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13 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Deep down, I don't think she did it, so taking that into account, unless there's some timing trick going on here, presumably it was someone else that Charlotte said "What are you doing here?" to.

On the subject of trick timing (and this may be my less-than-eagle eye at work again here)  presumably some must have been involved, as there must have been a struggle between Charlotte and the murderer to get the gun off her - which wasn't reflected in what we saw... Either that, or the murderer had got the gun from her at an earlier stage?

Either way, it doesn't seem totally conclusive to me that the 'you' Charlotte speaks to is the same person as the one that shoots her (albeit pretty likely).

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Before I forget, good to hear references to Dylan and Kat's past,  we had heard from her before he'd been psychically abusive as well as mentally and he didn't deny any of that.  Yet he's expecting them to maybe start up again with him saying 'I was a different person back then' so has he had counselling or been on an anger management course if not Kat is doing the right thing keeping their relationship professional. He definitely seems to have jealously issues the way he was giving Ash daggers in the Diner and then Ash warned him off hurting Kat in anyway.  This could lead, though I hope not, into him abusing his power as a cop to somehow fit Ash up for Charlotte's murder. We haven't seen Nate and Dylan come face to face yet which could prove interesting.

Irene, who seems to have got over her fall off the wagon and is back to her normal self, didn't to me at least, have as much of a reason to bump off Charlotte as some of the other townsfolk.  Who was she going to stand up for when she when after Charlotte.  The struggle could have happened anywhere and I have to say her (Charlotte) having been in the sea  didn't damage the DNA much. Something worried Irene enough to get rid of the coat when she saw it was damaged. Of course the person who killed Charlotte was the very last person to see her. Unless we didn't see it no-one has been asked what time they were doing such and such to establish their alibi.  Kat may be biased as she knows the locals but both her and Dylan agree that neither Hunter or Irene seem likely candidates.

Hunter had to  move out of the house after that revelation and I thought Irene did know what he had done when Olivia asked if he could move in? She did do the decent thing and square it with Zac and Leah.  Yes, it's her house, but Irene could and should have OK'd it with Chris about him sharing his room.

Billie certainly showed she was the bigger person by just wanting to le tit all go, it's not as if he's not going to be punished.  It may have helped Ash feel better, briefly, by giving him a thump but wouldn't resolve anything.  I'm glad Billie's sticking around and I thought Kat and her had already settled their differences. It is a big house so they can avoid bumping into each other. 

Until the other night I thought OK Olivia is a little over keen on Hunter but her insistence with trying to get hold of him at the time he was confessing to the cops was bordering on obsessional. 

Wow certainly wasn't expecting that melt down from Chris, I thought he may get all down and silent, his attack on Andy was unwarranted I don't think we've ever seen him lose it like that before so out of character, Hannah must have really, really meant something to him.  I think his outburst about her sleeping herself into people's hearts then breaking them was spot on. and totally justified.  Apart from Sean, who did all the running, there have been a trail of guys in the bay who have got stung by her. By the look on her face it seemed he had hit a nerve and gave her pause for thought. 


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Who are all these men that Hannah has left heartbroken? I'm genuinely asking because all I can remember is that she and Zach decided not to go there because of their responsibility to Oscar and Evie. She and Nate never really got off the ground although I can't remember if that was because of his wife or Ricky getting in the way. Andy, I get. She treated him really badly. Then finally Chris, who actually she just found it wasn't working with so she ended it. Upsetting for Chris yes but he's acting like they were married for years and she had a string of affairs behind his back.

I can take Hannah or leave her to be honest but I'm quite surprised at how many people seem to be cheering Chris on in his treatment of her. To me, he is behaving like a spoiled child. (My apologies to his many fans. I know he's universally loved but I just don't get it. He's an idiot who has no filter between his brain and his mouth and is prone to the most ridiculous over blown gestures without thinking them through. It's all about him and he makes my skin crawl........aaaaand breathe!) 

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Hannah's the sort of character who I would say isn't very faithful and becomes bored very easily, and its because of this I think is the reason why she jumps guy to guy She has said that she's bored playing the parent to Oscar and Evie before and she wants some excitement I think that's why she has slept around a fair bit. But she has become better now recently still annoys me though. But her and Chris work mostly well together. 

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The Summer Bay House of Horrors.... Matt could make a killing being a tour guide telling people where it happened but even he has lines he won't cross despite shagging the previous occupant in that building! :lol:

Incidentally, this pier diner flat never  existed before last year!

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When Irene was questioned the other day, there was a line from Dylan saying she'd been charged with murder twice, Lou de Bono and who else? 

Good strong start to the 2016 season with the mystery of who killed Charlotte and Hunter confessing to torching Leah's house, long may it continue

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So, confirmation that all the teens have got into uni (locally naturally, although Oscar is probably wishing now more than ever that he had a way out of town).Nice to get a little sibling scene between Oscar and Evelyn, and kind of liked the Oscar/Skye stuff too.She comes across as a bit too calm, I suspect she's bottling stuff up.I continue to be oddly appreciative of Chris' bitter side, it's about time he bit back after being the punchbag for anyone having a bad day.He totally owned Nate, first shutting down his attempts to act superior by revealing he's trying to help Irene, then telling him to butt out and get back to his own car crash of a life.And again he had a point with Hannah, who made a big deal about how he could be himself with her then decided she didn't like it.

Is it me or is it them?Because I really am finding Matt and Maddy a lot more annoying this year.Matt wasn't too bad in his own storyline (although all sorts of things clenched when he talked about "getting creative") but every time he said anything to Josh or Evelyn I wanted to clip him round the ear.(I initially thought Oscar's expression when Matt mentioned Andy and Evelyn's "pashfest" meant this was news to him and Matt had put him foot in it, but apparently it was just meant to be "Did you really just say that?"Not sure when Evelyn's meant to have told them all though.)And Maddy...well, Matt keeps calling her a princess, because Matt would, but I wouldn't have said she was one last year and it seems like all the growing up she did last year has gone now she's with him.I get that she slept with Oscar that time but if you take that out, she never slept with Spencer, she was with Josh for months before sleeping with him and the same with Oscar second time round, so if the only precedent for her jumping into bed with a boy she's barely kissed is when she was on the rebound and/or after revenge...I'm glad we got some reference to Matt's history with the flat (his silence when Maddy talks about the size of the bedrooms is deafening); you'd think she'd be at least a bit bothered about sharing the same bed with him that he shared with Charlotte but maybe she's already doing that.But either way, her expecting the owners to rent the flat to a couple of part-time pizza parlour workers barely out of school and thinking Roo was going to withdraw her application just to suit her do suggest she's lost a few IQ points this year.Has the Diner flat been that big before?

Well, Josh kind of did the right thing by checking on Casey whenever he heard him cry but, I say as someone who's never babysat anyone, he probably should have been making regular checks whether he was quiet or not.Louisa turning off the baby monitor really was crossing a line though.What happened to her anyway, was she still in Josh's bedroom when Ricky and Kyle came home?The two randoms with them felt like pure extras so it was a bit of a shock when they suddenly started speaking in their last scene.(The boy, weirdly, played one of Matt's dodgy mates last year.The girl looked scarily like Lucy Hale.Look her up.)

Re below (because it won't let me write after it): Yes, I wondered that as well.Did she ever get charged with Murdoch's murder?I thought she was just questioned.Is there something I've forgotten?

7 minutes ago, Jamie2811 said:

When Irene was questioned the other day, there was a line from Dylan saying she'd been charged with murder twice, Lou de Bono and who else? 

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There's nothing about it on Irene's character page on here, I went through the pre 2000 stuff thoroughly a few times but Found this on wikipedia which makes me think it must be a writing error. 'Mud begins sexually harassing Selina Cook (Tempany Deckert), Irene's foster daughter. He tries to get into bed with Selina one night when goes into room but is surprised to find Irene under the covers who orders him to leave. Following a bushfire caused by Jack Wilson (Daniel Amalm, Mud's body is discovered by Shannon Reed (Isla Fisher). Selina is a suspect but is cleared due to a bank receipt dated around the time of the murder. It is revealed Nathan paid his cellmate Brian "Dodge" Forbes (Kelly Dale) to kill Mud.'

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On 3/30/2016 at 10:17 PM, CaptainHulk said:

If Chris wanted to battle Andy. He'd have been better off sneaking up behind with a cricket bat! He's built like a fricking tank compared to Harrington.


55 minutes ago, CaptainHulk said:

The Summer Bay House of Horrors.... Matt could make a killing being a tour guide telling people where it happened but even he has lines he won't cross despite shagging the previous occupant in that building!

You crack me up.

I was extremely frustrated initially at the start of that episode.  The way Hannah was sitting on her own, appearing upset making it all about her annoyed me.  She is just so self absorbed it's unreal.  I actually think Chris is being very silly but he obviously does love her but she's only thinking about herself.  Poor me, I'm so hurt because Chris doesn't think I'm wonderful.  I was very annoyed Nate got involved.  What business is it of his?  I was glad Chris called him out on the mess of his own life when he tried to interfere.  And I loved how when Hannah tried to apologise, Chris basically told her to get stuffed.  Not only does she like to put it about but she's desperate.  With the exception of Nate and the bloke from the nightclub I can't think of a single guy that's made a move on her who she hasn't slept with.  And the only reason why she didn't sleep with Nate was because she cottened onto the fact that he was using her to get out of his marriage and she didn't want his ex wife going all psycho on her.  Sophie should have carved her head in at the hospital.

I actually quite liked the scene with Maddy, Matt, Josh and Oscar.  You would think from that scene that Maddy and Oscar never went out but regardless I liked the way they were all getting on.  I liked the way Maddy teased Josh about that girl liking him.  I was glad when Evelyn went round to congratulate Josh on his HSC that he was fairly dismissive of her and trying to make her jealous as I'm hoping that will drive Evelyn back to Andy.  Whilst I don't have an issue with that girl wanting to sleep with Josh, I don't like the underhand way she turned the volume on the baby monitor down so presumably something happened to Casey whilst she and Josh were having sex.

I continue to get frustrated having to watch Skye.  She is the equivalent of watching paint dry.  I had no interest in her scenes with John and Oscar and just wanted them to be over.  And I don't like the fact that Oscar is once again being involved in her problems.   As I said before feels like they're trying to push them together.

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