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Arguably it's all happened way too quickly - and yes, there was a little too much L-word for so early in the day - but other than that, I'm actually enjoying the resolution to the Matt/Maddy/Oscar triangle on all sides. I think Alex and Kassandra play off against each other brilliantly. While not agreeing with all of their behaviour in getting there, I do think they're a believable couple - and there's plenty of comedy potential there, with the possum stuff in particular cracking me up. I especially loved the scary underscore accompanying the transition from Skye's crazy mother grabbing her, to Maddy being terrified by the possum!

(Tangent/confession time: this has reminded me that, when I was about nine or ten and (already) watching H&A, and I'd hear them talking about possums, I used to think that they were a fictional species invented specifically for the show. To my mind, that was why I'd never heard of them outside H&A, and also why they only ever seemed to be heard and not seen! This week I've been thoroughly disabused of that belief. :lol:)

Meanwhile, Oscar is entirely back to his usual gentlemanly self, I feel (so I'll be furious if he turns out to have killed Charlotte), and it was great to see him putting the past behind him and helping Matt clear out the caravan. His reconciliation/hug scene with Maddy was lovely, I thought, and long overdue. I also thought I detected an instant chemistry between him and Skye (loved her false horoscope reading for him) - and considering she appears to have joined the regular cast whereas Jett so far hasn't regained that status, I wonder if that's where we're going next on the love carousel. Certainly it is if Skye's eyes following Oscar down the road were anything to go by. The Skye stuff was surprisingly compelling despite her being so new; I love her relationship with John already, and although I felt her mother was dispatched a bit too quickly and conveniently (maybe we've not seen the last of her yet?) it does feel like Summer Bay is a natural home for her.

As for our other new regular, Hunter, it's clear they're already intent on tugging at my heartstrings where he's concerned. Well, they're going to have to tug hard. Fair play to Scott Lee; I thought he was excellent in the scene on the beach, as we saw the Bay's first (and maybe last?) tear shed for Charlotte. But despite being momentarily moved, I am still very much struggling with Hunter as a viable character I can care about, because of how he's behaved up to now and in some respects, how he's still behaving. 

It doesn't help that he apparently left town only to hook up straight away with the mysterious Lindsay (yes, I'm imagining a stubbly trucker too), thereby demonstrating exactly how invested he was in Olivia - which leaves me with the uncomfortable feeling that he took advantage of her a bit. Meanwhile, he's obviously being set up as a key Charlotte murder suspect, but I'm thinking he's way too obvious. What I would like, since he's evidently going to be with us for some time, is for him to take the initiative on the next step towards redemption, rather than waiting for circumstances to make us feel sorry for him. Perhaps he could start by confessing all about the house he burned down?

And yes, I was kind of hoping that Josh was serious about flouncing off to pastures new too, although I don't suspect for a minute that he will.

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I have kinda talked about Matt/Maddy in the character thread, but I am disappointed that the L-word was used so early on. It made me want to roll my eyes. However, I still think the characters have good chemistry and play off each other well. 

But that's why films/TV differ from books. In a book, all that matters is character development. Whereas on the screen, it is very easy to be swayed by an actor's/actress's performance or by character chemistry. It is why I love Billie even though I know logically that what she did to Nathan was horrendous - because the actress playing her does so well as depicting her vulnerability that I can't help but empathise with her. Similarly, how I respond to a couple is less about how compatible they are on paper, and more about how convincingly they come across as a couple. So on that note, I am still willing to give Matt/Maddy the benefit of the doubt.

Still can't bring myself to care about Hunter - especially while the fire is still a secret. It is clear that they are using the normal murder mystery of setting him up as a prime suspect by making him act really suspiciously even though we have some suggestion that this suspicious behaviour is due to something else. Zac is so adamant that Hunter's innocence that I am worried that may be because he knows for a fact who did do it.

Still really enjoying Skye. She seems another one of those characters - like Ash and Matt - who seems capable of having instant chemistry with anyone. I love her dynamic with John (I love how they went down the correct avenue by contacting the police rather than some other convoluted way of dealing with the problem). Although, I think it might be a bit weird having Skye staying there without Marilyn around. Oscar and Skye were sweet together - though I know Skye is currently taken (although I am sure not for long given Jett's offscreen status), I can't help thinking that she is more the type of girl that I imagined Oscar. 

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Hunter storyline is bonkers, he leaves Summer Bay to go on the run ...for one whole night but finds time to sleep with some random just 24 hours after telling Olivia he loves her - he's as tapped as his mother! Doesn't make sense. Of course the one night stand will arrive in the bay asking Leah at the diner where Hunter lives.

I like Matt and Maddie together but we know there is going to be a price to pay sooner or later, in soap land happiness is never free and when love is mentioned you can bet the writers are sharpening their pencils :-) However,  I think the possum stole the episode.

I don't get how the police can automatically assume Charlotte was murdered, they don't have the ballistic report back and as far as we know the only gun found was Kat's which Charlotte had. Charlotte probably shot herself as I don't think anyone has enough guts to do it apart from Andy and I don't think he did.

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4 hours ago, Psychic Wombat said:

I don't get how the police can automatically assume Charlotte was murdered, they don't have the ballistic report back and as far as we know the only gun found was Kat's which Charlotte had. Charlotte probably shot herself as I don't think anyone has enough guts to do it apart from Andy and I don't think he did.

Charlotte doesn't strike me as the type to throw in the towel.  Given that she's killed two people and the efforts she's gone to to conceal this (even trying to have Kat bumped off), I just can't see her turning the gun on herself.  I think she's the sort of person that even if she was tried and convicted she would still look for a way to appeal or even try to escape from prison.  And then there's Hunter, given that she did all of this for him I don't think she would contemplate never seeing him again.  There's always a chance he can forgive her in time and they can get their relationship back.  However the police are not subject to what the audience have seen and know so I would imagine if she shot herself she would have done it at home as opposed to by the peer, also I'm not sure if the police know that Charlotte had Kat's gun.  From their perspective someone could have just stolen it and used it to shot her.  I would also hazard a guess that even without going to ballistics someone experienced with murder cases would assume from the way she was found in the water and just looking at the bullet entry point.

It's hardly unexpected how quickly Maddy jumped into bed with Matt given when she first slept with Oscar nor is the use of the L-word.  But I am a little surprised they are moving in together.  While it's ridiculous at least it means Oscar doesn't have to be in the same house as her although he will see her fairly frequently at the caravan park.  Have to say he seems to be handling this very well and I'm very impressed with how good he's been to both of them.  Can't say I would be like that if I was in his position.  The best solution for Maddy would be to move in with Roo.  Why spend all your hard earned cash on rent when you don't have to?  That would also mean the relationship is not under as much pressure from an early stage a it's a bit much living together, working together and schooling together (assuming they are ever going back).  Although I'm glad Maddy and Oscar are over can't say I'm a fan of these two at all.

I purposely refrained from commenting previously because I wanted to give her a chance but nope don't like Skye.  Find her annoying although not quite the Chris Harrington level of annoyance.  Having watched her scenes she doesn't really interest me as a character in the slightest.  And at the end of yesterday's episode part of me was hoping that her mother would taken her away and locked her back in her bedroom.  The writers now insist on shoving annoying female characters down our throats Phoebe, Billie, Maddy and now Skye (although objectively Maddy hasn't been anywhere near as bad since before she had the big C).  I really wasn't impressed with Skye yesterday.  To me it came across as if she fancied Oscar and wanted to spend time with him.  Whilst taking advantage of her boyfriend's dad's good nature and imposing herself on him.  So if something does happen I will be far from impressed.  Also given that he went out with Maddy for months I would see Skye as a step down if he did embark on some sort of relationship.

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Not sure Maddie wants to move in with Roo, she's a bit of a parental figure and restrictive. It would be better if Maddie moved into the house after Roo moves out. Anyway, I wonder where Roo is going to find the money to get her own place and where it's going to be given the dire shortage of accommodation in Summer Bay.


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@Slade  Yes, Skye did seem to have eyes for Oscar after he saved her. Not sure Oscar is interested though, I think Asia would have made a better suitor. Not sure about Skye either, she's not a very rounded character at the moment, I find the scenes with her mother more amusing than dramatic, both over acting - the opposite to Lynne McGranger''s excellent scenes lately. But I'm not an expert, I would never have guessed Chris Hemsworth would have made it in Hollywood given his low key performance on H&A lol.

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I must admit my initial thought Skye hugging Oscar may lead to something, but I think it's just Skye, she's a huggy type of person.  She hugged VJ the first time she met him and she gave John a big hug when he said he'd contact DoCS about her staying with him.  She can't have been getting many hugs from her own mum and she seems a very tactile person. I'm more worried Oscar may read more into it than there is, he's feeling pretty bruised emotionally at the moment.  Can't see there being a real problem with her staying with John, yes I know she's a young, vulnerable female teenager, 16/17, but I would imagine they'd do pretty in depth checks. That was one dramatic showdown between Skye and her mum, btw for once a door was locked in the bay, too late for Carol to be able to get in, we didn't hear it but I guess Oscar had to smash a glass in the back door to get in. explains, though doesn't excuse Carol's behaviour towards Skye. Rather than admit maybe she was to blame because she was speeding it had to be Skye's for changing places with her sister. The look of horror on her face when she finally seemed to accept it was down to her was quite upsetting, but obviously a long way off from forgiving herself, hence the switch back to  aggressive mode when the police lead her out.  Nice to get a follow up, prison is no place for her and hopefully we will get more progress reports and  she's not just forgotten about. John had nothing to blame himself for, he could have hardly stood guard 24 hours a day and she did leave the front door open or at least didn't lock it.  I think Skye is a very intelligent girl so hardly a step down from Maddy intellectually speaking if that is what you were referring to Slade. 

So talking of Maddy and her sudden moving in with Matt and being all over each other, isn't that what most new loved upped couples (especially the young it seems) do, can't be apart from each other, either holding hands, arms round each other, snogging any chance they get? Maddy is 18 so perfectly free to do what she wants without asking anyone's permission, but I like she did tell Roo.  She's only in the caravan park and Alf can keep a discreet eye on her (did I just say Alf and discreet?).  She did indeed spend months in the bush with Spencer an survived, but perhaps sleeping under a proper roof for all this time, although not turning her into a princess, has spoilt her a bit and she's got used to home comforts. I'm not saying it's their age but sharing a cramped space is a big adjustment, nowhere to  go and have a sulk, she can hardly keep running back to the house. As an aside, Maddy could be one of those people who attract mozzies, while others (like Matt) aren't bothered by them at all. I have a feeling |Matt felt a bit freaked out when she was talking about finding a proper place which they could afford if they economised. One question answered Ro is still at James' old flat!  Though not for long.:wink:  It may be just be me but who was Roo to say Maddy was rushing into moving in with Matt who she has known for years, when Roo moved in with James pretty quickly when she hardly knew him  - pot, kettle love and no you can't use the excuse you are a lot older than Maddy that old get out line didn't work did it.  Out of the two of them it came across, to me  at least, Maddy  was more awkward around Oscar than he was around her, unless he was putting on a name sake winning performance.

I also have to admit the line don't be silly Billie (sorry):blush: crossed my mind when she told Phoebe she was thinking of running away. Why throw it all away now, she'd been doing everything right, making her way home, checking in at cop shops along the way, then to fall at the final hurdle.  Lucky Phoebe ran into Ash at the Diner and he voiced his concerns, I guess it was pure (soap) chance he happened to pick the way Billie had chosen to leave. She needs a Morag on her side, the evidence against her is circumstantial, no prints were found, if I remember correctly.

On to Hunter and Olivia, already mentioned the things he has been guilty of but murder no, still can't see it. Whoever this Lindsay person is (the person who picked him up?) he has told them he has a girlfriend and unless he told them where he came from it's going to be hard for them to find him.  Whilst Olivia did lose her mum in tragic circumstances, being run off the road by Jesse, she did have a good relationship with her and Chloe hadn't gone round killing people and burying them in the bush, stolen your trust money off you, lied about  the fact your dad didn't know you existed and hadn't deserted you. I don't know how genuine his tears were, the only thing I can think of is he did still love her and didn't want to admit, he is only 16 after all and for all those years has been the only parent he has had. I'm guessing his nan has been told and may at sometime may be making an appearance. 

As Kyle and now Ricky have gone in search of Brax and Kyle has been ringing Brax's old contacts, I'm guessing Gunno is no longer a threat.


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On ‎25‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 4:46 PM, Slade said:

schooling together (assuming they are ever going back).

Assuming you mean school school, all of the older teens should have left by now, although you can't rule out the dreaded "repeating a year" storyline.Matt indicated that he and Maddy should be going to uni soon.

Anyway, today's episode, which started with Olivia cavorting in a bikini with no sign of the scars she's meant to be feeling self-conscious about.Characterisation, what characterisation? Because by the end of the episode her transformation into an obsessive stalker-cum-pathetic doormat girlfriend is fully complete.It was bad enough her clinging to Hunter like a limpet during the funeral and then storming up to him on the beach wondering why he didn't see her...because of course it's all about her, which brought back bad memories of Ruby acting like she was the love of Xavier's life at Jack's funeral.But then he lists his crimes to her (although he notably omitted what happened to Marilyn, which he really can't blame Charlotte for) and she just sits there nodding like a dog before deciding to cover it up.So...basically she's now as bad as Charlotte was before the bodies started piling up.(Are we really meant to accept these two as someone sort of instant soul mates?Because I've seen nothing to indicate it's anything more than delusions on her part and convenience on his.)Having Hunter sit there with a sad face on does not make me feel sorry for him, especially when his sole motivation for the carnage he's caused is "I was angry." Andy develops a conscience several months and three deaths too late, but not much of a conscience.Would he have let Billie go to jail if there hadn't been a convenient dead person for him to suggest as a scapegoat?Would he have let her go to jail if Hunter had said "No thanks" and stayed quiet?Apparently so, given the judge seemed to come within seconds of giving a verdict and he was nowhere in sight.What a guy.Hunter doing the right thing for once does not make him sympathetic or a good guy, and it remains to be seen whether he'll stick to his "I don't want to blame Mum because she protected me" stance or if he'll just go on letting everyone think Charlotte did the Diner robbery and killed Denny to cover up her own crimes rather than his.Hopefully he's now looking at ten years in jail, more likely he'll get a slap on the wrist and everyone will instantly forgive him just like Olivia did. Consequences, what consequences?Which will make it a completely hollow gesture, if after all this he just gets away with it.

And we probably won't even see the smug prosecutor's reaction to falling flat on his face.(That's the guy that played Simon Broadhurst, the guy Angel ended up with, back in 1996 by the way, pretty much confirming suspicion that he wasn't a real pom.)Billie continues to be likable, aside from her rather bizarre support of Ash and Phoebe as a couple.Why Ash suddenly wants her back is a mystery, especially when her response is a self-centred, self-righteous "Well, you'll have to make me trust you again then."

Oh, and we don't get to see Denny's funeral but we do get to see Charlotte's.Because hey, who cares about Denny?It's more important to see her killer laid to rest while the slimeball responsible for both their deaths pulls sad faces.

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