky struggle with her feelings was amusing too.  I didn't think he would have it in him to let her go like that given how long he's been with her and finally got what he wanted.  So that's Chris and Nate both setting the women they said they were in love with free because they felt they were still in love with someone else.


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Well, that’s pretty much my worst fears confirmed: Hunter’s back and they made him a regular, meaning he’s going to get away with all his crimes with a token punishment if any. (It also rules out the chance of him going to jail for killing Charlotte, so either it was someone random like Gunno or a main character will get away with it. I suppose they could do what they did with the Who Shot Josh West story and make it a regular who’s leaving. Without being spoilerish, it seems half the cast are either confirmed or rumoured to be leaving so there’s plenty of candidates.) On the plus side, Skye’s a regular too! So at least there’s one teenage girl on the show who I don’t want to strangle.

Talking of…how much of a brat is Olivia? Honestly, she’s cuddling up to Hunter yet she pours scorn on the idea of someone dating Chris. The girls in this town really are incapable of picking the nice ones. Are we meant to care that Hunter may have been with someone else? It’s hardly the worst thing he’s done. (Mind you, given the androgynous name, maybe he’s telling the truth about a guy picking him up…That’d be a twist.) Zac is already halfway to following in Charlotte’s footsteps and covering up for Hunter.

Still, it’s lovely to have Skye back. Feels like a few more blanks needed filling in, notably how the heck she got to Summer Bay, but we got to see a caring side to John which reminds me what a good bloke he is when he’s not being made fun of.

Hard to sympathise with Josh, who seems to be completely overreacting. He and Evelyn haven’t been together for a long time, she can kiss whoever she likes. He’s been feeling superfluous for a while so I wouldn’t really care if he did leave.

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Agree about Josh overreacting but I still feel sympathy because he's a favourite of mine and I do care if he leaves!! (I know, table for one in that regard, sorryI!) That said, I can't help thinking that he's been lashing out for no reason a LOT since Tank hit him and I'm wondering if it's going somewhere? Indicating that he's actually pretty unstable. Andy seemed a bit over concerned that he'd gone off "by himself" and why did Evie feel the need to lower her voice when she told him Josh was "so angry". As you know, I'm firmly believing that Josh killed Charlotte, but now I'm wondering if Andy, Evie and Kyle know he's a loose cannon with a really short fuse......I'm watching carefully but I'm expecting some pretty erratic behaviour from him to come. Maybe he hasn't made as much of a miraculous recovery as I thought.

Hunter.....Olivia.....if they are any indication of the type of new blood the show has coming in, I may stop watching. Can't. Stand. Them. 

Leah's right Zach, you shouldn't have covered for Hunter with the cops. Idiot.

Yaaaay, Skye finally escaped. I've been worried! Yes, how did she get back to summer bay and how did she get into John's (presumably locked) house? 

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Sorry atrus, my hearing must be going!

You should all know by now, no-one locks their doors in the bay!

Maybe Red it was because it was Kat's gun Charlotte was shot with.

I see how on one hand Kat should stand down from the investigation due to her knowing the locals and her run-ins with Charlotte but Emerson has kept quite about that too,  but it's tempered with her local knowledge and she did tell Dylan she thought Zac and Hunter were hiding something due to the very fact she does know them.  Despite of everything he has done in the past I can't honestly see him killing his mum in cold (or should that be hot) blood.  He genuinely looked shocked.  He's a smart lad but is he really that manipulative as in 'if I come back no-one will think I killed my mum' was more his mums game.  Don't forget Zac doesn't know of Hunter's past crimes and this is a lot bigger than arson, shoving Josh down the stairs, taking the diners safe. From what I remember of that confrontation between Hunter and Charlotte Zac was the only one near enough to hear what he said but that is going to come back and bite both of them on the bum. 

Quick aside Josh did say to Andy he was just ringing him probably to break the news his sight had come back when Andy walked in. I would have thought he would have gone to the hospital to get checked out at least.

I know Andy has a reputation but Hannah was quick to assume it was him that kissed Evie when it was in fact the other way round, it could have been anyone Ash, Chris it just happened  to be Andy. 

As been mentioned it seems Irene has recovered from her fall of the wagon, going by the advice she was giving Nate and so now it's two more people outside of the family who know Brax is alive!  Isn't Kyle and Ash (maybe) going to look for him going to alert Gunno (assuming he's still alive in this Summer Bay).  I think Ash has said he can't get hold of Brax anymore, so either ditched or switched his phone off.  As he explained to Ricky he has been there before with Brax suddenly reappearing and doesn't want to go there again, Ricky has to decide by herself with no interference from him who she wants.

Ash and Phoeb weren't the only two who didn't spend all their time together after the wedding Zac did his disappearing act.  Have the police got a time line (more or less) when Charlotte was killed otherwise it's a big gap from the afternoon to her body being found, how do they know it happened at night?

Make that a table for two little bean I like Josh too, he's been through a lot lately. 




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Quick aside on the murder investigation (now dropped because the police have had their three episodes this week), if you look at my impromptu guide, Kat is one of the few potential suspects that we don't know for sure spent some of the night alone.If she did have other officers with her the whole time, that would explain why she's not in the frame.Uncomfirmed as yet, of course.

It felt like that episode focused on two shallow and superficial couples that feel like they're going to be around for some time to come.I really don't understand some of the comments I've read about Oscar at Oz pace because it seemed to me he behaved impeccably here.He was as civil and supportive to Maddy and Matt as they have any reason to expect him to be, even though Maddy was doing the childish thing and avoiding him.So Matt and Maddy have apparently spent all the time since we last saw them having sex.Well, yeah, what else would they have been doing?Physical attraction is pretty much the entire basis of the relationship, they've got nothing to talk about, nothing in common, their lives are heading in completely different directions, it really is something they should have got out of their system back in high school.Instead they're talking about moving in together.I feel a bit bitter about the fact that whenever Oscar suggested sharing a room with Maddy he got eye rolls and snorts of "Yeah, like that's going to happen", but no-one has a problem with Matt and Maddy having sex on tap 24/7.I don't know, maybe Maddy and Oscar were at it like rabbits when we weren't looking?The really frustrating thing is watching that episode I realised I do still like Maddy.I want her to be happy, on one level I like seeing her happy but on another I can't believe that it's real or that Matt can actually make her happy on any meaningful level.It really is Ash and Phoebe all over again, they throw the L word about (and the fact that he's the fourth boy Maddy's said it about in less than three years demonstrates how meaningless it is) and make out but I just don't believe it.I think it helped that Maddy spent a fair chunk of the episode away from Matt, who I'm finding very smug and punchable, and I at least got to enjoy some Platonic Madscar scenes.But I still had to sit through that vomit-inducing first scene and her attempted justification to Roo that just made her look even worse.("We've known each other a really long time!"Er, yeah but you spent most of it being casual acquaintances at best. "I've liked him a really long time!" So...basically you were stringing Oscar along ever since you got back together?Thanks, that does a lot for the cause...)

And then we have Hunter and Olivia, with Olivia acting like the one night stand who won't go away and thinks she's the most important person in Hunter's life so why isn't he talking about his feelings to her dammit?! Part of me thinks it would have been more in character for Hunter to have stayed ambivalent about Charlotte's death than the tears on the rocks scene we got, but okay, I think he did want to make things up with her on one level so I'll accept it.But it was weird to have Olivia accusing him of making fun of himself when he was doing the exact opposite, and I couldn't see his fondling of her as anything other than him thinking she's an easy bunk-up.So again, are we really meant to care that he may or may not have been with someone else?

For the second episode running, Skye was a shining light in a pit of superficiality.I loved her opening scene with John, an easy and relaxed relationship with his offer of a home to her being a touching reinstatement of the core's true values: That this is real family.And I loved the sweet instant friendship between her and Oscar, which just shows that you can have two likable characters forming a believable bond in a short space of time if you can just find two likable characters.Her moral, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die", is definitely one I'm going to bed using from now on.And when Carol turned up at the end, I think it's a long time since I've been that scared for a Home and Away character.

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Alf’s episode count this week: Four. VJ was only in one.

Well, fair play to Kassandra Clementi. I’ve expressed my doubts in other threads about her ability to make me carry on liking Maddy while she’s with Matt, but for the most part she’s doing it. I think it helps that I did actually like Matt and Maddy as friends, so while I find them completely unbelievable as a couple (and instinctively roll my eyes at the L word being thrown around), I find myself enjoying scenes which don’t involve them pawing each other. Maddy’s reaction to discovering Matt willingly shares his caravan with a possum was actually very funny, her night from hell with mosquitos and constant noise even more so. I did query her saying the previous night was bad when she seemed to have only moved in that day, until I remembered she stayed the previous night as well. As was pointed out though, she was living rough when we first met her and had been for months, so her sudden “princess” behaviour does feel slightly out of character. It’s been nice to see her regularly working at Angelo’s at last as well. I don’t really buy them as the “adult relationship” Roo claimed they are though, and there’s a certain irony in the fact that Maddy had a year knocked off her age to make her the same age as Oscar (even though that causes a whole heap of problems with her early episodes, including turning Casey into a would-be paedophile), then she gets paired with Matt, who’s the age she should be. As an aside, keep forgetting to mention that we got confirmation earlier in the week that Evie (and presumably Oscar) has turned 18 at some point since she was dating Tank.

Good old Oscar. I knew he wouldn’t just walk away after hearing Skye and her mother arguing, and sure enough he came riding to the rescue. Despite an awkward disparity between Carol’s behaviour at the end of the interior scenes and her behaviour when being dragged away by the police, I think the way things were resolved was excellent. It was a good move to give Skye her moment of power when she stands up to Carol and forces her to face the fact that she’s been blaming Skye because she can’t handle her own guilt, instead of just making her someone that needs rescuing. (Recent mentions of Melody elsewhere on the forum leave me feeling this is how things should have gone with her and her mother. Instead it got ended at the bit where the Summer Bayers left them alone convinced things would be all right now and didn’t see what happened next…) The scenes between John and Skye again underline that there’s a right way and a wrong way to introduce new characters, I believe in the bond between them in a way that I don’t between Irene and Olivia, even though it’s happened just as fast. Nice scene between Oscar and Chris as well, although I would like happy Chris back some time.

Billie seems to have lucked out on the lawyer front, she’d be better off with Ash defending her by the sound of things. I continue to have an extreme fondness for the girl and really don’t believe she deserves this. Phoebe actually did the right thing for once and again the bond between Ash and Billie is something that I genuinely believe in.

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