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I'm guessing Irene (though no mention of it was made) has done some sort of make over on the flat before putting it back on the market.  Didn't I hear someone say the police had established that was where Denny was killed, even with all that scrubbing Charlotte did as anyone who watches crime shows know forensics can find  the most smallest trace of blood or DNA. I guess it's normal for more than one possible tenants to be looking around at the same time.  It was the fact that Matt knew that place, well the bedroom at least, very well that amused me.  He didn't seem that bothered about moving in and even Maddy seemed unfazed. I'm with you Red the agents (not Irene?) wouldn't be falling over themselves to rent to two 18 year olds who only work part time and who no have rental history.  Mind you I can't see Roo's idea of them all sharing working that well, is she really going to be happy with Matt and Maddy sharing a bedroom and will they knowing she's in the next room?

So they all seem to be off to the same uni, that's handy.  The unforementioned Louisa pops up out of nowhere, and will probably pop down into nowhere putting Evie's nose out of joint.  When Evie called round later how much of Josh kissing Louisa was for real and how much for  show - as in 'I'm over you'.  She showed herself to be a real selfish bitch lowering the sound on the baby monitor so she could have Josh all to herself. I suppose he could have checked on Casey now and again but he's a young lad who may have thought let sleeping dogs (or in this case babies) lie was better.

Hannah does seem a bit of a flitter, I think you could be right pembie once she gets settled in a romance she gets all restless, she did encourage Chris to be more himself and open up to her but now she has seen his serious side she's cooled off.  When Andy went all domesticated she drifted. Why does everyone expect Chris just to shrug it off, he has feelings just like anyone else.

Seems odd there has been no mention of Jett since Skye has moved in with John, I don't expect to see him but he and Skye are meant to be boyfriend and girlfriend.  I think, maybe, John called on Oscar because he is nearer her age and was there when Carol was arrested and she hasn't really got close to any of the other young people.  Actually when they all go off to uni there won't be many left!

In case I don't get on here tomorrow HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO US!!!!!!:lol:




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Oh my god, poor Casey. It's really serious and he could di......oh no, wait, my bad....he's fine.

Still, at least his trip to hospital wasn't wasted and Ricky got to swear undying love for Nate. Again. Good job she's given up looking for Brax. Let's hope he doesn't appear back in her life......hang on, is someone there?.....DAMMIT! 

I'm not that interested in Brax. I doubt he's back for long.

At last someone has called out Josh's behaviour. Well done Kyle. I'm still not convinced he's acting like this just because of his bump on the head though. Good job no one has been murdered recently or his suspicious behaviour could come to the attention of the cops.

Oscar in the bar was cute. Loved the cheeky mention of Josh's miraculous recovery. At least the writers seem to be self aware!


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Well, it's been an eventful couple of weeks for poor Baby Casey - having been kidnapped in a possibly-alternate-universe, contracting meningitis must seem like the icing on the cake. I didn't think much of Josh's 'HSC pals', and it was sneaky of 'HSC girl' to turn the baby monitor off - although Josh seemingly left the monitor where it was anyway when they disappeared to the bedroom, so it likely wouldn't have made any difference to what happened. Never having had one, I don't really know the 'rules' when it comes to babies (in terms of how long, if at all, they can be left unmonitored etc) and I suspect lots of lads Josh's age certainly wouldn't. But in which case, bluntly, probably better not to volunteer to look after one until you've made it your business to know. Anyhow, seems like Casey's illness was just this week's empty excuse to have everyone needlessly cry and shout on the hospital set for a few scenes, so all's well.

I thought Roo and Matt's scene on Friday was lovely. I like the idea of a Roo/Maddy/Matt living unit and look forward to seeing how it progresses. I also liked most scenes with Oscar in them; he's definitely redeemed himself since his recent personality transplant, and I really enjoyed his scenes with Skye, Evie and Josh.

More or less everybody else I couldn't care less about right now. Nate, Hannah - even Chris, if I'm honest.

Aaaand especially Brax.

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Brax's return was so anticlimatic everybody bloody well knew it!

Look, just FFWD to the Swordfight between him and Nate and whoever wins Take Ricky and the kid and GTFO of Summer Bay! Permanent-like

(Yes, I've had enough of that storyline)

Roo, Matt and Maddy has comedy potential. I see fair bit of Matt smug smiling and some Roo finger-pointing. They were literally the best thing about the ep.

For some reason I want more drunken Oscar. 



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22 hours ago, Jamie2811 said:

There's nothing about it on Irene's character page on here, I went through the pre 2000 stuff thoroughly a few times but Found this on wikipedia which makes me think it must be a writing error. 'Mud begins sexually harassing Selina Cook (Tempany Deckert), Irene's foster daughter. He tries to get into bed with Selina one night when goes into room but is surprised to find Irene under the covers who orders him to leave. Following a bushfire caused by Jack Wilson (Daniel Amalm, Mud's body is discovered by Shannon Reed (Isla Fisher). Selina is a suspect but is cleared due to a bank receipt dated around the time of the murder. It is revealed Nathan paid his cellmate Brian "Dodge" Forbes (Kelly Dale) to kill Mud.'

That sounds like a chinese whispers version of what happened.Or it could be that I don't remember it very well.But while Nathan was no angel, he wasn't the type to hire a hitman, that sounds like someone who doesn't really know what happened making stuff up.(Probably after having read one line plot summaries on BTTB, knowing the people who write for Wikipedia.)Did Irene get questioned over Josh West being killed?Most people did.I don't think she does own the Diner flat, H&Alover, it seemed like she needed to get someone else to evict Charlotte.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.

Well, I was dreading the moment where Kyle got physical with Josh but pleasingly it never came: He was (perhaps understandably) angry but he left it to Ricky to take a swing at him needlessly.In fact by the end of the episode Kyle was bordering on sympathetic.Still, I think it's a bit of a stretch to try and make out this is part of a long trail of bad behaviour, in fact I'm not sure what exactly Josh has done wrong.If it hadn't been for Casey getting sick, the afternoon would seem to be just normal teenage hi-jinks.Are we to assume he shooed Louisa out of the house while Ricky and Kyle were taking Casey to hospital?And then Brax turns up.Did it occur to anyone that having Ricky come home to find someone she'd believed dead in the bathroom is a bit too similar to Dallas' infamous jump the shark moment?And they even list him as a regular!

Probably to avoid splitting the cast on Monday.

I know it's not entirely unprecedented, Heath and Bianca got similar treatment for their encore performances, I seem to remember Belle getting listed as a regular just because we heard her voice reading a letter, but come on, it's been about nine months since he left!

I was kind of impressed with Maddy here.Despite Matt's insistence on reducing her complex character to "a princess who always gets her own way", she doesn't quite manage to fall into the stereotype and was willing to make a sacrifice rather than force Matt into doing something he didn't want to.So what happens? Roo pressures Matt into doing something he didn't want to, for what seemed to be selfish reasons because she wanted Maddy to live with her again, in a scene where she was bordering on unlikable.And then the whole thing devolves into an eye rolling "food fight" with Matt and Maddy once again demonstrating a thudding lack of romantic chemistry.Honestly, why doesn't this show realise that sometimes characters of different genders work better as friends?

It was good to see the Carol storyline followed up on.Despite her silence, there's a world of pain and guilt in those eyes, as if she's beginning to realise just how much she's done wrong by Skye.But given that Skye seems to be around for the duration, I can't see her getting better any time soon.Oscar and Skye played off each other well again and I wouldn't be adverse to a relationship between them (given how Maddy's regressing to immaturity, Skye pretty much seems like an upgrade), but there is the awkward fact that technically she's dating Jett, which would need to be resolved first.Really not sure what to make of Oscar drinking shots and declaring he's tired of being a boy scout, unless he was just trying to prove a point to Josh.

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Irene had a key to the Diner flat a few weeks ago as Olivia used it to get into the flat, so I'd imagine Irene does own it, along with Leah, as otherwise there wouldn't be a need for her to have a key if there's an agent involved. 

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1 hour ago, c120701 said:

Irene had a key to the Diner flat a few weeks ago as Olivia used it to get into the flat, so I'd imagine Irene does own it, along with Leah, as otherwise there wouldn't be a need for her to have a key if there's an agent involved. 

Fair point but the eviction notice clearly was from an agent and Charlotte referred to "complaints from a local business".If Irene owns the flat, why would she need to go by such a roundabout route? I guess the owners must have given Irene a key to keep an eye on the place in case of emergency.Matt, Mady and Roo clearly weren't going through Irene and Leah to rent it, Maddy talked about going to Yabbie Creek to hand in the application.

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I think there was a big difference in comparison to Dallas,  Ricky was well aware that Brax was alive - also as the flat consists of one room only, the bathroom was only other space  available to take cover.  Brax wasn't to know who was going to walk into the flat first and was just being wary - it seems its open house in Summer Bay.

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